Gajim 歷史舊版本 Page3

最新版本 Blockbench 4.7.4

Gajim 歷史版本列表

Gajim 的目標是為 Windows PC 提供功能全面且易於使用的免費 Jabber / XMPP 客戶端。 Gajim 很好地與 GNOME 一起工作,但不需要它運行。它是在 GNU 通用公共許可證下發布的。Gajim 功能: 選項卡式聊天窗口和單窗口模式群聊支持(與多用戶聊天協議),邀請,聊天到群聊轉換,最小化群聊到名單表情符號,頭像, PEP(用戶活動,心情和調整)音頻 / 視頻會議文件... Gajim 軟體介紹

Symfony 6.1.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [PhpUnitBridge] Use verbose deprecation output for quiet types only when it reaches the threshold
- [Console] Correctly overwrite progressbars with different line count per step
- [Form] Make ButtonType handle form_attr option
- [DependencyInjection] Fix deduplicating service instances in circular graphs
- [CssSelector] Fix escape patterns
- [Cache] RedisTrait::createConnection does not pass auth value from redis sentinel cluster DSN
- [VarExporter] Fix exporting classes with __unserialize() but not __serialize()
- [Validator] Fix IBAN format for Tunisia and Mauritania
- [Workflow] Allow spaces in place names so the PUML dump doesn't break
- Compatibility with doctrine/annotations 2
- [Console] Revert "- Fix clear line with question in section (maxbeckers)
- [HttpKernel] AbstractSessionListener should not override the cache lifetime for private responses
- [DependencyInjection] Shared private services becomes public after a public service is accessed
- [Mailer] Include all transports' debug messages in RoundRobin transport exception
- [Console] Fix clear line with question in section
- [HtmlSanitizer] Fix HtmlSanitizer default configuration behavior for allowed schemes
- [HttpFoundation] Use relative timestamps with MemcachedSessionHandler
- [Cache] Fix dealing with ext-redis' multi/exec returning a bool
- [Messenger] [Amqp] Added missing rpc_timeout option
- [Serializer] Prevent GetSetMethodNormalizer from creating invalid magic method call
- [HttpFoundation] Fix dumping array cookies
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dump header not being displayed
- [HttpClient] TraceableHttpClient: increase decorator's priority
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow configuring framework.exceptions with a config builder
- [Mime] Fix MessagePart serialization
- [Yaml] fix dumping top-level tagged values
- Fix getting the name of closures on PHP 8.1.11+
- [ErrorHandler][HttpKernel] Fix reading the SYMFONY_IDE env var
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Fix some new return types support
- [HttpFoundation] IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses incorrectly rejected
- [RateLimiter] Add int to Reservation::wait()
- [VarDumper] Ignore Error in __debugInfo()
- [FrameworkBundle] add kernel.locale_aware tag to LocaleSwitcher
- [DependencyInjection] Revert "- Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes"
- [HttpKernel] In DateTimeValueResolver, convert previously defined date attribute to the expected class
- [TwigBridge] Amend MoneyType twig to include a space
- [WebProfilerBundle] Remove redundant code from logger template
- [Security] [LoginLink] Throw InvalidLoginLinkException on missing parameter

Symfony 6.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection] Fix resolving parameters when dumping lazy proxies
- [PhpUnitBridge] Use verbose deprecation output for quiet types only when it reaches the threshold
- [Console] Correctly overwrite progressbars with different line count per step
- [Form] Make ButtonType handle form_attr option
- [DependencyInjection] Fix deduplicating service instances in circular graphs
- [WebProfilerBundle] fix Mailer detail on click
- [CssSelector] Fix escape patterns
- [Translation] Fix undefined variable messages in ConstraintVisitor
- [PropertyAccess] Fix nullsafe chain like x?.y
- [Cache] RedisTrait::createConnection does not pass auth value from redis sentinel cluster DSN
- [VarExporter] Fix exporting classes with __unserialize() but not __serialize()
- [Validator] Fix IBAN format for Tunisia and Mauritania
- [Workflow] Allow spaces in place names so the PUML dump doesn't break
- [VarExporter] Generate proxies for static abstract methods
- [SecurityBundle] Prevent RuntimeException on profiler
- Compatibility with doctrine/annotations 2
- [FrameworkBundle] Add MailPace definition

