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Eclipse 64 位包含的工具使開發人員可以在多語言,多平台和多供應商環境中自由選擇。 Eclipse 提供了一個基於插件的框架,可以更容易地創建,集成和使用軟件工具,從而節省時間和金錢。通過協作和開發核心集成技術,工俱生產者可以利用平台重用,專注於核心競爭力來創造新的開發技術。下載用於 PC 的 Eclipse Offline Installer 安裝程序 64bit。 Eclipse 平台... Eclipse (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Ultracopier (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


pgAdmin 4 4.20 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support of Collation, FTS Configuration, FTS Dictionary, FTS Parser and FTS Template to the Schema Diff
- Added support of Domain, Domain Constraints and Types to the Schema Diff
- Added and fixed gettext usage for better translation coverage
- Improve logic to get the DDL statements as a part of the comparison
- Enhance the color of switch control for both light and dark theme
- Change some colors and opacity to comply with WCAG color contrast standards
- Fixed tab key navigation issue for Grant Wizard
- Fix an issue where the user can not change the value of DateTime picker control using keyboard

MultiMC 5 0.6.11 查看版本資訊


WinZip Driver Updater 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

WinZip Driver Updater
- Change log not available for this version

SmartGit 20.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SmartGit 20.1
Fixed Bugs:
- temp dir cleanup did not work reliable on shutdown
- Windows installer: did not uninstall "Open in SmartGit" explorer context menus
- Windows: tree control uses full row selection as on other platforms, because seems to be fixed now

- Log, Graph: "SVN revision" column won't immediately show up after opening SVN repository (but only after first refresh once it's already open)

SmartGit 19.1.7
Fixed Bugs:
- BitBucket Server: possible internal error when refreshing (related to moved repositories)
- GitHub, Create Pull Request: fails if target repository name contains uppercase letters

- Git-LFS lock file information may fail to parse due to new timestamp format
- Git-LFS locks processing (for own locks) should be more tolerant in case of missing "owner"
- corrupt yml settings files (e.g. containing 0x00 bytes) fail SmartGit to start
- Investigate: showed DeepGit version in title

SmartGit 19.1.6
Fixed Bugs:
- Git-Flow, Integrate/Finish Feature: may unexpectedly skip commits to rebase
- Opening bare repository may fail due to missing "logs" directory
- Internal error setting log level to FINE

- possible internal error for files obstructured by submodules

Log/Working tree window:
- memory leak when closing

Log Graph/Journal:
- internal error if a user name contained r

- changing Auxiliary Ref in submodule did not refresh automatically

- internal error trying to ignore the root directory; resolved by only allowing directories containing only untracked (or ignored) files

- for notification "Repository ... has a locked index" the "Delete" button may not work if .git/index.lock has been removed in the meanwhile

- text input field, e.g. filters: Ctrl+Z triggered accelerator instead of accepting as undo for text field

SmartGit 19.1.5
New Features, Improvements:
- Table control: added low-level property table.scrollToSelection to prevent scrolling to selection, e.g. after toggling the sort status

Fixed Bugs:
- GitHub: query was not tolerant in case of missing parent repositories
- Rebasing commands (reordering, changing messages, ...): had problems with spaces in paths
- Opening a missing repository in 2 windows could result in an internal error when confirming the removal
- Possible internal error related to bare repositories
- Index Editor: did not show a warning if a file could not be saved, e.g. because it was locked by another application
- I18n: variable text parts could be replaced by "1", "2", ...
- Internal error saving passwords
- For commercial users with outdated licenses the evaluation did not work
- Applying changes from default settings (startup.settingsToReplaceFromDefaults) did not work when upgrading from old XML files
- resizing the window did not redraw the "Long lines" view causing garbage to be shown there
- forgots some options when using "Remember as Default"

- opening a freshly cloned shallow repository failed if a commit listed in .git/shallow was not present in the repository

SmartGit 19.1.4
New Features, Improvements:
- Branches view: ability to copy stash name
- Changes view: include commit ID for "Could not find submodule commit" message
- Hosting providers: added low-level property
- smartgit.hostingProvider.skipCheckForConfigurations to prevent, e.g. notifications "Bitbucket Server integration is not yet configured"
- Added low-level property smartgit.pull.skipCheckForExternalCredentialsHelper to prevent notification "External Credentials Helper detected"

Fixed Bugs:
- Files: toggling Show Directories did not update the GUI immediately
- Working Tree refresh: possible internal error related to core.ignoreCase=true
- Clicking sourcetree:// URLs in Bitbucket did not open clone wizard any more

- Submodule initialization was not possible if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true
- Refresh: uninitialized submodules don't show up if smartgit.svn.scanSubmodulesForNonSvnParents=true

- Ctrl+Shift+1/2/... did not work if commit message field in Commit/Message view
- Was focused
- Graph/Journal view: focus rect not drawn correctly
- Windows launchers were monitor-dpi-aware by accident
- Other Noteworthy Changes
- Dropped "Merge Directly To" 3rd-party tool due to a couple of problems with changed low-level Git API

