Daum PotPlayer (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page53

最新版本 Daum PotPlayer 1.7.21915 (64-bit)

Daum PotPlayer (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Daum PotPlayer 64 位是一個免費的多媒體播放器,支持各種不同的視頻編解碼器和格式。 Daum PotPlayer 已經包含內置的編解碼器,無需手動安裝。它還支持數字電視設備,網絡攝像頭,模擬,DXVA,現場直播等。下載適用於 Windows 的 Daum PotPlayer 64 位脫機安裝程序設置.Enhanced 硬件加速 使用 DXVA,CUDA,QuickSync 為最小... Daum PotPlayer (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Mailspring 1.5.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now defaults to English for languages whose translations have not been manually reviewed by a contributor. You can customize the interface language via a new setting in Preferences > General
- Hundreds of translations have been manually reviewed and refined in German, Chinese, French and Korean
- When connecting a Yahoo Mail account, Mailspring notes that Yahoo requires an App Password. Provider-specific notes are also included in the "View Log" text for easier debugging
- You can now change the "Sender Identity" (the name that is sent in the From field with your email address) for each account in Preferences > Accounts

- Mailspring no longer aggressively autocompletes :10 to the :100 emoji, or :12 to the :1234 emoji, to avoid conflicts with typing times
- On macOS, Mailspring's spellchecker correctly transitions to the language you're typing in consistent with Linux and Windows
- The Emoji picker now works correctly when using Mailspring in a language other than English
- Shrinking Mailspring's UI using the "inteface zoom" setting no longer causes spellchecking "squiggles" to become invisible
- The "Does Not Contain" mail rule now requires that every item in the field not contain the text as expected, rather than just requiring that any one of the items (senders, recipients, etc.) not contain the text
- Mailspring's "Upgrade to Pro" modal no longer appears badly clipped when using a custom interface zoom level
- The fixed size "Add an Account" window now ignores custom zoom levels so that fields and forms are not clipped

- Mailspring now uses React 16.6 (up from 16.2), which fixes a few critical bugs including a problem where the interface could "lock" indefinitely if too many re-renders were backlogged

EZ CD Audio Converter 8.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Audio Engine settings to the Options
- Select preferred sample rate converter
- SoX resampler
- Opus/Speex resampler
- Select sample rate conversion quality
- Dithering settings
- Enable / Disable the dither
- Select Rectangular, Triangular, or Noise-shaped
- Dithering can be used when converting from higher bit depths to 24-bit, 16-bit, or 8-bit
- Smarter Auto-selection of the output sample rate (for all output formats)
- Automatically select the output sample rate that preserves the best audio quality (previously used multiples when possible)
- Output sample rate can also be chosen manually for all output formats
- Added 384kHz and 352.8kHz sample rate output for all lossless formats (except for WMA/lossless that does not have such an option)
- Improved Opus encoder audio quality
- Now uses ezcd's sample rate converter for better audio quality (Opus internally uses Speex resampler with quality level 5)
- Configure sample rate converter quality from Options
- Vorbis encoder update
- Added manual sample rate selection
- Now supports 192kHz, 176.4kHz, 96kHz, and 88.2kHz encoding
- FhG FDK AAC encoder update
- Added manual sample rate selection
- Now supports 96kHz and 88.2kHz encoding
- More CBR formats for AAC LC and HE AAC v1
- Apple AAC encoder update
- Added manual sample rate selection
- Improved MP3 encoder audio quality
- Better audio quality for output formats that require sample rate conversion
- Let the LAME MP3 encoder to decide the best sample rate, but use ezcd's sample rate converter for better audio quality
- Configure sample rate converter quality from Options
- Monkey's Audio v4.40 codec update

Pinegrow Web Editor 5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- First, a quick look back. In the year since Pinegrow Web Editor 4 was released, we had 10 strong updates with features like Smart WordPress Actions and powerful Visual CSS Grid Editor.
- A note about upgrades to Pinegrow 5: if your license is eligible for free updates (one year after the license purchase and renewal, or as long as subscription is active) you get all Pinegrow Web Editor updates for free, including Pinegrow 5.
- With Pinegrow 5 we focus on improving the workflow of dealing with HTML layout and CSS styling. We even created a feature called “Focus on”. “Focus on…” lets us isolate an element on the page and deal with just this element instead of the whole page. That’s very useful on complex HTML layouts. “Focus on…” command is available in the top toolbar, on the element context menu or with the shortcut CMD+F (CTRL+F on Windows/Linux).

