FlashBack Pro 歷史舊版本 Page10

最新版本 FlashBack Pro 5.59.0 Build 4764

FlashBack Pro 歷史版本列表

FlashBack Pro 是創建教程,演示或培訓材料的屏幕錄製應用程序。記錄你的電腦屏幕。創建引人注目的視頻和演示文稿。輕鬆分享您的電影,並在任何設備上查看。通過添加文字,聲音和圖像到您的屏幕錄製創建引人入勝的電影。閃回屏幕錄像機的強大的編輯工具創建精美的演示文稿.RECORDFlashBack 屏幕錄像機捕捉您的 PC 屏幕的任何部分,並將其變成一個視頻文件。在屏幕上繪製,添加筆記和圖像.EN... FlashBack Pro 軟體介紹

rekordbox 6.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DJM-V10 compatibility added
- New subscription plans available
- Added MY PAGE
- Added Cloud Library Sync feature
- Added Mobile Library Sync feature
- Added Inflyte support
- Added Ableton Link feature
- Added 3Band waveform
- Added Skin settings to select Dark/Light for the screen’s base color
- Added Auto Relocate feature to automatically find missing files
- Added filter to the Attribute Column (Collection and playlists only)
- Added Ambient mode on the Lighting panel
- Added DMX Direct Control on the Lighting panel

- Ability to add video files to audio playlists
- Added [All Audio] and [All Videos] in the tree view
- Ability to add tracks from streaming services streaming tracks to playlists
- Blinking interval when Strobe (Middle) is selected on the Lighting panel
- Added copy feature for venues and scenes in Lighting mode
- Added Moving Head pan/tilt limit setting and tilt reverse setting in Lighting mode

System Information Viewer (SIV) 5.47 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Windows 10 20H2 Build 19603 support. Enabled operation of [ACPI Eval], etc..
- Added ATA SMART reporting for Windows 9x systems. Changed [ SPD ] to always be [ SPD Summary ].
- Compensate for Intel Virtual RAID on CPU V6.2.0.1238 failing to setup the service name for CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_DRIVER_INFO.
- Enhanced XGI Volari V8 Duo Ultra + Pro Ultra support. Resolved some issues when using very old versions on NVAPI such as 175.19.
- Improved National Semiconductor LM78 + LM79 + LM80 sensor reporting.
- Added ASRock TRX40 Taichi + ASUS KN97-X + Dell 15 7590 + Gigabyte B450 Elite + B450 I Pro motherboard support.

Cacher 2.24.0 查看版本資訊


PhpStorm 2020.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

PhpStorm 2020.1
Out-of-the-box composer.json support:
- All dependency management actions are now available directly as you edit the composer.json file
- You can create a new file composer.json from the context menu or by pressing Ctrl(⌘)+N. The template of this file can be found in Preferences/Settings | Editor | File and Code Templates.

Add package as a dependency:
- To add a dependency, simply start typing a vendor and a package name, and PhpStorm will suggest appropriate options
- The version field will offer the available versions of this package. For now, you’ll have to add caret or other symbols for the version range manually, but in the next releases, we will implement this too.
- Autocompletion will also work if you need to specify the required version of PHP and extensions.
- In the popup for packages, you can find information from packagist.org about the number of downloads and stars. All the information about packages and their versions is taken from packagist.org and cached.

Install and update packages:
- If there is no composer.lock file and no packages are installed, PhpStorm will highlight the require and the require-dev section names. You can click the Install button in the toolbar above the editor. Or you can use the intention by pressing Alt(⌥)+Enter and choosing Install packages.
- And if only some of the packages are downloaded, PhpStorm will highlight those that are not yet installed. By pressing Alt(⌥)+Enter over them you can choose Update package or Update all packages.
- Next to the version requirement, the currently installed package version will be indicated in grey.

Navigate to files and folders:
- You probably know that with Ctrl(⌘)+Click or Ctrl(⌘)+B you can go to entity definition or search for usages
- In the composer.json it’ll work too. If you Ctrl(⌘)+Click a package, the corresponding directory will be highlighted in the Project Tree. And if it’s a file, then it will be opened in the editor.
- Ctrl(⌘)+Click or Ctrl(⌘)+B on any link in the composer.json will open it in your browser

Autocompletion in autoload(-dev):
- Autocompletion works for namespaces and folder paths based on information from classes and directory structure of the project
- [email protected]
- Ctrl(⌘)+Click and Ctrl(⌘)+B to navigate to files and folders also works here

Improvements for scripts:
- First of all, navigation to files/folders/methods also works. Secondly, aliases for commands are supported. And third, scripts can be run from the editor by pressing the gutter_play_tr button near the script name.

This automatically creates a Run configuration. It means that you can re-run the script by a shortcut Ctrl(⌃)+R, which is quite convenient for debugging:
Code Quality Tools:
- If there is a FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer in the dev dependencies, PhpStorm will check whether the corresponding inspection is enabled and if the ruleset is set. If not, you can call Alt(⌥)+Enter to fix it:

Improvements to PHP type inference:
- The type inference engine is the core of PhpStorm, and several noticeable changes were made to it

Highlighting redundant @var tags:
- Adding @var tags is a good way to suggest PhpStorm the variable’s type. But since we are constantly improving the type inference, some of such declarations may well be redundant because PhpStorm already knows the type. Such cases will be highlighted and they can be removed using the Alt(⌥)+Enter and “Remove @var” quick-fix.
- Tracking null types is a tough task, and there were places where PhpStorm failed. In 2020.1 PhpStorm knows when a variable can be null and when not. Check these examples.

Code Completion for an initialized array:
- Suppose you have an array with known elements, and later you try to iterate through it. The code completion didn’t work here before, because information about the type was lost. Now in 2020.1 everything works.