SmartGit 19.1.3
Fixed Bugs:
Log, Graph:
- Enter did not the same as double-click
- Focus rect is not drawn any more
- Compare or others: possible internal error applying change
- Output: for Git >= 2.23, progress output like "Compressing objects:" is not properly-recognized anymore
- Stash On Demand: should not fail with "Your local changes have been stashed away, but could not be reapplied." if stashing untracked files is disabled
- Windows: if some special environment variables were set, e.g. JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, the launchers did not recognize the bundled JRE and possibly tried to use an outdated one from the system causing an internal error

SmartGit 19.1.2
Fixed Bugs:
- Finish Release: Tag Message is not set to tag
- Finish Feature/Hotfix/Release: should not remeove remote branch if "push" option is deselected

- Commit view: temporary inconsistency might caused assertion

- Could become inconsistend between selected refs and shown commits
- When merging a tag (by right-clicking it), commit or other branch name on commit was used instead of the tag
- Adding/removing tag from local branch did not properly update local/remote state (orange vs. black nodes)
- Rebasing state: "done" labels might be in wrong order
- Repository state banner text could get focus with blinking caret, e.g. after having clicked (Rebase) Continue
- Internal error trying to open bare repository containing .git admin directory
- Window | Files tried to focus Directories view, even if hidden
- Pull: possible internal error if repository config could not be read
- Refresh: - reduced short-term memory usage
- Stash on Demand: asked to stash untracked files even if option to stash untracked files was unselected

- Cherry Picking a not yet pushed commit (= a commit without a revision) fails with "Aborting commit due to empty commit message "forgot" https credentials

- Possible internal error expanding a tree control

SmartGit 19.1.1
Fixed Bugs:
- Commit, Discard: invoking Compare for renamed file does not show source file, but only empty file

- Integrate did not honor custom base (if configured)
- Start Hotfix fails if an unrelated version-tag is present
- Start Release may suggest invalid (already existing) release name

- Tools: tools with only ${dirSelect} did not show up in menu
- Startup: under certain conditions always asks for confirmation to send bug traces

SmartGit 19.1.0
- GitLab: Open-link did not work for repositories in subgroups

- Cloning created 2 smartgit-*.tmp files in repository
- Duplicate tooltip in the status bar while cloning

- Docking: unmaximizing a view with double click could close another view
- If its (X) button was positioned at the same location

SmartGit 18.2.9
Fixed Bugs:
- Git-Flow, Finish Hotfix: when using external Git-Flow no "version tag" is created
- Support for new BitBucket API

SmartGit 18.2.8

New Features, Improvements:
- SSH: support user names wrapped in single-quotes, e.g. ssh://'[email protected]'@server:1234/path

Fixed Bugs:
- Linux launcher: only enforce GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus if it was set to xim
- macOS: an update of the installation bundle caused a directory to remain

Other Noteworthy Changes:
- increased version of bundled Git to 2.21.0

SmartGit 18.2.7

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: improved error message for "Inconsistency between (cached) commit data detected"
- https: added low-level property connection.https.trustedFingerprints to work around certificate problems with self-signed certificates and proxies
- SSH: authentication-related errors are reported now on re-occurring credentials dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Refresh: false-positive "repository has an error-prone admin area configuration" message for submodules in worktrees
- setting smartgit.log.hostingProviderIntegrationEnabled=true should not disable Distributed Review add-on

- Repositories: opening a repository opened already in another window (working tree or log) causes internal error if renamed or deleted on disk (missing repository)
- Repository Settings on missing repository might cause internal error

Working Tree:
- Merge and other commands with embedded log: branch selection dialog should not hide remote, tracked branches

- Check for New Version: broken if "Automatically download and install updates" has been selected in the preferences
- Docking: maximizing and restoring one view by double clicking its title restores the wrong (too old) size

SmartGit 18.2.6

New Features, Improvements:
- Fetch (background): continues with next submodules if one failed
- Git-Flow: added low-level property gitflow.integrate.shortMergeMessage
- Journal: added low-level property journal.defaultAuxiliaryRef

- Repositories: disallow to delete submodules

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit: error "Cannot read file .../.gitbugtraq" if content is invalid

- Details: unexpected ID detection inside words
- Distributed Reviews: trying to reveal comment failed with "Comment ... could not be revealed"
- File log: Window | Repositories caused internal error
- mergable coloring used hard-to-see color for anchor in dark theme

- possible internal error have a large amount of renamed files
- low-level property "log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels did not work on nested roots

Working Tree:
- Show Changes: Compare with Each Other did not work for files from different repositories
- delete on submodule did not work anymore
- startup: command line parameter "--investigate" was broken
- unmodified SVN submodules in non-SVN parent repositories showed up if "Show Unchanged Files" was unselected
- JIRA/Bitbucket Server/GitLab: problems when trying to access servers which only support a limited set of ciphers (elliptic curves); installation upgrade is required!
- Windows bundles: fixed outdated readme.txt