A couple of things happen when we Focus on an element:
The Tree panel displays the structure of the focused element, with all its children nodes collapsed (only the top most level is expanded):
Drag & drop on the page deals only with top level children of the element. For example, grabbing anything within the element will grab the top level child:
- Similarly, dropping an element from the Library panel will place the element on the top level of the focused element
- That’s very handy for dealing with the top level structure of the focused element without worrying that we’ll drop something in the wrong place

If we want more control over drag & drop placement, we can expand relevant nodes in the Tree panel and use it for dropping or rearranging elements:
The “Focus on” menu also contains a shortcut to focusing on the Page layout of the Body element:
The Focus bar also lists the elements that can be inserted into the focused element, if available:
- To exit the “Focus on” mode click on the close icon in the Focus bar or select Clear from the Focus menu
- Improved CSS Styling
- Starting from Pinegrow 3 it has been possible to style elements with inline styles (with HTML element style attribute)
- The benefit of inline styles is that we can jump straight into styling an element, without thinking about classes, ids and CSS rules
- But eventually, all inline styles should be transferred into proper CSS rules. That’s hard to do if inline styles are scattered around the page
- Pinegrow 5 has a solution for that
- Working with inline styles

First, the Style panel now clearly indicates when inline styles are used:
Second, the Quick Create CSS Rule tool offers to transfer the inline styles into a newly created CSS rule:
And the Tree panel shows the style icon next to elements with inline styles. Clicking on the style icon in the Tree jumps straight into Style editor for that element:
The Tree panel filter can be used to only display elements with inline styles:
- With these tools we have the best of both worlds: the freedom to directly style with inline styles and the systematic process for creating CSS rules for those styles
- And some might ask: Why not have a feature that would automatically save all inline styles on the page as CSS rules
- It would be easy for Pinegrow to go through the page and store all inline styles into CSS classes like .rule1, .rule2…
- Although it sounds useful, such feature would lead to messy CSS code. Creating maintainable CSS structure requires strategic thinking about properly naming and organizing CSS rules. That’s not something that an app can do for you
- Creating clean and maintainable code is the top goal and quality of Pinegrow Web Editor. We don’t want to introduce any feature that would go against this
- Other styling improvements

There are more styling improvements worth mentioning:
Stylesheets and their CSS rules can be hidden in the Active Style panel by clicking on the Hide stylesheet icon next to the stylesheet name:
- Before, the “Ignore in Active” function was only available from the Stylesheets menu

Text indent control was added to the Text section of the CSS Visual Editor:
“Customize variable” command (for SASS and LESS files) will ask for the new value if the default value uses a custom function:
This avoids breaking SASS/LESS files with functions that are not yet defined in the section where custom variables are defined:
- Pinegrow uses CSS Autoprefixer when compiling SASS and LESS files. Now you can control the Autoprefixer configuration in the Settings dialog. This feature is for advanced users, most users can just leave the autoprefixer settings as they are
- The Project panel
- Note, the Project panel is a Pinegrow PRO feature

Now, we can drag images, stylesheets and scripts from the Project panel to the page. Draggable files have a Drag icon displayed next to their names:
- Dragging an image inserts the image to the selected place on the page or in the Tree

Dropping an image on an existing image on the page replaces that image:
- Dragging a stylesheet (.css file) to the page appends the stylesheet to the page
- Doing that with a Javascript (.js) script file will insert the script to the footer of the page

Image previews in the Project panel now also display the dimensions and size of images:
- And using the search in the Project panel expands all folders with matched files
- The Tree panel

The Tree panel got a “Filter” function that lets us display only elements with inline styles, images, texts, links, components or WordPress actions:
The filter works alongside the existing search function that lets us search with strings and CSS selectors:
- Other improvements
- Use arrow keys to select elements
- UP_KEY selects the parent element
- DOWN_KEY selects the first child element
- LEFT_KEY selects the previous element
- RIGHT_KEY selects the next element
- Use SHIFT_KEY with LEFT_KEY and RIGHT_KEY keys to select a range of elements
- Selecting a duplicated element
- A duplicated element is now automatically selected, if the Duplicate command was run on a selected element
- Element dimensions in pixels are shown when an element is selected or hovered with the mouse pointer
- Clicking on a image in the Unsplash photo browser replaces the currently selected image
- Use “Clear code” icon in Insert code in the Library panel to clear the code from the editor
- Page and project thumbnails are now turned off by default on Linux because on Linux, generating thumbnails requires briefly showing a second window. You can turn them on in the Options menu on the Start screen

