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最新版本 FeedDemon

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FeedDemon 是一個 Windows 的 RSS 閱讀器。易於使用的界面讓您隨時了解最新的新聞和信息。您可以完全自定義 Feed 的組織和顯示方式,並根據關鍵字設置自定義的新聞手錶。您甚至可以下載播客和音頻文件,並將它們顯示在便攜式音頻設備上。此外,FeedDemon 現在與 News Gator Online 和 News Gator RSS Suite 的其餘部分同步。該軟件預先配置了幾... FeedDemon 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Google Reader sync – Use FeedDemon at home, at your office, or anywhere you go and keep your feeds, tags and shared items synched between locations.
- Redesigned UI including new "Subscriptions Home" page with popular videos and articles extracted from your feeds
- Tagging and tag cloud on Subscriptions Home page.
- Easy item sharing – let others enjoy your favorite articles with just a click.
- Enhanced Twitter feed reading with automatic hyperlinks and short URL expansion view.

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What's new in this version:

- Added: Significant performance improvements when navigating subscription tree
- Added: "Find Feeds" now enables subscribing to multiple feeds at the same time
- Added: Multi-line URLs pasted into the address bar are shortened to a single line (hat tip to IE8)
- Added: Secure URLs are now drawn with a light yellow background in the address bar
- Added: Clippings folders that have an RSS feed now have an RSS icon overlaid on them
- Added: Context menu added when right-clicking a feed in subscription home report
- Added: Subscription wizard now warns when attempting to add a private (intranet) feed to a synchronized folder (125583)
- Added: $ITEM_SUMMARY$ and $ITEM_SUMMARY_PLAIN$ added to "Blog This" tokens
- Added: Numerous optimizations to tabbed browser performance, esp. regarding favicons
- Added: Synchronization optimizations
- Added: "Show in External Browser" added to tabbed browser's context menu
- Added: When "Keyword View" is the current view, the keyword now appears next to the "Subscriptions" item in the tree
- Added: Multiple enclosures per post are now supported
- Changed: Popular topics and feed history data now stored in SQLite database instead of XML
- Changed: The "Next" toolbutton has been renamed "Next Page"
- Changed: "Next Page" and "Mark Page Read" are now both shown in the status bar
- Changed: "Panic Button" no longer displays at startup (now only appears after feeds have updated)
- Changed: "Enable HTTP logging" removed from connection settings
- Changed: Default auto-purge (archiving) value for new feeds changed to 100
- Changed: The "Map This" icon in the newspaper now uses the Geotag icon
- Changed: "Import Feeds" now uses the OPML icon
- Changed: The "OK" button on the "Confirm Deletions" dialog isn't enabled until either "Keep All" or "Keep None" is clicked, or a feed is checkmarked in the list
- Changed: When no feeds match the chosen keyword in "Keyword View," you're now told that no matches were found, and the view isn't changed
- Changed: Animation in subscription tree replaced with static hourglass/timer due to CPU spikes on many systems
- Fixed: PgUp/PgDown doesn't scroll browser when inline search has the focus
- Fixed: Subscription tree, subscription report and feed reports don't reflect changes to the current language until FeedDemon restarts (124289)
- Fixed: FeedStation pops up (instead of staying minimized) every time an enclosure is added to its queue from FeedDemon (125217)
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to download podcasts which redirect to URLs that are greater than 256 characters in length (seen with NBC podcasts)
- Fixed: Feeds renamed by user are renamed again when the title of the source feed changes (note that this fix only applies to feeds renamed from this version on) (123755)
- Fixed: Missing 'content-type' meta tag in about-tabs.html