SmartGit 18.2.5

New Features, Improvements:
- Gerrit added low-level property gerrit.checkCommitMsgHookContent to avoid false-positive Gerrit detection

- Branches, Checkout added low-level property log.checkout.forceSelectionOfBranchAnchor
- Linux startup script easier switching back to GTK2

Fixed Bugs:
- Commit Amend-option was disabled for merge

- Commits view revealing HEAD should always reveal HEAD and not stay at working tree node (e.g. double-clicking from Journal)

- log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels broke refresh of commits breaks in case of invalid Bisect configuration (missing "start" branch)

- Customize Accelerators dialog internal error if a filtered-out accelerator is cleared by setting another Compare/Merge, Apply Selection possible internal error if all was selected

SmartGit 18.2.4

New Features, Improvements:
- Details view: added low-level property
- Log.details.onlyShowActualCommitRefsWhenFiltered

- Support for Mercurial 4.8.*

Fixed Bugs:
Commits view:
- Reordering commits did not preserve selection
- Rebase/cherry-pick by drag & drop was broken
- When filtering, "actually on commit"-marker for refs (brighter box) was not properly evaluated

Branches view:
- Reveal after Checkout did not work for behind branch with
- "Just Checkout" option
- Checking out a branch should not reset a manually changed
- Selection
External tools: incorrect parameter "--defaultsVersion" (instead Of "--version") for "Show Git Version" tool (regression)
- Working Tree Window, Files view context menu: LFS submenu might
- Have been empty (if LFS was not yet installed)
- MacOS: warning about default osxkeychain credential helper

- Possible performance problems with many draft commits in a Repository with many merges
- Startup: possible internal error when specifying invalid value for
- Low-level property ui.verboseDate.weekdayFormat

- Changes view: scrolling with mouse-wheel over connector selected
- Next tab (if there were multiple tabs)
- Customize accelerators: did not warn about duplicate accelerators
- If the commands where invisible because of filtering

SmartGit 18.2.3

New Features, Improvements:
- Added low-level property log.dragAndDrop.offerAdvancedOperationsForDropsOntoAncestors to allow drag and drop for advanced rebase and cherry-pick operations
- Open File Log reuses Branches view selection from repository log

Repositories view:
- Select the current repository only if another repository or group was selected before (but, e.g., no subdirectory)

Fixed Bugs:
- Compare, Apply Selection: internal error applying change from an inserted block

- Git-Flow Light: for various command dialogs "Fetch" options were disabled
- Pull: "Update existing and fetch new tags" did not work for Git >= 2.20
- Refresh: obsolete modified working tree overlaps new commit for a short time, then vanishes

Working Tree window:
- Changes were not reported gradually anymore

- Several views: tab order cycled between table and search input field
- Find Command, Find Object: shortcuts were swapped

SmartGit 18.2.2

New Features:
- Repositories: added low-level property log.wt.refreshOpenButUnselectedModels
- To update the repository state of open, but not currently
- Selected repositories
- Pull with rebase, merge commit: added low-level property
- Pull.rebase.mergeCommit.mergeOrRebase to avoid merge-or-rebase dialog

Fixed Bugs:
- Index content might not have been displayed if file was
- Case-changed in working tree
- Staging hunk for case-changed file did not work

- Filter broke after changing low-level property
- Log.graph.graphicalFiltering in the preferences
- Switching branches lost Working Tree/Index selection
- File/Subdir log did not remember layout
- Repositories: state got lost when opening multiple repositories
- At once and having "Show Working Tree & Index Permanently"
- Selected
- File Compare: forgot about BOM

SmartGit 18.2.1

- Added low-level property log.graph.workingTreeAutoSelectionForConflicts to disable auto-selection of the working tree node if conflicts were detected

- Added low-level property ui.fonts.useDefaultAsInfo to make the info font the same as the default font (instead of a tinier, derived one)

Fixed Bugs:
- Clone listed only own repositories, but should have listed all with read-access ("member" role)
- GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket integration: internal error trying to merge on server
- Log - resettings filter should not auto-select Working Tree or Index node
- Repositories - could not invoke Pull/Push commands on group

- Proxy port was not remembered after switching off the proxy temporarily

- Some special SSH server setups caused an error "ClassNotFound:
- Org.ietf.jgss.GSSException" to be raised => these users should force an installation update from the About dialog using the button right beside the version text field

- Update check: multiple "The upgrade to version x is not covered by your license" notifications showed up

SmartGit 18.2

Fixed Bugs:
- Branches view: Ctrl+C did not copy ref name
- Changes view (Windows): old file content does not show up for case-changed files
- Push to Gerrit: should be available in case of multiple Gerrit remotes (if sill unique)

