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最新版本 FeedDemon

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FeedDemon 是一個 Windows 的 RSS 閱讀器。易於使用的界面讓您隨時了解最新的新聞和信息。您可以完全自定義 Feed 的組織和顯示方式,並根據關鍵字設置自定義的新聞手錶。您甚至可以下載播客和音頻文件,並將它們顯示在便攜式音頻設備上。此外,FeedDemon 現在與 News Gator Online 和 News Gator RSS Suite 的其餘部分同步。該軟件預先配置了幾... FeedDemon 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Google Reader synchronization has been removed due to the demise of Google Reader
- FeedDemon is now free and no longer contains ads

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What's new in this version:

- Removed: Sharing features that relied on Google Reader 
- Added: "Most Visited" and "Recently Closed" added to new tab page
- Added: "Photo Strip" newspaper style (Pro version only)
- Added: Improved relevancy of recommended articles
- Added: Ctr+0 shortcut to return the embedded browser to normal (100%) zoom
- Changed: Improved initial startup time
- Changed: Hiding all buttons on a toolbar now hides the toolbar itself
- Changed: FeedDemon now asks whether to assign feeds to a content filter after creating it
- Fixed: Sporadic crashes showing context menus after upgrading to IE9
- Fixed: Potential nuisance flaw in feed preview which could allow external feed to display popups 
- Fixed: "My Stream" doesn't update when FeedDemon isn't the active application and the stream is not undocked
- Fixed: Dragging a feed into another folder doesn't re-sort the destination folder
- Fixed: Longer URLs in the address bar appear beneath feed and share icons
- Fixed: Spurious "new items received" message when viewing all unread items
- Fixed: Auto-downloading of enclosures enabled in v3 causes Lite v4 to open enclosures in browser
- Fixed: Flicker caused by images of people you follow when unread/starred counts are updated on subscription home page
- Fixed: Tray icon still indicates unread articles if update is cancelled and all articles have been read
- Fixed: Updating a single folder may fail if a previous folder update was cancelled
- Fixed: Links in the stream browser are opened in an external browser if they use target="_blank"
- Fixed: Watches fail to group articles by their source feed when grouping by feed in Surfer style
- Fixed: Incorrect display of Twitter search feeds in "My Stream"
- Fixed: Incorrect date grouping in news item list
- Fixed: Unicode characters may cause "Find New Feeds" to fail in certain locales
- Fixed: Leading spaces in article links cause them to fail when opened in external IE7/IE8
- Fixed: "Send to Twitter" no longer works
- Fixed: "Send to Delicious" no longer works
- Fixed: FeedDemon fails to login to Google Apps accounts that use same email address as "normal" Google account
- Fixed: YouTube and Vimeo HTML5 videos fail to appear in FeedDemon's newspaper
- Fixed: Feed preview launches external browser for embedded videos in feeds
- Fixed: Buttons obscured in feed selection dialog when using font size other than default
- Removed: "Enable transitions" removed from the Appearance tab in Options (due to compatibility issues with IE9)

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What's new in this version:

- Added: When FeedStation detects that a download failed due to a busy server, it now waits a few minutes instead of retrying immediately
- Added: "T" newspaper shortcut added to translate article (required changing existing "New Tab" shortcut from "T" to "N")
- Changed: Enclosure links are now shown in the Lite version
- Changed: "Share this Page" removed from status bar and moved to address bar icon when external page is showing
- Changed: "Toggle Read" in the news item list context menu replaced with "Mark Read" (Ctrl+Q)
- Fixed: FeedDemon shows in the taskbar on Windows 7 regardless of the "show in system tray" setting
- Fixed: "My Stream" incorrectly aligned immediately after purchasing serial number

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What's new in this version:

- Added: My Stream - shows all starred posts, and all unread posts from the last 24 hours, in selected feeds. Designed to work best with frequently-updating status feeds (Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, etc.)
- Added: Significant performance improvements throughout (thanks to SQLite 3.7)
- Added: Completely redesigned newspapers and reports
- Added: New "Speed Reader" and "Time Cards" newspaper styles
- Added: The "Share" newspaper icon now has a dropdown menu which replaces the annotate, email and "send to" icons
- Added: Newspaper styles can be assigned to individual watches
- Added: The subscription tree now enables viewing all items published today and yesterday
- Added: Search box added to newspaper, which enables searching only the posts displayed in the newspaper
- Added: Search results can now be opened in a new browser tab
- Added: OAuth support for Twitter feeds (here's why)
- Added: Watches can now be limited to specific folders
- Added: Significant synchronization optimizations that should result in far less traffic between FeedDemon and Google Reader for many customers
- Added: Different background color to distinguish between multiple watch keywords
- Added: HTTP error report now enables updating all feeds with errors
- Added: Added Facebook to list of search providers
- Added: The address bar no longer shows http:// in URLs unless it has the focus
- Added: Holding Shift+Delete in FeedStation deletes the selected files instead of sending them to the recycle bin
- Added: "Source" column added to FeedStation
- Added: FeedDemon now uses a built-in updater which can download and install the latest version without having to visit the download page in your browser
- Added: "Z" newspaper shortcut key which toggles the content size (Surfer style only)
- Added: "Add Feed" dialog now lets you know right away whether the feed title already exists
- Added: Ctrl= and Ctrl- now zoom the browser
- Added: Recently-published items appear in the newspaper dated "5 minutes ago," "1 hour ago," etc.
- Added: "Show thumbnail images for summaries" added to Reading tab in Options
- Added: "Reopen Closed Tab" (Shift+Ctrl+T) added to browser menu
- Added: Twitter feeds are automatically converted from RSS to Atom (since unlike the RSS version, the Atom version contains profile images). This may result in some initial duplication in Twitter feeds.
- Added: "Share this Page" added to Browse menu and tabbed browser context menu
- Added: Windows 7 taskbar icon now shows overlay when new items are received and when working offline
- Added: "Read it Later" added to share menu
- Added: FeedDemon now adjusts the update frequency of Twitter feeds when rate limiting is detected
- Added: Extra error information added to event log report for Twitter errors
- Changed: Starred items no longer count towards the max number of items kept in a feed (ex: if the feed is set to keep 100 items but five of them are starred, then 105 items will be kept)
- Changed: When grouping by starred in the news item list, starred items are now shown first
- Changed: When the login for an authenticated feed is invalid, the login dialog now only displays if FeedDemon isn't minimized and a full-screen application (such as a game) isn't active
- Changed: FeedDemon now checks for items unshared from another location
- Changed: Newspaper styles now use the extension FDXSL4 and language files use the extension FDLANG4
- Changed: "Find New Feeds" now uses Google Reader's feed finder
- Changed: Search-related features have been moved to the Tools menu
- Changed: Replaced toolbar icons in FeedStation
- Changed: "Export Event Log" has been replaced with a new "Event Log Report" (View > Reports > FeedDemon Event Log). Note that you should rarely need to use this feature - it's really only there to help track down problems.
- Changed: "Text Size" menu replaced with "Zoom" menu
- Changed: Dropped the odd/even row coloring in Surfer style
- Changed: Share, Tag, and More icons in newspaper changed to simple caption-less dropdown menus
- Changed: FeedDemon now defaults to never showing in the system tray on Windows 7
- Changed: "News items" are now called "articles"
- Changed: "Mark Read" and "Mark Unread" have been combined into single "Toggle Read" action
- Fixed: Feed properties dialog permits a blank feed URL
- Fixed: Scientific American podcasts are incorrectly downloaded with a CFM extension
- Fixed: Grouping by category in the news item list doesn't work
- Fixed: CPU spikes when updating a single feed in HTTP error report
- Fixed: Prefetch-related error messages in the status bar disappear too quickly to be read
- Fixed: Tags still appear in FeedDemon after deleting all tags in Google Reader
- Fixed: FeedStation doesn't show HTTP status code for failed downloads
- Fixed: FeedStation's error log shows bogus "error synching" messages
- Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't recognize the URLs of FDLANGs if they contain a query string
- Fixed: Subscription report doesn't remove publisher's inline styles from hyperlinks
- Fixed: Duplicates appear when re-running a watch that contains multiple keywords
- Fixed: Re-running a watch adds more items than should be kept for that watch
- Fixed: "Shared by People I Follow" shows duplicates of posts that already exist in your subscriptions