- Fixed: Watches and subscription search fail to match whole words preceeded by a no-break space character (U+00A0)
- Fixed: When the NewsGator password is changed from another location, copies of FeedDemon at other locations can't be updated with the new password (126778)
- Fixed: When viewing full posts, large images may overlap the border of the focused item (128198)
- Fixed: When updating a single feed, the feed's icon doesn't animate
- Fixed: New folders don't inherit root folder's properties (122443)
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to validate the username and password (112477)
- Fixed: Mapped network drives don't appear in the folder selection of the Manage Cache dialog
- Fixed: Line breaks in description display incorrectly in keyboard shortcuts dialog
- Fixed: Can't subscribe to feeds which contain undefined XML entities (seen with Rolling Stone feed)
- Fixed: Empty WordPress "stats" images show up in Popular Topics
- Fixed: Import dialog appears to freeze when expanding OPML folder containing thousands of feeds
- Fixed: Prefetch fails to retrieve single-quoted images
- Fixed: News item list column widths not retained
- Fixed: Connection error dialog appears multiple times when first instance isn't dismissed
- Fixed: Bogus tooltip on status bar
- Fixed: Older items re-appearing as unread when auto-purge (archiving) value is the same as the number of items in the source feed
- Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts dialog permits assigning single-key alphumeric shortcuts
- Fixed: Wrong favicons on browser tabs
- Fixed: "Add to Clippings Folder" menu doesn't overlay RSS icon on shared clippings folders
- Fixed: Exception when attempting to hide some popular topics
- Fixed: Popular topics doesn't always show all linked articles
- Fixed: FeedStation incorrectly purges newer items from its queue
- Fixed: Browser tabs that were open the last time FeedDemon ran are opened in the default browser when the option to open external links in the default browser is enabled.
- Fixed: Feed preview incorrectly sorts posts from oldest to newest
- Fixed: Popup menus in reports aren't correctly aligned with clicked hyperlink
- Fixed: Blank list items inserted into newspaper when source feed contains line breaks after list items
- Fixed: When viewing headlines only, the "open in new tab" icon is hidden when the title overflows
- Fixed: Missing scrollbars on images wider than the browser
- Fixed: Flickering favicons on browser tabs
- Fixed: The import dialog's "Cancel" and "Back" buttons are missing from the language file
- Fixed: Article scrolled out of view after clicking "[Less]" to collapse it (
- Fixed: "Keyword View" fails with uppercase keywords (
- Fixed: Relative post links aren't "completed" when the feed link is also relative (
- Fixed: Exception when subscribing to feed that contains numerous invalid Unicode characters (

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What's new in this version:

- Fixed: New instance of FeedDemon loads with misleading "application is hung" error message when attempting to subscribe from Firefox (123414)
- Fixed: Cyrillic characters don't display correctly in FeedDemon's desktop alert
- Fixed: Buttons cut off on keyboard shortcuts dialog when running at 120dpi
- Fixed: Exception when importing invalid OPML (123539)
- Fixed: Exception after synching on Windows 98
- Fixed: Exception in prefetch options when setting "max items to prefetch" (124117)
- Fixed: Wrong/ugly colors in newspaper header with some XP or WindowBlinds themes (124000)
- Fixed: Thousands separators missing from large numbers displayed in panic button dialog and elsewhere (123986)

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What's new in this version:

- Added: FeedDemon is now free!