SmartGit 18.1.5

New Features and improvements:
- Push to Gerrit: if topic is entered, add topic to master-option, like "refs/for/master%topic=topic"

Fixed Bugs:
- Gitignore/Git-config editor: is bright even with dark theme
- Find Objects: possible internal error when entering a long search string
- Refresh/Log: rename detection limit should be 50% by default (as for Git)

- internal error if no Git executable is configured
- startup: possible internal error related to a bad settings.xml

SmartGit 18.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

SmartGit 18.1.3

Git (Log):
- Refresh: improved error message in case of bad stash-reflogs revealing a ref in an existing, filtered log window now resets the filter Updated bundled Git to version 2.17.1 (macOS, Windows; needs new installation or manual triggering of a genuine update in the About dialog)
- Bitbucket integration: improved error reporting
- Output dialog: remembers size (and location)
- Some hosting providers: added low-level property "json.enableGzip" to enable GZIP compression
- Setup wizard: added option to use (in the preferences, it was moved from the Commands > Log page to the Privacy page)

Fixed Bugs (Git):
- Commit Message view: entered message was not stored in the history
- Ignore: internal error trying to ignore directory with certain special characters like '[' in its name
- Local | Rename: allowed to rename the . directory

- internal error switching back from "Varying Coloring" to "Root Coloring" toggling individual pull requests did not work
- Log/Journal: - right-clicking an unselected commit showed commands for previously selected commit (Linux, macOS)
- Refresh: possible error for files with name "aux" (Windows)
- Stash Selection: failed with quotes in the message
- Bitbucket integration: problems parsing multiple reviewers
- GitHub integration (main window): certain errors were not reported
- GitLab integration: API version v3 is not supported any more

- recurring error "The fingerprint of the SSH server has changed"
- an invalid .ssh/known_hosts file might show a lot of notifications about the failed read
- Tools: internal error invoking tool on repository located on drive root (Windows)
- Upgrade (Windows): possible "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error

SmartGit 18.1.2

New Features and improvements:
- Log: re-introduced former "varying" coloring
- added low-level property compare.gitCompatibleBinaryDetection

Fixed Bugs:
- interactive rebased timed out after 2min (Windows)

- possible "Node ... not found" error when opening repository
- right-clicking loses selection if scrolled down
- Rebase Head To: "Can't rebase HEAD to HEAD or an anchestor commit" error if
- HEAD is hidden

- Conflict Solver: did not open for graft-conflicts
- Log: internal error when opening in Rebasing state
- SSH: certain problems with private key authentication (depending on files
- parallel to the provided private key file)

Linux bundle:
- added work-around for reg-ex related Java crashes caused by syntax
- highlighting code
- DEB bundle did not start on Ubuntu 18.04

SmartGit 18.1.1

New features and improvements:
- Git-Flow: if the low-level property gitflow.requireCleanWorktreeOnStart is set to true, starting a feature or hotfix with local changes will abort
- Log: if low-level property log.graph.displayCommitDateForAuthor is set to true, it will show the author, but the commit (instead of the author) date
- Output: if low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible is set to false, the Output dialog is shown independent of the Output view's visibility

Fixed Bugs:
- Blame: memory leak
- Edit Last Commit Message: internal error when in bisecting mode
- Journal, Move & Squash: when dragging onto first pushed commit, no "already pushed" warning was displayed memory leak when switching between repositories frequently quotes around filter definitions, e.g. git-crypt, caused errors starting these commands possible error "Raw log messge does not parse as log entry"
- Refresh: internal error when opening repositories with core.worktree set

- Refresh: possible hang related to conflicts
- Compare: Ignore Whitespace should not display completely unchanged blocks as changed

SmartGit 18.1.0

- Possible internal error opening log in merging or rebasing state
- Added system property smartgit.nodecache.maxCachesToKeepInMemory to limit the log caches to keep in memory

Investigate (DeepGit):
- Memory leak
- Wrong colors used for system-independent light theme
- Various commands with dialog-based Log (Checkout, Merge, ...): graph filter options missing in File input field's drop-down menu

SmartGit 17.1.6 Build 11221

New features and improvements:
- Log, Tools menu: allow tools that operate on the repository using ${repositoryRootPath}

Fixed bugs:
- Git-Flow: when merging, stop processing if merge aborts due to file permission problems
- Refresh: possible internal error for special characters in file name and wrong system charset
- Stash Selection: contained redundant "--" when invoking "git stash push"

SmartGit 17.1.5 Build 11217

New features and improvements:
- built-in SSH client: support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Fixed Bugs:
- Git:
  - Log:
    - Compare:
      - Linux/GTK2: possible internal error painting comments
      - too large font was used for comments
- SVN: changing URL did not work reliable - disabled
- Bitbucket: possible 401 authentication failures after redoing OAuth
  authentication while SmartGit is running

SmartGit 17.1.4 Build 11213

External Diff tools:
- set system property "" to true to apply
- filter..smudge
- System property "smartgit.executable.home" supports $USERPROFILE on Windows
- support for Git 2.16's SSH client detection ("The SSH server '-G' could not be found")

