CrystalDiskInfo 歷史舊版本 Page71

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CrystalDiskInfo 歷史版本列表

CrystalDiskInfo 是一個免費的硬盤健康監測軟件的 Windows。它顯示基本的硬盤信息,監視 S.M.A.R.T. 值和磁盤溫度。 CrystalDiskInfo 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。它是完全離線設置安裝程序的 CrystalDiskInfo. 一個 HDD / SSD 實用程序免費軟件,支持部分 USB 連接和英特爾 RAID.CrystalDiskInfo... CrystalDiskInfo 軟體介紹

KeePassXC 2.4.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix database deletion when using unsafe saves to a different file system
- Fix opening databases with legacy key files that contain '/'
- Fix opening database files from the command line
- Fix crash when editing master key
- Fix multiple issues with apply button behavior
- Fix issues on application startup (tab order, --pw-stdin, etc.)
- Fix building without WITH_XC_KEESHARE
- Fix reference entry coloring on macOS dark mode
- Hide window when performing entry auto-type on macOS
- Improve UX of update checker; reduce checks to every 7 days
- KeeShare improvements
- Re-enable Ctrl+C to copy password from search box
- Add KeePassXC-Browser integration for Brave browser
- SSH Agent: Re-Add keys on database unlock
- SSH Agent: Only remove keys on app exit if they are removed on lock
- CLI: Add --no-password option
- CLI: Improve database extraction to XML
- CLI: Don't call mandb on build
- CLI: Add debug info
- Improve support for Snap theming
- Add support for building on Haiku OS
- Ctrl+PgDn now goes to the next tab and Ctrl+PgUp to the previous
- Fix compiling on GCC 5 / Xenial
- Add .gitrev output to tarball for third-party builds
- Add WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK compile flag to toggle the update checker

OpenCV 4.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DNN module:
- Reduced peak memory consumption for some models up to 30%
- Inference Engine
- Inference Engine 2018R3 is now a minimal supported version of IE
- Myriad X (Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2) is now supported and tested
- Automatic IR network reshaping for different inputs
- Improved samples to work with models from OpenVINO Open Model Zoo
- New networks from TensorFlow Object Detection API: Faster-RCNNs, SSDs and Mask-RCNN with dilated convolutions, FPN SSD

Performance improvements:
- More optimization using AVX2 instruction set
- Automatic runtime dispatching is available for large set of functions from core and imgproc modules

Android support:
- VideoCapture C++ interface supports Android Media NDK (21+) video I/O file capture back-end

Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Resolved Issues:
- Type.IsSubclassOf Performance Regression
- unhandled-exception-2.exe crashes crash reporting
- BinaryReaderTest.ReadBytesException and BinaryReaderTest.ReadCharsException fail on FullAOT+LLVM after hybrid suspend change
- recent string loading changes break big endian with mojibake
- Process.GetProcessesByName Memory Leak, Not Disposing Filtered Process Objects
- Generic with “unmanaged” constraint crashes runtime
- ProductHeaderValue parser throws exception for empty values
- opt and llc missing from mono 2018-08 pkg
- [wasm] Make test.js use generated driver and bindings.
- Latest mono on macOS broke Xamarin Studio 5 compatibility: Marshal.SizeOf reports type 0x01 not handled
- Mono issuing SIGSEGV running C# Semantic Tests
- Native crash when debugging with exception watchpoint
- FullAOT LLVM Linux x64 one flaky failure.
- [ WASM ]Build fail host error
- [iOS] CalendarTest.Hijri and CalendarTest.UmAlQura fail
- mono_thread_info_exit ignores exit_code and just passes 0 on.
- iOS cannot save Entity models with Nullable Guid (Guid?) property types (among others) using EF Core 2.1.2.
- HttpWebRequest throws an uncatchable task exception when processing requests simultaneously with timeout specified
- Update CI build scripts to not hardcode -j4
- Wrong characters in decimal number representation on s390x
- Many scary “Your mono runtime and class libraries are out of sync” mono warnings when building for device
- [wasm] Stop using mmap for loading assemblies
- [wasm] Rename sdks WebAssembly framework libraries
- [wasm] Build fails - ninja can not be found.
- mono64[80780:1186894] error: * Assertion: should not be reached at debugger-agent.c:6619
- mono_jit_init on macOS 10.14 has graphics corruption due to mprotect invocation
- Error loading generic override of in parameter
- Possible GC hang while building msbuild with mono/2018-08 and mono/master
- Type.IsSubclassOf throws TypeLoadException
- Hybrid suspend: mono_add_internal_call is broken
- Unhandled exception at the end of MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.Tests test run
- Mac installer does not always clear out old files
- SDK ‘Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor’ not found
- ParameterInfo.[Raw]DefaultValue returns Missing.Value for non-null default values of DateTime? and decimal? parameters
- Unexpected behaviour of DateTime.ToString with Korean language on iOS/Android
- [WASM AOT] Method returning a ValueType is not returning its value as a value
- HttpClient requests not cancelled in Dispose()
- [XA] [2018-10] Failure in PropertyInfoTests.GetValue_Invalid
- Loading assembly generated using tlbimp.exe give error in mono runtime
- IronPython 2.7.9 strange issue on mono 5.16
- AOT crash: error: * Assertion: should not be reached at ../../../../../mono/mini/mini-arm64-gsharedvt.c:119
- watchOS: mini test failure in release mode: JitTests.Aot : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
- os-event-unix.c:82 assert(event) failure
- [iOS/32bit/device] mscorlib test failures: DoubleFormatterTest.TestFormatStringsN# and DoubleTest.LongLongValueRoundtrip
- MethodInfo.ReturnParameter.IsDefined(type) throws IndexOutOfRangeException
- [watchOS] MT3001: Could not AOT the assembly mscorlib.dll
- Crash while profiling roslyn compiler server
- FastCopy may silently fail to do anything
- Problem with DefaultValueAttribute and Color values
- Task calls SynchronizationContext.Post on cancelling
- ReflectionModelServices.IsExportFactoryImportDefinition should not throw
- xtro-sharpie.exe crashes with “Cannot transition thread 0x10c3ef5c0 from STATE_BLOCKING with DO_BLOCKING”
- System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute() throws undocumented ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- [iOS] Generic sharing with long float arguments list
- MonoDevelop SDB regressions
- Bug in TextRenderer.DrawText on Linux
- Calling TcpListener.Create(int port) on multiple threads can fail
- Mono mkbundle output executable throws: “Error mapping file: No error”
- struct with 3 bytes not marshaled correctly with LLVM on watchOS
- GetCustomAttributes on a type from an assembly in the LoadFile context fails
- Memory leak in HttpWebRequest / HttpWebResponse when using a WebProxy
- Starting process with empty ProcessStartInfo.Environment incorrectly inherits all variables
- Error when debugging
- Mono to SQL Server using integrated security no longer works on iOS
- WaitHandle.WaitAny returns invalid result
- SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient throws wrong exception types
- Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.sys_strerror_r SEGFAULT on musl libc
- flaky runtime.finalizer-exception.exe (Assertion at unwind.c:640, condition `cfa_reg != -1’ not met)
- Update macOS minimal version
- Behaviour difference between Mono and CoreCLR
- iOS: 32-bit device unit test failure: [FAIL] FSharpTest.SprintfTest : Expected: True
- tests/src/baseservices/threading/readerwriterlockslim/upgrader.cs CoreCLR acceptance-test fails
- WASM: Use BrowserHttpMessageHandler when available
- System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile should throw ArgumentException for relative path name
- AOT images compiled with safepoints should be usable with MONO_THREADS_SUSPEND=preemptive
- cross build regressed wrt System.Native and “shm_open that works well enough with mmap”
- Update framework facades list used by loader
- SynchronizedCollection.Add throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException

KeePassXC 2.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Database Wizard
- Advanced Search
- Automatic update checker
- KeeShare database synchronization
- Improve favicon fetching; transition to Duck-Duck-Go
- Remove KeePassHttp support
- CLI: output info to stderr for easier scripting
- CLI: Add --quiet option
- CLI: Add create command
- CLI: Add recursive listing of entries
- CLI: Fix stdin/stdout encoding on Windows
- SSH Agent: Support OpenSSH for Windows
- macOS: TouchID Quick Unlock
- macOS: Multiple improvements; include CLI in DMG
- Linux: Prevent Klipper from storing secrets in clipboard
- Linux: Use polling based file watching for NFS
- Linux: Enable use of browser plugin in Snap build
- TOTP QR Code Generator
- High-DPI Scaling for 4k screens
- Make keyboard shortcuts more consistent
- Warn user if deleting referenced entries
- Allow toolbar to be hidden and repositioned
- Increase max allowed database timeout to 12 hours
- Password generator uses existing password length by default
- Improve alert message box button labels
- Show message when a database merge makes no changes
- Browser Integration Enhancements
- Overall Code Improvements

Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


StarUML 3.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support Template Binding
- Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Resolved Issues:
- Can't input "}" character because of the shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+0) in german keyboard
- Interaction should have only one Sequence or Communication Diagram
- Allow custom sequence number of Messages in Sequence and Communication Diagram
- Ports should be included in 'attributes' when importing StarUML V1 file
- Support text wrap in tags in a class view
- No Region in StateMachine created with SubmachineState
- Allow to move (drag and drop) Flowchart, DFD, ERD under Package element
- Error when try to create ActivityInterrupt
- Messages' source and target are not changed when Connector is reconnected in Communication Diagram
- Allow to bring combined fragment to front over activations
- Fix UML055 validation rule
- Remove "Add Part" and "Add Port" in Part's QuickEdit
- Layout (edges) is broken sometimes after file open