- Added: New startup wizard - enables easily creating a NewsGator account, then importing and synching subscriptions
- Added: "Panic Button" - detects when you have a ton of unread items and offers to mark them (or a subset of them) as read. Select Tools|Hit the Panic Button to configure or run manually
- Added: "Export Subscriptions" now enables exporting as APML (experimental)
- Added: Significant performance improvements in feed updating, synchronization, newspaper rendering and reporting of "Popular Topics"
- Added: Feed reports can now be grouped by folder
- Added: Smarter popup killer in embedded browser
- Added: "Prefetch Options" now enables changing prefetch settings on a per-feed basis, and also enables performing an automatic refresh after every update
- Added: Prefetch now optionally includes clippings
- Added: "Include when prefetching unread items" added to Advanced tab in folder properties
- Added: "Max items to prefetch" added to prefetch settings (default is 500)
- Added: "Prefetch complete" added to sound options
- Added: Single-key newspaper shortcuts can now be customized (Tools|Keyboard Shortcuts)
- Added: "Feed Attention" added to reports
- Added: "Export Feeds" now enables selecting multiple folders
- Added: Tooltips on browser tabs now show the full page title when it's too long to fit on the tab
- Added: FeedDemon's newspaper now permits a subset of inline styles in feed content (previous versions stripped all style attributes)
- Added: "Popular in Everyone's Subscriptions" section of popular topics report now includes excerpts (previous version showed headlines only)
- Added: Clippings dialog now enables emailing shared feed URL
- Added: When working offline, uncached links in newspapers now show "not available offline" in their tooltips
- Added: When working offline, URLs in the Favorites menu are grayed out if they're not available offline
- Added: "Show balloon tips in tray" added to FeedStation's options (110102)
- Added: "Import Feeds" now shows a list of feeds that could not be imported due to connection errors, etc. (106379)
- Added: Favicons added to reports
- Added: FeedDemon's subscription wizard now detects when a feed requires cookie-based authentication
- Added: NewsGator Online's root "My Clippings" folder is now synchronized with FeedDemon (note that sharing/unsharing the root "My Clippings" folder will affect all clippings folders)
- Added: Import dialog now enables choosing whether to synchronize folders creating during import
- Added: Page navigation controls added to status bar below browser (required moving some controls from the toolbar above browser)
- Added: Inline search (similar to Firefox's) - to activate it, hit Ctrl+F or select Edit|Find in This Page
- Added: Cleanup wizard reminder added to subscriptions home (includes link to skip cleanup and remind again in 30 days)
- Added: When synchronized with NewsGator Enterprise, feed login dialog now includes the option to "Authenticate using my NGES login"
- Added: "Update Clippings Folder" added to context menu of synched clippings folders
- Added: Smarter detection and handling of file access errors due to low disk space, unavailable USB drives, etc. (111807)
- Added: Expand/collapse icons added to popular topics
- Added: Smarter outputting of summaries vs. full posts when summary is almost the same as the full post
- Added: Significant performance improvements to NewsGator synchronization (including feed updating, "Resynchronize," etc.)
- Added: "Find Feeds" added to File menu
- Added: Error log now includes video card details, as well as the URL of the page last browsed in FeedDemon (useful for debugging browser-related problems)
- Added: A clippings folder can now be set as the default. Items can be added to the default clippings folder by selecting "Add to Default Clippings Folder" from the context menu, or by pressing "D" when the newspaper has the focus.
- Added: When the option to disable embedded objects in the newspaper has been chosen, embeds are now replaced with an image denoting that the object was removed. Clicking this image will reload the newspaper with embedded objects temporarily enabled.
- Added: "Manage Cache" dialog (File|Manage Cache) now enables backing up FeedDemon's cache
- Added: "News item font" added to Options|Appearance (changes the font in the news item list)
- Added: Alert at startup when automatic updating of feeds has been disabled
- Added: Newspaper submenu added to View menu
- Added: When FeedDemon starts, it now checks whether a previous instance is already running and is hung, then prompts to kill the hung instance
- Added: "Marquee" progress bar when synching

- Changed: Shortcut for "Search Subscriptions" changed from F3 to Ctrl+F3
- Changed: Options sidebar in Surfer style replaced with icons and links in the newspaper header
- Changed: "[More]" links use a different color to make them stand out
- Changed: "News Bins" have been renamed "Clippings" for consistency with other NewsGator applications
- Changed: The "[More]" links in Surfer newspaper style and Popular Topics now expand the article inline
- Changed: Prefetch progress/status now appears within the main form rather than in a separate dialog
- Changed: Attention algorithm updated, and now includes "explicit" feed clicks (that is, direct clicks on a feed as opposed to actions such as "Next" which automatically navigate to a feed) and followed links (links clicked within a post's description which aren't links to the actual post)
- Changed: "Max links to prefetch per item" prefetch setting now defaults to 3 instead of 5
- Changed: Updating is now paused while the options or sync settings dialogs are displayed
- Changed: In previous versions, the thumbnail image to the right of an article (shown in the newspaper when using "surfer" style, and also in popular topics) would link to the full image. This has been changed so that it links to the actual article instead.