Fixed Bugs:
- after a fresh setup, "Mark as Favorite" notification comes up again every couple of seconds when dismissing with red x
- Changes view, Index Editor: staging LF-only files converted it to CRLF in Index
- Investigate: Open Log may result in internal error if Blame was not yet initialized

- Branches: toggling single branch in unselected category may add additional 2nd-level branch to selection
- Changes: Compact Changes option did not work (regression)
- Refresh: internal error related to renamed files

User interface:
- Preferences, Text Editor colors: ruler colors were not applied/stored
- OS X: possible internal error related to connecting/disconnecting monitors update check: did remind user to enable update check while it was disabled by system property

SmartGit 17.1.3 Build 11198

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: the count of the loaded commits is now hidden by default (set smartgit.log.commits.showLoadedCount to true to show it)
- JIRA integration: option smartgit.jira.fixResolutionId to specify the issue resolution ID that should be used to mark issues as resolved
- Set smartgit.updateCheck.checkForLatestBuildVisible to false to hide Help | Check for Latest Build
- Investigate: don't require DeepGit license for licensed SmartGit users

Fixed Bugs:

- Merge, Abort and others: could not be invoked if .gitmodules was in conflicting state

- Include with relative path like ../.gitconfig did not work in .git/config
- Wrong display after creating orphan branch
- Review comments: not able to add first comment to file

Eclipse SDK 4.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


PyCharm 2019.3.4 查看版本資訊


Google Chrome Portable 80.0.3987.149 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Balsamiq Wireframes 4.0.28 查看版本資訊


Plex Media Player 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Plex Media Player
- Fixed an issue playing videos in photo libraries where progress wouldn't reset after switching between videos

Plex Media Player
- Fixed unselected subtitles displaying during playback in desktop layout

Plex Media Player
- Updated Desktop to 4.24.1

- display of non UTF-8 sidecar subtitles
- long press of backspace causing loss of focus when closing modals
- an issue that caused search to never be performed when using the pointer
- an issue that could cause the sidebar to become inaccessible after stopping playback from a controller app
- loss of progress when VOD is stopped during initial ad after resuming
- missing focus in `Plex is not reachable` page
- an issue that caused sidebar items to display an infinite spinner when the app is offline
- possible error on user switcher when authentication is unavailable

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
New Search page with updated design and functionality:
- Search VOD, News, Podcasts, Web Shows and TIDAL as well as PMS libraries
- Keeps a history of recent searches
- Change search target to search all media, pinned sources, specific source types or providers
- Results are grouped by owned libraries, shared libraries and providers
- Contextual results promoted based on where search was started from (i.e. if search is made from a library, results from that library will be promoted to the top)
- Avoid transcoding of 4K video when another version is playable
- Added server name to "Log to Media Server" app setting

Plex Media Player
- Fixed metadata line height issue on some preplay pages
- Fixed an issue where some manually added hubs never loaded properly (requires re-adding those hubs to the home screen)
- Fixed an issue that could cause loss of focus when switching between custom and auto home
- Fixed an issue that sometimes made it impossible to reorder home hubs

Plex Media Player
- Fixed genres being too close to title on Web Shows and Podcast show pre plays
- Fixed letter inputs not working when keyboard is set to uppercase
- Fixed an issue where a no longer existing server could prevent you from sharing other servers
- Fixed an issue where some hubs on the Home Screen overlap the separator
- Fixed back key going back to user switcher when editing a managed user's name
- Fixed pinned sources occasionally not influencing home screen content when switching between Auto and Custom modes
- Disabled the option to add hubs to home screen when `Automatic Home` is enabled

Plex Media Player
- Improved home screen customization reset behavior
- Fixed hubs sometimes not loading in `Manage Hubs` modal in source settings
- Fixed an issue with toggling subtitles on videos with multiple versions
- Fixed an issue that caused the app to show an infinite loading indicator after backing away from a folder while in list view

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Improved sidebar pointer support
- Renamed "Online Content" group to "Plex" in sidebar "More" menu and moved it after user servers"
- Fixed size of related photos thumbnails in photo player
- Fixed wrong playback titles being shown sometimes for video clips
- Fixed hidden focus when going back from preplay
- Fixed an issue that could cause albums and seasons lists to fail to load in artist and tv show pages
- Fixed lyrics fetching error message flashing
- Fixed wrong thumbnail image for photos in album list view
- Fixed Preplay buttons too close to summary on preplay screen
- Fixed sidebar customization being skipped for users with only one server and no enabled online media sources"

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.104.2
- Added an item count to collections

