Cocos Creator 歷史舊版本 Page15

最新版本 Cocos Creator 3.8.1

Cocos Creator 歷史版本列表

Cocos Creator 是一個完整的遊戲開發工具包和工作流程,包括一個遊戲引擎(基於 Cocos2d-x),資源管理,場景編輯,遊戲預覽,調試和發布一個項目到多個平台. 我們首次引入了實體 - 組件結構和數據驅動的工作流程到 Cocos2d- x 系列。使用 JavaScript,您可以立即編寫組件腳本。編輯器和引擎擴展也是使用 JavaScript 編寫的,因此您可以用一種編程語言製作遊戲並... Cocos Creator 軟體介紹

Cocos Creator 3.17.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Network added clear requests and responses method to httpclient
- UI VideoPlayer added ability to enable/disable looping, resonding user input
- UI VideoPlayer added function to set style
- IMEDispacher added a function to check if any IME dispatcher is active
- Renderer add a function to get current clearing color
- Lua added binding codes for EventDispathceraddCustomEventListener()

- Android added optimization codes for OPPO devcies
- Network improved websocket traces
- Android supported Android P cutout area
- FontAtlas font atlas texture initialization delayed
- LOG CCLOG may block thread on windows

- FileUtilsfixed a bug that listFiles() can not work correctly if the file path starts with assets/ on Android
- AssetsManager fixed a bug that _percent is always be 0 during the update process
- Texture2D fixed memory leak if Texture2DsetAlphaTexture() is invoked many times
- FontAtlasCache avoided crash if a file path is too long
- Audio fixed crash on iOS
- UI VideoPlayer could not play video in obb file on Android
- SpriteFrame fixed performance issue in parsing plist files
- 3rd unzip failed to uncompress files

MuseScore 3.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Single-note dynamics playback - long notes can play dynamic changes
- Updated soundfont that supports single-note dynamics out of the box
- High quality soundfont with better strings and synth instruments available as an extension in the Resource Manager
- Option to completely disable Auto Placement
- Elements can cross staves still participating in Auto Placement
- Half-time/Double-time feature that shortens and lengthens rhythms on copy-pasting
- Linearization feature that unrolls all repeats
- Internal computational approach that allows creating 256th, 512th, 1024th notes and any kind of compound tuplets
- Online documentation for Plugin API is available

- Playback starts immediately on large scores
- Continuous view performance was significantly improved
- The layout of the scores imported from MuseScore 2 is now preserved
- Size and usability of Play Panel is now improved
- Add chord symbol support for fret diagrams
- Move the whole segment on dragging a note in edit mode
- Allow changing duration of multiple notes
- Select notes after deleting various elements
- Make copy-pasting hairpins possible
- Fix significant lag on iterating over notes with left-right arrows
- UI refinements including more streamlined Inspector
- "MuseScore File" string (under File -> Save As...) now indicates which version you are about to save (MuseScore 3)

- System positions calculations allocated too much space
- Courtesy clefs and key signatures were positioned incorrectly around repeat barlines
- Cross-staff notation was incorrect in some cases
- Barlines spanning was wrong in some cases
- Barlines were incorrect when small and standard staves were mixed
- Piano keyboard display didn't update when adding accidental using toolbar or palette
- Side panels became undockable after being undocked and closed once
- Could not add proper slur to grace notes when there were more than one
- Layout of small staves was incorrect in some cases
- Key signatures displayed incorrectly after clef change
- Grace notes (after) collided with accidentals on main note
- Key signature disappeared in all but first stave
- Note's dot's visibility was incorrect when toggling visibility with note and dot selected
- Couldn't pan score while playing when a note was selected
- Instrument Change didn't transpose
- Couldn't delete clef change at the start of a system
- Accent-staccato didn't work in default template
- Some properties were not kept on saving score
- Incorrect key/time signatures and clefs appeared in the score in specific cases
- User-modified barlines were not linking correctly between staves of a score, parts, and multimeasure rests
- Ties were laid out incorrectly in some cases
- Problems with layout of with beams, slurs, tuplets, and tremolo in cross-staff notation
- Sizes and positions of some elements were not scaling correctly for small staves
- Brackets didn't appear after section break
- Users were automatically logged out after 5 hours when using Save Online
- Phrasing in target measure was not cleared on copy-pasting
- ChordIdentifier Plugin didn't work with MuseScore 3

