EmEditor Professional (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page81

最新版本 EmEditor Professional 23.1.3 (64-bit)

EmEditor Professional (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

EmEditor Professional 64 位是一個快速,輕量級,但可擴展,易於使用的 Windows 文本編輯器。原生的 64 位和 32 位構建都可用! EmEditor Professional 支持強大的宏,Unicode 和非常大的文件。 Emurasoft 的永恆使命是實現我們的客戶 ' 通過同情和專業知識傾聽他們的需求。我們非常重視及時的客戶支持,並且很榮幸能夠擁有包括大型企業... EmEditor Professional (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Easily customize Bootstrap 4 themes:
- You can now use Pinegrow to customize your Bootstrap 4 themes by modifying Bootstrap SASS variables and adding CSS rules. Customizing Bootstrap is normally a bit complicated because it requires setting up the SASS compilation environment, installing Bootstrap SASS sources and creating a file structure for your custom theme. But with Pinegrow it’s very simple. Pinegrow takes care of all these tasks. All we have to do is the actual customization.

Customize SASS variables:
- SASS variables can already be directly edited in the CSS List editor in Pinegrow. But for frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation and various templates it is not recommended to edit variables directly in the source files. By doing that we lose the ability to easily update framework or template files to newer version. The correct approach is to over-ride the variables in custom SASS file and then include the rest of the frameworks / template’s SASS files from there. The new “Customize variable in…” feature makes this process easy. Simply right-click on the variable that you want to customize and choose the SASS file where the customized variable should go. Pinegrow also takes care of copying any other variables that are referenced in the value of the over-ridden variable.

WordPress: Bootstrap 4 pagination and navigation:
- Pagination and Navigation actions for WordPress Theme Builder have been updated to support Bootstrap 4.

EmEditor Professional 17.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New General Features:
- In the CSV selection mode, the AutoFill Option button now appears when the AutoFill handle is dragged. Clicking on this button will show the AutoFill Option menu where you will be able to choose the type of AutoFill, and to either duplicate the original value or increment the value with each cell
- EmEditor now determines the width of characters according to the “Unicode Standard Annex #11 – East Asian Width“. There is a new option to treat ambiguous characters as fullwidth
- Mitigations for DLL hijacking vulnerability. The new version has various new checks, which includes comparing digital signatures of EmEditor executables and DLL files

New Options:
- Added the Treat Ambiguous Width Characters as Fullwidth check box to the Edit Options list box in the Edit tab of the Customize dialog box

Plug-in API New Features:
- Added the EE_AUTOFILL message, the Editor_AutoFill inline function, and the AUTOFILL_INFO structure
- Added the EI_REFRESH_COMMON_SETTINGS command to the EE_INFO message

Macro New Features:
- Added the AutoFill method to the Document object
- Added the RefreshCommonSettings method to the Editor object

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where double-clicking a word might not select the correct word when the CSV selection mode is disabled
- Fixed a bug related to the Save All with Encoding dialog box
- Fixed a bug where recording a macro did not capture the new flags (eeExFindBOL, eeExFindEOL, and eeExFindLookaround)

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Free images for your projects:
- Use 500.000 free high quality images from Unsplash in your projects – from within Pinegrow

Object-fit and object-position:
- CSS properties object-fit and object-position in Display section of the Visual CSS Editor

WordPress: Bootstrap 4 pagination and navigation:
- Pagination and Navigation actions for WordPress Theme Builder have been updated to support Bootstrap 4

Improved paste into inline text editor:
- DIVs are no longer pasted into inline text editor

The Snowman is back:
- Responsive media component is back in Bootstrap 4 library

EmEditor Professional 17.4.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed the issue where EmEditor could freeze when opening a CSV file with very many columns
- Fixed a certain issue related to Undo after deleting a TAB character

EmEditor Professional 17.4.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a certain issue related to the Auto Copy feature on a very large file
- Fixed a certain issue related to the quotation mark highlighting on a very large file
- Fixed customer-reported issues ("Prompt when Very Long Lines Exist”)

EmEditor Professional 17.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New General Features:
- Added more options to In the Selection Only regular expression searches. For instance, enabling the ‘^’ and ‘$’ can Match Beginning and End of the Selection option allows you to use regular expressions that can match only at the beginning/ending of the selection. Enabling the Look Around during the Selection Only Search option allows you to use lookahead/lookbehind expressions to look outside of the selection while matching only in the selection
- Added more options to the CSV cell selection mode, which allow you to keep the number of columns the same while editing, or double-click outside to create a new cell
- The Boost.Regex version was updated to v1.66.0
- Reverted the font size in dialog boxes from 9 point to 8 point except for Chinese
- Optimized icons for high-DPI monitors
- Optimized for Windows 7 or later. Digital signatures for executable files use SHA256 certificates only, and previous dual signatures with SHA1 certificates were deprecated. This version does NOT support Windows Vista/Server 2008
- Greatly improved the speed of Replace All (when the find string contains newline characters and the replace string does not) and its Undo operations. See the test results table below

New Options:
- Added the ‘^’ and ‘$’ can Match Beginning and End of the Selection and Look Around during the Selection Only Search check boxes to the Advanced (Find) dialog box
- Added the Prompt when Very Long Lines Exist check box to the Edit page of the Customize dialog box
- Added the Keep Number of Columns Same while Editing in Cell Selection Mode, Press TAB key to Create a New Cell in Cell Selection Mode, Double-Click Header/Line Numbers to Create a New Column/Line in Cell Selection Mode, and Double-Click Outside to Create a New Cell in Cell Selection Mode check boxes to the CSV page of the Customize dialog box
- Added more regular expression samples to the menu displayed when the > button is clicked in the Find/Replace dialog boxes

Plug-in New Features:
- The Word Count plug-in now uses the characters specified in the Treat the following characters as alphanumeric text box in the Edit page of the Customize dialog box as components of a word. For instance, specifying an apostrophe (‘) in the text box causes the plug-in to count I’m as one word, which is consistent with the number of words displayed in the status bar

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the bug where removing all newline codes from a very large file could crash
- Fixed various issues related to very large file editing. For instance, the cursor position after a series of certain operations on very large files containing a double-byte character might not have been correct
- Fixed certain regular-expression searches and replaces. For instance, in the Selection Only search, the regular expression “^a+” could match incorrect positions when the Find Previous button was clicked in the Find dialog box

EmEditor Professional 17.3.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New General Features:
- The AutoFill feature makes serial numbers if the AutoFill handle is dragged or double-clicked while the CTRL key is pressed. If the CTRL key is NOT pressed, the AutoFill feature copies the same value.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a certain issue related to external tool encodings
- Fixed customer-reported issues (1, 2, 3)

EmEditor Professional 17.3.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New General Features:
- Improved the speed for AutoFill in the CSV cell selection mode

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the bug where the “Resource Error” message box might have appeared
- Fixed customer-reported issues (1, 2)

EmEditor Professional 17.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


EmEditor Professional 17.2.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New General Features:
- Greatly improved the speed when the ENTER key was pressed while many cells were selected
- The new version allows you to use the Delete Word (Ctrl+Shift+Delete), Delete Right Word (Ctrl+Delete), and Delete Left Word (Ctrl+Backspace) commands during Multiple Selection Editing

Macro New Features:
- Added the second parameter bAppend to the filters.Import method

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the bug where the scroll position was not correct even if the Save Cursor Position and Bookmarks option was enabled when the Outline Bar is visible
- Fixed a certain issue related to regular expression searches
- Fixed a certain issue related to line selections in the CSV cell selection mode
- Fixed a certain issue related to the column width after paste in the CSV cell selection mode