FreeCommander 歷史舊版本 Page6

最新版本 FreeCommander XE 2023 Build 880

FreeCommander 歷史版本列表

FreeCommander 是一個易於使用的替代標準免費的 Windows 文件管理器。該程序可以幫助您在 Windows 中進行日常工作。在這裡你可以找到所有必要的功能來管理你的數據庫存。你可以隨時隨地拿 FreeCommander; 只需將安裝目錄複製到 CD 或 USB 棒上即可; 您可以在外部計算機上使用該程序.FreeCommander 功能: 雙面板技術 - 水平和垂直每個面板的可選樹... FreeCommander 軟體介紹

GetFLV 30.2109.9768 查看版本資訊


GetFLV 30.2109.9758 查看版本資訊


GetFLV 30.2109.9738 查看版本資訊


GetFLV 30.2109.9728 查看版本資訊


GetFLV 30.2109.9688 查看版本資訊


GetFLV 30.2109.9718 查看版本資訊


FreeCommander XE 2021 Build 840 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Viewer - mouse wheel zoom function is inverted
- New status bar item can not be created if program started with default settings parameter
- Minor Toolbars dialog filter vs icons issue
- Viewer - "fit to window" sometimes is broken
- The position of the scroll bar may be wrong after switching from detailed view to thumbnail view
- Temporary and not locked file container TAB not always removed on program closing
- Aborting the drag&drop operation with ESC can lead to an unwanted selection of files/folders (NC selection mode)
- Viewer form (F3) option "Stay on top" does not work correctly
- Exception on main window activating if only one pane visible and refresh option "Refresh when FreeCommander is activated" is checked
- Program start is faulty and program can not be closed - this behavior only appears when the program is started from a shortcut that has "Properties/Shortcut/Run: Maximized"
- Manipulate files with emojis in their name is not possible
- Default action issue with multiple files
- Function "Same folder Ctrl+E" sometime does not switch the folder properly
- Window size and position lost when exit from fullscreen
- Tabs drag&drop - always active tab is dropped if the option "With click on the active tab - change to the last active" is active
- Wrong data populating (right-shifted columns) after F10 (top/bottom split)
- Column width not remembered across close/re-open
- Recycle Bin panel switch issue
- The definition of the font size for dialogs (Tools->Settings->View) does not work for Settings dialog
- "Layouts edit" dialog - after deleting of the last layout the OK button is not active (it is not possible to delete all layouts)
- Mounted volume size is not properly shown in progress bar of the drive bar
- Search dialog doesn't find content of folder with semicolon in its name
- Focus is lost if deleting a file in the thumb view mode 735
- Next/previous tab shortcuts broken when using some context menu options
- Tab name maybe not updated
- Tooltip for button in the action toolbar maybe wrong if custom icon is used
- Renaming a file that is open in Quick View can break the display in Quick View
- Status info for '..' item was never used
- Keyboard shortcuts maybe lost when using "Desktop Snapshot"
- Sorting Windows columns of date type does not work properly for many timestamp formats (e.g. in recycle bin)
- Opening program links from the FreeCommander Desktop is broken
- Keyboard shortcuts do not work in Quick View pane
- Exception possible if copy/move files from library
- Internal viewer issues after clicking buttons to change view
- Deleting/copying a file from the desktop can throw an exception
- Opening ftp/sftp path from favorite folders tree broken
- Context menu function "Rename" partially broken
- Empty favorite toolbar will be shown if all toolbar items are defined as visible only in menu
- Opened tree pane may slow down some operations
- Multirename form - tooltip always on top #p31690
- Color issue in the setting dialog
- Tree pane - rename with F2 key is partially broken if the option "Allow rename on slow double click" is disabled
- Thumbnail of the text file is blurry if dark background is used
- Text thumbnails with unicode format broken
- Deleting the item '..' from context menu may cause freezing
- Plain view is not preserved after FC restart on left panel
- Problem with text color of the active tab
- Customize favorite toolbars - Changing the order of the buttons has no effect if you add a separator
- Rar archives cannot be opened if encryption for file names has been activated. Workaround - first open an archive without encryption.
- Define action toolbars - option "Show drop down arrow only" is broken
- Search files/folders - The same file can exist several times in the result list if the search location is not correctly defined #p31283
- Search files/folders - cancellation of the deletion dialog is not handled correctly
- Search files/folders - file selection in the result list maybe wrong after deleting of some files from the list
- Position of active item is not updated when using quick viewer
- If we press backspace in a subfolder, FC goes to parent folder, but sometimes fails to focus on the subfolder (when folders are sorted at the end of the list and extension ist not showed in the name column)
- Exception in search dialog
- Bug in saving settings (FavoritesTreeColorSelectedNodeInactive)
- Selection maybe broken if hover time is used
- Position issue when switching modes in plain view
- Language defined as command line parameter is not correctly set
- Multi rename problem
- Dialog display issue after FC restart with 'Defined font' for dialogs
- File list display issues after renaming
- Quick filter delete/backspace bug
- File container drag&drop and cut refresh issue
- Automatic view may not work if the "View type" option is set to
- Some tabs are not created when the layout is restored
- Quick search does not work properly if some other options are active
- Program freezes on startup if the drive last used is no longer connected and plain view mode was used on program close. 2#p34572
- Focus is lost on refresh if option "Switch view mode automatically ..." is active
- Tree maybe not shown if switching from single-panel to dual-panel mode
- Sorting is wrong if auto selectable view is active and all options are set to "No change"

