GnuCash 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 Prepros 7.17.0

GnuCash 歷史版本列表

GnuCash 是個人和小企業的財務會計軟件,GNU GPL 免費授權,可用於 GNU / Linux,BSD,Solaris,Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows.6235896 設計易於使用,但功能強大而靈活,GnuCash 允許你跟踪銀行賬戶,股票,收入和支出。作為支票簿的快速和直觀的使用,它是基於專業的會計原則,以確保平衡的書籍和準確的報告。GnuCash 特點: 複式... GnuCash 軟體介紹

Prepros 7.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Tailwindcss support
- Improved: Prepros now waits for a file to process before reloading your browsers

Prepros 7.4.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an error occurring while deleting files

DBeaver 22.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

General UI:
- Local timezone configuration was added in preferences
- Connection type color now affects SQL editor panels
- Tab selector (CTRL+E) now supports fast/fuzzy search
- Project rename now updates project name in all linked views
- Problem with navigator tree refresh was resolved
- Preference pages now respects font configuration
- Configuration popup positioning was fixed for low-res monitors
- Problem with embedded dropdown editors  was resolved (MacOS)
- Problem with application start on some MacOS and Linux installations was fixed
- Read-only connections toggle was redesigned
- "Copy object name" action was added to tab context menu

Data editor:
- Color by range now supports foreground color customization
- Problem with clob/json popup editors was resolved
- Epoch time transformer now supports 4 more modes
- Grouping panel: problem with GROUP BY query generation was fixed for many analytical databases
- Date/time inline editor UI was improved (thanks to @PILINING)

SQL editor:
- Right click on a script text now changes cursor position
- Part divider element visualization was improved
- Confirmation was added for "Delete this script" action
- Dangerous query execution confirmation configuration was fixed
- DB2: procedure name auto-completion was fixed
- HANA: procedures output parameters fetch was fixed
- Netezza: case-sensitive user names support was added
- Snowflake: database metadata read performance was significantly improved
- Teradata: SQL query limit (TOP) support was added
- Many minor UI bugfixes
- New database driver: Apache Kyuubi

Prepros 7.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue caused by unicode paths on Windows

- Updated Babel, Babel plugins and presets to 7.18.2
- Autoprefixer to 10.4.7
- CoffeeScript to 2.7.0
- Less to 4.1.2
- Stylus to 0.57.0
- Stylus Nib to 1.2.0
- Node Sass to 7.0.1
- Dart Sass to 1.52.1
- PostCSS to 8.4.14
- Terser to 5.13.1
- Webpack to 5.72.1

- Other small bug fixes and performance improvements

DBeaver 22.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data editor:
- Numbers formatting: digit group size option was added
- Problem with unexpected change of timestamp values was fixed
- Smooth scrolling on MacOS was improved
- Data transfer: XML format export was improved (encoding information)

SQL editor:
- Results tab reuse behavior was fixed + new config option was added
- Result logging was added for script execute task
- Redundant "Problems" view popup was removed
- Keywords highlighting was fixed (problem with identifiers which start with underscore)

- Connected entities highlighting was added
- Entities and columns search was improved
- New diagram routing was added
- Problem with unreadable comments was fixed (dark theme)
- Export in SVG and Graphml formats was improved
- Pseudo columns were removed from diagrams
- Diagram re-arrange was fixed
- Many minor bugs were fixed

- Creating connection from JDBC URL was improved
- Opening connection using CLI was improved (extra option -save was added)
- Preference pages: problem with small font size ws resolved

- SSPI authentication support was added (problem with JNA library conflicts was resolved)
- Read-only connections support was improved (restrict of DML queries)
- Scheduled jobs management was added

SQL Server:
- External tables metadata read was fixed
- NTLM authentication support was fixed
- Italian localization was improved
- Chinese localization was improved

DBeaver 22.0.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SQL editor:
- Problem with semicolon on a new line was fixed
- Problem with client-side commands parsing was fixed
- Error highlighting support was improved
- Tabs close/confirmation behavior was improved
- Script with multiple @set commands processing was fixed
- Command for data export automation was added (@export)
- Toggle comment command was fixed (thanks to @arvillion)
- SQL script datasource association command was fixed
- Data editor:
- Value filter now shows total number of distinct values
- Search for whole word was fixed
- Custom filter value save was fixed

Spatial viewer:
- Ability to select spatial objects on map and data grid was added
- Default zoom level option was added

