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D3DGear 是一款非常快速的 PC 遊戲錄製軟件。它允許用戶在沒有放慢遊戲速度的情況下將游戲錄製到電影中。 D3DGear 遊戲錄製功能對遊戲的性能影響非常小,可能不會造成遊戲滯後或降低多少幀率.D3DGear 遊戲錄製產生高質量的視頻文件較小。 D3DGear 遊戲錄製功能支持麥克風錄音,一鍵通話錄音和人臉相機覆蓋錄音。 D3DGear 是一款完美的視頻遊戲錄像機,適合想錄製電影語音解說的遊... D3DGear 軟體介紹

VASSAL Engine 3.4.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- 13728: Translucent solid-colored backgrounds of boards are incorrectly drawn opaque
- 13679: IndexOutOfBoundsException in AbstractTiledOpImpl.getTile() via GridOp
- 13677: NullPointerException in AbstractTiledOpImpl.getTileOp() via GridOp

VASSAL Engine 3.4.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tiles in last row, column of boards with colored backgrounds and no image render too large
- Reversed boards with grids fail to display
- IndexOutOfBoundsException in AbstractTiledOpImpl.getTile() via GridOp
- NullPointerException in AbstractTiledOpImpl.getTileOp() via GridOp

VASSAL Engine 3.4.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Grid caching interferes with drawing zone highlighters
- AbstractBuildable.getAllDescendantComponentsOf() does not recurse properly
- NPE in Map.placeAt()
- Java reports incorrect amount of RAM on Linux ARM systems
- Grids fail to display in grid editor
- NPE in MassPieceLoader.MassLoaderDialog.load()
- IndexOutOfBoundsException when drawing grids over SVG

VASSAL Engine 3.4.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Stacks properly restore their visual 'layer' level when saved/restored
- Fix reporting on oldXXXXXX properties in ReportState
- Beanshell count function not working with $$ variables in Restrict Commands property match
- Put backup in better location when writing to module fails and ensure Editor is not left in a bad state
- Don't register mouse listeners from ActionButton.draw()
- Inventory window remains open when the game is closed in the Player
- Mass Piece Loader - Decrease key now loads correctly
- Mass Piece Loader - Layers are no longer loaded Activated

Other improvements:
- Stop converting preferences last written by 3.2.7 or earlier
- Hitting Enter in Editor expands or edits nodes
- Cache grid and grid numbering painting for better performance
- Mass Piece Loader - Base Image can now be loaded into layers
- Hitting Enter on Module Manager opens the module

VASSAL Engine 3.4.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Don't raise a bug dialog on failure to read an MP3
- Change backup Resource directory from temp folder to base folder
- Interaction between Move Fixed Distance and Rotate traits has changed between 3.2.17 and 3.4.6
- Macs now use Command as modifier key for grid-resizing, setup-stack-moving in Editor
- HFS+ stores filenames in NFD, so must check for that variant when loading
- Masked card dragged from Player Hand reports differently between 3.2.17 and 3.4.6
- Made Command+Click the select/deselect combo for Macs (and Command+Wheel to zoom)
- Pieces scaled incorrectly during drags on HiDPI screens on Windows

VASSAL Engine 3.4.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- NPE in GamePieceOpImpl.getTileIndices()
- Dragging a card/piece off the top of a deck should not also band-select
- At-Start Stacks and Decks in board appear in wrong place if map padding specified
- Edited modules containing HTML img elements can't be saved on Windows
- At-Start Stack using Grid Location uses Location on first board, not chosen board (additional fix for 12576)

VASSAL Engine 3.4.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Module Manager "Show Error Log" doesn't

VASSAL Engine 3.4.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Backspacing in NamedHotKeyConfigurer will no longer shift focus
- Using BeanShell string functions in Calculated Property crashes Editor
- Always initialise Deck on New/Load game
- Reinstate behavior of floating point expression evaluation
- ClassCastException in SetPersistentPropertyCommand.execute()
- NegativeArraySizeException when receiving first private message

RubyInstaller 2.7.2-1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add migration of new MSYS2 signature keys to "ridk install"
- Add RDoc based RI documentation as an install option
- It can be used per tab completion in irb
- Add automake-1.16 package
- Run autorebase.bat at installation on 32 bit x86 systems
- This is required with more recent versions of msys32
- Kill running MSYS2 processes for MSYS2 initialization and update
- This avoids the error "size of shared memory region changed" when MSYS2 core DLLs are changed

ridk use improvements:
- sorts the list of rubies
- plays well together with ridk enable now
- removes itself from PATH when returning to original ruby

- Move HTML documentation to optional install component "Ruby RI and HTML documentation"
- Update to OpenSSL-1.1.1g, libffi-3.3 and gcc-10.2
- Update to InnoSetup-6 which enables a larger and resizable installer window
- Skip gemspec based package install if dependency is already satisfied
- This avoids unwanted/unnecessary up- or downgrades of MSYS2/MINGW packages on "gem install" when a package is already installed and the version meets optional version constraints
- Update of the SSL CA certificate list
- Fix a memory leak in DllDirectory
- Fix vendoring issue of recent MSYS2 system

- Remove automake versions before automake-1.12
- Remove now unused Gem install helper

RubyInstaller 2.6.6-2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add migration of new MSYS2 signature keys to "ridk install". #184, #182
- Add RDoc based RI documentation as an install option.
- Run autorebase.bat at installation on 32 bit x86 systems.
- This is required with more recent versions of msys32.
- Kill running MSYS2 processes for MSYS2 initialization and update.
- This avoids the error "size of shared memory region changed" when MSYS2 core DLLs are changed
ridk use improvements:
- sorts the list of rubies
- plays well together with ridk enable now
- removes itself from PATH when returning to original ruby

- Move HTML documentation to optional install component "Ruby RI and HTML documentation"
- Update to OpenSSL-1.1.1g, libffi-3.3 and gcc-10.2
- Update to InnoSetup-6 which enables a larger and resizable installer window
- Skip gemspec based package install if dependency is already satisfied
- This avoids unwanted/unnecessary up- or downgrades of MSYS2/MINGW packages on "gem install" when a package is already installed and the version meets optional version constraints
- Update of the SSL CA certificate list
- Fix a memory leak in DllDirectory
- Fix vendoring issue of recent MSYS2 system

- Remove automake versions before automake-1.12
- Remove now unused Gem install helper