Symfony 6.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] fix context attribute with serializedName
- [Console] Revert "Fix clear line with question in section (maxbeckers)
- [Cache] fix lazyness of redis when using RedisTagAwareAdapter
- [HttpKernel] AbstractSessionListener should not override the cache lifetime for private responses
- [DependencyInjection] Shared private services becomes public after a public service is accessed
- [Mailer] Include all transports' debug messages in RoundRobin transport exception
- [Validator] Allow opt-out of EmailValidator deprecation when using Validation::createValidatorBuilder()
- [FrameworkBundle] container:debug CLI output improvements for excluded services
- [Console] Fix clear line with question in section
- [HtmlSanitizer] Fix HtmlSanitizer default configuration behavior for allowed schemes
- [HttpFoundation] Use relative timestamps with MemcachedSessionHandler
- [Cache] Fix dealing with ext-redis' multi/exec returning a bool
- [Messenger] [Amqp] Added missing rpc_timeout option
- [Serializer] Prevent GetSetMethodNormalizer from creating invalid magic method call
- [HttpFoundation] Fix dumping array cookies
- [ExpressionLanguage] Fix BC of cached SerializedParsedExpression containing GetAttrNode
- [HttpKernel] Fix CacheAttributeListener priority
- [Translation] Fix extraction when dealing with VariadicPlaceholder parameters
- [SecurityBundle] Fix authenticator existence check in Security::login()
- [TwigBundle] Alias BodyRendererInterface
- [Console] Fix missing command not matching namespace error message
- [DependencyInjection] Fix bug when tag name is a text node
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dump header not being displayed
- [HttpClient] TraceableHttpClient: increase decorator's priority
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow configuring framework.exceptions with a config builder
- [Mime] Fix MessagePart serialization
- [Yaml] fix dumping top-level tagged values
- Fix getting the name of closures on PHP 8.1.11+
- [ErrorHandler][HttpKernel] Fix reading the SYMFONY_IDE env var
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Fix some new return types support
- [VarExporter] Fix adding a key to an uninitialized array
- [Security] Fix invalid deprecation messages in Security constants
- [Clock] Fix usleep deprecation warning
- [HttpFoundation] IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses incorrectly rejected
- [RateLimiter] Add int to Reservation::wait()
- [VarDumper] Ignore Error in __debugInfo()
- [VarExporter] Fix calling parent::__wakeup() when unserializing with LazyProxyTrait
- [DoctrineBridge] Skip resolving entities when the corresponding request attribute is already an object
- [FrameworkBundle] add kernel.locale_aware tag to LocaleSwitcher
- [FrameworkBundle] fix removing commands if console not available
- [DependencyInjection] Generate different classes for ghost objects and virtual proxies
- [DependencyInjection] Revert "Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes"

Symfony 6.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection] Fix ContainerBuilder stats env usage with enum
- [HttpKernel] Fix using entities with the #[Cache()] attribute
- [Mailer] Fix rendered templates for notifications
- [WebProfilerBundle] Use same color as other icons for the close toolbar btn
- [DependencyInjection] Remove refs that point to container.excluded services when allowed
- [HttpKernel] In DateTimeValueResolver, convert previously defined date attribute to the expected class
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix form panel expanders
- [FrameworkBundle] [Framework] Fix Infobip Mailer transport factory import
- [VarExporter] Fix possible memory-leak when using lazy-objects
- [TwigBridge] Amend MoneyType twig to include a space
- [WebProfilerBundle] Remove redundant code from logger template
- Fixed undefined variable error
- [FrameworkBundle] don't register the MailerTestCommand symfony/console is not installed

Gajim 1.5.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Since we changed the way Gajim displays messages in Gajim 1.4, selecting multiple messages to copy them was not possible anymore. With Gajim 1.5.3 you can now select multiple messages via message menu, followed by marking each message you would like to copy.
- Thanks to @mjk, Gajim now offers even more emojis when using shortcodes. You will now get suggestions for categories as well, which makes finding the right emoji easier
- Gajim now fully supports message drafts. If you type a message and switch to another chat, you will now see your draft in the chat list as well.

