GnuCash 歷史舊版本 Page34

最新版本 Prepros 7.17.0

GnuCash 歷史版本列表

GnuCash 是個人和小企業的財務會計軟件,GNU GPL 免費授權,可用於 GNU / Linux,BSD,Solaris,Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows.6235896 設計易於使用,但功能強大而靈活,GnuCash 允許你跟踪銀行賬戶,股票,收入和支出。作為支票簿的快速和直觀的使用,它是基於專業的會計原則,以確保平衡的書籍和準確的報告。GnuCash 特點: 複式... GnuCash 軟體介紹

GnuCash 3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes::
- Long currency names untranslated
- Notes not imported when using update and reconcile in import transactions from CSV
- VERY large queries (over 11000 fields in IN clause) slow down GnuCash
- git-master - Save Corrupts Data File / Not Open Data File
- Startup takes several minutes
- Transaction matcher window blank when importing QFX
- Dates default to 01/01/1970
- Fails to find environment file at startup when installation prefix is '/opt'
- 3.0 does not open previously saved sqlite3 files properly - corrupted business data
- Both print icons export to pdf
- Ellipsize on short tab labels: correct error on when to ellipsize tab labels. Also as this is used in two places separate out this to new function so it is not duplicated
- Double click does not work on saved reports: when you double click on the saved report description nothing happens. This was down to a conflict on a couple of call backs and one of them was incorrectly setup
- Display Alphavantage key in full.: set the entry to expand so all the space is used to display
- 3.0 Crashes on loading when opening 2.6.19 file
- Crash on startup using Technicolor Style sheet in report
- GnuCash crashes when searching for a newly created bill
- GnuCash 2.6.20-1 (Fedora Linux package) is unable to open MariaDB
- Enable subtotal-only if either sortkeys are dates.: this will allow 'show subtotals only' if sortkeys are date-types. This allows, for example, prime-sortkey=date, yearly. sec-sortkey=date, monthly
- src/optional/python-bindings missing several files
- Some dates reset to 01/01/1970.: an odd corner case: BST apparently came off of DST at 23:00 26 Oct 2014, so midnight that day was ambiguous about being DST or not; that causes the local_date_time constructor to throw in spite of the tm.is_dst element being 0 (meaning pick standard time). Instead of just failing in that case, try constructing a local_date_time three hours later then adjust it back three hours. If *that* doesn't work then throw a std::invalid argument
- CSV import crashes if a transaction's 'Account' field is empty and no default Account set
- Scrollbar floats and covers toggle buttons.: when the scrollbar appears for the reconcile windows it can float above the reconcile toggle button which make it difficult to toggle. Move this column to the start which has the advantage of aligning the amount column above the Total value
- Unable to enter account codes in business sheets.: in Bills, Invoices and Expense vouchers you can not enter an account code in an account field like you can on a normal register, enable this
- CSV import does not distinguish between deposit and withdrawal
- Australian (GMT+10) OFX transactions imported have previous days date
- Reads and saves Gnucash 2.6.19 XML file, then can't reread it, due to bad date in old file
- Hard to see figures in the budget window: the budget view had hard coded black for normal values and dark grey for other values. Changed this so normal values are reset to default color and adjusted the grey based on default color for theme
- All Dates in Price Database Off-By-One After 3.0 Upgrade
- On Windows there is a blank tip of the day: when the tip_of_the_day.list is created a new line is appended to the list file and on Windows this causes a blank tip so remove the adding of the extra line
- Budget window scrolls edited cell out of site: when editing cells that have been revealed on the right by scrolling the window snaps back to the left hiding the cell being edited. This may be due to an underlying gtk issue but these changes fix the issue visually