Mailspring 1.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now defaults to English for languages whose translations have not been manually reviewed by a contributor. You can customize the interface language via a new setting in Preferences > General
- Hundreds of translations have been manually reviewed and refined in German, Chinese, French and Korean
- When connecting a Yahoo Mail account, Mailspring notes that Yahoo requires an App Password. Provider-specific notes are also included in the "View Log" text for easier debugging
- You can now change the "Sender Identity" (the name that is sent in the From field with your email address) for each account in Preferences > Accounts

- Mailspring no longer aggressively autocompletes :10 to the :100 emoji, or :12 to the :1234 emoji, to avoid conflicts with typing times
- On macOS, Mailspring's spellchecker correctly transitions to the language you're typing in consistent with Linux and Windows
- The Emoji picker now works correctly when using Mailspring in a language other than English
- Shrinking Mailspring's UI using the "inteface zoom" setting no longer causes spellchecking "squiggles" to become invisible
- The "Does Not Contain" mail rule now requires that every item in the field not contain the text as expected, rather than just requiring that any one of the items (senders, recipients, etc.) not contain the text
- Mailspring's "Upgrade to Pro" modal no longer appears badly clipped when using a custom interface zoom level
- The fixed size "Add an Account" window now ignores custom zoom levels so that fields and forms are not clipped

- Mailspring now uses React 16.6 (up from 16.2), which fixes a few critical bugs including a problem where the interface could "lock" indefinitely if too many re-renders were backlogged

EZ CD Audio Converter 8.0.5 查看版本資訊


Mailspring 1.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thousands of translations have been improved or manually reviewed

- Reverts a change to IMAP message parsing that was designed to extend support for Proton Mail Bridge, which caused many emails from some IMAP servers to appear to be from "NIL"

Mailspring 1.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now supports localization! The app detects your system locale and all text, menus, buttons, etc. in the app appear in your language. Mailspring's core strings has been manually localized in 38 languages and the rest (mostly error messages and text describing features) have been automatically translated
- We'd love your help improving these localizations! A new "Developer > Toggle Localizer Tools" menu option in Mailspring allows you to submit better translations right within the app. You can also edit the translation files directly and submit a pull request. See the new localizer guide here
- If you use a RTL language, Mailspring's entire UI now appears right-justified, including the sidebar, preference panels, scrollbars, and more. If you use Mailspring in Arabic or Hebrew and notice issues in the right-to-left presentation, please file issues or submit pull requests

- The "contact profiles" feature of Mailspring Pro is much more robust and reliable thanks to a new profile discovery mechanism
- The "contact profile" sidebar shows the Gravatar associated with the email address before falling back to the "empty box with initials"
- Mailspring now uses the latest version of libetpan, which improves stability and fixes several parsing bugs. It also more flexibly parses IMAP responses that include unquoted text fragments
- The padding of the search bar in the Darkside theme has been fixed

- Trying to open a package that does not define engines in it's package.json no longer crashes the app
- Mailspring now uses Electron 2.0.11

EZ CD Audio Converter 8.0.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Opus 1.3 codec update
- Manual GD3 database search
- Improved WAV metadata support
- User interface improvements

Simplenote 1.2.1 查看版本資訊


Daum PotPlayer 1.7.14804 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the ability to output image subtitles to subtitle browser
- Added the ability to move window only on the title bar
- Added av1 video codec decoding function
- Improved online subtitle download/upload function
- Improved online subtitle translation processing
- Fixed a problem where cover image of flac file was not shown when playing seamlessly
- Fixed an issue where new PotPlayer was running when adding a playlist to browser
- Fixed an issue that can't save some settings of the built-in WASAPI audio renderer
- Fixed an error when decoding MJPEG in certain files
- Fixed a problem that no sound while playing certain TS files
- Fixed an issue that can't play certain AVI/OGG files
- Fixed an issue where playback on the rotated monitor was not smooth