- Changed: FeedDemon now automatically cleans up its temporary files every two hours instead of only at shutdown (110897)
- Changed: Simplified and cleaned-up "Subscription Home" report
- Changed: Simplified the subscription wizard
- Changed: "Find Feeds" step in the subscription wizard now sorts results by subscriber count, and weeds out most search engine feeds
- Changed: Headline view in "surfer" newspaper now shows items on single line and enables expansion to see full post
- Changed: The newspaper shortcut for clipping an item has been changed from 'B' to 'C'
- Changed: Keyboard shortcuts dialog now warns when assigning a shortcut which uses the shift key plus an alphanumeric key (ex: Shift+V), since doing so may interfere with normal typing. (119236)
- Changed: Ctrl+B (set focus to browser) now highlights the first item in a newspaper when no item is currently highlighted
- Changed: FeedDemon's attention algorithm now includes items opened in a new tab or in an external browser
- Changed: "Show news items" has been dropped from the default toolbuttons on the browser toolbar (but can easily be added back by clicking the dropdown to the far right of the browser toolbar)
- Changed: Font in news item list now defaults to Arial Unicode MS when it exists (otherwise it uses the default shell font, as before)
- Changed: "Update all feeds" no longer requires waiting for the "Synchronizing..." dialog
- Changed: FeedDemon now checks for a new version every three days when "automatically check for new versions" is enabled (previously checked every day)
- Changed: "Check for changes to my NewsGator subscriptions" dropped from synchronization options (no longer necessary)
- Changed: "Notes" tab in feed properties removed
- Changed: "Max items to prefetch" limit increased from 999 to 2500
- Changed: When FeedDemon detects changes to your NewsGator subscriptions, it no longer show details of every change. Instead, it shows a list of deleted feeds (if any) and gives you a chance to add them back (hat tip to NetNewsWire)
- Changed: Synchronization options no longer requires hitting "Apply" in order to save changes to synchronized folders

- Fixed: When viewing a newspaper, unclosed HTML tags from one post "bleed" into subsequent posts (93571)
- Fixed: Subscription wizard displays on primary monitor even when main form is on secondary monitor
- Fixed: Group header on watches/clippings overview is too small
- Fixed: Confirmation dialogs have non-localizable caption
- Fixed: Page header overlaps titles when using keyboard to navigate newspaper
- Fixed: Horizontal scrollbar missing from subscription changes dialog (115674)
- Fixed: Can't focus newspaper item using mouse
- Fixed: Inline search fails if first match hidden from view
- Fixed: Hitting ENTER when an item is selected in the newspaper won't show that item when viewing full posts in surfer style
- Fixed: Lockup when subscribing to certain Atom feeds
- Fixed: Debug actions appear in keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed: Can't collapse groups in auto-discovery report
- Fixed: FeedStation loads multiple instances after installation when any updated feeds are configured to auto-download enclosures
- Fixed: Watch and search keywords aren't highlighted after expanding/collapsing an excerpt
- Fixed: Dinosaur report doesn't remove feed after unsubscribing
- Fixed: Can't hide popular topics links which contain unescaped query strings
- Fixed: When subscribed to two copies of the same synchronized feed, unsubscribing from one removes both of them (114027)
- Fixed: Large images cut off in Surfer newspaper (114204)
- Fixed: Images overlap in "Popular Topics"
- Fixed: Expired NewsGator Online accounts aren't detected, and customer isn't provided a way to renew their expired account (112234)
- Fixed: If FeedDemon crashes, unread/flagged state changes that weren't synched with NewsGator before the crash never get synched
- Fixed: Line breaks removed from single item newspaper
- Fixed: Enclosure icon missing from Expando style
