EaseUS Partition Master Free 歷史舊版本 Page6

最新版本 EaseUS Partition Master Free 18.0

EaseUS Partition Master Free 歷史版本列表

EaseUS Partition Master Free 版本是一個 ALL-IN-ONE 分區解決方案和磁盤管理免費軟件。它允許您擴展分區(尤其是系統驅動器),輕鬆管理磁盤空間,解決 Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7(包括 SP1)和 Windows 8 下的 MBR 和 GUID 分區表(GPT)磁盤上的磁盤空間不足問題 32 位和 64 位系統。 E... EaseUS Partition Master Free 軟體介紹

Node.js 13.11.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- async_hooks: add sync enterWith to ALS
- cli: allow --jitless V8 flag in NODE_OPTIONS
- fs: return first folder made by mkdir recursive
- n-api: define release 6
- os: create a getter for kernel version
- wasi: add returnOnExit option

Resolume Arena 7.1.1 rev 68467 查看版本資訊


Resolume Avenue 7.1.1 rev 68159 查看版本資訊


Node.js 13.10.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- In Node.js 13.9.0 deps/zlib was switched to the chromium maintained implementation. This change had the unforseen consequence of breaking building from the tarballs we release as we were too aggressively removing unneccessary files from the deps/zlib folder. This release includes a patch that ensures that individuals will once again be able to build Node.js from source.

Node.js 13.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- add executionAsyncResource

- add crypto.diffieHellman
- add DH support to generateKeyPair
- simplify DH groups
- add key type 'dh'

- skip keygen tests on arm systems

- add property flags to GCPerformanceEntry

- report ArrayBuffer memory in memoryUsage()

-make tab size configurable

- add support for Workers

- add ability to take heap snapshot from parent thread

added new collaborators:
- add ronag to collaborators

Node.js 13.8.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Vulnerabilities fixed:
- HTTP header values do not have trailing OWS trimmed
- HTTP request smuggling using malformed Transfer-Encoding header
- Remotely trigger an assertion on a TLS server with a malformed certificate string

 - benchmark: support optional headers with wrk
 - crypto: fix assertion caused by unsupported ext
 - deps: update llhttp to 2.0.4
 - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: make --insecure-http-parser configurable per-stream or per-server
 - http: strip trailing OWS from header values
 - test: using TE to smuggle reqs is not possible

Node.js 12.14.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix key requirements in asymmetric cipher

- update llhttp to 2.0.1
- update nghttp2 to 1.40.0

- v8: mark serdes API as stable

Node.js 13.7.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- upgrade to libuv 1.34.1
- upgrade npm to 6.13.6

- add API for interacting with source maps
- loader getSource, getFormat, transform hooks
- logical conditional exports ordering
- unflag conditional exports