Octave 4.2.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- doc: Fix differences between example code and run time results
- Fix opengl “invalid operation” when zooming
- doc: provide complete examples in plotting documentation
- doc: Overhaul Java interface description
- doc: Add documentation for hex and binary prefix and _ separator
- Fix incorrect handling of 0b binary numbers in complex constants
- Guarantee returning std::string from tilde_expand functions
- Workaround segfault in file_stat
- Better documentation of *fcn properties
- genpropdoc.m: document more graphics properties
- doc: Fix build of docs broken in sub2ind
- always fork and exec when starting the gui
- maint: add classdef test files from cset
- print.m: fix regression with -append option
- version.m: document that -release returns an empty string
- Don’t display legend, colorbar, and annotation axes coordinates
- doc: Remove trailing "n" from sleep and usleep docstrings
- fix settings update for existing editor tabs (regression from b3ced5e3cebb)
- acinclude.m4: Correct test for SetPlaceHolderText
- configure: use the correct flags when testing for the CXSparse library version
- __run_test_suite__.m: fix typo in return values
- qp.m: Fix regression with incorrect vector dimensions
- make editor save its widget settings again when octave quits
- Prevent infinite loop in global documentation search
- connect execute command signal in editor constructor
- connect editors execute command signal to the required slot
- check if input is class method before declaring it unimplemented
- doc: Expand documentation for cast
- doc: Correct two entries in Table 34.1
- oop.txi: Improve table formatting
- Workaround segfault when an error occurs while printing
- doc: Fix ## in middle of docstring/comment lines
- doc: Reword documentation about subplots in 15.2.4
- doc: Update unimplemented list of functions and where to find them
- axis.m: Do not set plotboxaspectratio to 0
- help.m: Return valid list of keywords for --list
- don’t rethrow exception in destructor
- rethrow octave::exit_exception
- doc: Don’t use @code in @deftypefn because it expands badly in plain text format
- Update appdata.xml to follow conventions
- mexproto.h (mxAssert, mxAssertS): ensure operator precedence
- compare_plot_demos: fix spurious link to next page
- compare_plot_demos: fix HTML syntax, simplify output, remove external deps
- Calculate error in solution for ode solvers correctly
- doc: Add more depth to explanation of ~ function argument
- Use GetModuleFileName for getting octave path in windows
- Use C++ updaters for labels color
- distinguish elements vs. bytes in fread
- doc: Add more seealso links between docstrings
- use correct dimensions for liboctave += and -= matrix operators
- fix cut and paste error in sparse matrix solver
- doc: Review Appendix A, External Code Interface, of manual
- fminsearch.m: Fix error in guarded_eval
- Move frame2im and im2frame to image/ directory
- doc: Document nargout=0 calling mode for ode23, ode45
- Fix undefined return argument for more than 2 outputs from ode solver
- CITATION: Use and instead of comma to separate author names
- CITATION: Fix accent for Søren in BibTeX entry
- Fix inv for hermitian matrices (bug introduced in 5ce959c55cc0)
- doc: Correct documentation for javaclasspath file (bug #49873)
- Fix gzip for certain types of gzip files
- Fix typo in liboctave version info
- Initialize ODE Event function with start time
- languages/de_DE.ts: Fix spacing and punctuation
- allow configure test to succeed without implicit fcn decls
- gnulib: import fix for link.m4
- allow external docstrings from .oct files to be found again
- don’t require semicolon between property list elements
- Fall back to Octave’s regular display method for class objects without a display method
- exit with non-zero status if parsing or evaluation of --eval code fails
- display.m: Correctly display output for non-class objects
- Don’t run publish.tst unless OSMESA or gnuplot are available
- doc: Rewrite parts of Introduction chapter
- doc: Rewrite docstrings for sub2ind and ind2sub
- doc: Small fixes to docstrings
- doc: Update documentation for norm, normest, normest1, condest
- doc: Update docstring for condest
- find help for function aliases again
- legend.m: backport cset 7184b4516a68
- doc: Add programming note to caxis docstring
- axis.m: Replace call to non-existent function clim with caxis
- doc: Update documentation for axis
- doc: Update documentation for [xyz]lim.m
- preserve lasterror info on rethrow
- light.m: Update docstring
- Change text describing demo plots to reflect new ColorOrder
- norm: fix input validation tests
- norm: fix error in input argument validation leading to segfault
- doc: Update month of TeX title page
- doc: Clarify inputs and outputs for rgb2hsv

Infix Pro 7.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added new warning for PDF that require javascript to display correctly
- Add the ability to Auto Correct a complete font. Not just selected text
- Improved handling of line annotations/comments
- Better handling of setLineWidth with negative widths
- Clicking on the "from" or "to" text edits in the Insert Pages Dialog was not setting the "Page Range" radio as checked
- CAT export: Missing checkbox "Limit to marked content only"
- Font display bogus characters.
- Fixed crash when loading corrupt PDF
- Improved display of free-text comments when no display list is present in the PDF

SAPPHIRE TriXX 6.8.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support Nitro+ Vega series and Nitro+590 series