Data transfer:
- Default data type mapping was improved (especially for char/varchar columns)
- Multi-table transfer now opens all target tables
- Database restore task now requires additional confirmation
- Output folder parameter now supports additional variables
- Import task UI was fixed (problem with lost target tables configuration)
- SQL export format now supports append mode

- Navigator: database selector popup was fixed (null pointer error)
- SSH: problem with connections and corrupted known_hosts file was resolved
- CLI: parameter "create" was fixed for connection opened using -con parameter
- Windows: DBeaver now supports workspaces on network paths (e.g. \network-shareworkspace)
- MacOS: problem with UI freeze after data edit was fixed
- DB2 i: keys and foreign keys metadata read was fixed

- Generate SQL for geometry data types was fixed
- Permission editor was fixed (problem with duplicated permissions)
- Problem with decimal data types with zerofill flag was fixed
- UPDATE SET replace method was added
- Netezza: table rename SQL was fixed
- Oracle: table partition metadata read was fixed

- Problem with SQL generation and JSONB columns was fixed
- View column edit support was added
- Default driver version was changed to 42.2.25 due to security reasons
- SQLite: connection settings dialog UI was fixed (Open and Create buttons behavior)

SQL Server:
- Money data type support was fixed
- Connection settings dialog was redesigned
- A lot of minor fixes in application localization

Voobly 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 22.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data transfer:
- "Append to existing file" feature was improved (for CSV, TXT and XLSX formats)
- Export wizard now loads saved properties on demand
- Export of result set with reordered/hidden columns was fixed
- Export in SQL format: "split on multiple files" now works correctly
- Task execution notification was improved
- SQL script tasks support was fixed (NullPointer error was resolved)
- Export of many tables into a single target table was fixed
- Import from CSV was fixed (problem with null handling was resolved)
- Trim whitespaces option was added for CSV import
- Table columns mapping UI was fixed on MacOS

SQL editor:
- Error position information was added in error messages
- Query error highlighting was improved

Database navigator:
- Support of databases with bug number of schemas was improved
- Column grouping now shows number of grouped elements
- Auto-completion was improved in properties editor

- DBeaver now shows EULA on start (one time)
- Problem with workspaces on network paths was resolved
- Kerberos configuration load was fixed on RHEL
- Apache Phoenix: connectivity problem was fixed by setting proper driver version
- CockroachDB: ROWID columns support was added

DB2 i:
- Sequences support was added
- View definitions read was implemented
- Unique and check constraints support was added
- Multiple minor improvements in metadata read were added
- Exasol: search in view/procedure source code was implemented
- MySQL: problem with table lock during database dump was fixed

- View source code edit was fixed (problem with view comments was resolved)

- pg_dump and pg_restore version was upgraded (to PG 14)
- Script execute task now shows all script errors
- Snowflake: support of LIMIT for custom SQL queries was added (affects performance)
- Italian localization was significantly improved

MP4 Player 4.10.0 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 22.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data editor:
- Option "show whitespaces" was added
- Columns reordering in data filter dialog was fixed
- Line numbers were added to plaintext view

SQL editor:
- Script error visualization is not configurable
- Block statements (BEGIN, IF, CASE) auto-close was improved
- Auto-completion was fixed for INSERT queries
- "Cancel active query" command was added
- Filtering of aliased columns was fixed
- Problem with DML queries re-execution on connection lost was fixed
- Python source code format was added to Copy As command
- "Hippie" auto-completion was disabled by default (due to performance problems)
- SQL commands parser/navigation was fixed
- Parameter bindings dialog was disabled for long strings (like $$)
- CASE/WHEN formatting was fixed

Driver editor:
- Driver description editor was fixed
- Maven artifacts version resolution was improved

- Data transfer: recreate table mapping support was fixed (saved configuration and tasks)
- SSH tunnels: connection timeout/keep-alive parameters change was fixed
- MacOS: problem with application launch was fixed (problem with plist file modification)
- Dark theme: buttons UI now matches OS theme

Apache Druid, Apache Kylin:
- Table data read was fixed
- Data type properties were fixed
- Indexes read was fixed

- Azure Databricks driver was added
- Clickhouse: array data type editor was implemented
- DB2: query terminator redefine support was added

- System views DDL generation was fixed
- Geometry data type rendering in new H2 driver was fixed

- MySQL: functions execute was fixed

- Nested arrays editor was implemented
- Functions source code generation was fixed (function signature)

- Portuguese localization was fixed