- Fixed: Can't subscribe to or update Atom feeds containing GeoRSS data (93578)
- Fixed: SOAP error when external DTD unavailable (93546)
- Fixed: Exception when clicking a link to an unknown document type (93782)
- Fixed: EVariantTypeCastError when navigating invalid URLs (94005)
- Fixed: Exception when saving a downloaded favicon immediately after returning from hibernation (93976)
- Fixed: Incoming links failing to appear on some dual monitor systems (94392)
- Fixed: Exception in dxBar when opening FeedDemon (93908)
- Fixed: Nothing happens when clicking "Next" if Watches or Clippings header is selected
- Fixed: Selecting "Mark all feeds read" from desktop alert doesn't repaint subscriptions
- Fixed: News item list doesn't always update after marking newspaper page as read
- Fixed: Subscription changes dialog doesn't decode entities in new feed titles
- Fixed: "BodyFormat" exception when attempting to email a post using Outlook 2000 or earlier (94637)
- Fixed: Exception when emailing a post from FeedDemon when Outlook is the default email client but no Outlook profile has been created yet (95387)
- Fixed: Entities aren't converted in feed titles when displayed in subscription list
- Fixed: Attention algorithm doesn't include clicks on "Popular Topics" report
- Fixed: Deleted "Popular Topic" items re-appear when navigating backwards due to browser caching (94366)
- Fixed: Group headers don't resize smoothly in newspaper (Surfer)
- Fixed: Files associated with the "Play" command fail to open when double-clicked in FeedStation (10186)
- Fixed: "Resynchronize" doesn't reset ng:token for synched clippings
- Fixed: Invalid sync token prevents synched clippings from receiving new posts
- Fixed: Error when attempting to add local content to a synched clippings
- Fixed: FeedDemon's browser tabs don't correctly display Unicode characters (79346)
- Fixed: Subscription search dialog loads slowly due with large number of feeds (100+) that have favicons
- Fixed: Feed isn't removed from "unread feed/folder view" when posts were marked read outside of FeedDemon (92988)
- Fixed: When "unread folder view" is selected, sometimes a recently updated feed with unread items fails to appear (74045)
- Fixed: In FeedStation, hitting doesn't open the selected download (107866)
- Fixed: Progress bar on connection test fails to update on Windows Vista (108159)
- Fixed: Subscriptions don't automatically scroll when drag operation is near top or bottom of tree
- Fixed: Auto-discovery list doesn't convert HTML entities (108617)
- Fixed: Atom feed entries that don't contain a title never appear in the newspaper
- Fixed: "EVariantTypeCastError" when auto-discovering feed during browser navigation (109757)
- Fixed: Unicode feeds containing a malformed trail byte display as ASCII (84850)
- Fixed: Selection isn't remember when changing views
- Fixed: Prefetch spikes the CPU at 100%
- Fixed: Sporadic exceptions when selecting from favorites menu
- Fixed: Performance decrease due to invalid favicons
- Fixed: No default folder selected in subscription wizard
- Fixed: First post not focused after switching newspaper pages
- Fixed: Missing feed icon when importing OPML that has no folders
- Fixed: Wrapped display of very long feed titles in Subscriptions Home
- Fixed: Subscription home page doesn't refresh after FeedDemon detects posts were marked read in another location
- Fixed: Ampersands don't display correctly on delete folder confirmation
- Fixed: When FeedDemon is minimized, it fails to start FeedStation as minimized when auto-downloading new enclosures
- Fixed: No warning when attempting to add to a synched clippings folder when working offline
- Fixed: Sort in reverse toolbutton requires two clicks if FeedDemon was previously closed with sort in reverse enabled
- Fixed: Unsynched feeds won't update any more frequently than the polling frequency set in FeedDemon's synchronization options
- Fixed: Incorrect "next" behavior when viewing a folder newspaper for the only folder with unread items (114754)