- Fixed delay when skipping forward or back using arrow keys
- Fixed scrollbar sometimes showing up in toolbar
- Fixed seeking sometimes not updating progress bar and elapsed/remaining times
- Fixed an issue that could cause home page hubs to display a `Content Unavailable` error
- Fixed showing the more actions menu in the video player while playing movies
- Fixed app losing focus after reconnecting to server
- Fixed non-functional search button in Home screen
- Fixed play/pause not working while changing subtitle offset
- Fixed occasional unexpected behavior when attempting to use lyrics as a non-Plex Pass user
- Fixed cast members linking to pre-UNO view
- Fixed an error loading `Manage Hubs` modal in TIDAL
- Fixed an issue that could cause albums and seasons lists to fail to load in artist and tv show pages
- Fixed sidebar customization being skipped for users with only one server and no enabled online media sources

Plex Media Player
Plex’s new UI experience with many major enhancements including:
- Customizable / always accessible sidebar navigation
- Ability to pin and reorder your favorite libraries to the sidebar
- Quick access to all of your media through the “More” menu item
- Redesigned tab views that remember your previous view within each library (can be controlled via setting)
- A customizable home screen including pinning content rows from any library to home
- Added "Reset Customization" button in user menu to reset sidebar and home screen
- Added automatic refresh when library is rescanned
- Don't show "More" button when user has no servers and has disabled all online media providers

- Fixed an issue that could cause the app to become unresponsive after deleting a hub from the Home screen
- Fixed an issue that caused the Home page to display an infinite spinner after finishing the onboarding
- Fixed an issue that could result in managed users not seeing the onboarding screens
- Fixed home hub labels not updating after changing the language
- Fixed an issue where a scrollbar sometimes appears up on the source edit screen
- Fixed long song names not marqueeing when focused on album view
- Fixed empty library message being shown for Live TV
- Fixed an issue that could cause home page hubs to display a `Content Unavailable` error
- Fixed showing the more actions menu in the video player while playing movies
- Fixed app losing focus after reconnecting to server
- Fixed non-functional search button in Home screen

Plex Media Player
- Fixed: Home showing an endless spinner

Plex Media Player
- Disabled List View and Browse By Folder for Photo libraries
- Replaced `Browse by Folder` option available in PMS libraries with `Folders` option in types menu
- UNO preview: Added "Remember Selected Tab" app setting
- UNO preview: Removed `Go to ` metadata item action"

- UNO preview: Fixed Live TV hubs on missing airing informationfalse
- UNO preview: Fixed an issue that could cause the sidebar to become inaccessible after ending playback
- UNO preview: Fixed an issue that made it possible to navigate from the jump bar to the page header
- UNO preview: Fixed an issue that could result in managed users not seeing the onboarding screens
- UNO preview: Fixed an edge case that allowed a pre-UNO page header to be visible while browsing sources
- UNO preview: Don't show Search button in Home screen when no preferred server was selected"

Plex Media Player
- Added Artist TV Radio
- Added News personalize settings link to News sources in UNO sidebar
- Added loading default tab and saving last viewed tab for Playlists sources in UNO sidebar
- Automatically remove pinned sources from deleted libraries in UNO sidebar
- Improved video quality for News, Web Shows, and TIDAL Music Videos during beginning of playback"

- Fixed showing "home screen media types" setting when UNO preview is enabled
- Fixed an issue with video playback where attempting to hold down left/right would result in constant buffering indicator interrupting seeking
- Fixed an issue in search where the type would reset to "All" after pressing search button from more results
- Fixed related photos in photo player showing limited results
- Fixed an issue in UNO where users are unable to select initial pinned sources if they only have one server
- Fixed pinned sources in UNO sidebar showing error icons after switching users
- Fixed an issue in UNO where server unavailable icon won't update
- Fixed an issue where the More poster was too big for some hubs
- Fixed an issue in UNO where going back to a Recommended tab could sometimes result in focus being lost
- Fixed an issue in UNO where switching between sources chould sometimes result in loss of focus
- Fixed missing focus in TIDAL playlist pages when UNO preview is enabledrn- Fixed an issue with reordering UNO sidebar pinned sources where the wrong item would be moved
- Fixed search in UNO not correctly restricting results per type by default"

Plex Media Player
- Added error pages for empty home screen, empty libraries and unavailable servers
- Added missing fullcreen and layout toggle buttons to UNO experience preview page headers"
- Fixed bandwidth estimate handling when playing multiple videos in the same app session
- Fixed manage and refresh buttons overlap in errored home hubs
- Fixed DVR options appearing for managed users with only Live TV permissions
- Fixed an edge case that could lead to missing focus after selecting preferred server and sourcesrn- Fixed focus being lost when UNO page header is empty
- Fixed initial missing focus after selecting "Watch Now" in Live TVrn- Fixed some "Go to..." buttons redirecting to non-UNO pagesrn-
- Fixed showing play and shuffle buttons in UNO preview Collections tabs
- Fixed being unable to get back to library content after leaving a page with no content
- Fixed an issue in UNO that prevented browsing folders in list mode
- Fixed issues around focus being lost or incorrect in sidebar when navigating between sources
- Fixed occasional empty details when browsing libraries in list view in UNO preview
- Fixed an issue in UNO where users are unable to select initial pinned sources if they only have one server
- Fixed an issue in UNO where going back to a Recommended tab could sometimes result in focus being lost
- Fixed an issue in UNO where switching between sources chould sometimes result in loss of focus"

