FreeFileSync 歷史舊版本 Page61

最新版本 FreeFileSync 13.4

FreeFileSync 歷史版本列表

FreeFileSync 是一個免費的開源軟件,可以幫助你同步文件和同步文件夾的 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X. 它的目的是為了節省您的時間設置和運行備份工作,同時具有良好的視覺反饋沿途.FreeFileSync 不施加任何人為限制您可以同步的文件數量。實際上,超大同步作業的唯一限制因素是可用內存量:對於每個 1 GB 的 RAM,FreeFileSync 可同時同步大約 17... FreeFileSync 軟體介紹

FreeFileSync 9.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Use direct copy instead of transaction to speed up versioning
- Replaced file existing handling with use of unique temporary names
- Support SFTP authentication via Pageant/SSH agent
- New menu option to restore hidden panels individually
- Fixed GTK button icon being truncated (Linux)
- Fixed error dialog hiding behind progress dialog (macOS)
- Round out FTP symlink deletion handling
- Support four-digit year format on IIS FTP
- Fixed FTP parsing error for epoch time on Windows server
- Narrow contract for file system abstraction regarding existing files
- Treat failure to load database as error rather than warning
- Save root folder access for certain FTP path checks

FreeFileSync 9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed crash when getting invalid data after item type check
- Fixed copying symlinks pointing to network folders
- Support resolving network paths in the NT namespace
- Support FTP servers with broken MLST command (Pure-FTPd)
- Fixed FTP access error on file names containing special chars
- Include raw FTP server response in error message
- Quickly check server connection using a single FEAT
- Don't change working directory when sending a single FTP command
- Support FTP Unix listings missing group name
- Support RFC-2640-non-compliant FTP servers having UTF8 disabled
- Support FTP servers returning non-routable IP in PASV response
- Support IPv6 when establishing FTP connections
- Start external application keyboard shortcuts with zero

Vim 8.0.586 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- I have built a version of Vim 8.0 with all the latest patches. This is mainly interesting for MS-Windows users who download the binary. Upgrading to this version is recommended, since it fixes many problems.
- I have renamed the original Vim 8.0 files to include the patchlevel. The new files are both available as "80" and "80-586". Note that caching may cause the "80" file to still be the old one.

FreeFileSync 9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support synchronization via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and FTPS (SSL/TLS)
- Notify failure to set modification time as a warning instead of an error
- Allow intermediate non-folder components when checking path status
- Prevent file drop events from propagating to parent windows
- Create Downloads folder if not yet existing when running auto-updater
- Get all MTP input stream attributes as a single device access
- Improved SFTP input stream copying time by 20%
- Buffer (S)FTP sessions based on all login information
- Finalize all installation steps before showing finished page
- Updated translation files

FreeFileSync 8.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fully preserve case-sensitive file paths (Windows, macOS)
- Support SFTP connections to local hosts
- Warn if versioning folder is contained in a base folder
- Use natural string sorting algorithm for item lists
- Consider exclude filter settings for folder dependency checks
- Fixed file not found error on case-sensitive SFTP volume
- Fixed failure when creating MTP sub directories
- Fixed crash when loading database file during comparison
- Refactored UTF conversion routines
- Use pipe symbol as filter separator instead of semicolon
- Iterate over all matching SFTP connections available on a server (macOS)
- Reduced folder matching time by 12%, average memory use by 11%
- Added experimental FTP support

AVG Remover 查看版本資訊


AVG Remover 查看版本資訊


FreeFileSync 8.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Detect when database file was copied and avoid "second part missing" error
- Further reduced size of database files by 20%
- Reduced amortized number of file operations during versioning
- Added database file consistency checks to catch unexpected number of stream associations
- Improved file I/O by detecting cross-device moves via path
- Fixed path parsing failure when creating MTP directories
- Implemented buffered stream I/O abstraction to prepare for FTP
- Generalized file path handling for abstract file system implementations
- Warn about outdated AvmSnd.dll before crashing during sound playback
- Avoid libunity9 dependency for Ubuntu builds
- Refactored OpenSSL and libssh2 initialization/shutdown
- Case-insensitive grid sorting on Linux
- Added 32-bit precompiled Debian/Ubuntu release

FreeFileSync 8.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Distinguish file access failure from not existing during sync
- Further optimized number of file I/O operations via file system abstraction
- Report unexpected prompts for keyboard-interactive SFTP authentication
- Mark followed directory symlinks on grid
- Fixed parent path determination for UNC
- Don't skip source files that cannot be accessed
- Don't consider a symlink type for SFTP when comparing by content
- Fixed invalid parameter error when setting file times on exFAT file system
- Don't allow overwriting folder with equally named file when copying from main dialog
- Fixed failure to create intermediate directories for Cryptomator/Webdav
- Refactored file system abstraction layer for future FTP support
- Fixed failure to change file name case on MTP devices
- Fixed late failure for batch recycling when parsing of single item fails

FreeFileSync 8.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New auto-updater feature for FreeFileSync Donation Edition
- Download zip archive of portable FreeFileSync Donation Edition
- New command line options to define parameters for silent installation
- Support offline activation for portable Donation Edition
- Use automatic keyboard-interactive SFTP authentication as fallback
- Check for available SFTP authentication methods before login
- Support cloud sync of portable edition installation files
- Access donation transaction details from about dialog
- Use width from flexible grid column when showing/hiding extra columns
- Show item short names in middle column tooltip
- Enhanced file category descriptions with modification times
- Don't warn about missing recycle bin when only moving or updating attributes
- Fixed crash when switching to main dialog during batch sync