- On Windows the tooltip for saved reports was incorrect
- When the mouse was placed over a saved report description on Windows an empty tooltip was displayed. Setup the query tooltip callback so it does not display a tooltip for description column
- Fix crash when loading sql book with posted transactions
- Add ability to recognize and use a pre-compiled
- html-font: add default font family
- Windows ships with GTK2 in which the default font styles are named "Sans" "Sans Bold" "Sans Normal" etc. There is no "Sans" font in Windows; I vote to add a default "Sans-Serif" font-family which is valid CSS. This ensures exported reports are shown as intended
- Several improvements to the Transaction and GST reports
- csv-impport - Allow empty amount fields
- Treat empty amount fields as 0. This is necessary for example in the case the csv import file has both a deposit and a withdrawal column
- Remove the set transient parent setting for Reconcile window
- The Reconcile option is already a window so it is not necessary to set this value which allows the jump to transaction to work properly
- Date Format dialog flashes up when file/properties used
- When you select the File/Properties dialog, in the construction of that a 'Date Format' dialog flashes up while the date component is moved to the properties dialog. Can mainly be seen on Windows so remove the visible setting in glade file
- Prevent throw in gnc-pricedb
- If a price lookup is given an invalid time64/timespec (i.e. INT64_MAX) then just return NULL instead of trying to find the nearest price
- Set GNC_VCS at build time instead of when making the tarball
- Because the tarball is always made from a VCS repo
- If there are no prices in the db, critical errors are flagged
- When dialog transfer is used between two commodities and there are no prices in the db a critical error is logged. Test for price object being NULL before retrieving the price for the error message.
- The following translations are updated: Slovak, Spanish

GnuCash 2.6.21 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 2.6.21, the twenty-second and final, final maintenance release in the 2.6-stable series. This snap release fixes a brace of significant bugs that would have prevented some users from having a 2.6.x fallback after using GnuCash 3.x. Note: This is the last version of GnuCash that will support MacOS X versions earlier than 10.9 or Microsoft Windows versions earlier than Windows 7.

Mouse Jiggler 1.7.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Calculate size of INPUT instead of hard coding value

GnuCash 3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features for Users:
- The headline item for this release is that GnuCash now uses the Gtk+-3.0 Toolkit and the WebKit2Gtk API. This change was forced on us by some major Linux distributions dropping support for the WebKit1 API. Unfortunately the Webkit project doesn't support Microsoft Windows so that platform will continue to use the WebKit1 API, though with Gtk3. We've selected Gtk+-3.14.0 as the minimum version because it fully supports CSS theming
- New editors to remove outdated or incorrect match data from the import maps, a new user interfacs for managing files associated with transactions, an improved facility for removing old prices from the price database, and a way to remove deleted files from the history list in the file menu
- New Reports: A Reconciliation Report based on the Transaction Report,a Income GST Report, and a Cashflow Barchart report
- A new CSV importer largely rewritten in C++, adding new features including the ability to re-import CSV files exported from GnuCash, along with a separate CSV price importer
- A new preference panel for the Alphavantage API key so that Finance::Quote users need not edit /etc/gnucash/environment. We've removed all references to the various Yahoo! quote sources and made Alphavantage the default
- Data file directories are now located appropriately to the operating system's conventions by default: CSIDL_APPDATA/Gnucash. It's still possible to overried with the environment variable GNC_DOC_PATH, which replaces GNC_DOT_DIR in earlier versions of GnuCash
- Accounts in the Bayes import map are now linked by GUID instead of names so that the matcher won't have to be retrained if you rename an account. The Bayesian import maps are also stored in a flatter structure to allow faster access, especially in SQL. These changes mean that if you have Bayesian mapping data, once converted your database will be loadable only by GnuCash 2.6.20 and later
- MySQL and SQLite3 date storage has changed a bit. Once converted, MySQL and SQLite3 database will be loadable only by GnuCash 2.6.19 and later
- Numerics are rewritten to allow for more significant digits. The old 6-digit-maximum fraction is now 9-digits, and prices may have up to 18 digit precision
- Chart Reports appearance is improved, including more modern chart colours as suggested by
- Transaction Report improvements, including regular expression filtering and many more options and features including a "Subtotal Summary Grid" The subtotal summary-grid will tabulate subtotals - prime-sortkey vertically, sec-sortkey horizontally. For example, with prime-sortkey = accounts, sec-sortkey = date, sec-subtotal = monthly will produce a monthly time series table
- The About dialog box layout is improved and now includes the detected Finance::Quote version
- GnuCash will always build the locale-specific tax modules. This was optional when building with autotools and never enabled when building with cmake. Note that the only supported tax locales are en_US and de_DE
- On Macs the Reconcile Window's menu moved to the menubar
- GnuCash no longer supports Guile-1.8 and now does support Guile-2.2

