FxSound Enhancer 歷史舊版本 Page6

最新版本 FxSound

FxSound Enhancer 歷史版本列表

FxSound Enhancer 自動恢復丟失的音質,為您提供高清音樂。享受高清晰度的聲音偶爾中斷和功能有限的訪問。兼容所有的 Windows PC 應用程序:蘋果音樂 - Spotify - Google Play 音樂 - Youtube - 潘多拉 - Soundcloud - Netflix 和 Steam! DFX 附帶的核心技術和音頻增強功能現在處於新的改進狀態 FxS... FxSound Enhancer 軟體介紹

Gradle 7.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tasks that show up later on the command line can be mysteriously skipped
- A task that is finalized by a task specified earlier on the command line causes the build to hang
- Deadlock between test task execution and dependency resolution
- Race condition with build service registration and configuration on demand
- Using a Version Catalog plugin in the plugins block still produces an @Incubating warning in 7.4.1
- NPE when VerificationException is thrown by a task and configuration cache is enabled
- Applying Build Scan Plugin (--scan) cause the following error 'Cannot mutate content repository descriptor 'Gradle Central Plugin Repository' after repository has been used'
- Configuration cache captures system property value set by the build logic causing no cache hits afterward
- Dependency resolution hangs with IDEA parallel model fetch
- plugins resolution from settings convention plugin [possible regression]
- Type-safe dependency accessors are reported as an incubating feature despite version catalog stabilization
- CLI options fail with "linked to multiple elements in class" error when inherited from interface and defined in class
- test-aggregation-plugin and jacoco-aggregation-plugin should eagerly configure objects
- 7.4 regression: exclusiveContent in buildscript doesn't work with plugins {} block
- Failure with configuration cache: Could not find build 'buildSrc'

Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18 查看版本資訊


Termius 7.35.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Termius 7.35.5
- Fixed an issue preventing the app from a restart after an update has been downloaded

Termius 7.35.4
- Autocomplete for snippets
- New terminal color schemes: Dracula, Nord Light, Nord Dark, Monokai
- New fonts: Meslo Nerd Font, JetBrains Mono Nerd Font, Fira Code Nerd Font and Cascadia Code
- Fixed an incorrect order of running snippets on Windows
- Security improvements and more bugfixes

Termius 7.34.1
- Stability improvements

Termius 7.32.0
- Made it possible to use an empty password during SSH authentication
- Stability improvements

Termius 7.28.0
- Made it possible to generate ED25519, ECDSA and RSA keys (on the Keychain screen)
- Brought back the SFTP path input field
- Fixed issues with adding tags

Termius 7.27.0
- Added an option to open file for SFTP with download/upload
- Added autosave indicators to the edit forms
- Fixed snippet execution on hosts running Windows
- Termius for Teams: fixed multiple group sharing confirmation
- Some UI improvements and UI-related bugfixes

Termius 7.26.2
- Stability improvements

Termius 7.26.1
- Added support for TOTP as a second authentication factor
- Other stability and security improvements

Termius 7.24.1
- Live terminal sessions - ability to share a session with other Termius users
- The '+ New' / edit forms have been reworked and now save changes automatically

Termius 7.23.2
- single sign-on via Apple ID and Google Account
- support for the new format of PuTTY keys (PPK3)
- verbose connection logs to help troubleshoot connection issuesa

Termius 7.22.1
- Improved import from SecureCRT - made it possible to import Keys, Passwords, and Port Forwarding rules
- Other stability and security improvements

FxSound 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added language support for Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Chinese, and Spanish

FxSound 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Reverted driver changes that added L/R functionality while we sort out some bug issues

FxSound 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FxSound is now completely free and unrestricted. Learn more about the change here
- L/R balance re-enabled in Windows when using FxSound
- Bug fixes

ClamAV 0.104.2 查看版本資訊


Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.17 查看版本資訊


Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.16 查看版本資訊


FxSound 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added option in settings for FxSound to automatically switch to newly connected output
- Undo preset changes now available for use on free plan
- Login prompt removed on startup on free plan
- Fixed bug where FxSound wasn't opening properly