DesktopOK (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page16

最新版本 Utopia P2P 1.2.600

DesktopOK (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

DesktopOK 64 位是一個小而有效的解決方案,用戶必須經常更改屏幕分辨率。對於經常需要在筆記本電腦(例如筆記本電腦或平板電腦)上使用投影儀的 Windows 用戶來說也是很好的選擇。 更改屏幕分辨率後,您可以在 Windows 桌面上找到一個圖標混亂,就好像一枚炸彈擊中了它。圖標位置將會移動,Windows 將不能正確恢復桌面圖標的位置。 DesktopOK 64 位的也有其他有用的功能... DesktopOK (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Electron 12.0.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Security: backported fix for chromium:1196683

Electron 12.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow loading source maps from custom protocols and asar bundles
- Fixed postData parameter missing from new-window event
- Fixed a bug where, when a JumpList task description exceeded 260 characters, the JumpList was empty, despite valid entries
- Fixed a crash when loading pepper plugins
- Fixed a network process crash that could happen when using setCertificateVerifyProc with many concurrent verification requests
- Fixed an issue where select-serial-port callback crashes when called with an invalid serial port ID
- Fixed an issue where window.print() did not work properly when printing a pdf from the pdf plugin
- Fixed an issue where errors thrown in functions passed over the contextBridge could be displayed incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where the thumbar disappeared after win.hide() on Windows
- Fixed bug where TouchBarPopover and TouchBarGroup were no longer rendering
- Fixed crash when using profiler in devtools
- Fixed failing to request file:// resources when web security is disabled
- Fixed rare crash when initializing the internal PDF extension
- Fixed service worker not working with custom protocol
- Support wasm-eval csp behind WebAssemblyCSP flag
- Transparent windows cannot be maximized using the Windows system menu or by double clicking the title bar

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.114
- Updated community discussions link in default Electron menu


What's new in this version:

- Dependency locking of settings classpath isn't properly persisted
- Upgrade Bouncy Castle dependency
- Investigate tmp dir problems
- Verify that Gradle TestKit works forwards and backwards with Gradle 7
- 7.0-M2 fails to build when using "withGroovyBuilder"
- Groovy DSL script plugins prematurely truncate the plugin id
- providedCompile configuration from war plugin is not added to testRuntimeClasspath
- Let the configuration cache serialize arrays of primitive types
- Dependency locking polishing
- JDK 16: InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected void java.util.ResourceBundle.setParent(java.util.ResourceBundle)
- Dependency locking should not persist lock state on build failure
- Write upgrade guide for Groovy upgrade
- Make sure localGroovy/embedded Groovy represents a "full" Groovy language distribution
- Consistently use Spock2+JUnit platform in documentation and tests
- Gradle Profiler - Remove copy of ApplyAbiChangeToJavaSourceFileMutator
- Investigate what macOS memory info issues mean for Gradle
- Upgrade embedded Kotlin to 1.4.31
- Document new includeBuild for plugin builds
- Groovy3: Investigate init script issues
- Remove smoke test for 'org.samples.greeting' plugin
- Investigate and fix snippets with failing/ignored tests
- Remove remaining occurences of compile and runtime in docs and diagrams
- Allow work to be marked explicitly not cacheable via annotation
- Remove willBeRemovedInGradle7() and willBecomeAnErrorInGradle7() methods from DeprecationMessageBuilder
- Make adding 'config_loc' to checkstyle.configProperties an error
- Regression: StackOverflowError during configuration
- Improve deprecation message for resolution of configuration outside of project scope.
- Configuration cache issue with :pluginUnderTestMetadata when both kotlin-jvm and java-gradle-plugin are applied
- Wrong deprecation warning on using task outputs in another task with no explicit task dependency
- `processDebugAndroidTestManifest` is wrongly out of date on second run with the configuration cache enabled
- Ignore generated methods for Memoized annotation for plugin validation
- excludePlugin in version catalog does not work
- Confusing inconsistency regarding default plugin versions in TOML files
- Task dependency verification should report the source of the problem
- Bug in task dependency validation
- Gradle 7: skip dependency validation for disabled tasks
- Performance regression in large Android project with Gradle 7.0-milestone-1
- JavaPlugin documentation states wrong default.extendsFrom
- Remove references to JCenter from Gradle
- Fix `Querying the mapped value of provider(interface java.util.Set) before task ':base-services:jar'` in our build
- Change in behaviour when resolving project dependencies
- Deprecate the jcenter() convenience method
- Remove inactive feature preview flag GRADLE_METADATA
- Investigate static analysis of external plugins
- Node DexingWithClasspathTransform has not been encoded yet with 7.0
- Do not watch unsupported file systems
- Turn 'Changing the value for a FileCollection with a final value' into an error
- Turn 'Querying the mapped value of provider before producer has completed' into an error
- Make 'Calling afterEvaluate when the project is already evaluated' an error
- Remove ComponentSelectionReason.getDescription()
- Remove Test.getClassLoaderCache()
- Cross-document links in userguide_single are broken
- StackOverflowError when loading project in IntelliJ IDEA with Gradle 6.8
- Promote Java Toolchains
- Gradle triggers its own deprecation warning "Querying the mapped value of task"
- Update embedded dependencies to latest versions
- Re-enable cross-build transform cache
- Adjust resolution order of plugin sources if pluginManagement { includeBuild() } is used
- Remove DefaultVersionSelectorScheme.DefaultVersionSelectorScheme(VersionComparator)
- Default to single lock file per project
- Default to updated version sorting
- Remove 'javascript.base.SourceTransformationException'
- Remove deprecated JavaScript plugins
- gradle depends on an insecure third-party JAR package that contains the CVE vulnerability cve-2020-13956.
- De-incubate Javadoc/Sources publishing and compileOnlyApi
- De-incubate Java Module System support
- Add 'org.gradle.plugin.api-version' attribute
- Do not report missing dependency if there is a dependency in the other direction
- Must do before 7.0 release
- Upgrade the embedded Kotlin to 1.4.21
- Promote incubating Provider.forUseAtConfigurationTime
- Remove deprecated org.gradle.logging.LoggingManagerInternal
- Fail for duplicates in copy specs for default duplicates strategy
- Remove deprecated org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask
- Remove deprecated ProjectLayout.configurableFiles and friends
- Promote incubating `ProviderFactory.fileContents`
- Promote incubating `ProviderFactory.(gradleProperty|systemProperty|environmentVariable)`
- Promote incubating `org.gradle.process.ExecOperations`
- Promote incubating `ObjectFactory.fileCollection`
- Upgrade unit and integration tests to run on Spock 2
- Accept Groovy performance regressions
- Promote `ObjectFactory.fileProperty`, `directoryProperty` and `sourceDirectorySet`
- Promote incubating TAPI for notifying the daemon of changed paths
- Promote incubating ignoring of empty directories
- Promote incubating WorkResult.or()
- Promote incubating getStableSources()
- Promote incubating BuildCacheKey.toByteArray()
- Promote incubating ReplacedBy
- Promote incubating FileType
- Promote incubating InjectionPointQualifier
- Promote incubating Task.getTimeout()
- Remove deprecated work validation failures
- Remove deprecated arbitrary local build cache configuration option
- Remove deprecated ValidateTaskProperties task
- Remove deprecated unsafe watch file system properties
- Remove deprecated methods in JavaCompile
- Remove deprecated ImmutableFileCollection
- Remove deprecated VFS system properties
- Remove deprecated PatternSpecFactory.reportChangedDefaultExcludes()
- Compilation with toolchain using JDK 16-ea28 fails due to illegal access to$TypeSymbol (worked in 16-ea26)
- Multiple transformed artifacts selected
- Remove deprecated methods from IdeaContentRoot
- Support for Apple silicon natively
- Enable file system watching by default
- Remove the Play plugins
- Javadoc uses the same output directory for different source sets
- Fix Lint task with evaluation of input properties
- Remove deprecated APIs in code-quality subproject
- Removal of IvyArtifactRepository.layout deprecated methods
- Deincubate TAPI test debugging features
- Deincubate EclipseProject TAPI mode fixtures
- Deincubate test output progress events
- Deincubate TestLauncher methods
- Deincubate ProjectDependency and EclipseExternalDependency methods
- Remove deprecated toolchain/installation APIs
- Add 'org.gradle.jvm.environment' attribute
- Give access to catalogs from binary plugins
- Central declaration of dependencies
- Not possible to use libs.xy based on TOML file inside of custom configuration with closure
- Disable parallel execution for work failing validation
- Report work validation warnings to console
- Disable execution optimizations for invalid work
- Follow up on not fingerprinting outputs
- Regression with JUnit Platform it is not possible to select inherited tests via command line
- Configuration cache - Intellij synchronization crashes
- Let .gradle.kts scripts use Kotlin language and api 1.4
- Kotlin scripts should be compiled with `-Xjvm-default=enable`
- Incremental compilation should be supported with JDK 15
- Plugin org.yaml_snakeyaml:1.17 has a known vulnerability
- Settings plugins should be visible to other included builds
- ListProperty value is observed too eagerly when used as a task dependency
- Disable Gradle Module Metadata buildId by default
- Allow source dependencies without settings file before making DeprecateUndefinedBuildWorkExecutor.execute() fail
- JDK16 support in Gradle
- `buildSrc/build` should not be added to classpath if `buildSrc` contains no sources or build files.
- Support Java 16
- Provider.orElse(<provider>) tests presence eagerly
- IntelliJ IDEA Gradle sync with Zulu 11.0.7 JDK on macOS throws newly created daemon process has a different context than expected
- Make inferModulePath=true the default
- Dependency substitution not resolving project artifact
- Remove org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.caching.buildcache
- Fail on duplicates when creating archives by default
 Remove deprecated java and scala 'language plugins'
 Disallow write-only task properties
 Depend on individual Groovy libraries instead of groovy-all
 Task implementors/users get often-surprising caching behaviour when file inputs have no explicit normalisation/path-sensitivity
 Stop DefaultProject extending ProcessOperations
 Disable caching for tasks failing task type validation
JPMS Support
- Inconsistent accessor generation strategy for "versions" and "bundles"
- Regression in 7.0-rc-1 around setting groovy classpath for groovydoc task
- Gradle 7.0 has problems with annotation processors and java 16
- Typesafe project accessors not working in root build script file
- Typesafe accessors to version catalog do not work in the subprojects block
- Dependency locking sometimes create an empty lockfile
- Performance regression in Gradle 7.0 for large Android builds
- Android sourceSets task does not show output in Gradle 6.8+
- Tooling API TestProgressEvents ignore test display name
- com.gradle.plugin-publish should upload Gradle Module Metadata to the Plugin Portal