DBeaver 6.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Database navigator:
- Create object menu was improved (no redundant sub-menu)
- Connection folders creation was fixed
- Elements coloring was improved (for different connection types)
- Shortcuts processing was fixed (broken shortcuts after some actions)
- Table editor tabs activation was fixed
- Columns editor: auto-completion was fixed in drop-downs.
- Data transfer: export from multiple queries was fixed (target file names)
- SQL Editor: SQL formatter was fixed (exp numbers and other minor fixes)

Spatial data editor:
- Geography/geometry value editor (plaintext, WKT)
- Numerous fixes in different SRIDs support
- Oracle: metadata (constraints, foreign keys) reading performance was significantly improved

- Multiple query result sets support was added
- Table partitions information was extended
- Native database backup was fixed
- Database creation was fixed (special characters in db name)
- Sequence rename was fixed
- Full schema DDL generation was fixed
- Greenplum, Redshift: execution plan explain now supports plaintext format
- SQLite: sample database was updated
- Sybase (12 and older): stored procedures source reading was fixed
- Apache Ignite: identifiers quoting was fixed
- DB2 iSeries: schema reading was fixed
- Extra command line parameters (connection opening)
- Connections import from SQL Developer was fixed
- Windows installer: config files (dbeaver.ini) backup
- Extensions (Office, SVG, etc) installer was fixed
- Checking for multiple DBeaver instances was added
- Many minor UI bug fixes

MuseScore 3.0.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The whole chord plays when iterating over notes with left-right arrows
- Support more properties for fingering
- Add more properties for Plugin API
- Optimise New Score Wizard start time and layout calculations

- MuseScore 3.0.4 crashed on startup on macOS:
- Score margins and positioning of related staves were calculated incorrectly
- Spacers worked incorrectly when interacting with page borders
- Measure counting was wrong when setting a custom offset value
- Keyboard navigation in Single Page view worked incorrectly
- MuseScore crashed on finishing work on Windows
- MuseScore crashed when changing time signature in parts
- MuseScore crashed when selecting a bracket in edit mode

Here is a complete list of the issues resolved in this update:

-  Play the whole chord when iterating over notes with Left-Right arrows
- Fix tuning offset for Sori and Koron instruments
- Fix the repeats playback in demo score "Unclaimed_Gift.mscx"

Layout and automatic placement:
- Clef doesn't change when adding clef to the first measure of the score
- Elements above top system can cross into margin and off the page
- The last system of a page is one staff height too far from the margin
- Staff spacer down doesn't work at page bottom
- Staff spacer up need to "invade" the top line of the upper staff in order to start inserting space
- Too much space allocated for minTieDistance when tie overlaps noteheads
- setting top staff to small one affects some texts that are attached to the system rather than the staff
- Wiggly line has an incorrect length for some trill line types
- Spacing of lyrics lines too tight after export of parts
- Articulations too far from some beamed notes on drum staves
- Spurious key change after transposition

- Label translations truncated in some dialog boxes
- Excluding measure from measure count causes bad count; fixes on relayout
- Wrong measure number when starting with a multimeasure rest
- Fretboard diagrams: Offset needs to be renamed and should correspond with the diagram
- Regression: display of beam properties for a selected note
- creating part while element are selected will undesirably set the SELECTED flag for those cloned elements even though the part scores won't have a selection
- File path and name in score properties are unselectable and can't be copied to the clipboard
- Fix tempo text drawing in Timeline widget
- SC4 compressor: RMS spinner not working properly
- Keyboard nav in Single Page view broken
- Buttons in plugin manager too small for their texts by default
- Regression: display of beam properties for a selected note

- Text style style changes not applied to existing chord symbols
- Frame gap in imported score lost on save
- "va" text in 8va disappears after reopening score ("Numbers Only" becomes checked again)
- Rehearsal marker position reset by everything in editstyle.ui
- Ctrl key is ignored when trying to limit barline change to single staff
- Add Placement above/below property for fingering
- Notes not entered in first measure entered into wrong octave

Corruptions and/or loss of data, crashes:
- MuseScore 3.0.4 on macOS is crashing on startup (and 78 more issues and topics)
- Crash when moving beam if first note of beam is in the first measure and other notes of the beam are in the second measure
- Crash after adding text then exiting edit mode with no text
- Removing a text frame causes a second one to appear and leads to crash after new removal
- "MuseScore quit unexpectedly" when closing MuseScore 3.0.[1-4] on macOS with a MIDI device
- Fix crash on closing MuseScore caused by the crash reporter facility
- Exporting to SVGs crashes the editor in some rare cases
- Crash on SVG export if MM rests and boxes are within one system
- Crash with the first note of measure set to beam middle and nothing to beam to
- Crash when changing Time Signature in parts
- Crash when selecting bracket already in edit mode

