Dr.Fone Toolkit for Android 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 Dr.Fone Toolkit for Android 11.4.8

Dr.Fone Toolkit for Android 歷史版本列表

意外刪除的消息或三星手機上的聯繫人?或從 Android 設備上的 SD 卡丟失的照片?現在不用擔心了。 Wondershare Dr.Fone Toolkit for Android 能夠恢復 Android 手機或平板電腦上的消息,聯繫人,照片和視頻。由於易於使用的界面,這是理想的每個人,如單一用戶或專業人士,甚至有關父母誰想要保護他們的孩子免受負面信息。掃描,預覽和恢復。簡單的點擊給你帶來你... Dr.Fone Toolkit for Android 軟體介紹

PCSX2 1.6.0 查看版本資訊


install4j 8.0.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Liberica JDK provider: New releases were not listed anymore
- Regression in 8.0.6: Custom localization files in .properties format could not override system messages anymore
- When using compiler variables, the "Java version" step could showed a message "The minimum version must be lower than the maximum version" in some cases
- "Delete files and directories" action: Rollback was not supported for symbolic links to directories
- "Delete files and directories" action: Mode and modification time were not restored for directories on Unix

Netcut 3.0.105 查看版本資訊


Netcut 3.0.104 查看版本資訊


Netcut 3.0.103 查看版本資訊


install4j 8.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- "Delete files and directories" action: Support rollback for symbolic links
- Linux/Unix media files can now require a 64-bit JVM via the new "Bundled JRE->JRE search sequence options" step in the corresponding media wizards

API changes:
- API: Added Context#cancel and Context#runWithSuspendedActions to cancel the installer application programmatically and ask the user a question while the currently running actions are suspended

Bugs fixed:
- Regression in install4j 8.0: An empty JRE search sequence was reverted to the default after opening the project again
- "Show URL" action: The action failed if the scheme was empty or contained spaces
- Eliminate warnings during build about Java 14 and 15 class file version numbers
- AdoptOpenJDK provider: The deprecated v2 API has become unstable and recent major version were sometimes missing. By using the new AdoptOpenJDK v3 API this problem is fixed.
- The install4j runtime development artifact did not include i18n messages, so some API calls failed when called from the IDE
- The UI froze during the build if a variable replacement error occurred during code signing
- The JRE Bundle wizard did not work for Java 14 because the jdk.pack module is now removed

install4j 8.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- In development environments, the API runtime dependency now automatically provides the native libraries that are required by some API calls
- In development environments, the .install4j runtime directory can now be specified with the system property -Dinstall4j.runtimeDir. This allows all API calls to work, including those that require access to the config file, such as Variables.getCompilerVariable(...).
- Multiple timestamp signing services are now tried in the case of a failure. The default is now DigiCert with a fallback to GlobalSign. This can be changed on a per-project basis as explained in the documentation.

Bugs fixed:
- "Download file" action: If the digest file was created with an external tool that produces upper case letters, the check would fail
- "Execute SQL script" action: Regexp delimiters and compound delimiters with a line break like "; " did not work
- "Check for running processes" action: Prevent closing the process dialog with the window close button
- "Set the owner of files and directories" action: Leading and trailing spaces in the "owner" property were not trimmed and lead to an unhelpful error message
- The native log files of Windows installers was not deleted
- Fixed deadlock during auto-save or while saving the project when the floating license server connection was lost
- Fixed memory leak when running in-process installer applications multiple times
- When using the filter text field in the certificate selection dialogs, the wrong certificate was selected
- The check whether modules are used by launchers was not made for merged projects, so a non-modular runtime library could be generated leading to a runtime failure in a merged launcher
- Text mode overrides for bean properties did not work for elevated actions
- Installers could throw an LzmaException for large data files
- Arguments in .vmoptions files were not trimmed on macOS
- API: If a scheduled version has already been installed manually, return false for UpdateChecker.isUpdateScheduled()
- macOS: Command line executables could not use bundled JRE in macos folder archives due to notarization requirements
- macOS: The reported file sizes of notarized media files in updates.xml was wrong
- macOS: Fixed signing Java 9+ JRE bundles for macOS folder archives when the build runs on macOS or Linux
- Windows: The -manual command line option for selecting a JRE did not work as expected when the direct JRE download options was selected for the media file
- Windows: Could not use absolute locations for the Windows JRE search sequence when the build was not performed on a Windows machine
- Windows: PKCS11 code signing for multiple Windows media files could fail
- Linux: systemd service installation did not work correctly with rpm update
- Linux: Build would fail if non-ASCII characters were present in the install4j installation directory
- Linux: KillMode=process is now set in systemd files by default so additional processes started by a service will not be stopped. This is required for update downloaders that are started by a service.
- Linux: Installers running in console or unattended mode on Java 8u242+ throw an exception if no physical fonts are present on the system
- Linux: Menu entries did not work for installations with spaces in path
- Linux: File associations did not work with spaces in the installation path

exe4j 7.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Support for version ranges in version-specific VM options for launchers
- Less verbose and more human-readable project file format that does not write default settings

Bugs fixed:
- For OSGI applications, the method to hide the splash screen could not work due to classloader issues
- Using archives in class and resource paths with a wildcard in the file name did not work if the path was absolute

install4j 7.0.12 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- "Single radio button" form component: In console mode, the selection script for a button was called twice if the button was not initially selected
- Since install4j 7.0.10, a security fix prevented launchers from running on unpatched Windows 7 installations. This has been fixed for Java 9+ and recent Java 8 versions.
- File installation options of files in the distribution tree that were also added on the "Installer->Custom Code & Resources" step were ignored
- The dialog for showing running processes did not have the install4j window icon
- Fixed NPE when a custom installer application was started in-process from a modular application
- Linux/Unix: When a service script was executed with the "start" parameter, the single instance check was not performed
- Background update downloader: Downloaded media files of previously successful updates could not be deleted if the API was used in a particular way. Now they are deleted by the "Schedule update installation" action.
- macOS: When using JavaFX and an automatic launcher integration that checks for visible windows, the AWT was initialized even if the update downloader was started as an external process which could lead to a deadlock for recent Java versions
- macOS: The installer variable sys.preferredJre could hold the wrong path
- macOS: Command line launchers in archives could not find bundled Java 9+ JREs
- Windows: Native install4j runtime files were not overwritten when an older installation was installed on top of a newer installation

install4j 7.0.12 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- "Single radio button" form component: In console mode, the selection script for a button was called twice if the button was not initially selected
- Since install4j 7.0.10, a security fix prevented launchers from running on unpatched Windows 7 installations. This has been fixed for Java 9+ and recent Java 8 versions.
- File installation options of files in the distribution tree that were also added on the "Installer->Custom Code & Resources" step were ignored
- The dialog for showing running processes did not have the install4j window icon
- Fixed NPE when a custom installer application was started in-process from a modular application
- Linux/Unix: When a service script was executed with the "start" parameter, the single instance check was not performed
- Background update downloader: Downloaded media files of previously successful updates could not be deleted if the API was used in a particular way. Now they are deleted by the "Schedule update installation" action.
- macOS: When using JavaFX and an automatic launcher integration that checks for visible windows, the AWT was initialized even if the update downloader was started as an external process which could lead to a deadlock for recent Java versions
- macOS: The installer variable sys.preferredJre could hold the wrong path
- macOS: Command line launchers in archives could not find bundled Java 9+ JREs
- Windows: Native install4j runtime files were not overwritten when an older installation was installed on top of a newer installation