New Features for Developers:
- Several parts of the engine and the SQL backend are rewritten in C++, an effort that will continue in the next development cycle. KVP is now private to libgncmod-engine and accessible outside via qof_instance_set and qof_instance_get. KVP and GUID are reimplemnted in C++ using boost::variant and boost::UUID respectively
- C++ unit tests require GoogleTest. While it's possible to use prebuilt libgtest and libgmock on some distros, building static libraries for GnuCash is preferred. It may be necessary to provide the paths to the googletest and googlemock source with CMake parameters GTEST_ROOT and GMOCK_ROOT respectively
- The date implementation is migrated to boost::date-time, replacing a Glib GDateTime implementation. This makes the earliest date recordable 1 January 1400CE instead of 1 January 1CE. We doubt any users will be affected
- We've reorganized the code into a core library directory, libgnucash, and application-specific directory, gnucash. The python bindings are now in a top-level directory, bindings; code pinched from other projects is in borrowed, the account templates, check templates, and pixmaps are consolidated in data, and common holds the cmake modules and test framework code. The bin directory's contents have moved to the top level gnucash directory and bin is removed. There are now directories for gschema, gtkbuilder and ui files directly in gnucash. In principle all files of each type should go into these global directories. The only exception is if such a file belongs to an optional module. In that case the file remains located inside that module's directory. Currently we have ui, glade and gschema file exceptions in aqb and ofx importers
- The build system is changed from Autotools to CMake. All options except python bindings and the python console demo are enabled by default. Highly parallel builds with Ninja are possible and recommended, except on Microsoft Windows
- The Windows build system is rewritten to use MSYS2, Mingw-w64, Powershell, and jhbuild
- Add a "pot" target to the build system so that translators can easily generate a new gnucash.pot from a git repository
- Detect presence or absence of libxml2 and makeinfo during configuration; abort if the first is missing and don't build the (mostly obsolete) texinfo documentation if the latter is. Document both in README.dependencies
- Replaced Timespec with time64 in the Scheme and Python bindings, introducing many new C time64 functions to accomodate the replacement. Timespec will eventually be removed from the C API as well
- Some cruft removal in libgnucash/scm plus moving some code to its only use location. "main.scm" is renamed to "utilities.scm"
- The "printf" family of Scheme custom functions is replaced with the built-in "format" facility
- Change a generally unnecessary warning about being unable to open a module (usually because the file is still being created) to a debug message. It appears mostly during highly parallel builds and was distracting
- Appstream configuration is updated to the latest spec

Added two functions to the Scheme option API:
- gnc:option-make-internal! will hide an existing option. e.g. a derived report can set the value for a Display/* option and hide it from the user
- gnc:unregister-option will unregister option. This is primarily useful for derived options e.g. another report copies from transaction.scm and removes some options and recreates them with different parameters
- For example, unregister existing option from section "Accounts" name "Accounts", and recreate with different parameters e.g. limited account types
- Drop intltool in favour or using modern gettext. By default we require gettext 0.19.6 as this is needed to generate a translated version of gnucash.desktop and gnucash.appdata.xml. For platforms where this isn't available, setting ALLOW_OLD_GETTEXT=ON will allow building but some strings will not be extracted to gnucash.pot
- Pass GTEST_ROOT and GMOCK_ROOT through to distcheck. So that they don't have to be exported in the environment if they're needed
- The Python Bindings and Console are now for Python 3, and enahanced to expose more GnuCash API. Compilation of GLib Schemas during build and installation can be disabled by setting -DCOMPILE_GSCHEMAS=OFF. This is intended *only* for distribution packaging scripts that run glib-compile-schemas themselves. Otherwise note that if you install to a DESTDIR you'll need to re-run glib-compile-scemas after moving the contents of $DESTDIR$PREFIX/share/glib-2.0/schemas to $PREFIX
- The CuteCash front end has been removed. The code we need from GOffice has been brought into the GnuCash code base so GOffice is no longer a dependency. The register drawing code has been upgraded to draw directly on a cairo surface, removing the dependency on libgnomecanvas
- GnuCash 3.0 adds the following dependencies: Boost, ICU, Googletest

GnuCash 2.7.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features for Users:

Locate all user data and configuration files to platform-dependent standard locations:
- Windows: CSIDL_APPDATA/GnuCash
- MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Gnucash
- Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gnucash (or the default $HOME/.config/gnucash)