- allow monitoring uncaughtException

- async_hooks: remove internal only error checking
- benchmark: add default type in getstringwidth.js
- benchmark: benchmarking impacts of async hooks on promises
- build: remove enable_vtune from vcbuild.bat
- build: add vs2019 to vcbuild.bat help
- build: fix macos runner type in GitHub Action
- build: fix step name in GitHub Actions workflow
- build: add GitHub actions to run linters
- build: silence OpenSSL Windows compiler warnings
- build: silence c-ares Windows compiler warnings
- build: test Python 3 using GitHub Actions-based CI
- build: avoid using CMP for BZ2File
- child_process: remove unnecessary use of inner state
- deps: V8: cherry-pick d89f4ef1cd62
- deps: V8: cherry-pick b9d33036e9a8
- deps: upgrade to libuv 1.34.1
- deps: upgrade npm to 6.13.6
- deps: deactivate failing tests corresponding to experimental features
- doc: add missing code formatting in vm.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in url.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in tls.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in os.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in net.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in https.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in http2.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in fs.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in errors.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in dgram.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in deprecations.md
- doc: standardize on "host name" in async_hooks.md
- doc: fix a code example in crypto.md
- doc: add an example for util.types.isExternal
- doc: fix example of parsing request.url
- doc: document readline key bindings
- doc: improve doc v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics() 'GetHeapSpaceStatistics'
- doc: update README to make Node.js description clearer
- doc: fix a code example in zlib.md
- doc: add GeoffreyBooth to collaborators
- doc: update description of External
- doc: rename iterator to iterable in examples
- doc: fix stream async iterator sample
- doc: correct filehandle.[read|write|append]File()
- doc: prefer server vs srv and client vs clt
- doc: explain native external types
- doc,src: clarify that one napi_env is per-module
- errors: remove dead code in ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE
- fs: add missing HandleScope to FileHandle.close
- fs: use async writeFile in FileHandle#appendFile
- http2: skip creating native ShutdownWrap
- lib: replace BigInt64Array global by the primordials
- lib: add Uint16Array primordials
- lib: add RegExp primordials
- lib: replace Float32Array global by the primordials
- lib: replace BigUInt64Array global by the primordials
- lib,tools,test: remove custom number-isnan rule
- module: fix check exports issue in cjs module loading
- (SEMVER-MINOR) module: unflag conditional exports
- (SEMVER-MINOR) module: add API for interacting with source maps
- module: logical conditional exports ordering
- module: loader getSource, getFormat, transform hooks
- n-api: return napi_invalid_arg on napi_create_bigint_words
- (SEMVER-MINOR) n-api: add napi_get_all_property_names
- (SEMVER-MINOR) process: allow monitoring uncaughtException
- readline: improve unicode support and tab completion
- readline: move charLengthLeft() and charLengthAt()
- readline: improve getStringWidth()
- readline,repl: support tabs properly
- readline,repl: improve history up/previous
- readline,repl: skip history entries identical to the current line
- readline,repl: add substring based history search
- repl: do not preview while pasting code
- repl: fix preview cursor position
- repl: change preview default in case of custom eval functions
- repl: activate previews for lines exceeding the terminal columns
- repl: improve preview length calculation
- repl,readline: clean up code
- src: fix performance regression in node_file.cc
- src: use uv_guess_handle() to detect TTYs
- src: include uv.h in node_binding header
- src: change GetStringWidth's expand_emoji_sequence option default
- src: improve GetColumnWidth performance
- src: fix -Wbraced-scalar-init warning
- src: add build Github Action
- src: remove node::InitializeV8Platform()
- src: remove uses of node::InitializeV8Platform()
- src: clean up large_pages code
- stream: fix async iterator destroyed error propagation
- stream: simplify push
- stream: clean up definition using defineProperties
- stream: replace Function.prototype with primordial
- stream: sync stream unpipe resume
- test: stricten readline keypress failure test condition
- test: allow disabling crypto tests
- test: add repl tests to verify unicode support in previews
- test: fix recursive rm test to actually use tmpdir
- test: check that --insecure-http-parser works
- test: remove unused symlink loop
- test: prefer server over srv
- test: fix unit test logging with python3
- test,module: add test for exports cjs loader check
- tools: remove obsolete dependencies
- tools: update remark-preset-lint-node to 1.12.0
- tools: update JSON header parsing for backticks
- tools: ensure consistent perms of signed release files
- tools: add clang-tidy rule in src
- util: add todo comments for inspect to add unicode support
- (SEMVER-MINOR) vm: add code cache support for SourceTextModule
- wasi: improve use of primordials
- win: change to use Python in install tool

Node.js 13.6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Implement assert.match() and assert.doesNotMatch()

- Add EventEmitter.on to async iterate over events
- Allow monitoring error events

- Allow overriding fs for streams

- Move perf_hooks out of experimental (legendecas)