Code completion in array_map/filter:
- Now there is completion for array items in the body of the closures passed to array_map() and array_filter()

Code coverage with PCOV and PHPDBG:
- You can get a code coverage report by using Xdebug. But since it is primarily a debugger, it has a significant overhead. To speed up reporting of coverage, you can use lighter tools such as the krakjoe/pcov extension or PHPDBG which is built-in with PHP 5.6+.

Both are now supported in PhpStorm. You need to create a Run configuration for tests and select the desired coverage driver in the settings. And then run tests with coverage report by clicking run_coverage_tr:
- Read more about the differences in coverage reporting between Xdebug, PCOV, and phpdbg in README of PCOV

PHPUnit Toolbox:
- In the recently released PHPUnit 9, many features have been removed or declared obsolete. To speed up migration and prevent errors, we have added lots of inspections and quick-fixes.
- Also, you can now create a new test for a class very quickly by calling Alt(⌥)+Enter on the class declaration and selecting Create New PHP Test.

- Advanced Metadata allows you to provide PhpStorm with additional information about your project and thus improve code completion and inspections. For example, this feature is used in the Symfony plugin and in Laravel IDE Helper.
- A number of improvements for metadata have been added to PhpStorm 2020.1
- The parameter index in override, map, and type directives

Previously, it was possible to adjust the behavior of the first argument of functions using override(), map(), and type(). In PhpStorm 2020.1, you can now specify an arbitrary parameter index:
- If you’re trying to access properties through the magic __get() method, the information about the type is lost. You could use additional @var or @property tags, but that didn’t always work. Now you can specify everything through metadata.

Completion for keys to the objects implementing ArrayAccess:
- Metadata supported ArrayAccess objects, but only suggested the type of values. Now the available keys can also be autocompleted

Custom output points:
- PhpStorm considers functions like die() and exit() or throwing exceptions as terminating execution. But applications may have more complex exit points, for instance, a simple dd() or a trigger_error() with an E_USER_ERROR argument.
- In PhpStorm 2020.1, you can mark any functions as exit points and this will correct the control flow analysis accordingly

Icons for functions with changed behavior via metadata:
- Functions whose behavior was changed using override(), exitPoint(), or expectArguments() will now have an icon in the gutter. Clicking the icon will open the .phpstorm.meta.php file where the behavior was modified.
- You can hide these icons under Preferences/Settings | Editor | General | Gutter Icons

Machine Learning-assisted ranking for code completion:
- Ranking suggestions using machine learning makes it possible to sort the list of suggestions in a more optimal way

How to see ML in action?:
- By default, the ML-assisted ranking is disabled. We don’t want it to take our jobs! To enable it, go to Preferences/Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion and turn on two options: Rank completion suggestions based on Machine Learning and PHP.
- If you enable the option Show position changes in completion popup, then the autocompletion list will show how the order of items has changed
- We plan to prevent AI takeover to continue to work on this feature in the upcoming releases

New inspections:
- A private property can be replaced with a local variable
- The definition of a property will be highlighted if it is used in only one method and is overwritten immediately. In such cases, you can call the “Replace property with local variable” quick-fix with Alt(⌥)+Enter.

Unnecessary property initialization:
- Let’s assume that a private property has a default value in a class, but some other value is immediately assigned to the property in the constructor. In this case, the default value is redundant and only adds noise.
- Unused initializations will be highlighted and can be removed by using the “Remove redundant initializer” quick-fix with Alt(⌥)+Enter
- Change the property type according to the default value in PHP 7.4
- - [email protected]
- Redundant ternary operator:Phpstorm highlights trivial ternary expressions, and you can replace them with simpler ones using the Alt(⌥)+Enter quick-fix
- Using a pass-by-ref may have unexpected consequences, and this is one of the reasons Nikita Popov proposed to Allow explicit call-site pass-by-reference annotation in PHP.
- In the meantime, PhpStorm 2020.1 will highlight parameters that are declared as pass-by-ref but are not used as such. They can be safely removed with a quick-fix with Alt(⌥)+Enter.

The same will work for arrays with a pass-by-ref in foreach loops:
- Removing an unnecessary PHPDoc block that only has type declarations is now easy thanks to a corresponding quick-fix
- Note that by default the inspection is at the Info level, which means that it will not highlight anything. If you want redundant PHPDoc blocks to be highlighted, set the severity level for the Redundant PHPDoc comment inspection to Weak Warning or higher in Preferences/Settings | Editor | Inspections.

Updated “Move method” refactoring:
- Sometimes it makes sense to transfer a method to another class. If this method is used many times throughout the project codebase, PhpStorm can help you.
- Previously, it was necessary first to make the method static, and then to call another action to move a method. In PhpStorm 2020.1, the “Move method” refactoring is redesigned into one atomic action. Unnecessary operations and popups have been removed and everything is done in a single step.
- Put the cursor over the method and press F6 (or Ctrl(⌃)+T, 3). Then select a destination class and you’re done.

PHP Debug in HTTP Client:
- You no longer need to bother with parameters or install the extension in your browser to start debugging. All you need to do is create an HTTP request in an .http file and execute it by running the PHP Debug command, which is available under the Alt(⌥)+Enter menu, or by clicking the play icon gutter_play_tr. As a result, an XDEBUG_SESSION cookie will automatically be added to the request.