More Changes:
- You can now select a default workspace for new chats (for each account)
- Workspaces can now be marked as read

- Improvements for recognizing URLs
- Fix message correction behavior when switching chats
- Many fixes to improve Gajim’s usability

Symfony 6.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [String] Fix AsciiSlugger with emojis
- [Security] Reuse AbstractFactory's config tree in AccessTokenFactory
- [Security] [LoginLink] Throw InvalidLoginLinkException on missing parameter

Symfony 6.1.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Yaml] parse unquoted digits in tag values as integers
- [FrameworkBundle] do not wire the MercureTransportFactory if the MercureBundle is not enabled
- [Notifier] [SMSBiuras] true/false mismatch for test_mode option
- [HttpKernel] Fix message for unresovable arguments of invokable controllers
- [PropertyInfo] ignore const expressions read by phpdocumentor
- [DependencyInjection] Process bindings in ServiceLocatorTagPass
- [Console] Support completion for bash functions
- [Console] Improve error message when shell is not detected in completion command
- [Translation] [Lokalize] Configure replace_breaks to prevent issues with multilines translations
- [Console]  Fix signal handlers called after event listeners and skip exit
- [Messenger] Fix time-limit check exception
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix language deprecations incorrectly marked as direct
- [Console] Fix console ProgressBar::override() after manual ProgressBar::cleanup()
- [HttpClient] Handle Amp HTTP client v5 incompatibility gracefully
- [HttpKernel] Don’t try to wire Response argument with controller.service_arguments
- [Messenger] Tell about messenger:consume invalid limit options
- [Messenger] Do not throw 'no handlers' exception when skipping handlers due to duplicate handling
- [HttpFoundation] Compare cookie with null value as empty string in ResponseCookieValueSame
- [FrameworkBundle][Lock] Allow to disable lock without defining a resource
- [HttpKernel] Fix deprecation for DateTimeValueResolver with null on non-nullable argument
- [DependencyInjection] don't move locator tag for service subscriber
- [Mailer] Stream timeout not detected fgets returns false
- Fix the notification email theme for asynchronously dispatched emails
- Fix search scope when performing fallback mapping driver detection
- [HttpClient] Do not set http_version instead of setting it to null
- [DependencyInjection] Don't autoconfigure tag when it's already set with attributes
- [HttpFoundation] Check IPv6 is valid before comparing it

Gajim 1.5.3 查看版本資訊


Symfony 6.1.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient] Fix retrying requests when the content is used by the strategy
- [ErrorHandler] s/
- [Console] Update Application.php
- [Security][Serializer] Add missing args to trigger_deprecation
- Throw LogicException instead of Error when trying to generate logout-…
- [Intl] Update the ICU data to 72.1 - 5.4
- [HttpKernel] Fix empty request stack when terminating with exception
- [HttpClient] Fix buffering after calling AsyncContext::passthru()
- [HttpKernel] Remove EOL when using error_log() in HttpKernel Logger
- [HttpClient] Don't override header if is x-www-form-urlencoded
- [Console] Fix error output on windows cli
- [Cache] Reserve numeric keys when doing memory leak prevention
- [DoctrineBridge] Allow doctrine/event-manager 2
- [Messenger] Fix amqp socket lost
- [Routing] TypeError in Router when using UrlGenerator
- [Mailer] fix: use message object from event
- [DoctrineBridge] Implement EventManager::getAllListeners()

Symfony 6.1.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Allow getting discriminated type by class name (@TamasSzigeti)
- [TwigBridge] Remove empty spaces between choices when using checkbox-inline or checkbox-switch (@simondaigre)
- [HttpClient] Fix seeking in not-yet-initialized requests
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix auto mapping for bundles that contain only embeddables
- [Messenger] Fix default serializer not handling DateTime objects properly
- [Serializer] fixed traceable decoration priorities
- [Console] Fix Helper::removeDecoration hyperlink bug
- [Mime] sync message serializer code for forward-compatibility
- [PropertyInfo] a readonly property must not be reported as being writable
- [WebProfiler] Fix overflow issue in Forms panel
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow to specify null for exception mapping configuration values
- [HttpFoundation] Fix BinaryFileResponse content type detection logic
- [Notifier] [Expo] Throw exception on error-response from expo api
- [Security] Fix login url matching when app is not run with url rewriting or from a sub folder