KeeWeb 1.17.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- team drives support in Google Drive
- fix #1786: saving refresh_token in Google Drive
- fix #1767: updater issues on macOS

KeeWeb 1.17.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- ykman v4 support
- setting expiry date in the past
- line breaks in Markdown notes
- overlapping generator icon on password inputs
- export format HTML issues
- calendar tooltips in different time zones
- restored the missing local file icon on the open screen
- new Windows code signing certificate

Electron 12.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Colors returned from systemPreferences.getAccentColor(), getSystemColor and getColor are now correctly converted into the devices color space. Previously the color would have been subtly incorrect
- Fixed desktopCapturer.getSources() promise result sometimes never resolving
- Fixed a rare crash on Windows that could occur when emitting certain Tray events
- Fixed an issue where some Node.js modules would hang on page reload on Windows
- Fixed an issue where the drag regions in BrowserViews on macOS could be off in their y-axis
- Fixed context menus not being positioned correctly when near the edge of the screen
- Fixed crash when calling getBackgroundColor on a transparent window with no assigned background color
- Fixed intensive I/O from asar files causing ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND after a while
- URLS passed to shell.openExternal on windows are now correctly URI encoded. This was already occurring on macOS and Linux. #28341 (Also in 10, 11, 13)

Other Changes;
- Fixed native module compilation with AsyncCleanupHooks on windows
- Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.90

KeeWeb 1.17.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Windows updater issues

KeeWeb 1.17.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix #1747: white screen in old Safari

KeeWeb 1.17.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- crashes in the USB module on Windows
- deleting selected text in auto-type selector
- fixed auto-type on Linux with NumLock pressed

Windows Terminal 2021 1.6.10571.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- 1.6 stable only: The settings UI has been disabled for this stable release so that we can continue to iterate on it
- This version of Terminal comes with Cascadia Code 2102.25, which contains a number of bug fixes to the 2102.03 release
- The tab bell icon will now show up even when visual belling is disabled

- You can now navigate the tab color picker with the directional arrows
- We will try not to dismiss the selection when you're using a Windows-key shortcut
- We've ensured that hyperlinks de-underline when the pointer leaves the terminal
- The arrow keys should work in the tab switcher once more
- The build system was leaving a stray 600kb file in our package, which we've now removed (making the package smaller!)
- Focus should now return to the terminal after you dismiss the tab rename field

- Narrator will no longer repeat the key binding twice when reading the command palette
- 1.6 preview totally broke the command palette being read by Narrator; that is now fixed!
- 1.6 preview regressed tab headers being read by Narrator; this is also now fixed!
- Command palette items that open submenus now have an audible "help text" that mentions this fact