DC++ 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 DC++ 0.868

DC++ 歷史版本列表

直接連接允許您通過 Internet 共享文件,而不受限製或限制。客戶端是完全免費的廣告,並有一個不錯的,易於使用的界面。防火牆和路由器支持集成在一起,使用多集線器連接,自動連接和下載恢復等功能簡單方便.DC++ 是直連文件共享網絡的客戶端。直接連接網絡是一個分散的網絡,由用戶加入的單個服務器(集線器)組成,與該集線器上的其他成員共享文件。每個集線器由直接連接網絡的一個用戶單獨運行,並且可能對集線... DC++ 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

- Switched to VC8/VS2005
- Removed some unused options
- Antifrag is now default
- Confirm hub removal is now default
- SFV checking is now default
- Fixed TLS port not being greyed out
- Automatic hub reconnection is only done if at least one successful connection has been made
- [bug 1080] Better nick tab completion (thanks cologic)
- [bug 1081] Added user IP in hub frame (thanks cologic)
- No more STLport for the time being
- Linux checks for invalid file types (thanks steven sheehy)
- Fixed potential crash when search began with space
- [bug 1085] Better sound playing settings (thanks cologic / ullner)
- [bug 1111] OpenSSL compatibility and some unix fixes (thanks steven sheehy)
- [bug 1056] Added option to sort fav users above other users in hub frame (thanks poy)
- [bug 1063] Added option to show shell context menu in finished frame (thanks poy)
- [bug 1092] Fixed TTH tree being redownloaded (thanks stephan hohe)
- [bug 1097] Fixed waiting users being removed (thanks stephan hohe)
- [bug 1110] Added new adc hub list (thanks mafa_45)
- [bug 1091] Added new nmdc hub lists (thanks poy)
- [bug 1112] Port sign cleanup (thanks steven sheehy)
- [ADC] Fixed client-to-client connection sequence
- [bug 1064] Updated to YaSSL 1.5.0, should fix crash
- [bug 446] Public hub lists are cached and downloaded only when user requests it (thanks poy)
- [bug 1117] Fixed subfolders being created on filelist downloads (thanks mikael eman)
- [bug 1096] Updated credits in about box
- [bug 1123] Removed some typecasts (thanks stephan hohe)
- [bug 1099] Fixed "Readd all" spin
- [bug 1095] Fixed about dialog


What's new in this version:

- [bug 1065] Code cleanup
- Fixed readme.txt
- More code cleanup
- Fixed trusted/untrusted upload view
- Fixed crash on invalid remote command during upload
- [ADC] Improved GFI command support
- Lowest priority downloads are no longer started if there are other downloads running
- Upgraded to STLport 5.0.2
- Updated compile instructions
- Updated unsigned types to C99
- Removed unmaintained autoconf files
- Reworked match listing to make it slightly faster
- Fixed a few random crashes
- [ADC] Removed obsolete DSC command
- Fixed user list not being updated in some cases


What's new in this version:

- [ADC] Fixed a few protocol issues
- Some code cleanup
- Queue frame fixes and memory saves
- TLS port change without restart fixed
- [bug 1007] Fixed nick character check
- Fixed some transfer view sorting issues
- [bug 59] Added option to match all local lists


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a possible deadlock
- [bug 1058] Removed some whitespace
- Removed the possibility to download files without TTH
- Removed the possibility to read *.DcLst files (no TTH, no i18n support)
- Files with no TTH no longer show up in search and directory listings
- Sources in the queue with no TTH support will no longer appear
- Files without TTH in the queue will be removed (finish downloads with an older version)
- [ADC] Fixed support for uncompressed files.xml as well as proper files.xml.bz2 support
- Some socket code cleanup
- Removed broken nick save code
- Upgraded yaSSL to 1.4.0
- Fixed some SSL connection issues
- Fixed on-the-fly compression of file lists
- [bug 1055] Stopped files.xml.bz2 from being deleted on linux
- [bug 1061] Log page fix