Plex Media Player

- Added a new base background imagern
- Preview Plex’s new PMP experience with many major enhancements includingrn Customizable / always accessible sidebar navigationrn
- Ability to pin and reorder your favorite libraries to the sidebarrn
- Quick access to all of your media through the “More” menu itemrn
- Redesigned tab views that remember your previous view within each library (can be controlled via setting)rn
- A customizable home screen including pinning content rows from any library to home

- Fixed missing news hubsrn
- Fixed titles missing for music videos in playlist

Plex Media Player
- Fixed blurry letter avatar in user menu
- Fixed text getting cut off in related hubs
- Fixed user avatar not appearing in playlists with shared content
- Fixed quick links hubs not correctly positioned with line borders
- Fixed On Right Now hub for Live TV not showing "More..." button
- Fixed loss of focus when only server goes offline">

Plex Media Player
- fixed user icon in settings modal displaying square instead of round initially"

Plex Media Player
- Added subtitles offset controls for external subtitle files"items_fixed
- Fixed podcasts related episodes getting cut offrn- Fixed user ratings showing the wrong value on the extended info screen"

Plex Media Player
- Fixed dashboard not loading when one or more Online Media Sources is disabled

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Fixed an issue where search results would come from local machine's server instead of specified server
- Fixed an issue where selecting a search result would open a blank page

Plex Media Player
- Added subtitle color and position options
- We've updated our tooling to provide an improved user experience
- AAC audio streams are no longer automatically converted to AC3, EAC3, or DTS during Direct Stream or Transcode when the related Settings > Audio setting is enabled. Instead they will play without conversion" items_fixed
- Fixed loss of focus when going to an empty web shows page
- Fixed navigation order after switching to the admin user
- Fixed News and Podcasts directories so they don't touch navigation bar
- Fixed extended info poster not positioned properly"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.83.1
- Support translation of relative time strings
- Adjusted library page jump bar so more characters can be shown
- Changed user menu from dropdown to full screen modal"

Plex Media Player
- Added actions menu to Web Shows and Podcasts show preplay pagesrn
- Added Chapter Selection title to chapter selection menurn
- Don't show 'More...' button when there is only one more item
- Fixed possible error on user switcher screenrn
- Fixed chapter selection sometimes losing focus at the end of the listrn
- Fixed Live TV restarting from another position when enabling or disabling Closed Captioningrn
- Fixed some issues with video transcoding when it can direct stream"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Fixed an issue where signing out or switching users could cause the app to freeze
- Fixed an issue where the app could crash when loading a type view
- Fixed an issue where focus would be lost after removing the last item from a listFixed as issue where enabling recording all episodes for certain shows could return in nothing getting added to the priority list
- Fixed an issue that could cause a blank screen to appear after playback
- Fixed loss of focus on episode preplay in some cases"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Improvements to subtitles search results titles
- Added new music player UI for podcasts
- Added Related Episodes hub underneath the Podcasts player
- Watch Later and Recommended support has been removed.
- Fixed occasional loss of focus on library page when applying "unplayed" filter
- Fixed settings failing to open in some circumstances
- Fixed zip code not disappearing in News settings after selecting a country that doesn't have zip codes
- Fixed selecting a play queue item occasionally not starting playback"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Fixed an issue connecting to Plex Cloud servers

Plex Media Player
- Chapter titles to the chapter selectionrn
- Added the ability to focus the progress bar and move the playhead to seek more accuratelyrn
- Added preview thumbnails while seeking (when available)rn
- Adjusted rewind and fast-foward behavior to move the playhead automatically at 1x, 2x or 3x speedrn
- Added new music mini playerrn
- Added new user button design in the application headerrn
- Added split fullscreen and layout switching controls
- Fixed shuffle commands received from companion apps not being recognizedrn- Fixed dashboard hubs sometimes failing to load when switching between Home usersrn
- Fixed advancing to the same item as the one currently playing putting the player in a broken statern
- Fixed focus not being restored when returning to playlists list pagern
- Fixed missing placeholder for chapter selection preview thumbnailsrn
- Fixed broken focus behaviour when pressing right twice quickly on settingsrn
- Fixed missing 'Collections' and 'Albums' links from dashboards

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.61.1rn
- Added soft subtitles with direct play (requires PMS 1.13.4 or above)
- Added missing unwatched triangles to Watch Later/Recommendedrn
- Fixed sometimes only the background showing when going back to the pre-play pagern
- Fixed items in On Right Now starting playback immediately after going to Watch Nowrn
- Fixed icon for server and source listsrn
- Fixed an issue where pressing left or right while video is paused causes you to go to previous/next video instead of seeking"