And a few more little things for PHP:
- @deprecated elements are displayed as strikethrough in the Structure tree view
- Ctrl(⌘)+F12

Lexer customization for Twig:
- Sometimes you may need to change the tag characters for Twig templates, for example if you are using Angular, which has the same syntax
- You can now do this under Preferences/Settings | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Twig

- Advanced spell checker and grammar corrector
- The Grazie plugin is included in PhpStorm out of the box. It checks your text not only for spelling errors, but for grammar and style errors, too. Grazie supports 16 languages, and all checks are performed locally without sending your data to third parties.
- By default, checks are enabled for text files
- You can also enable Grazie for all string literals, comments, PHPDoc blocks, and commit messages
- For PHP, you can turn Grazie on under Settings/Preferences | Editor | Proofreading | Grammar

LightEdit Mode:
- Sometimes you may need to quickly look through or fix a file. In these cases, opening a whole IDE for a single file seems like overkill, but you still want to make use of highlighting and other helpful features you are used to. That is precisely what LightEdit mode is here for.
- It works like this: if you open a file from the command line or OS context menu and PhpStorm is not running, the file will open in LightEdit. Note, though, that if a full-fledged instance of PhpStorm is active, the file will just open in it.

JetBrains Mono is now the default font:
Zen Mode:
- This mode combines Distraction Free and Fullscreen modes, allowing you to take a deep dive into your code without any distractions
- Enable it under View | Appearance | Enter Zen Mode

Split terminal sessions:
- Instead of opening new tabs and switching between them, you can now split the window and open several sessions in one tab. To do this, select Split Horizontally / Vertically from the context menu.

IntelliJ Light theme:
- The light theme has been updated. It is now unified to look the same on all operating systems, and its name has been changed to IntelliJ Light

Customization of the status bar:
- From the context menu, you can select which information to display on the status bar at the bottom right-hand corner of your IDE window

Unified SSH configuration:
- Previously, you had to reconfigure your SSH connection each time you reused it in the deployment, Remote interpreters, or SSH terminal
- You can now add or edit all SSH connections in a single place under Preferences/Settings | Tools | SSH Configurations and then use them wherever, and as often as, you need them.
- The path to IDE configs has changed;
- Previously, Run Configurations were stored in the .idea folder, which many people add to .gitignore in its entirety (there is a better alternative though). Now you can choose any location to save the Run configuration and share it with your teammates through your VCS. This can be especially convenient when onboarding new employees: pull the project, open it in PhpStorm, and run it with a single click.
- To do this, select the Store as project file option in the Run/Debug configuration dialog, and then click on the gear icon to select the desired path in the project.
- run-configurations_share
- Version Control
- New Commit tool window
- The Commit window is available in non-modal mode and is displayed on the left. This way, it does not keep you from viewing and working on other files while the commit is being prepared. This also allows more information about changes to be displayed on the screen.
- The new Commit tool window is enabled by default for new users but disabled for those who previously had PhpStorm installed.
- You are welcome to activate it with the option Use non-modal commit interface under Preferences / Settings | Version Control | Commit.
- commit_flow
- Improved Git branches workflow
- The current Git branch is specified in the bottom right corner of the IDE window. If you click on it, the window will open the VCS | Git | Branches dialog.
- We’ve added a search bar here. The Refresh button updates the list of remote branches. And we’ve added an indicator for each commit: incoming (blue) or outgoing (green).
- git_branches
- Installing Git from IDE
- When you clone an existing Git repository, PhpStorm will look for the Git executable on your machine, and will offer to download and set it up for you if the IDE can’t locate it.
- Reworked Interactive Rebase workflow
- Git Rebase allows you to rewrite commit history. Now you can quickly get rid of “temporary” commits, correct a message, or rearrange the order of the commits. Of course, you can do all this manually from the terminal, but in PhpStorm you can also see the content of the commit and the diffs.
- To start, you need to select the desired base commit in the commit history. Then select Interactively rebase from here from the context menu.
- git_rebase
- Database Tools
- PhpStorm includes almost all the features of DataGrip out of the box. You can check out What’s new in Database tools for an overview from our colleagues about its new features.

PhpStorm 2019.3.4
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2019.3.3
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2019.3.2
- DB Console: Execution of stored procedures
- Fixed: Customize Menus – Navigation Bar popup menu items are not saving
- Fixed: Switch tab shortcut skips one file with Tab limit = 1
- Fixed: Start tag has wrong closing tag
- Fixed: Unable to remove Services tool window from panel
- Select on Zerofill column
- Fixed: PHPUnit: Invocation with class name is deprecated
- Fixed: UnsupportedOperationException when trying to open Xdebug snapshot
- Fixed: PHP 7.4 fails on a quality tools due to the conflict with libraries (PHPMD)

PhpStorm 2019.3.1
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PhpStorm 2019.3
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PhpStorm 2019.2.5
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PhpStorm 2019.2.4
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PhpStorm 2019.2.3
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PhpStorm 2019.2.2
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2019.2
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2019.1.3 Build 191.7479.51
Notable changes:
- Added support for AngularDart
- Fixed: Changes to my Environment Variables in Configurations aren’t saving
- Fixed: Cmd+E/Ctrl+E doesn’t work for iterating recent files after Recent/Recent edited files union
- Fixed: Pressing the down key in the floating navigation bar closing it, but should show siblings in a popup
- Added warning against usage of private fields in Angular Templates
- Fixed: Performance problem with suggestions and completion in project with redux-saga

JBR 8 was updated to v1.8.0_202-release-1483-b58:
- Fixed the issue with the IDE hanging after logging in on macOS
- Fixed the rotation of fonts with embedded bitmaps