- Fixed: FeedDemon fails to runs in IE8 Standards Mode
- Fixed: Navigating items using newspaper shortcuts is inaccurate
- Fixed: Enter key doesn't expand focused newspaper item
- Fixed: "Time Cards" style missing background on 64-bit Windows 7
- Fixed: Potential buffer overflow when a very long string is entered in the subscription wizard (hat tip to Luis Santana for reporting this)
- Fixed: Not enough contrast between odd rows and focused row in Surfer newspaper
- Fixed: Long headlines in Surfer newspaper are truncated
- Fixed: Unnecessary repainting/flicker of subscriptions after hitting "Next Unread" when viewing all unread items
- Fixed: Importing OPML into synched folders fails if any of the imported feeds have invalid URLs
- Fixed: Clicking a menu item is treated as a click in the newspaper when the menu appears over the newspaper
- Fixed: Time Cards style shows only a thumbnail for some comic strip feeds
- Fixed: Incorrect encoding of Twitter logins prevents updating Twitter feeds
- Fixed: Jack Brewster says I didn't warn you that installing pre-release software may impregnate your cat
- Fixed: HTML in feed title causes problems in newspaper
- Fixed: First item isn't automatically focused in newspaper
- Fixed: IE8 document compatibility registry key is set every time FeedDemon starts
- Fixed: "More" menu in newspaper doesn't enable adding to (deprecated) clippings
- Fixed: Unsharing an item in "Shared by Me" doesn't remove it from the newspaper
- Fixed: Crash when loading a feed or folder that uses an older newspaper style
- Fixed: Missing header icon in surfer which marks group as read
- Fixed: Large images may overlap description in newspaper
- Fixed: Incorrect odd/even row coloring in Surfer style
- Fixed: Unicode URLs still fail to open in external browser
- Fixed: Can't select mapped drive from Manage Cache > Backup
- Fixed: FeedDemon's sanitizer strips CSS height/width values even if they're within a reasonable range
- Fixed: Subscription Home isn't fully viewable when the screen resolution is 1024x768
- Fixed: Subtle flicker in subscription tree when marking individual items read
- Fixed: Shared items context menu doesn't enable marking all shared items read
- Fixed: Older items tagged in Google Reader don't always appear in FeedDemon
- Fixed: Ugly "new items" tray icon
- Fixed: "Missing msvcr71.dll" error when using embedded ordering wizard on Windows 7
- Fixed: Subtle bug using J/K to navigate the newspaper which causes headline to be out of view
- Fixed: News item list incorrectly groups items published at midnight
- Fixed: Items marked as "keep unread" in Google Reader don't appear as unread in FeedDemon
- Fixed: PRE sections in item descriptions may overflow
- Fixed: Subscription report displays after sync even when it shouldn't be shown
- Fixed: Subscriptions home page shows truncated text when "increase newspaper font size" is enabled
- Fixed: goo.gl and bit.ly information links treated as short URLs
- Fixed: Images in reddit.com feeds disappear when item expanded
- Fixed: Numeric values in feed/folder properties don't allow cut/copy/paste shortcuts
- Fixed: Newspaper grouping always shows in English
- Fixed: Tabbed browser re-opens URLs in the wrong order
- Fixed: Unsubscribe confirmation dialog doesn't display Unicode characters
- Fixed: MediaRSS thumbnails not extracted from Blogger Atom feeds
- Fixed: Invalid nesting of tags in Expando style
- Fixed: "New items received" message doesn't appear when viewing all unread items
- Fixed: FeedStation spikes the CPU when updating progress bar during a download
- Fixed: FeedDemon permits using commas in folder names even though they're not supported by Google Reader
- Fixed: FeedDemon fails to ask to go online at startup if it was exited while working offline and "remember my login" is disabled in sync options
- Fixed: Installer uses invalid certificate
- Fixed: Missing "open in new tab" icon when showing headlines
- Fixed: Items shared by you show up in "Shared by people I follow" even if nobody else shared them
- Fixed: Feeds added to Google Reader outside this copy of FeedDemon don't show all unread items
- Fixed: "Popular in my Subscriptions" contains older posts from people you follow
- Fixed: Tag menu doesn't show the most-used tags
- Fixed: Watches aren't regularly purged of older items
- Fixed: Watches containing many future-dated items may fail to show new items
- Fixed: "Shared by People I Follow" profile images are re-downloaded every time they're displayed
- Fixed: News item list still shows unread items after marking all feeds read
- Fixed: News item list incorrectly displays Unicode category, source and author, and also fails to display Unicode group headers correctly
- Fixed: Newspaper shortcuts for previous/next page may cause browser to lose focus
- Fixed: Subscription report shows thumbnails and friend images even when "Optimize for slow connections" is enabled
- Fixed: Feeds and watches aren't re-sorted when their title is changed
- Fixed: FeedStation doesn't remember downloads if it closes due to Windows shutting down
- Fixed: Titles cut off last character when they contain HTML
- Fixed: If FeedDemon is minimized using WindowsKey+DownArrow, it restores as a minimized window about the taskbar