- Fixed: "File in use" error following initial sync after starting FeedDemon (most commonly seen on Windows Vista)
- Fixed: Bad character data in "Popular in Everyone's Subscriptions" causes garbage character (usually a box) to appear
- Fixed: Clipped titles in news item list (119707)
- Fixed: Newspaper continues to display a feed that has just been unsubscribed from
- Fixed: "Popular Topics" doesn't correctly strip .. blocks from content
- Fixed: News item list isn't updated to reflect read/unread changes synchronized from another location
- Fixed: Automatic prefetch fails when only prefetching images
- Fixed: Flagging an expanded or unread post doesn't change the color of the post's title to red in the newspaper
- Fixed: Moving a feed to a folder that's not in the current view adds the folder sorted to the bottom of the subscriptions
- Fixed: Synchronization options dialog hides behind main window after "Resynchronize" button is pressed
- Fixed: Exception caused by null terminators in downloaded feeds
- Fixed: Exception when using Ctrl+W to close a browser tab

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What's new in this version:

- Synchronized news bins with shared RSS feeds - share a FeedDemon "news bin" (similar to a link blog) as an RSS feed so that others may subscribe to it. Simply copy a post from any feed into a shared news bin, and everyone subscribed to that news bin's feed will get a copy of it. You can also drag-and-drop FeedDemon browser tabs - or even hyperlinks from an external browser - into a news bin to share those links.
- Vastly improved offline support - including the ability to prefetch links and images in all unread items for offline reading.
- Completely rewritten "Popular Topics" - view the most popular topics in all the feeds you're subscribed to, alongside the topics that are popular with all NewsGator subscribers.
- Embedded video support - video objects embedded in feed items can now be securely viewed inside FeedDemon.
- "Who's linking here?" - with a single click, find out who in the blogosphere is linking to a specific post in your subscriptions.

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What's new in this version:

- Added: Popular topics - displays the most popular links that appear within your subscriptions. Select "Popular Topics" from the Browse menu or click the "Popular Topics" toolbutton on the toolbar above FeedDemon's browser.
- Added: In order to tighten security, FeedDemon's newspapers now completely disable script (details).
- Added: "Blue Vista" newspaper style
- Added: YouTube Video Search added to keyword searches in subscription wizard
- Added: Integration with Windows Live Writer
- Added: When the newspaper has the focus, the following shortcuts are supported:, Ctrl+ArrowUp or K = previous item, Ctrl+ArrowDown J = next item, Ctrl+ArrowLeft = previous page, Ctrl+ArrowRight = next page, F = flag item, S = send item to, B = add item to news bin, R = mark item read, V = open item link, T = open item link in new tab, Enter = show item, Ctrl+F5 = reload newspaper, adding any items retrieved since the newspaper was last shown and removing any items that no longer match the newspaper filter.
- Added: Browser's border color changes when it has the focus.
- Added: Ctrl+B sets the keyboard focus to FeedDemon's browser
- Added: Ctrl+D marks the current newspaper page read and moves to the next page. If no more pages exist in the newspaper, then it moves to the next unread feed, unless the newspaper was showing a folder, in which case it moves to the next unread folder. (I know that sounds convoluted - but it'll make sense once you use it!)
- Added: Ctrl+I shows favorites menu
- Added: Ctrl+E focuses the instant search box (web search)
- Added: Shift+Ctrl+F enables changing the newspaper filter
- Added: Shift+Ctrl+S enables changing the newspaper style
- Added: Pagination is now supported in FeedDemon's newspapers. The number of items to display per page may be changed on the "Reading" tab in options.