- adding (some of the) missing objects/properties in the plugin framework

- Tours strings for French shows up untranslated
- "Untitled"/"My First Score" does not respect locale page size
- predefined drumset files (.drm) cannot get loaded
- Optimised opening "New score wizard" by generating templates preview on demand
- [MusicXML import] Misplaced ties when importing .xml files

Focusky 3.7.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for 3d background element swf
- Adding solid and dashed lines of a regular circle
- Increase circular masks for pictures and videos

- Repairing mind maps does not add more than five branches of BUG
- Fix the problem of confusing interface layout when editing mode changes
- Fixed bugs where the prompts and rulers of the edit path overlap each other
- Some Problems of Restoring Background Music Settings
- Repairing grid overlap
- Repairing blurred 3D background images
- Fix the problem of abnormal proportion caused by changing the size of imported pictures and adsorbing function
- Fixed the problem of proportional distortion caused by adsorption of added video
- Fix the problem of invalid recording function of insertion mode

- Optimize turning on the tuner to stop playing sound
- Update Screen Engine
- Reduce the volume of background music
- Optimizing and Adjusting the Appearance Shape Selection Window of Pictures

MuseScore 3.0.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Regression] Instruments play as piano with odd side effects
- [Regression] "Save online" doesn't work on Mac with MuseScore 3.0.3
- [Regression] Cannot open Brass Quartet and Brass Quintet templates
- Crash when removing a section break, or by various editing work before it, in a score with parts and MM rests
- Copying measure repeats doesn't work

MuseScore 3.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New crash report facility

- Whole score playback can be turned on when in the Part tab using the mixer. Part playback works by default in in the Part tab
- Improved global performance
- Drag-and-drop user experience is improved

- Caesuras and sections breaks didn't cause pauses in playback
- Some properties were not properly saved
- Fermatas over barlines could not be added
- Articulations could not be added to grace notes
- Redundant key/time signatures appeared in Page/Continuous view and Parts
- Visibility was not properly applied
- Ties failed to be copied-pasted in a score with parts
- Keyboard navigation in Continuous View was broken

Cocos Creator 3.17.1 查看版本資訊


Cocos Creator 2.1 查看版本資訊


ImageGlass 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Breaking changes:
- App settings are no longer saved in registry (Installer version), but igconfig.xml file, located in configuration folder instead
- The configuration folder contains these folders: Themes, Temp
- To open the configuration folder, go to Settings > General tab

- Color management settings
- Set Lock screen image for Windows 10
- Flip vertical (CTRL + ;) and Flip horizontal (CTRL + ')
- Full-screen mode (toggle menu)
- Open the last seen picture on startup
- Center toolbar buttons horizontally
- Display navigation arrow buttons on right & left edge
- Display checkerboard only in the image region
- Added support for drag-and-drop of multiple folders in the same session to view image files

- Upgraded Magick.NET lib to v7.9.2.0 to fix the application freezes issue caused by nVidia drivers + OpenCL
- Improved launch performance
- Improved overall performance by using asynchronous loading
- Improved "Check for update" logic
- Portable / Moon version will not include igconfig.xml file to avoid overriding user settings
- Used HTTPS protocol to access
- The Shortcut text for Next/Previous buttons split out in language files, allowing them to be translated
- Rename dialog box is now re-sizable
- Show the current displayed image name in task bar
- Portable mode: removed absolute paths to Language, Theme
- Toolbar tooltip does not close after being clicked
- Re-apply image zoom after modification (rotate, flip; thumbnail bar resize change)
- Auto-center the image when changing Zoom mode, opening new file
- Standardized and removed the message box from command line executable files: igcmd.exe, igtasks.exe

Bug fixes:
- cannot get the current style for Set desktop background
- failure to load images if folder ends in "alternate space"
- height of horizontal thumbnail bar
- potential crash from missing theme image
- Images downloaded via browser would not be seen by file watcher
- Vertical Thumbnail view causes crash on program restart
- problems with network paths
- potential resource leaks
- playback issues for certain GIFs on Windows 7
- crash when invoking ImageGlass a second time when "Allow multi-instance" is off
- CTRL + = and CTRL + - keys could zoom twice
- exception from Install / Remove theme on invalid folder
- Image list would only load from a sub-folder if the current image was in a sub-folder and list sort - order changed