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What's new in this version:

- Added: After you subscribe to a feed, FeedDemon now request the most recent 100 articles in that feed (regardless of date)
- Added: t.co and twt.tl added to short URL preview
- Changed: When using Options > Passwords to edit the login for a feed, FeedDemon now detects when you have multiple feeds in the same domain with the same login as the feed being edited, and if so prompts whether to change all their logins to match
- Changed: Content filter feed selection dialog can now be resized
- Changed: Per-feed prefetch options have been removed
- Changed: "Like" icon changed to "Thumbs Up" icon
- Changed: Search keyword is now automatically selected in "Search Subscriptions" dialog
- Fixed: SharePoint feeds fail to update due to bad ETags
- Fixed: Watches ignore items in "People I Follow"
- Fixed: Print and Print Preview dialogs fall behind main window when printing a FeedDemon newspaper
- Fixed: Feed, folder and item titles that begin with a number aren't sorted numerically when sorting by title

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What's new in this version:

- Added: Significant performance improvement to "Subscriptions Home" report
- Added: "Send To" now supports passing the current selection via a {selected-text} token
- Changed: FeedStation added back to Tools menu
- Changed: "Export Event Log" no longer prompts for options
- Changed: Google Reader authentication rewritten due to changes in Google's authentication API
- Changed: "Popular in My Subscriptions" now skips nofollow links
- Changed: Redesigned popular topics
- Changed: Slight redesign of subscription report (including removal of backup notice)
- Fixed: Send To Delicious fails unless you're already logged into Delicious
- Fixed: Titles of shared items don't reflect language change until restart
- Fixed: Dinosaur report doesn't include feeds that have never updated
- Fixed: Newspaper export doesn't honor grouping choice
- Fixed: Subscription search doesn't correctly handle Unicode
- Fixed: Feeds marked read in Google Reader remain visible at startup when using unread feed/folder view
- Fixed: Startup wizard displays after every install when sync wasn't enabled in previous version
- Fixed: Error during custom install if previous installation folder is no longer available
- Fixed: "Unfollow" fails due to changes in the Google Reader API

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What's new in this version:

- Added:"Like" icon added to recommended articles
- Added:Facebook and Instapaper added to "Send To" menu
- Added:This month/last month added to subscription search
- Fixed:Performance loss when marking multiple items read
- Fixed:Future-dated posts appear in "Popular in My Subscriptions"
- Fixed:Feed list temporarily shows incorrect unread count after purging if the number of items to keep is less than the number of new items received

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What's new in this version:

- Added: Significant performance improvement when news item list is showing
- Changed: When the newspaper is grouped by title, items are now sorted by title rather than by date (reverted to pre-3.1 behavior)
- Fixed: "Send To" appears twice in newspaper shortcuts dialog
- Fixed: "Translate" icon always translates into English, regardless of language setting in Google Reader
- Fixed: Duplication of items in recently added non-synched feeds

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What's new in this version:

- Added: "Shared by people I follow" displays articles shared by the people you follow in Google Reader
- Added: Content filters (Tools > Manage Content Filters) can be applied to individual feeds to automatically mark incoming items as read
- Added: New "Translate item" newspaper icon translates the item into your language. Items in synched feeds are translated inline, whereas items in non-synched feeds browse to Google Translate for the translation
- Added: Further synchronization optimizations, including significantly faster synching of shared items
- Added: Feed preview now uses a fixed header and enables toggling between full posts, summaries and headlines
- Added: "Choose newspaper icons" added to newspaper - enables quickly choosing which icons to show under each item
- Added: "Like" icon added to newspaper for synched feeds (what is this?). Note that this doesn't appear by default - you must enable it using the new "choose newspaper icons" gear icon.
- Added: "Remember my login" added to synchronization options (disable to require FeedDemon to ask for your login every time it starts)
- Added: Short url preview now supports goo.gl, youtu.be, fb.me, flic.kr, ow.ly and clicky.me
- Added: Print and print preview from the embedded browser now handle the active newspaper by expanding collapsed descriptions, hiding FeedDemon icons, etc.
- Added: "Send To" menu now includes Twitter
- Added: HTTP error report now enables re-checking a feed's status
- Changed: Search results now always use the default "Surfer" newspaper style
- Changed: Options-related items moved to submenu of Tools menu, import/export-related items moved to submenu of File menu
- Changed: When the newspaper is grouped by title, items are now sorted by date rather than by title (so newer items come first)
- Fixed: Unresponsiveness while updating feeds due to auto-purging of older items
- Fixed: Focused post not highlighted in newspaper when using silver theme
- Fixed: Incorrect sizing of embedded browser after display resolution or multi-monitor settings changed
- Fixed: Enclosure URL doesn't appear in status bar when mousing over enclosure icon
- Fixed: Application fails to correctly minimize to the tray after clicking a mouse button that has been assigned to the "minimize" action
- Fixed: Incorrect startup screen position on single-monitor system when taskbar docked to left
- Fixed: Items in disabled feeds still get added during resync
- Fixed: Unsharing a single item (ie: deleting it from your shared items) fails to sync
- Fixed: Duplicate YouTube videos may appear in "Popular in My Subscriptions" if they use different formats
- Fixed: Feeds with invalid/expired certificates silently fail to update
- Fixed: Tags assigned to posts in un-synched feeds may be lost after converting the feeds to sync
- Fixed: Twitter avatars display even when "optimize for low bandwidth" is enabled
- Fixed: Cleanup wizard enables choosing to cleanup watches even when none exist
- Fixed: Printing a FeedDemon newspaper crops the last line of text from each page
- Fixed: Timeout errors with non-synched feeds that use temporary redirects to a different host name
- Fixed: Connection reset errors with non-secure feeds that redirect to secure URL
- Fixed: Reading all unread items in a feed doesn't remove it from the desktop alert when the desktop alert is "pinned" (so that it's always showing)
- Fixed: Summaries shown in newspaper may be very short for articles with several long hyperlinks in the first few sentences

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What's new in this version:

- Added: "Recommendations" report shows recommended feeds and posts (powered by Google Reader's new Explore feature)
- Added: Bandwidth optimizations added to Google Reader synchronization (most noticeable on slower connections)
- Added: Significantly faster tag synching, especially when a large number of tags exist
- Added: Numerous improvements to accuracy of popular topics
- Changed: Prefetch now defaults to skipping items older than 10 days instead of older than 5 days
- Changed: Subscription search now defaults to not doing whole word search
- Changed: Dropped separate panic dialog which appears when too many unread items exist in Google Reader
- Changed: "# items to display per page" now permits showing a single item per page
- Fixed: Crash when synching tags
- Fixed: Panic button displays a second time if a lot of unread posts still exist after it runs
- Fixed: ETags aren't quoted in If-None-Match headers
- Fixed: Unicode characters in item links not correctly escaped prior to navigation in browser
- Fixed: Unicode hints don't display correctly in status bar
- Fixed: After deleting all items from a feed, some of those items re-appear the next time the feed is updated
- Fixed: News item list doesn't reflect new items received while FeedDemon was minimized
- Fixed: Silent install still pops up license agreement notice
- Fixed: Blue Vista newspaper style shows "SubscriptionsClippings Folders" at the top left when shared items selected
- Fixed: Hitting "Next Unread" on last unread folder marks folder read but doesn't remove it from view
- Fixed: Exception when selecting a feed in unread folder view when selected folder has just been marked read
- Fixed: Subscription search fails when search term contains an asterisk
- Fixed: Tags get re-added to items in watches if those items came from synched feeds and the watch was created by converting search results
- Fixed: FeedDemon fails to handle (rare) CAPTCHA challenge when logging into Google Reader
- Fixed: Incorrectly hyperlinking of URLs in synched Twitter feeds containing right-to-left text
- Fixed: FeedDemon permits the creation of non-synched folder names containing characters that aren't permitted by Google Reader, which causes problems if the folder is later synched