PhpStorm 2019.1.2 Build 191.7141.52
Support Docker for Composer execution:
- The usage of containerized environments by PHP developers is steadily growing by roughly 12% each year – from 18% in 2017, to 30% in 2018, to 42% in 2019, according to The State of Developer Ecosystem Survey. While PhpStorm supports PHP interpreters via Docker and Docker-compose, it still had some parts missing. One of these is Composer integration. You needed a local PHP setup in order to run it. But it could be that this differs from the one you have in your containerized dev environment, or you might not even have a local PHP interpreter at all both of which might cause problems.
- In PhpStorm 2019.1.2, this is finally solved. You are now able to run Composer via any Docker image
- Under Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Composer you can find a new Docker radio button option, where you’ll be able to configure the Docker server (this is not a PHP server), as well as provide an image, the Composer executable name, and the container options.
- This feature is a subset of a broader request to support Composer via any remote PHP interpreter (WI-23544). According to the survey and stats, the main use-case is Docker, which is why we have started with this first. We would like to hear from you on how you like the current implementation, then based on this feedback we will try to improve and expand it to the other use-cases

Support new format of Blade debug info:
- We’ve added support for debugging Blade templates in PhpStorm 2019.1. Due to a bug, the debug info format, which is needed for PhpStorm to map compiled files to original templates, since a change was made in Laravel 5.8.11. The current PhpStorm build brings debugging Blade templates experience back (WI-46191) for Laravel 5.8.11+

Other notable changes:
- Fixed: Open recent menu doesn’t display project group if any
- Fixed: Move Caret to Matching Brace moves to wrong position
- Fixed: Terminal tabs can’t be reordered
- Fixed: High CPU usage, code analysis never completes when resolving references from “reselect” module
- Fixed: JDK 11: Response handler doesn’t work (Nashorn is removed)

PhpStorm 2019.1.1 Build 191.6707.66
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2019.1 Build 191.6707.42
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2019.1 Build 191.4212.35
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.3.3 Build 183.5153.36
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.3.2 Build 183.4886.46

- In the second minor update for the PhpStorm 2018.3, we are happy to bring you DQL Autocompletion! The release also has some bug fixes and improvements for PHP and the Web, and takes on the latest improvements in IntelliJ Platform.

Autocompletion for DQL:
- In the recently released PhpStorm 2018.3, we introduced advanced support for Doctrine Query Language. Continuing to improve the DQL experience in PhpStorm, this time we give you autocompletion for classes and fields.
- It works the same way as autocompletion for PHP. You need to inject DQL language into a string and start typing. PhpStorm will suggest you to a way to complete your statements on the go.
- If you need to call autocompletion manually, just hit Ctrl+Space and see a list of suggestions popping up next to the caret.
- Autocompletion works with class names and fields, inside SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE queries, with SQL function calls, and so on.
- We plan to improve the injection mechanism and work on other improvements. Please let us know how you like the DQL support and what you’d want to see improved.

Other updates worth noting:
- Fixed: IDE hangs when searching in Hebrew+English (IDEA-199367 +28)
- Fixed: MySQL datetime incorrectly shows (DBE-69 +21)
- Fixed: Editor Search/Replace and Find/Replace in Path: font for text input fields is too small (IDEA-106651 +20)
- Fixed: Project update over SSH fails if there are many repositories (IDEA-203005 +7)
- Fixed: IDE hangs indefinitely on PhpDoc auto-generation (WI-44525 +1)

PhpStorm 2018.3.1 Build 183.4588.67
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.3 Build 183.4284.150
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.2.4 Build 182.4505.42

Notable bug fixes:
- When working with tasks and contexts and switching between tasks, IDE will now restore VCS branch and workspace correctly (IDEA-184079 +21)
- Fixed in XML: IDE marks “Element is not allowed here” an Element which is allowed to configure (IDEA-195872 +18)

PhpStorm 2018.2.3 Build 182.4323.68

- This build delivers new features, bug fixes and improvements for PHP and the Web, and takes on the latest enhancements in IntelliJ Platform.

PHP 7.3 Support:
- The first release candidate of PHP 7.3 is already released. The GA of the new version of the PHP interpreter is expected somewhere in mid-December.
- PhpStorm is continuing to add support for new PHP features (WI-42883).

Support for list reference assignment:
- PHP 7.3 introduces the enhancement for list() construction, which allows using references
- You may use the short syntax [] as well

Support for literals as the first operand of instanceof:
- In PHP <7.3 this would cause the “instanceof expects an object instance, constant given” fatal error. In PHP 7.3, the result is always false.

Trailing comma in function calls:
- For a long time in PHP you could add a trailing comma in an array
- In PHP 7.3 it is possible to do same thing for function arguments list
- This works for method calls and closures as well
- This is especially handy when viewing diffs with every parameter located on a new line.
- Note that this only works for function calls, but not function definitions, so the following is not possible

Quick-fix for adding a missing extension to composer.json:
- In PhpStorm 2018.2 we’ve added the new Extension is missing in composer.json inspection. It detects the usages of functions, constants, and classes that rely on PHP extensions not currently listed in composer.json.
- Now, starting from 2018.2.3, you’ll be able to run a quick-fix for such issues: PhpStorm will add the corresponding extension record to composer.json for you.

DQL Support:
- We plan to fully support Doctrine Query Language (DQL) (WI-9948) in the upcoming PhpStorm 2018.3 major release. You may check out initial support in 2018.3 EAP. Meanwhile, in this release, injections of SQL inside text literals will be automatically disabled for strings with DQL identifiers. This will eliminate false positives and make your files clean from warnings.

