Folder Lock 歷史舊版本 Page14

最新版本 Folder Lock 7.9.0

Folder Lock 歷史版本列表

Folder Lock 是一套完整的解決方案,讓您保持個人文件加密和鎖定,同時保持加密文件的自動和實時備份到在線存儲。它還提供 USB 驅動器和 CD / DVD 的便攜式安全。 Folder Lock 也可以讓你鎖定文件,文件夾和驅動器; 將您的個人信息保存在錢包中; 撕碎文件並清理 Windows 歷史記錄。 Folder Lock 提供 256 位 AES 即時加密以及將加密文件同步到在線存... Folder Lock 軟體介紹

Resolume Avenue 7.3.0 rev 72441 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Version 7.3.0 has start options for parameter animations. You can now determine when a parameter animation starts and re-triggers as well as playing BPM parameter animations out of the global BPM phase. 7.3.0 also contains two new generators; Abstract Field and Tunnelines. A picture in picture mixer (PiP). Two new effects; Acuarela and Tilt Shift. And of course, as usual, a lot of small bug fixes.
- Parameter Start Settings
- When you set a parameter to animate on a Timeline or BPM Sync you now have some extra options to determine when exactly it is started and re-triggered. What this does exactly is hard to describe in words, but we tried anyway here. It's best shown by example so checkout the video that explains it all.

Upgraded FFGL to v2.2:
- With FFGL version 2.2 developers can more easily debug their plugins and group parameters together. All details are on our GitHub repo

Backwards Compatibility:
- Compositions saved in version 7.3.0 are not fully backwards compatible with older versions like 7.2.1 This is not usually a problem but you should be aware of this when for instance sharing a composition with others. Once saved in 7.3.0 you should always open in 7.3.0 (or higher).
- New Effects & Generators

Folder Lock 7.8.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This version fixes issues with latest Windows update vanishing list of Lockers and Lock Folders, fixes some Close Locker, Close All Lockers and Exit scenarios with Open Lockers and other minor bug fixes.

CherryPlayer 3.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added seek bar panel in MadVR exclusive fullscreen mode
- Show ‘live’ text on playback slider for live streams
- Added ‘Open Recent File’ option in main menu (“Ctrl+J” hot keys)
- Update title for YouTube and Twitch videos added as link from browser

- Fixed support of hot keys in MadVR exclusive fullscreen mode
- Fixed errors during search on YouTube
- Fixed sometimes errors during loading channel content
- Fixed sometimes errors during subscribing to channel
- Fixed broken changing ‘Seek by key frame’ values in playback settings
- Fixed appearing video info panel over settings dialogs
- Corrected some translations text phrases

Simplenote 2.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Added internal link references to the note info panel
Display the canonical lexical version ensuring one capitalization or lexical version of a tag is displayed
Suggest creating a new note when none exists or notes match search query
Added autocompletion / inline search for internal note links

Fixed a bug where Ctrl+G would not go to the next search result
Fixed a bug preventing zoom shortcuts from being triggered by keys on the numeric keypad
Fixed a bug causing zoom in / zoom out to only apply to the editor contents
Fixed bug in note info panel where links did not copy in Firefox
Prevent the scrollbar slider from becoming tiny when there are many notes in the note list
Fixed checkboxes so that they can be checked in markdown mode
Restored ability to toggle multiple checkboxes at once
Made margin in editor clickable to focus editor
Allow window to be closed when the user is logged out
Clear search and close revision panel when creating a new note
Fixed the Windows updater

Other changes:
- Updated the Simperium API token

Resolume Arena 7.3.0 rev 72365 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash Increasing Audio buffer size with EQ VST on composition
- Crash right clicking on clip while deck still loading
- Crash trying to render clip with missing tracks
- Crash trying to add fixture to copied v6 fixtures
- Crash on render when antivirus blocks Resolume access to rendering folder
- Crash changing NDI resolution
- Popups & menus getting stuck sometimes
- UI stops responding on clip transition with lots of video routers/effect clips
- UI hangs with many Video routers when I crank the composition speed
- Renders of BPM synced loops are jumpy, first/last frames of file is a duplicate of the second/last but one
- Playing motion jpeg at odd resolution shows skewed
- Files with apostrophe and & in name are not reconnected loading a collected composition
- Undoing effect move can leave param assigned to dashboard where effect was moved from
- Paste effects leaves clip position and dashboard assignments for params disconnected
- Soft edge parameters are not reloaded properly on restart
- Soft edge Black level compensation is applied when Soft edge is off
- Removing a clip in Alley sets list position below playing clip
- Don't convert custom OSC Output Address to lowercase
- Add Save and Quit option to quit confirmation
- Audio effect renaming
- Copy new factory (default) presets to Documents folder
- Reveal In Finder for Envelope and Color Palette presets in Preset Manager Window not working
- Layer mixer parameters don't reconnect to Transition phase and dashboard on composition open

Resolume Avenue 7.3.0 rev 72365 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash Increasing Audio buffer size with EQ VST on composition
- Crash right clicking on clip while deck still loading
- Crash trying to render clip with missing tracks
- Crash trying to add fixture to copied v6 fixtures
- Crash on render when antivirus blocks Resolume access to rendering folder
- Crash changing NDI resolution
- Popups & menus getting stuck sometimes
- UI stops responding on clip transition with lots of video routers/effect clips
- UI hangs with many Video routers when I crank the composition speed
- Renders of BPM synced loops are jumpy, first/last frames of file is a duplicate of the second/last but one
- Playing motion jpeg at odd resolution shows skewed
- Files with apostrophe and & in name are not reconnected loading a collected composition
- Undoing effect move can leave param assigned to dashboard where effect was moved from
- Paste effects leaves clip position and dashboard assignments for params disconnected
- Soft edge parameters are not reloaded properly on restart
- Soft edge Black level compensation is applied when Soft edge is off
- Removing a clip in Alley sets list position below playing clip
- Don't convert custom OSC Output Address to lowercase
- Add Save and Quit option to quit confirmation
- Audio effect renaming
- Copy new factory (default) presets to Documents folder
- Reveal In Finder for Envelope and Color Palette presets in Preset Manager Window not working
- Layer mixer parameters don't reconnect to Transition phase and dashboard on composition open

MP4 Player 4.1.2 查看版本資訊


MP4 Player 4.1.1 查看版本資訊


MP4 Player 4.1.0 查看版本資訊


MP4 Player 4.0.3 查看版本資訊