- Implement ZSH-like reverse-i-search

- Add PSK (pre-shared key) support

- (SEMVER-MINOR) assert: implement assert.match() and assert.doesNotMatch()
- assert: use for...of
- benchmark: use let instead of var in dgram
- benchmark: add benchmark on async_hooks enabled http server
- benchmark: use let instead of var in crypto
- benchmark: replace var with let/const in cluster benchmark
- benchmark: include writev in benchmark
- benchmark: use let instead of var in child_process
- benchmark: add clear connections to secure-pair
- benchmark: update manywrites back pressure
- bootstrap: use different scripts to setup different configurations
- buffer: improve .from() error details
- build: don't use -latomic on macOS
- build: warn upon --use-largepages config option
- build: switch realpath to pwd
- build: fixes build for some os versions
- build: re-introduce --use-largepages as no-op
- deps: V8: backport a4545db
- deps: V8: bump v8_embedder_string for 0e21c1e
- deps: uvwasi: cherry-pick 75b389c
- deps: uvwasi: cherry-pick 64e59d5
- deps: V8: cherry-pick 687d865fe251
- deps: V8: cherry-pick d406bfd64653
- deps: V8: cherry-pick d3a1a5b6c491
- deps,src,test: update to uvwasi 0.0.3 (cjihrig)
- dgram: test to add and to drop specific membership
- dgram: use for...of
- doc: remove extra backtick (cjihrig)
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc: update REPL documentation to instantiate the REPL
- doc: improve explanation of package.json "type" field
- doc: clarify role of writable.cork()
- doc: de-duplicate security release processes
- doc: fix createDiffieHellman generator type
- doc: update mode type for mkdir() functions
- doc: update mode type for process.umask()
- doc: update mode type for fs open() functions
- doc: update mode type for fchmod() functions
- doc: update parameter type for fsPromises.chmod()
- doc: improve dns introduction
- doc: update parameter type for fs.chmod()
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers in globals documentation
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers in deprecations documentation
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers in addons documentation
- doc: allow <code> in header elements
- doc: add --inspect-publish-uid man page entry
- doc: add --force-context-aware man page entry
- doc: add --enable-source-maps man page entry
- doc: fix anchors and subtitle in BUILDING.md
- doc: standardize usage of hostname vs. host name
- doc: add unrepresented flags docs for configure
- doc: improve doc net:server.listen (dev-313)
- doc: implement minor improvements to BUILDING.md text
- doc: avoid using v8::Persistent in addon docs
- doc: clarify required flag for extensionless esm
- doc: reference worker threads on signal events
- doc: update message.url example in http.IncomingMessage
- doc,assert: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,async_hooks: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,buffer: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,child_process: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,cluster: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,console: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,crypto: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,dgram: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,dns: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,domain: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,errors: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,esm: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,events: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,fs: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,http: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,http2: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,https: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,inspector: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,lib,src,test: rename WASI CLI flag
- doc,module: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,net: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,os: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,path: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,perf_hooks: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,process: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,punycode: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,querystring: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,readline: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,repl: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,stream: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,string_decoder: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,timers: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,tls: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,tty: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,url: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,util: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,v8: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,vm: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,vm,test: remove _sandbox_ from vm documentation
- doc,wasi: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,worker: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,zlib: use code markup/markdown in headers
- errors: support prepareSourceMap with source-maps
- errors: improve ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE
- esm: better error message for unsupported URL
- esm: empty ext from pkg type/main doesnt affect format
- (SEMVER-MINOR) events: add EventEmitter.on to async iterate over events
- (SEMVER-MINOR) events: allow monitoring error events
- fs: use consistent defaults in sync stat functions
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: allow overriding fs for streams
- http: http_outgoing rename var to let and const
- http: free listeners on free sockets
- http2: set default enableConnectProtocol to 0
- http2: make HTTP2ServerResponse more streams compliant
- http2: wait for session socket writable end on close/destroy
- http2: wait for session to finish writing before destroy
- https: prevent options object from being mutated
- lib: move initialization of APIs for changing process state
- lib: replace Map global by the primordials
- lib: replace use of Error with primordials
- lib: replace Set global by the primordials
- lib: replace WeakSet global by the primordials
- lib: replace WeakMap global by the primordials
- lib: replace Set.prototype with SetPrototype primordial
- lib: do not catch user errors
- lib: replace var with let/const
- lib: further simplify assertions in vm/module
- lib: improve spelling and grammar in comment
- meta: clarify scope of new nodejs.org issue choice
- module: unflag resolve self
- module: self resolve bug fix and esm ordering
- n-api: keep napi_env alive while it has finalizers
- perf_hooks: use for...of
- (SEMVER-MINOR) perf_hooks: move perf_hooks out of experimental
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: set null as callback return in case there's no error
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: small refactoring
- repl: use public getCursorPos()
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: implement reverse search
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: fix preview of lines that exceed the terminal columns
- src: suppress warning in src/node_env_var.cc
- src: make large_pages node.cc include conditional
- src: enable stack trace printing for V8 check failures
- src: prevent hard coding stack trace limit
- src: port --bash-completion to C++
- src: make --use-largepages a runtime option
- src: list used functions on headers
- src: fix compiler warning in env.cc
- src,test: use v8::Global instead of v8::Persistent
- stream: group all properties using defineProperties
- stream: pipeline should use req.abort() to destroy response
- stream: reset flowing state if no 'readable' or 'data' listeners
- stream: simplify isBuf
- test: change buffer offset to accommodate V8 BackingStore
- test: use spread object
- test: refactor common.expectsError
- test: increase coverage for _http_incoming.js
- test: log errors in test-http2-propagate-session-destroy-code
- test: skip the unsupported test cases for IBM i
- test: get lib/wasi.js coverage to 100%
- test: cover vm with negative tests
- test: unflake async hooks statwatcher test
- test: fix common.enoughTestMem
- test: fix long lines
- test: fix flaky test-http2-client-upload
- test: use tmpdir.refresh() in test-esm-windows.js
- test: remove obsolete WASI test
- timers: fix refresh for expired timers
- timers: do less work in insert
- (SEMVER-MINOR) tls: add PSK support
- tools: remove prefer-common-expectserror lint rule
- tools: allow the travis commit message job to fail
- tools: fix Raspbian armv7 build
- tools: update ESLint to 6.8.0
- tools,src: forbid usage of v8::Persistent
- util: improve prototype inspection using inspect() and showHidden
- util: add (typed) array length to the default output
- util: add colors to debuglog()
- wasi: refactor destructuring object on constructor
- wasi: fix serdes bugs from snapshot1 migration
- wasi: throw on failed uvwasi_init()
- zlib: use for...of
- zlib: allow writes after readable 'end' to finish

Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable Changes:
- add --trace-exit cli option (legendecas)

- increase server headers timeout

- update ansi-regex
- promote _getCursorPos to public api

- add completion preview

- add Set and map size to inspect output

- require CLI flag to require() wasi module

- async_hooks: ensure proper handling in runInAsyncScope
- benchmark: use let/const instead of var in buffers (dnlup)
- build: auto-load ICU data from --with-icu-default-data-dir
- build: fix missing x64 arch suffix in binary tar name
- build,win: fix goto exit in vcbuild
- build,win: support building MSI with VS2019
- (SEMVER-MINOR) cli: add --trace-exit cli option
- cluster: remove unnecessary bind
- console: unregister temporary error listener
- crypto: cast oaepLabel to unsigned char*
- doc: add note about fs.close() about undefined behavior
- doc: explain napi_run_script
- doc: add "Be direct." to the style guide
- doc: clarify expectations for PR commit messages
- doc: fix description of N-API exception handlers
- doc: improve doc writable streams: 'finish' event (dev-313)
- fs: remove unnecessary bind
- http: use for...of in http library code
- http: remove unnecessary bind
- http,https: increase server headers timeout
- http2: remove unnecessary bind from setImmediate
- lib: replace Symbol.species by SymbolSpecies
- lib: replace Symbol.hasInstance by SymbolHasInstance
- lib: replace Symbol.asyncIterator by SymbolAsyncIterator
- lib: enforce use of Promise from primordials
- lib: add TypedArray constructors to primordials
- lib: change var to let/const
- lib: use strict equality comparison
- lib: refactor NativeModule
- lib: replace Symbol.toPrimitive to SymbolToPrimitive primordials
- lib: update Symbol.toStringTag by SymbolToStringTag primordial
- perf_hooks: remove unnecessary bind
- process: refs --unhandled-rejections documentation in warning message
- process: fix promise catching
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: promote _getCursorPos to public api
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: update ansi-regex
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: fix preview bug in case of long lines
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: add completion preview
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: improve completion
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: simplify code
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: simplify repl autocompletion
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: remove dead code
- repl: fix autocomplete when useGlobal is false
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl,readline: refactor for simplicity
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl,readline: refactor common code
- src: unregister Isolate with platform before disposing
- src: make debug_options getters public
- stream: use for...of
- stream: do not chunk strings and Buffer in Readable.from
- stream: make all streams error in a pipeline
- test: simplify test-wasi-start-validation.js
- test: improve WASI start() coverage
- test: improve test coverage in child_process
- (SEMVER-MINOR) test: add multiple repl preview tests
- test: improve dns lookup coverage
- test: avoid leftover report file
- test: add missing test flags
- test: add test for validation for wasi.start() argument
- test: improve assertion error message in test-debug-usage
- test: make test-os-checked-function work without test harness
- test: delay loading 'os' in test/common module
- tls: for...of in _tls_common.js
- tools: enable Markdown linter's usage information
- util: add Set and map size to inspect output
- util: refactor inspect code for constistency
- (SEMVER-MINOR) util: inspect (user defined) prototype properties
- (SEMVER-MINOR) util: fix built-in detection
- v8: use of TypedArray constructors from primordials
- wasi: require CLI flag to require() wasi module