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Fixed: LoginToGithub dialog invoked from CloneRepository dialog hides immediately
- Fixed: Vue.j SFC not resolving @ alias with @vue/cli 3 if vue is installed in a subfolder
- More options creating Angular Cli project
- Fixed: Cannot attach to remote nodejs after upgrade to 2018.2

PhpStorm 2018.2.2 Build 182.4129.45
Platform updates:
- The database tools now support ClickHouse out of the box
- Fixed a couple of performance issues related to VCS (file scanning)

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- PHPUnit: rerun failed tests now works for “defined in configuration file” run configuration
- Debugging maximum simultaneous connection configuration setting is now set to 3 by default
- Fixed completion for interfaces
- Fixed “Deployed file is on server removed” stuck since update 2018.2

PhpStorm 2018.2.1 Build 182.3911.43
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.2 Build 182.3684.42

Custom postfix completion templates:
- Postfix code completion has existed in PhpStorm since version 9, but only provided a limited number of predefined templates. PhpStorm 2018.2 takes postfix completion to the next level by allowing you to add custom postfix completion templates. Create templates to match your project and your personal coding style!

FQCN Completion:
- Completion now matches the namespace in addition to the element name. You don’t have to type or invoke completion for each part of IlluminateAuthEvents anymore – just type IAuE instead.

Move Instance Method Refactoring:
- PhpStorm already the Pull Up/Push Down and Make Static/Move Static Method refactorings that help you move methods around. For handling the methods that cannot be made static or moved across the class hierarchy, PhpStorm 2018.2 introduces a refactoring that allows for moving an instance method to a parameter class or to a field class. Simply invoke the Move refactoring on a method declaration, and, if the new refactoring can be applied, you will see a dialog prompting you to choose the target class.

PHP Language:
Structural Search and Replace:
- In PhpStorm 2018.2, we’ve completely reworked Structural Search and Replace for PHP, which offers lots of new capabilities and greatly simplifies patterns creation. Now you can specify the type of Structural variable, which lets you, for example, find a call to the specific method where the first parameter is a string. You can use a simple pattern to find a foreach loop with an unconditional return statement, or even create your own inspection that will capture an unnecessarily double-quoted string, if your code style enforces this

Improved SQL Injections:
- In version 8, PhpStorm introduced basic support for string concatenations in Language Injections. The dynamic nature of the resulting strings and the strictness of the SQL parser caused a lot of false positive errors in SQL. In PhpStorm 2018.2, we’ve eliminated most such errors and introduced some new features, too. PhpStorm can now substitute the values of constants directly within the injected string, so you can run a query without copy-pasting their values. In addition, we’ve added support for SQL strings that use sprintf parameters

New Inspections and Quick Fixes:
PhpStorm 2018.2 delivers handy new inspections such as:
- Extension is missing in composer.json reports usages of classes/functions/constants from PHP extensions which are not specified in composer.json
- Non-canonical order of elements in PHPDoc reports tags such as @property, @param, @var, etc. that use a non-canonical order of elements e.g. name Type instead of Type name.
- Optional parameter before required parameter detects situations when an optional parameter appears before required parameters in a function/method declaration.

Web Technologies Support:
New JavaScript Intentions:
- To make you even more productive when working with JavaScript and TypeScript, PhpStorm has a bunch of new intentions that are available when you press Alt-Enter. Here are just some of them: Implement interface, Create derived class, Implement members of an interface or abstract class, Generate cases for switch, and Iterate with for..of.

Completion for events in Vue.js:
- In Vue templates, PhpStorm now provides code completion for events. Event names are suggested after v-on: or if you use the shorthand notation @event. There’s also code completion for event modifiers.
- As usual, all the features and improvements of WebStorm are available in PhpStorm, either out of the box or with free plugins available in the repository. Other noteworthy web-related features include TypeScript 2.9 and 3.0 support, the new Code Coverage feature that helps to find unused code, extract and convert React component refactoring, new integrations with Angular CLI, global file watchers, rerun failed tests and other.

IDE Improvements:
Updated UI:
- We’ve rolled out brand new icons and dark title bars on macOS. Furthermore, PhpStorm 2018.2 brings support for the MacBook Touch Bar! Run and debug your project, commit changes, and update the project right from the Touch Bar

Version control comes with the following changes:
- Easier resolve of merge conflicts
- Enhancements in VCS Log tab
- Browse repository at revision
- Multiple GitHub accounts
- Skip the Push dialog

Database Tools:
Database tools in PhpStorm have been improved thanks to our colleagues from the DataGrip team:
- New SQL formatter
- Source code migrations
- Query plan diagram
- Custom data source

Other improvements:
- Customizable value for $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
- Simple CodeSniffer/MessDetector setup
- The new presentation for Quick Documentation
- Allow renaming old style constructor to the new style
- New Add @method tag quick fix for Undefined method
- Add method quick fix now inserts parameter type hints
- PHPUnit composite configuration
- Jump outside closing bracket/quote with Tab
- HTTP Client: Support environment variables in the request body
- HTTP Client: Support formatting of POST request body
- Docker: navigate from compose nodes and containers
- Docker: wrapping words in Docker logs

PhpStorm 2018.1.6 Build 181.5281.35
- This build fixes the issue with the Register action: IDEA-193747

PhpStorm 2018.1.5 Build 181.5281.19
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.1.4 Build 181.5087.24
- Fixes for PHP Remote Interpreters (Docker/Docker-Compose and Vagrant)
- Compiling PL/SQL code with actual errors
- Support of conditional compilation flags in pl/sql code
- Show inferred type in Flow in Brief Info

PhpStorm 2018.1.3 Build 181.4892.97

- This build delivers new features, bug fixes and improvements for PHP and the Web, and takes on the latest improvements in IntelliJ Platform

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- void return type is not autocompleted WI-41850
- Find in Path” shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+F) not working in “Find in Path” preview window IDEA-189447
- Replace all’ confirmation popup is out of focus IDEA-186587
- Run configuration drop down menu does not show the full name of the test being selected IDEA-182763
- Wrong commit and push buttons rendering IDEA-190206
- Don’t add renamed or moved files to git index unless configured to do so IDEA-118140
- Default run/debug configurations are not saved IDEA-189444

