GIMP 歷史舊版本 Page28

最新版本 GIMP 2.10.36

GIMP 歷史版本列表

GIMP(GNU 圖像操作程序)是一個免費分發的軟件,適用於照片修飾,圖像合成和圖像創作等任務。這是一個功能強大的軟件,具有任何其他免費軟件產品中沒有的功能。它可以用作簡單的繪圖程序,專業品質的照片潤飾程序,在線批量處理系統,批量生產圖像渲染器或圖像格式轉換器。 GIMP 是模塊化的,可擴展的和可擴展的。它的目的是增加插件和擴展來做任何事情。先進的腳本界面允許從最簡單的任務到最複雜的圖像處理程序都... GIMP 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

A whole new default icon theme has been created for 2.4. The icons comply with the Tango style guidelines so GIMP doesn't feel out of place on any of the supported platforms. Regardless of whether you run GIMP under Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X or Linux (GNOME, KDE or Xfce), GIMP provides a polished, consistent look.

This version includes improvements to:
- Scalable Brushes
- Selection Tools
- Foreground Select Tool
- Align Tool
- Changes in menus
- Improved display when zooming in or out

Support for file formats
- Support for Photoshop ABR brush format;
- Improved reading/writing EXIF in JPEG;
- Importing clipping paths in TIFF;
- Layer masks can be saved to PSD;
- 16/32 bit bitmaps and alpha-channel support in BMP;
- 24 bit and Vista icons can be opened and saved.

GIMP 2.2.17 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed regression in PSD load plug-in
- fixed crash when loading a corrupt PSD file
- work around for Pango appending " Not-Rotated" to font names

GIMP 2.2.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- improved input value validation in several file plug-ins
- improved handling of corrupt or invalid XCF files
- guard against integer overflows in several file plug-ins
- fixed handling of background alpha channel in XCF files
- improved forward compatibility of the config parser
- fixed crash when previewing some animated brushes

GIMP 2.2.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The original installer for 2.2.15 was missing libgtkhtml-2-0.dll, this has been fixed in this version.
- fixed parsing of GFig files with CRLF line endings
- guard against a possible stack overflow in the Sunras loader
- fixed definition of datarootdir in gimptool-2.0
- fixed Perspective tool crash on Mac OS X
- fixed area resizing in the Image Map plug-in
- added missing library in gimptool-2.0 --libs output
- added new localizations: Occitan and Persian

GIMP 2.2.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- avoid crashing on newer versions of the winicon format
- fixed crash in Postscript plug-in
- fixed handling of TABs in the text tool
- fixed bug in Depth Merge plug-in
- fixed bug in GimpDrawablePreview widget
- fixed bug in Line Nove script
- fixed bug in Ripple plug-in
- save locale independent files from Fractal Explorer plug-in
- fixed bug in Super Nova plug-in
- be more robust against broken XCF files
- fixed drawing issues in Image Map plug-in
- fixed smoothing option in Fractal Explorer plug-in
- load channels in the proper order when opening an XCF file
- deal with floating selections in the Burn-In Animation script
- fixed clipping in the GimpPreviewArea widget
- fixed a potential crash in gimp-remote
- work around a file-chooser problem on Windows
- fixed markup of the gimp(1) manual page
- fixed the fix for the right-to-left layout in layers dialog
- fixed PSD save plug-in on 64bit architectures
- added missing dependency in gimpui-2.0.pc file
- fixed a crash in the PSD save plug-in
- improved robustness of transform tool preview code
- improved forward compatibility of XCF loader
- don't crash in the Compressor plug-in if files can't be opened
- fixed sensitivity of input fields in the Lighting plug-in

GIMP 2.3.18 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Temporarily show the hidden image statusbar while the progress is active
- Added support for loading .abr v6 photoshop brushes
- Improved usability of color scales
- Improved display quality of zoomed-out image view
- Bug fixes and code cleanup

GIMP 2.3.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added actions to control brush spacing
- Polished appearance of image window
- Scale the brush's spacing when scaling the brush
- Save tool presets when they are changed
- Improved handling of vectors in the python bindings
- Allow for auto-cropping the result of the transform tools
- Added gimpratioentry widget and use it in the rectangle tool options
- Added functions to transform between preview and image coordinates
- Added pdb functions to validate display, drawable, image and vectors ids
- Added hsl color model to decompose and compose plug-ins
- Further improved status bar messages for tools
- On systems with d-bus build gimp-remote functionality into gimp executable
- Bug fixes and code cleanup

GIMP 2.3.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Depend on newer versions of glib, gtk+ and pango and use some of the
- New features in these libraries
- Made ctrl-p the default shortcut for print
- Show progress when loading/saving xcf files
- Added support for 16/32 bit bitmaps and alpha channel to the bmp plug-in
- Bug fixes and code cleanup

GIMP 2.3.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Depend on newer versions of glib, gtk+ and pango and use some of the
- New features in these libraries
- Made ctrl-p the default shortcut for print
- Show progress when loading/saving xcf files
- Added support for 16/32 bit bitmaps and alpha channel to the bmp plug-in
- Bug fixes and code cleanup


What's new in this version:

- Added new tile primitive Triangle to Mosaic plug-in
- Speed up Gaussian Blur plug-in
- Suppress redundant progress updates from plug-ins
- Changed some gimprc and sessionrc default values (window hints,
- Fullscreen mode)
- Do not focus transform tool dialogs on map
- Renamed Magnify tool to Zoom tool and added some missing tool shortcuts
- Added a submenu with recently used plug-ins to the Filters menu
- Fixed look-up table used for Contrast adjustments
- Improved the user interface of the Animation Playback plug-in
- Added framework for describing menu entries in the statusbar
- Added lots of helpful blurbs to procedures and core actions
- Remove color from the Watercolor selector if Shift is being pressed
- Ported PDB internals to gparamspec
- Speedup and UI improvements for the SIOX tool
- Added parasite getters and settors for vectors
- Made PSD load and save plug-ins 64bit clean
- Some string review
- Ported ellipse select tool to the new rectangle tool
- Bug fixes and code cleanup