GnuCash currently uses the following files in this directory:
- log.conf (to set what gets logged to gnucash.trace)
- config-user.scm (to add custom scheme code like custom reports; replaces config.user and config-.user)
- gtk-3.0.css (For theming)
- On Windows and with the MacOS we distribute the files will already be in the correct locations; users will need to rename any config*.user files to config-user.scm. On other platforms except MacOS, where those files were previously stored in $HOME/.gnucash, GnuCash will move log.conf (if it exists) and the most recent config*.user, renaming the latter, automatically. MacOS installations other than our bundle will have their data and configuration files in $HOME/.gnucash but users will have to copy the files to $HOME/Library/Application Support/Gnucash themselves.
- Further improvements to the Transaction and Income-GST-statement reports
- Transaction Report: omit display of $0 in subtotals in other currencies. Previously in dual-subtotal columns, the dual-subtotal would attempt to print all commodities in the row. This meant if user chose common-currency thereby triggering additional commodities, the dual-subtotal would attempt to add amounts in other commodities which would be 0, and display the 0 amount.

For Developers and Distro packagers:
- Some cruft removal in libgnucash/scm plus moving some code to its only use location. "main.scm" is renamed to "utilities.scm".
- The "printf" family of Scheme custom functions is replaced with the built-in "format" facility.
- Change a generally unnecessary warning about being unable to open a module (usually because the file is still being created) to a debug message. It appears mostly during highly parallel builds and was distracting.
- Added dependency information to all CMake targets, replacing a dependency on build order that was carried over from autotools. Highly parallel builds in ninja now complete without interuption.
- Ensure that all GtkBuilder and GtkUIManager files are correctly installed and that no configuration of build products in those directories are.
- Appstream configuration is updated to the latest spec.
- Fix installation of a gnucash-only gschemas.compiled overwriting the system one. Note that if you install to a DESTDIR you'll need to re-run glib-compile-scemas after moving the contents of $DESTDIR$PREFIX/share/glib-2.0/schemas to $PREFIX.

Added two functions to the Scheme option API:
- gnc:option-make-internal! will hide an existing option. e.g. a derived report can set the value for a Display/* option and hide it from the user.
- gnc:unregister-option will unregister option. This is primarily useful for derived options e.g. another report copies from transaction.scm and removes some options and recreates them with different parameters.
- For example, unregister existing option from section "Accounts" name "Accounts", and recreate with different parameters e.g. limited account types.

Bugs fixed in this release:
- Gnucash Crashes when opening old XML file
- Cannot create account with different currency
- User specifies source of 'num' field'; either transaction number or split action (requires at least GnuCash 2.5.0) Strip leading delimiters from KVP keys when reading them from the database. Leading delimiters are incorrectly included in databases created with GnuCash 2.6.x.
- cmake: no way to turn off -Werror Prepend settings to CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS so that values supplied on the command line can override the fixed settings
- cmake: gschemas.compiled missing
- 2.7.3: ninja build fails
- Gnucash 2.7.4 crashes on launch MacOS 10.13.4 PB1
- wrong data in charts with accumulated values (like "net-linechart", "net-barchart" and "liabilities barchart")
- "Cash Flow" report crashes

Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
- An optimization in the GncDateTime string constructor provides substantial speed up of loading SQL databases, and one in Scheduled Transaction creation will speed up creation of large numbers of scheduled transactions
- More dialogs have transient-for set so that they pop up over the window instead of in the upper left-hand corner of the monitor

Lnown problems:
- Unable to overwrite splite3 database file
- There is no Gtk3 theme-setting tool for Windows
- Accounting period dates off-by-1

Updated Translations:
- German, Greek, Slovak, Spanish

GnuCash 2.7.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features for Users:
- A new preference panel for the Alphavantage API key so that Finance::Quote users need not edit /etc/gnucash/environment
- On Macs the Reconcile Window's menu moved to the menubar
- The detected Finance::Quote version is displayed in the About box
- Removed all references to the various Yahoo! quote sources and made Alphavantage the default

For Developers and Distro packagers:
- The autotools build system has been removed
- Add a "pot" target to the build system so that translators can easily generate a new gnucash.pot from a git repository
- Improve handling of generated distributable files