PhpStorm 2018.1.2 Build 181.4668.78

Syntax Highlighting in Quick Definition:
- Using the Quick Definition popup became more convenient: with added syntax highlighting, you can now read what exactly a function or a class is doing, without losing your current context.
- Flexible configuration of imports from the global namespace
- In the previous versions of PhpStorm, you could choose to either import everything (functions, classes, constants) from the global namespace or use FQN for functions and constants. We’ve listened to your feedback and realized that more flexibility is sometimes required. In PhpStorm 2018.1.2, you can control auto-import separately for classes, functions, and constants
- For classes, you can choose between “insert FQN” and “prefer import” (PhpStorm will insert import if this doesn’t result in a conflict). For functions and constants, the options are “insert FQN”, “prefer import”, and “prefer fallback” (you can refer to the PHP documentation for its exact meaning)

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Collapsing tree node does not collapses all subnodes (regression)
- Command Line Tools Console – Cursor Not In Run Box
- Incorrect variable name during phpDoc generation for field in case inferred type in constructor $this
- Goto definition’ on ‘new expression’ targeting parent class __construct instead of referenced class
- Provide the ability to disable tooltips in editor without disabling inspections
- Subversion File History not working for links with spaces
- Typescript readonly type inference from const
- Add option to omit JsDoc types for TypeScript code

PhpStorm 2018.1.1 Build 181.4445.72

File-level suppression to PHP inspections:
- PhpStorm provides a lot of inspections to catch all sort of errors in your code, but it may occur that some particular code shouldn’t follow the standards set for the whole project. In previous PhpStorm versions, you were able to suppress a warning for a particular statement or declaration. PhpStorm 2018.1.1 brings the ability to suppress an inspection for the whole file: just add /**@noinspection <inspection_name> */ right after the first opening PHP tag or press ALT+Enter on the inspection warning and select Suppress for file in the submenu. You can also use /**@noinspection ALL */ to suppress all inspection for the file.

Required plugins for a project:
- Suppose you’ve found an essential plugin that would help a lot with developing your project (Symfony or PHP Annotations plugins are good examples of such plugins), and you want to make sure that everybody on your team is on the same page. Previously there was no way to let your colleagues know about the plugins without talking to them or writing the readme file. PhpStorm 2018.1.1 introduces Required plugins, which you can locate under Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Required Plugins. You can specify the plugins and their exact versions as the project’s requirements. After you’ve set them, PhpStorm will notify if the required plugins are missing or need an update.

Go to Type action:
- You might have already used the Navigate | Type declaration action when working with JavaScript or when using our other IDEs. It lets you navigate to the type declaration from any expression, and now it is available in PHP, as well.

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Incorrect ‘find usages’ / refactoring of __constructor of parent class WI-19518
- Indexing of large files WI-41378
- Deployment: context menu is missing if no default server is selected WI-40826
- Docker-compose: output isn’t shown WI-41002
- Keystrokes lost during freezing IDEA-186636
- CommonJS: properties of function object returned by exported module not resolved WEB-24161
- DESC/DESCRIBE in read-only mode DBE-397

PhpStorm 2018.1 Build 181.4203.565

PHP Language:
- Inline function/method refactoring
- Refactor your code to functional style
- Configurable unchecked exceptions
- Goto Symbol navigation improvements
- Hierarchy checks for class aliases

- Creating class from test
- Codeception: code coverage
- Better @covers support
- Gutter icons for running tests

HTTP Client:
- Assertions support
- Simplified first start

PhpStorm 2017.3.6 Build 173.4674.46
Bug fixes and features:
- PhpStorm v2017.3.4 & Codeception v2.4.0 incompatibility WI-40950

PhpStorm 2017.3.5 Build 173.4674.45
- Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning
- Fixed: Built-in SSH: does not support strong security ciphers – Cannot negotiate, proposals do not match IDEA-140196
- PhpStorm v2017.3.4 & Codeception v2.4.0 incompatibility WI-40950
- Fixed: Multiple “Updating indices” bg tasks after external file system changes IDEA-123287
- Fixed: Autocomplete too fast and leads to errors when inputting a number DBE-4965
- Fixed: Hide MySQL Collations & Schemas DBE-5557
- Fixed: Database Console name in Files have turned into guids DBE-5904

PhpStorm 2017.3.4 Build 173.4548.32
- Allow UI scale exceed 2x
- Multiple “Updating indices” bg tasks after external file system changes
- Evaluate window: cannot TAB from expression into results tree

PhpStorm 2017.3.3 Build 173.4301.34

REST Client: Auto-formatting of responses:
- In this build, we’ve implemented one of the new REST client’s most voted features: auto-formatting of request results. PhpStorm analyses Content-Type and formats the response accordingly. If type detection has failed for some reason, you can still choose between JSON, HTML and XML formatting manually. To see the original response, you can select the View as Text formatting type

Highlighting call-site in case of pass-by-reference:
- PHP 7.3 may introduce “Explicit call-site pass-by-reference” (RFC) that will allow prepending of a call-site argument with &. This should help to understand the code and notice possible unexpected changes of a variable. It’s still a year till the 7.3 release, but why wait?
- In this build, we’ve extended parameter hints with pass-by-reference visualization that will help you find a function or a method call that has reference declaration in a parameter. The new parameter hints will be shown for all arguments that are actually passed by reference. Please share your feedback about the new feature!