- New action - focus newest file/item in the list (by last access timestamp)
- New action - focus next/previous item in the list
- Attributes/Timestamp dialog - set file timestamp from EXIF
- Settings->Tree - new color can be defined "Selection - Inactive"
- Settings->Tree - new color can be defined "Background - Inactive"
- Viewer form (F3) - set window to foreground if already open and use last saved size/position if multiple window allowed.
- Make folder/file list - timestamp format added on Settings tab
- Drive panel - width of the volume name button is definable in the setting
- Support for 4K monitors
- Quick Viewer - Copy selected text to the clipboard with the shortcut Ctrl+C.
- SFTP (64 bit only) - public key login is possible now
- When started "As Admin": Warning symbol is added to the program icon - new option in Settings->View
- New variable added %ActivSelOrDir% - same as %ActivSel% but return current path if nothing is selected in the file list (for example when selecting ".." in file list)
- New action added - Close all tabs in both panels; Closes all not locked folder tabs in both panels
- New action added - Close all tabs with confirmation; Closes all folder tabs with confirmation dialog
- New action added - Select the first file / folder; Select first file (if currently focused item is a folder) or folder (if currently focused item is a file) in the list
- When started "As Admin": Warning symbol is added to the program icon and the word "(Admin)" appears in the title bar.
- Thumbnails for SVG files
- SFTP - Symbolic links are properly handled now
- "Attributes/Timestamp..." dialog - new attribute "Recall on data access" added (e.g. for not local OneDrive files)
- "Settings->File/folder list - Items color" - definig color for attribute "Recall on data access" is possible now
- Search dialog - the quick view pane is restored when the form is opened
- "Define action toolbars" dialog - defined custom symbols are now visible in the list
- Thumbnail view for .wmf and .emf files
- The visibility of the favorite toolbars is now per Layout definable
- New item added to the tab context menu: Close all not locked folder tabs; If clicked with CTRL key - close not locked tabs in both panels
- "About" dialog resizeable; More paths info added
- Overwrite dialog for copy/move FreeCommander operation - rename in place is now possible
- Toolbar separator - details definable
- "Tools -> Define keyboard shortcuts" - it is possible to define the second shortcut for each action
- New column is posible "Relative path"
- New columns category for pictures added: EXIF
- Option available in the freecommander.ini file: TreeSortNodesType=X (0->like so far; 1->sort by path name; 2->sort by display name)
- Quick filter accept '*.' for selecting items without dot
- Compare folders - new option added "Ignore extension"
- Search files/folders - menu item added "Edit -> Copy name without extension"
- "Tools -> Dos box" selecting the item with pressed SHIFT key opens the dos box as admin
- Address bar toolbar - big icons allowed
- New option for viewer - Use mouse wheel for: zooming/switching files
- New option to define in the [Form] section of the freecommander.ini - ThumbOpenAndSelectMode=1 ;
- When this line is defined, a click on the symbol opens the file / folder and a click on the label selects the file / folder.
- Context menu in viewer (images) - new item added "Save - overwrite without confirmation"
- Favorite tool button - new item added for context menu: Run - With "Run as" dialog
- Define favorite tool - new placeholder parameter %ActivItemNoExt% added
- Attributes/Timestamp dialog - "Save/Load timestamp" function added
- Multirename - new EXIF property added: Focal length of lens in mm, Lens model name, Orientation of the camera
- Tab context menu - new menu item added "Switch locked path to current"
- Thumbnail size 1024 added (for high resolution monitors)
- Volume buttons added for VLC player
- New action added - Show layouts popup menu
- New action added - Change to last active tab (Ctrl+PgUp)
- New timestamp formats added for the definition of the screenshot file name
- New option for quick filter - Keep filter on tab change
- New placeholder for using in the status bar: [fc_columnProfile] - name of the used column profile