- Added: Ctrl+M shortcut for "Mark page read" and Shift+Ctrl+M shortcut for "Mark all pages as read"
- Added: "Send To" functionality is now dynamic, so power users can add their own items to the various "Send To" menus. Check FeedDemon's UserDataSendTo folder for details.
- Added: Confirmation dialogs (mark feed read, unsubscribe, etc.) now include a "Don't ask me this again" checkbox
- Added: When summaries (excerpts) are displayed in the Surfer or Blue Vista newspaper styles, a thumbnail is shown next to the post if it contains an image
- Added: "Search Subscriptions" dialog (Tools|Search Subscriptions, or F3)
- Added: Subscription search results are now shown using a different style
- Added: Significant performance boost to searching subscriptions
- Added: Newspapers now highlight keywords in watches and subscription search results (this can be disabled from the Reading page in options)
- Added: Ctrl+A now selects all items in FeedStation's queue
- Added: "Optimize newspaper for low bandwidth" added to Reading page in options (removes all images)
- Added: Enclosures are now shown with "Open" and "Download" links in newspapers
- Added: Smarter detection of clicked feed links
- Added: Options|Appearance now enables changing the newspaper font
- Added: "Sort in reverse" toolbutton
- Added: "Next unread folder" added to View menu
- Added: Confirmation before marking all pages read
- Added: "Configure BlogThis Tools" added to Tools menu
- Added: "Increase newspaper font size" added to Reading tab in options (44691)
- Added: Performance improvements in synchronization process
- Added: Connection test now checks NewsGator login if it exists
- Added: "Manage Folders" added to synchronization options (73975)
- Changed: Search box moved back to browser toolbar
- Changed: If you choose to have FeedStation start with Windows, it will now always start minimized
- Changed: When "Mark feed read when feed changes" is enabled, only posts that were unread when that feed was selected will be marked read (previously, all posts were marked read, even if those posts were retrieved by an update which occurred after the feed was displayed).
- Changed: Subscription and web search merged into single search box
- Changed: The ability to embed the Mozilla control has been dropped. Sorry to have to do this, but the Mozilla Control is no longer being developed, and it doesn't support the features added to newspapers in this version.
- Changed: Newspaper filter and style moved from newspapers to browser toolbar
- Changed: The icon at the top left in Surfer style now marks all pages in the newspaper as read (previously marked the entire feed or folder as read)
- Changed: "Browser position" moved from View menu to Browse menu
- Changed: The display of excerpts (summaries) in the newspaper is now smarter
- Changed: "Synchronization Options" moved from main options dialog to Tools menu
- Changed: The setting to go directly to an item's link when the description is empty (Options | Browsing) is now disabled by default
- Changed: Newspapers now use a shorter date/time format
- Changed: Gradients were removed from newspapers due to IE7 disabling ClearType when gradient filters are used
- Changed: Selecting "open post in new tab" now marks the post as read
- Changed: Right-clicks on "fdaction" links are now intercepted before IE's context menu appears
- Changed: DTDs are now removed from feeds before parsing
- Fixed: Clicking a single item in a feed doesn't use that feed's newspaper style if one has been assigned to it
- Fixed: Clicking "open in new tab" in newspaper opens should open in FeedDemon regardless of external browser setting
- Fixed: Search box appears mid-screen if hidden in previous session
- Fixed: After right-clicking an inactive feed or folder, the newspaper doesn't appear when clicking an item in the active feed.