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Fixed: Short syntax array destructuring does not allow skipping values: WI-34517
- Fixed: Unhandled exception: doesn’t analyze “new MyClass” (constructor) expression: WI-37946
- Fixed: Broken “Change to” spelling quickfix in the Commit dialog: WI-39142
- PHP New Class now saves previously selected template: WI-39427
- Fixed: “Can’t run 32-bit version on Windows”: JRE-590
- Fixed: All run configurations lost after upgrade to 2017.3: IDEA-182966
- Fixed: Tool Window docking issue IDEA-149061
- Fixed: FETCH ALL IN returns error org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4ResultSet: DBE-2465
- Fixed: DataGrip does not recognize Redshift’s WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING clause: DBE-5404

PhpStorm 2017.3.2 Build 173.4127.29
Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Unhandled exception shouldn’t be reported for tests with @expectedException
- Improved discoverability of Recursive Search in Find Window

PhpStorm 2017.3.1 Build 173.3942.32
- Support custom templates variables in ‘new class’ dialog
- Fix “Structure view is always collapsed”
- Fix Tool Window docking issue
- Fix “Unable to update issue state from Open Task dialog”

PhpStorm 2017.3 Build 173.3757.138
- Brand new editor-based REST client. With the new REST client, all the powers of the PhpStorm code editor are now available for your REST requests.
- Significant performance improvements. Typing latency in very complex PHP files has decreased significantly. We've examined typing latency in the mPDF main file, which is a 38k-line-long mix of PHP, JS, and HTML, and it is down by 75% in PhpStorm 2017.3!
- New inspections for exception handling. Three new inspection Unhandled exception, Redundant @throws and Redundant catch clause with corresponding Quick Fixes will help you take exceptions under your control!
- Test generation improvements. Now you can create Codespec and PhpSpec classes and create test methods!
- Improved Twig support. We've implemented language injections for Twig custom tags and named blocks as well as improved Twig formatting that can now handle complex structures.

Microsoft To Do 2.14.3872 查看版本資訊


FlashBack Pro 5.43.0 Build 4572 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

FlashBack Pro 5.43.0 Build 4572
- recording an ASIO audio source prevented other audio sources from being recorded
- various fixes to joining movies
- application would close immediately on detecting a cancelled licence instead of giving the user the chance to change it
- FlashBack would crash if the application exceeded its YouTube daily upload quota
- Player timeline scrolling could break during playback when running on >100% Windows scaling
- keyboard and mouse click sounds could be exported incorrectly

- Improvements to the Recorder user interface
- Simplifications to Zoom and Crop effects in the Player
- Improvements to the Player user interface

FlashBack Pro 5.42.0 Build 4556
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.41.0 Build 4534
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.39.0 Build 4506
- Fix: error in the startup process that recovers recordings that were interrupted by a PC crash
- Option to use FlashBack Player in either DPI-aware (sharp text and images) or non-DPI-aware (scaled up and slightly blurry) mode. Go to Tools -> Player Options -> Appearance
- Fix: error in the process where FlashBack offers to optimise a recording (convert GDI mode FBR file to MPEG mode)
- Adds option to use “legacy” capture method, since the new high performance method added in v5.37 can cause problems on portrait monitors and on key capture on some PCs
- Improves appearance of the central toolbar on smaller screens by hiding labels and controls to make everything fit
- Warns that upload of files > 1Gb to FlashBack Connect could take some time

FlashBack Pro 5.38.0 Build 4495
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.37.0 Build 4480
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.36.0 Build 4417
- movies with large dimensions were not exported correctly to MP4 format using the openh264 codec
- movies with large dimensions were not played correctly in EXE exports
- it was possible for users with an expired Pro trial licence to be unable to enter a new licence key
- problem exporting movies with only one audio channel
- it was possible for a scheduled recording to try to display a message, blocking unattended recording

FlashBack Pro 5.35.0 Build 4408
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.34.0 Build 4397
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.33.0 Build 4392
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.31.0 Build 4361
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.30.0 Build 4329
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.29.0 Build 4318
- Change log not available for this version

FlashBack Pro 5.29.0 Build 4315
- Fix (Pro only): problem with keyframes in imported video files
- Fix: audio was corrupted on export to QuickTime and MP4 formats, in v5.28
- Fix (Pro only): copy-pasting a textbox that paused the movie while being displayed for a set duration, did not copy the pause

FlashBack Pro 5.28.0 Build 4309
- Records from ASIO audio devices
- Fix: possible crash when webcam is unavailable
- Improves appearance of localised versions of FlashBack when running on English Windows.
- Improves audio quality when exporting to MP4 with openh264 codec.
- Color codes objects in the timeline bars.
- Fix: incorrect naming of microphone and ‘pc sounds’ sound tracks
- Adds MP4 and AVI export formats to FlashBack Express
- Fix: the ‘Minimise when recording’ menu item in recorder would appear to be ‘on’ when it was actually set ‘off’ and vice-versa

FlashBack Pro 5.27.0 Build 4280
- Fix: opening FBR files with a very long folder path name produced an error
- Fix: crash on player close
- Fix: crash on startup due to FBConnect upload agent
- Fix: player did not remember the folder last opened between sessions
- Fix: issue where the Recorder tried to save to the Temp folder
- Added an 'Export' option to the post-recording dialog
- Fix: identically named sound sources caused an issue where they could not be recorded
- Increased maximum webcam FPS to 30

FlashBack Pro 5.26.0 Build 4259
- Fix: when the webcam preview window is first shown, some webcams could be incorrectly displayed
- Fix: a 'division by zero' error could be displayed on WMV import
- Fix: a problem exporting to Quicktime when the movie contained pauses
- Fix: Express batch exporter should only export top WMV format
- Fix: cannot hide webcam if frames are selected in which it is not displayed
- Simplifies scaling options for MP4 exports
- Fix: crash in batch export for some FBR files
- Increased maximum webcam FPS to 30
- Fix: identically named sound sources caused an issue
- Recordings now opened by default when recording stops, for PCs with 8Gb and above
- Fix: Recorder could try to save as to the temp folder when file size limiting was used
- Fix: when using the 'Open' function, the Player was not defaulting to the previously used folder