- Viewer settings - "Ignore list" changed to "Ignore files - filter list"
- Folder->Open focused->In the other pane (new Tab)/In the same pane (new Tab) - these functions are implemented now for several selected elements
- Long path support improved
- Address bar editing - spaces at the end of the path are removed now
- Folder synchronize - comparison with only two options "Name" and "Size" is now possible. Until now comparison with only these two options always provided "?" as a result.
- The unit "kB" will be no more shown in the column "Size kB"

Wowza Streaming Engine 查看版本資訊


Symfony 5.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [FrameworkBundle] Fix NFS detection on macOs
- [Notifier] [Mattermost] Host is required
- [Notifier] [Infobip][Zulip] Host is required
- [HttpFoundation] keep turning dots to underscores when using Request::create()
- [Notifier] Fix parsing Dsn with empty user/password
- [Mailer] Fix parsing Dsn with empty user/password
- [Notifier] [Discord] Use private const and mb_strlen()
- [Notifier] Set message id on SentMessage
- [Notifier] Fix toString when optional parameter is not set
- [Ldap] Incorrect determination of RelativeDistinguishedName for the "move" operation
- [VarDumper] dont hide any nodes until JS is proven to work
- [DoctrineBridge] Guess correct form types for DATE_IMMUTABLE and DATETIME_IMMUTABLE (@guillaume-sainthillier)
- [Notifier]  [Free Mobile] Could not use custom host in DSN
- [Notifier] Fix wrong package name
- [Notifier] Fix wrong package names
- Add missing symfony/deprecation-contracts requirement - 5.2
- Add missing symfony/deprecation-contracts requirement
- [FrameworkBundler] Fix cache:clear with buildDir
- [Lock] Prevent store exception break combined store
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix missing kernel.build_dir on cache clear
- [Notifier] [Free Mobile] Fix wrong scheme in mapping
- Fix enabled key for ratelimiter config
- [PropertyInfo][Serializer] Fixed extracting ignored properties for Serializer
- [Cache] fix setting "read_timeout" when using Redis
- [HttpClient] Fix content swallowed by AsyncClient initializer
- [Cache] Prevent notice on case matching metadata trick
- [Notifier] [Discord] Make webhookId argument required
- [DI] Fix not working if only "default_index_method" used
- [Notifier] [Twilio] Add tests
- [DoctrineBridge] no-op RegisterUidTypePass if DBAL types aren't loaded
- [Form] Fix UUID exception
- [Config] Stop treating multiline resources as globs
- [Form] Fixed StringUtil::trim() to trim ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) and SOFT HYPHEN (U+00AD)
- [HttpClient] Use decoration instead of class replacement for mock factory
- [Config][TwigBundle] Fixed syntax error in config
- [DI] Fix Xdebug 3.0 detection
- [SecurityBundle] fix LDAP-based HTTP Basic Auth entry point registration
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix disabling DeprecationErrorHandler from PHPUnit configuration file
- [Cache] Fixed incorrect usage of UNLINK with PHPRedis with Redis < 4.0
- [FrameworkBundle] acces public-deprecated services via the private container to remove false-positive deprecations
- [HttpFoundation] fix parsing some special chars with HeaderUtils::parseQuery()
- [FrameworkBundle] fix preserving some special chars in the query string
- [Notifier] Add exception for deprecated slack dsn
- [HttpFoundation] Fix TypeError: Argument 1 passed to JsonResponse::setJson() must be of the type string, object given
- [DependencyInjection] Fix container linter for union types
- [Config] YamlReferenceDumper: No default value required for VariableNode with array example
- [Form] do not apply the Valid constraint on scalar form data
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fixed PHPunit 9.5 compatibility
- [HttpKernel] Fix bug with whitespace in Kernel::stripComments()
- [Mime] Leverage PHP 8's detection of CSV files
- [FrameworkBundle] TextDescriptor::formatControllerLink checked method…
- [HttpClient] throw clearer error when no scheme is provided
- [Yaml] fix lexing backslashes in single quoted strings
- [DependencyInjection] Fixed incorrect report for private services if required service does not exist
- [Notifier] Fix slack section block
- [Yaml] fix lexing mapping values with trailing whitespaces
- [Workflow] Fixed case when the marking store is not defined
- [String] Fix Notice when argument is empty string
- [Inflector] Fix Notice when argument is empty string
- [Security] more defensive PasswordMigratingListener
- [Security] fix #39249, default entry_point compiler pass was returning too early
- [Security] remove return type definition in order to avoid type juggling
- [Console] Re-enable hyperlinks in Konsole/Yakuake
- [Yaml] fix lexing inline sequences/mappings with trailing whitespaces
- [Filesystem] File existence check before calling unlink method