Fix make dist on a clean checkout:
- cmake with unix makefiles fails to resolve dist dependencies added from COPY_FROM_BUILD if these dependencies aren't built yet. This commit replaces the COPY_FROM_BUILD based logic with two new functions 'dist_add_configured' and 'dist_add_generated' to indicate which files should be included in the dist tarball. The latter also adds a target level dependency to the dist tarball custom command. Hence the former should be used for files that get generated during a cmake run while the latter should be used for files generated as the result of a 'make/ninja-build' run (like files for which an add_custom_command rule exists). Note: this commit also temporarily disables the dist target when building from a tarball (and hence it won't be tested in distcheck either). This will be handled in a future commit.
- Add DL_LIBS to gncmod-gnome-utils target. Fixes a build problem in FreeBSD.
- Detect presence or absence of libxml2 and makeinfo during configuration; abort if the first is missing and don't build the (mostly obsolete) texinfo documentation if the latter is. Document both in README.dependencies.
- Replaced Timespec with time64 in the Scheme and Python bindings, introducing many new C time64 functions to accomodate the replacement. Timespec will eventually be removed from the C API as well.

Bugs fixed in this release:
- Disabling OFX, AqBanking or python-bindings support cripples the dist build target
- Mathematical bug Actually about the number of weeks from/to 1 Jan 1970.
- 2.7.3: massive test failures on some architectures
- Wrong dates displayed
- Register text difficult to read with GTK 3.0 dark themes Add a foreground css class to override the theme value.
- Missing translatable strings

Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
- The long-standing known problem, AQBanking setup crashing on Windows
- Webkit crashing the MacOS
- Some Guile 2.2 issues are resolved
- Some bugs in the new Transaction Report
- Correct setting of WebKit version during configuration when the version is cached
- The change to the Average Cost calulation introduced in 2.6.12 is reverted
- Fix our appstream id as per the appstream recommendation
- Fix incorrect minimum dates in the net-linechart and net-barchart reports
- Fix a report crash if the Account Depth is too low

Known Problems:
- Unable to overwrite splite3 database file
- There is no Gtk3 theme-setting tool for Windows
- Accounting period dates off-by-1

GnuCash 2.7.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A greatly enhanced Transaction report with many new options and features including a reconciliation report
- Removed 6-figure rounding from price calculations, allowing prices to have up to 18 digit precision
- A flatter storage scheme for Bayes account-matching scores
- GnuCash no longer supports Guile-1.8 and now does support Guile-2.2
- A CSV Price importer
- Enhanced python bindings exposing more GnuCash API
- Bugs fixed in this release

GnuCash 2.6.19 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Disabling OFX, AqBanking or python-bindings support cripples the dist build target. (Partial: The requisite files for AQB and OFX are provided. There remain ways to break the distribution.)
- FTBFS with libdbi 0.9.0-5 on Debian
- Failed to create file "/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled.XY789Y"

Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
- A better way to handle MySQL's 0000-00-00 invalid date indicator
- Fix python build and test errors on Mac
- Add translator hint comments to C and glade files
- Improve type of bank accounts in SKR03
- Stop testing GObject's handling of invalid parameters
- Translation Updates: Dutch, German, Serbian

Important update notification:
- If you are updating from gnucash 2.6.0-2.6.4 on linux, you are advised to remove the guile user cache or several parts of gnucash may fail to work properly. This user cache can be found in .cache/guile/ccache/2.0-LE-8-2.0/ in your home directory. It's safe to remove the whole contents of this directory
- Note .cache is a hidden folder in your home directory. You may have to change your file manager's settings in order to view hidden files and folders

GnuCash 2.7.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- Assign as Payment... can silently 'unpay' a payed invoice
- Assign as payment should work for employee expense vouchers
- GNUCash does not work with sql backend
- Compilation problems when linking libraries
- FTBFS with libdbi 0.9.0-5 on Debian
- FTBFS: missing

GnuCash 2.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Prompt for file history update leads to crash during startup
- GnuCash no longer crashes on startup on Windows
- GnuCash no longer crashes when loading price data
- The Options Dialogs will appear over the application window instead of wherever Gdk decides is coordinates 0, 0 on the display
- Owners were not correctly linked to invoices in the SQL backend
- Building from a tarball with python enabled now works
- Fix Reconcile dialog always showing a 0 ending balance
- Fix the book being always marked dirty at startup if it contained any scheduled transactions