Plex Media Player
- Fixed error showing when recording is post processing
- Fixed troubles selecting embedded subtitle streams in videos without audio streams
- Fixed grid view programs getting duplicated when refreshing EPG with grid view open
- Fixed video quality setting does not properly show user selection

Plex Media Player
- Fixed focus disappearing after selecting a different news clip from the play queue
- Fixed missing jump bars when viewing Artists and Albums from Quick Links
- Don't show 'Browse by Folder' option when not applicable
- Fixed missing shuffle button from Collections PrePlay

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Restored ability to delete Watch Later/Recommended items
- Fixed Browse by Folder showing unwatched flags on folders
- Fixed cursor getting lost when navigating up to menu on Live TV Watch Now
- Fixed metadata being displayed behind episode thumbnail in some cases
- Fixed smooth scroll behaviour on some dashboard pages
- Fixed audio & subtitle preference changes not being reflected immediately on the preplay page
- Removed “Discover” and “Watch Now” buttons from Live TV Browse All"

Plex Media Player

- TV web-client updated to 3.54.2

- Removed non-functional Channel provider

Plex Media Player

Items added:
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.52.2
- Qt updated to 5.9.5
- Updated "(Un)Watched" text to "(Un)Played"

Items fixed:
- Restored ability to delete Watch Later/Recommended items
- Fixed several possible situations where focus could disappear
- Fixed an issue where shuffling a TV season would result in a play queue containing episodes from outside of that season
- Fixed an issue where the order in which items on a show page are focused could sometimes be inconsistent
- Ensured quality setting is respected when autoplaying next video
- Fixed HLS videos in Watch Later not playing in some cases
- Fixed some occurrences of "Repeat All" not repeating single video play queues
- Fixed Live TV type buttons cutoff in list view
- Fixed inconsistent queue behavior when playing season with no unwatched episodes
- Fixed music play queues not correctly restoring on app start
- Fixed an issue that prevented playing content from a Controller while the app is in the PIN entry screen

Plex Media Player
- Added Privacy Policy and Terms of Service viewing in settings
- Added quick links action buttons for type discovery pages
- (Xbox One) HDR support for Xbox One S and Xbox One
- (Xbox One) Automatic display mode switching to match video resolution and refresh rate
- Fixed the app not loading if was unavailable
- Fixed the version badge not updating after deleting a version
- Fixed missing videos in a photo library failing silently
- Fixed the OSD not hiding when resuming playback after the screensaver was shown
- (PMP) Fixed high CPU usage during music playback
- Fixed deleting of file with multiple versions
- Fix missing video titles on photo album pages
- Fix the rest of the episodes in the play queue after selecting play from the show level

Plex Media Player

Items added:
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.47.1
- Added automatic fallback to transcode if direct playing music fails
- Updated translations

Items fixed:
- Fixed an issue that prevented toggling between timed and untimed lyrics
- Fixed library lists sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Fixed the dashboard type list sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Don't show the library list if there are no libraries available
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause pointer-only UI elements to appear while not controlling the app with a pointer
- Fixed an issue with news tags sometimes appearing offscreen
- Fixed an issue where going to an empty recording schedule page would make the application unresponsive to input
- Fixed UI sounds

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Added scrolling to dashboard header type buttons when more than 5 buttons are visible
- Swapped the Record and Play buttons on Live TV item screens
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.41.2
- Fixed possible endless buffering at start of playback
- Fixed short movie/episode summary alignment
- Fixed version count not showing up on poster lists
- Fixed the recording schedule not displaying an empty message when no events are displayed
- Fixed the next airing wrapping to two lines on the recording priority page
- Selecting "Sign Out" after selecting "Switch User" from the app's home screen no longer shows homescreen content below the confirmation modal

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.37.2
- Added subtitle support for videos in the photo player
- Remember last active library when switching between dashboard types"
- Fixed the type dropdown showing collections for Live TV
- Fixed missing separator line for Online Content in libraries
- Fixed an issue with the player controls sometimes unexpectedly disappearing after changing playing item
- Fixed video restarting from offset when changing the audio or subtitle streams
- Fixed movie filters dropdown getting cut off on certain screen sizes
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to close the player until the content finished loading
- Fixed the player remaining paused after changing an item in the play queue
- Fixed title getting cut off on Live TV preplay pages
- Fixed the player controls briefly appearing when closing the player
- Fixed seeking in Live TV playback in desktop mode
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause the app to become unresponsive to key input after signing in
- Fixed some issues with item actions for some older servers
- Fixed an issue that prevented using keyboard shortcuts to mark an item as unwatched

Plex Media Player
- Updated translations
- Fixed the titles for recently added TV shows
- Fixed the player sometimes not being able to play watch later/recommended videos
- Fixed bug that could cause app to fail to load
- Fixed cases where playback would error or fallback to a transcode near the end of a video
- Fixed issues with Apple IR remotes on High Sierra