Symfony 5.1.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Notifier] [Mattermost] Host is required
- [Notifier] Fix parsing Dsn with empty user/password
- [Mailer] Fix parsing Dsn with empty user/password
- [Ldap] Incorrect determination of RelativeDistinguishedName for the "move" operation
- [Notifier]  [Free Mobile] Could not use custom host in DSN
- [Notifier] Fix wrong package names
- Add missing symfony/deprecation-contracts requirement
- [Lock] Prevent store exception break combined store
- [Notifier] [Free Mobile] Fix wrong scheme in mapping
- [PropertyInfo][Serializer] Fixed extracting ignored properties for Serializer
- [Cache] fix setting "read_timeout" when using Redis
- [Cache] Prevent notice on case matching metadata trick
- [DI] Fix not working if only "default_index_method" used
- [Notifier] [Twilio] Add tests
- [Config] Stop treating multiline resources as globs
- [Form] Fixed StringUtil::trim() to trim ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) and SOFT HYPHEN (U+00AD)
- [Config][TwigBundle] Fixed syntax error in config
- [DI] Fix Xdebug 3.0 detection
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix disabling DeprecationErrorHandler from PHPUnit configuration file
- [FrameworkBundle] acces public-deprecated services via the private container to remove false-positive deprecations
- [FrameworkBundle] fix preserving some special chars in the query string
- [HttpFoundation] Fix TypeError: Argument 1 passed to JsonResponse::setJson() must be of the type string, object given
- [DependencyInjection] Fix container linter for union types
- [Config] YamlReferenceDumper: No default value required for VariableNode with array example
- [Form] do not apply the Valid constraint on scalar form data
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fixed PHPunit 9.5 compatibility
- [HttpKernel] Fix bug with whitespace in Kernel::stripComments()
- [Mime] Leverage PHP 8's detection of CSV files
- [FrameworkBundle] TextDescriptor::formatControllerLink checked method…
- [HttpClient] throw clearer error when no scheme is provided
- [Yaml] fix lexing backslashes in single quoted strings
- [DependencyInjection] Fixed incorrect report for private services if required service does not exist
- [Yaml] fix lexing mapping values with trailing whitespaces
- [String] Fix Notice when argument is empty string
- [Inflector] Fix Notice when argument is empty string
- [Security] remove return type definition in order to avoid type juggling
- [Console] Re-enable hyperlinks in Konsole/Yakuake
- [Yaml] fix lexing inline sequences/mappings with trailing whitespaces
- [Filesystem] File existence check before calling unlink method