FlashBack Pro 5.25.0 Build 4229
- Fix: improvements to webcam capture code (now uses MSMF)
- Fix: Flashback Connect upload form - movie names could overlap 'copy' and 'open' links
- Fix: recording could freeze if the webcam was not initialized correctly
- Licence now only downloaded once when multiple instances of FlashBack are run
- Player is pre-loaded only for PCs with 8gb and higher RAM
- Fix: sound source names containing Japanese characters could not be selected for recording
- Fix: MPEG recording mode quality level setting was not saved
- Added tooltip hint for volume level controls
- Fix: the help text for FBAPI wrongly stated that it was only available for TestAssistant
- Fix: added workaround for exception in Win 32 SaveAs function
- Added option to turn off/on Player pre-loading for previewing recordings
- Fix: incorrect audio formats could be displayed when there are no audio recording sources

FlashBack Pro 5.24.0 Build 4208
- Fix: message about requesting an express licence could be displayed when running Pro

FlashBack Pro 5.23.0 Build 4205
- Express now displays 'Try Pro' panel
- Changed how unsaved temporary files are handled - its believed this could be causing file corruption
- Fix: various problems could be caused when the FPS of an inserted MPEG movie was different from the movie it was inserted into
- Fix: transitions could be displayed incorrectly when changing the duration of objects before the transition so that they are displayed at the start of the transition
- Fix: incorrect webcam preview displayed when rotation was enabled
- Improved memory handling of very large movie files
- Improved EXE player performance for MPEG movies
- Added support for NV12 format in import of AVI files
- For command line recording of a region, the region selection dialog is no longer shown
- Added workaround for issue with the progress form displayed during the stop recording operation
- Fix: the default Windows audio recording source could not appear in the 'mic' list. We now list all non-mic and non-pc speakers sources in the 'mic' list.
- Fix: when running from the command line on a PC with multiple monitors, the monitor selection dialog no longer appears
- Fix: to the GDI to MPEG format converter
- Fix: dragging an image across a transition could cause an error in special cases
- Fix: inserting frames into an MPEG movie, when the MPEG track had different FPS than the FBR could cause issues

FlashBack Pro 5.22.0 Build 4178
- Fix: The layout of the recorder window could be incorrect after maximising and minimising
- Fix: could not upload to Youtube, due to API changes

FlashBack Pro 5.21.0 Build 4172
- Adds note about business-personal licensing to licence.rtf
- Removes 'Webcam' title from webcam recording window
- Fix: incorrect drawing of sound clips
- Fix: 'webcam-only' recordings no longer prompt you to review/save/discard when recording stops - you can only save them
- Implemented 'Resync waveform with audio' feature
- Fix: rapid deleting, selecting and playback could cause a freeze in player

FlashBack Pro 5.20.0 Build 4158
- Fix: improved the process to move-copy the temp recording file to prevent possible errors.
- Added option to rotate webcam image 180 degrees.
- Fix: Recorder did not remember the last folder used in the file -> Open Movie feature.
- Fix: the GDI -> MPEG movie conversion utility was creating broken movies.
- Fix: problems with transitions - when objects were in the final frame of the transition, and in updating the transition cache.
- Fix: unicode characters in textbox and button style names caused an error.
- Fix: improved efficiency of processing the crash tracking file.
- Fix: if the review option was being used from the Recorder when recording stops, and the movie triggered a request to convert it to MPEG mode in Player, this could cause a Player crash.
- Improved the About, Splash and Welcome dialogs for high-DPI monitors
- Moves the UI to record windows and regions to the main recorder window

JoyToKey 6.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Minor bug fixes

Cacher 2.23.1 查看版本資訊


Microsoft OneNote 2016 Build 12624.20382 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Resolved issues:
- Improved sync and server stability by temporarily disabling moving pages into the recycle bin. Users who want to delete a page will instead be shown a dialog asking if they'd want to permanently delete the page.
- Inform users through the InfoBar about temporary adjustments in Microsoft OneNote that will help improve sync and service availability during high worldwide usage.
- Improved sync and service stability by temporarily altering how frequently page version histories are created

- Fixed an issue where the user couldn't enter time-phased Baseline Work when the setting to protect actual work is on

SplitCam 10.3.21 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added restream functionality to minimize network load for multiple streams. SplitCam uses its own restream located in USA and Europe to provide this functionality
- Added splash screen on program startup
- Added system provided webcam settings dialog
- SplitCam now supports Video Image Source plugins

- Optimized screen capture code to give higher quality and less CPU usage
- Higher quality of text in Text layers
- Updated SSL third party libraries to latest versions
- Additional search methods added for delay-loaded DLLs
- AMD GPU detection code update
- Disabled selecting SplitCam virtual webcam when physical webcam was disconnected between program sessions
- Updated setup project to address errors during installation
- Disabled forced AMD GPU detection
- Disabled GPU driver update dialog
- Changed the order of media layers in UI
Streams window now stays visible when mouse-clicking outside of it. To close the window click the Stream - Settings button again

- Selection frame remains on screen after the webcam is deleted from default project
- Working with non-transparent GIFs
- Program crashed on some systems not having Visual C redistributables installed
- Random crashes on program exit
- Address the issue when a hung copy of SplitCam remains running after the program exit
- Crash in audio list items update list in rare cases of scene switching
- Some minor issues with ipcamera
- Addressed minor issues with streaming code
- Fixed disappearing main scene preview after some modal dialog is closed