- Fixed: "Search Options" toolbutton shows wrong name in toolbar customization menu
- Fixed: Bogus newspaper title link when a group is selected in the news item list (76450)
- Fixed: FeedStation displays multiple login dialogs when checking "My Podcasts" if login is incorrect (76464)
- Fixed: Maximized FeedDemon not correctly restored
- Fixed: Hitting Enter in the newspaper doesn't mark the selected item as read
- Fixed: Unexpected scrolling when navigating back in newspaper
- Fixed: Web search results show in external browser when "Open external links in default browser" is enabled
- Fixed: Connection test doesn't correctly check NewsGator login
- Fixed: Embedded browser displays JavaScript error alerts even when "Suppress dialogs and error messages in browser" is enabled (76623)
- Fixed: FeedStation shows inaccurate download count in tooltip after deleting active download (76137)
- Fixed: Subscription list isn't anti-aliasing correctly when font size set to 120dpi (61071)
- Fixed: Subscribing to a feed that uses a temporary redirect subscribes to the redirected feed
- Fixed: Synchronization failures due to not detecting active connection (73823)
- Fixed: Clicking far top right of item in Surfer style doesn't select it (76636)
- Fixed: Clicking "Refresh" when a newspaper is showing doesn't show items received since the newspaper was displayed
- Fixed: OK button not enabled after clicking "Include in desktop alert" in feed properties
- Fixed: Long feed titles cut off in Surfer style when using IE7
- Fixed: Inconsistent handling of user-entered URLs in address bar (75805)
- Fixed: Ctrl+Wheel doesn't change text size when IE7 is installed (75868) (
- Fixed: Alt+Tabbing to another application when FeedDemon's browser has the focus doesn't restore the focus to the browser when Alt+Tabbing back to FeedDemon
- Fixed: When grouping by title in Surfer style, titles containing a "+" character can't be collapsed (76060) (
- Fixed: When excerpts are displayed, elements run together
- Fixed: Inadequate stripping of style elements from feed content
- Fixed: MRSS thumbnails not supported in Soapbox feeds
- Fixed: Incorrect sizing of MRSS thumbnails when thumbnail height/width not included in feed
- Fixed: Favicon retrieval shouldn't display login dialog when HTTP 401/407 encountered
- Fixed: Exception when synchronization attempted while offline (
- Fixed: Style and filter toolbuttons hidden if toolbar customized in previous version (75315) (
- Fixed: When a feed or folder has a specific style assigned to it, choosing a different style from the style selection has no impact (75313) (
- Fixed: No change in newspaper when an item is selected in the news item list and both "Open External Links in Default Browser" and "Go directly to an item's link" are enabled. (
- Fixed: Error if BlogThis.dat not found (75455)
- Fixed: Hourglass cursor stays over subscriptions following update (68907)
- Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't alert to subscription changes at startup unless at least one synched feed has new content
- Fixed: FeedDemon fails to prompt for proxy login when HTTP 407 encountered (72671)
- Fixed: If you pause FeedStation and then delete the last remaining download, when FeedStation is closed it still warns that downloads are active (72601)
- Fixed: When automatic unsubscribe is enabled for a feed during the subscription process, the feed is immediately removed it's empty
- Fixed: FeedDemon reports subscription changes when subfolder has same name as FeedDemon folder (72981)
- Fixed: If a feed is marked read right after items in it were marked as unread, those items will come back as unread during the next update
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to download podcasts from poweruser.tv (72050)
- Fixed: FeedStation remains in system tray when user attempts to start a new instance
- Fixed: FeedStation sorts by the full URL rather than just the filename after the "File" column is clicked (72670)
- Fixed: FeedStation fails to rename redirected podcasts (72231)
- Fixed: Recently read items returning as unread after marking feed(s) read
- Fixed: "Search subscriptions" doesn't support Chinese characters (60694)
- Fixed: Bogus location with the same name as computer created after activation (73408)
- Fixed: Incorrect information on "Edit Blog Publishing Tool" dialog (73952)
- Fixed: FeedDemon displays OPML import dialog after browsing to a page with a Grazr panel
- Fixed: Feed's TTL not supported after adding feed (73844)
- Fixed: Corrupt cached feed prevents correct unread count (73368)
- Fixed: Subscription wizard doesn't re-use login supplied to preview (73488)

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