Everything Search Engine (32-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 Everything (32-bit)

Everything Search Engine (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

一切都是 Windows 的搜索引擎,用更快的搜索替代正常的 Windows 搜索。與 Windows 搜索不同,Everything 最初會顯示計算機上的每個文件和文件夾。您可以輸入搜索過濾器來限制顯示的文件和文件夾。一切只使用文件和文件夾的名稱,通常需要幾秒鐘來建立其數據庫。 1,000,000 個文件將需要大約 1 分鐘. 一切特點:小安裝文件清潔和簡單的用戶界面快速文件索引快速搜索最小資源... Everything Search Engine (32-bit) 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- added localization for export

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What's new in this version:

- improved tooltip help for some items

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What's new in this version:

- added authentication support for QTWeb
- fixed a problem with cut/copy/paste
- fixed cut with files and folders in different folders
- fixed about box widget alignment

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What's new in this version:

  - improved searching performance with wildcards by upto 5 times
- improved searching performance by upto 30%
- added the option to exclude hidden and system files
- improved the exclude list
- added a basic text export option
- improved ETP/FTP/HTTP performance
- improved text rendering output and performance
- improved rendering performance when updating the UI due to a large amount of changes to the file system.
- fixed start menus for Vista
- added search only mode for HTTP/FTP servers
- added shortcut keys for search options
- fixed opening a folder that had the same name as an executable
- fixed the FTP REST position
- fixed unicode IPC queries
- fixed sorting by descending size
- fixed characters being displayed incorrectly with the HTTP server
- fixed copying files and folders in different folders.
- fixed drag drop shortcuts
- added special case wildcards
- added utf8 support for the FTP server
- added keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter to open path  

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What's new in this version:

  - fixed an issue when searching for wildcards with match path enabled
- fixed delete for files and folders in different folders
- fixed a portability issue with the default database and log locations
- fixed an issue with long file names
- fixed the folder and file selection after sorting and changing search parameters
- added extension and type columns
- added support for external file managers via the ini file  

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What's new in this version:

- fixed rendering of paths with highlighted search terms enabled

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What's new in this version:

- fixed folder and file renaming using invalid destination
- fixed mouse wheel scrolling using the wrong number of lines to scroll
- fixed icons for files with the extension lnk and url
- improved unicode sorting order
- added exclude paths to etp/ftp/http servers

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What's new in this version:

- fixed http server security issue when a password was set
- fixed show shell context menus toggle in options window
- fixed fullscreen mode saving wrong window position rect when closing
- fixed a problem with menus blocking after a search was started
- improved memory usage when database is unload by clearing icon and file info cache

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What's new in this version:

- added unicode support
- added multi-language support
- added removable NTFS volume support
- added exclude folder filter
- improved volume management
- fixed -filename command line option using the wrong path
- improved sorting performance
- added option to check media on removable volumes (floppy drives are disabled by default)
- improved ftp command LIST
- added custom icon support
- improved portability (if the http server files dont exist everything uses the embedded http server files)
- added optional http server user name and password
- fixed new windows inheriting old windows settings
- fixed horizontal scroll bar using wrong width
- fixed a gdi leak when closing a window
- fixed the default large icon
- improved rendering performance
- added option to use FTP links for ETP connections
- added option to choose which drives are included in the installer
- added fullscreen mode (F11)

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What's new in this version:

  - added -search <text> command line option
- improved status of servers under the tool menu
- changed configuration file to Everything.ini
- fixed a bug that prevented hotkeys from being unregistered