GameEx 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 GameEx 16.94

GameEx 歷史版本列表

GameEx 被認為是 MAME,GameBase,Daphne,PC 遊戲和所有基於命令行的遊戲模擬器的最強大,穩定和功能豐富的遊戲前端(模擬器啟動器),同時還是一個完整的家庭影院 PC 解決方案或插件為 Windows 媒體中心。它被設計成與街機控制和各種街機產品無縫地使用,並且還具有適合用作 CarPC 和触摸屏前端的全功能的投影屏幕和平板電腦支持。 GameEx 作為一個免費或增強的註冊版... GameEx 軟體介紹

Nicepage 3.6.2 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 3.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Accordion Element
- Social Icons 2.0 Element
- Importing Posts from Desktop to WordPress and Joomla
- Duplicate Websites on Desktop
- Blog Post Featured Image
- Post Count for HTML Blog
- New Block and Template Designs

Nicepage 3.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Accordion Element
- Social Icons 2.0 Element
- Importing Posts from Desktop to WordPress and Joomla
- Duplicate Websites on Desktop
- Blog Post Featured Image
- Post Count for HTML Blog
- New Block and Template Designs

RazorSQL 9.3.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added a New Tab (Share This Connection) menu option to the right-click menu of the SQL Editor tab
- Added a Results -> Export Query Results menu option
- Command line call generator: Added example output for using the commandFile syntax to execute multiple commands per call

- Athena: Added the ability to set connection properties on the Simba Athena JDBC driver
- Upgraded DB2 JDBC driver to version 4.28.11
- Upgraded PostgreSQL JDBC driver to version 42.2.18

- Cassandra: If using the fetch all rows toolbar button or keyboard shortcut, a not supported error is displayed after all rows are returned
- Cassandra: Exporting or Backing up a table with a timestamp column throws an error
- Cassandra Export Multiple Tables: If no keyspace is selected, an error is thrown on the start of the export

Nicepage 3.5.3 查看版本資訊


GameEx 16.80 查看版本資訊


SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2021.02.02 build 9745 查看版本資訊


GameEx 16.79 查看版本資訊


PCSX2 1.7.0 Build 929 Nightly 查看版本資訊


VASSAL Engine 3.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Console, for entering commands to affect errorlog, properties, etc.
- Performance improvements for Global Key Commands
- Simpler way to display PDF files from Help menu
- Expose version numbers and module strings to module as properties
- MouseOverStackViewer can show > 1 piece of a deck
- Editor's search function can now search piece traits and component attributes
- MouseoverStackViewer has HTML support and additional formatting options
- "Help" button (and help information) added to Preferences dialog
- Added preference to control drag-at-edge-of-map width
- Threshold for centering on opponent's move is now configurable
- Title Bar of module should always show most recent Save/Load/Log
- Ability to Deselect a piece with a Key Command (also remove it from its stack)
- Flare feature for map
- Added KeyNamer for overriding key names
- Method for removing unused images from modules
- Aesthetic improvements to dialogs
- Chess clocks
- Added Preference for turning off sounds

- Level name in Layer trait is not being saved
13900: MassPieceLoader trait editor shows standard Embellishment trait editor instead of -ecific one
- Reinstate removed TilingHandler ctor for VASL 6.6.1
- NPE in DieManager ctor
- NPE in AbstractMetaData.getVassalVersion()
- Added description field to (nearly) all traits
- Toolbars missing from non-dockable windows
- "Module from older version" check is too strict
- Map/Module Global Key Command Description not being saved
- SendToLocation does not create Movement Trail points
- NPE in DiceButton.setAttribute()
- Find all parentless Dialogs and JOptionPanes and give them a parent
- Non-rectangular trait should remember name of image that created it
- Suffix/Prefix fields in Layer trait are not displayed correctly
- Bad parameter in Editor.UniqueIdManager.more_than_one message
- NPE after cutting/pasting piece palettes in Editor
- Chess clock help file is misnamed
13741: DataArchive.getImageNames() incorrectly returns an empty string if images/ has an -in the ZIP archive
- Piece Slots shouldn't be allowed at very top level of Piece Palette
- Replaced ComponentSplitter with SplitPane for better splitter positioning
- "Remember window size" preference is no longer ignored
- Global preferences are written when changed
- Save As in Editor, if it fails, complains the new filename
- Wizard should set the initial value for next save/load dialog
- Fixed incorrect date format in SecretNotesController
- Prevent top level required components from being deleted in Editor
- Comparison operator >= no longer incorrectly documented as =>
- Antialiasing RenderingHints not set properly for drawing game components

Other improvements:
- Make Flare animation disableable
- File > Import Module moved to Tools > Convert Module
- Simplified communication between Module Manager, Player, Editor
- Combined save and log loading; Load Continuation moved from File to Tools menu
- Improved workflow of zone editor
- Refer to MacOS instead of MacOS X now that MacOS 11 is out
- Simplified ZIP archive writing and error reporting
- Improve look of Auto Configured editor dialogs
- Improve visibility of Logging status - Help people to remember to start logs
- buildFile renamed to buildFile.xml
- Add a chatter message when starting to write a logfile
- Use native file chooser on Linux
- Better handling of logfile/savefile comments
- Saving a module will default to .vmod, an extension to .vext
- Player switching sides now reported in Chat Log
- Move Compatibility related preferences on the General tab to a new Compatibility tab
- Suggest default filename extensions