最新版本 GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132
Cinema 4D 使得最簡單易用的專業 3D 軟件比以往更有效率。新工具以及擴展和完全重新編制的功能可幫助您更快,更輕鬆地將您的想法變為現實。改進的工作流程可幫助您實現最緊密的最後期限.

MAXON 為專業 3D 藝術家提供最好的電影 4D。如果你想創造先進的 3D 圖形,但需要幫助,以確保您快速,輕鬆地創建令人 ja 目結舌的圖形,那麼這是您的選擇.

平滑的工作流程帶來創意的生活。這就是為什麼工作流程在 Cinema 4D Release 17 中處於領先地位。革命性的 Take System 將節省寶貴的時間。新的顏色選擇器可以完成所有你一直想要的顏色,以及你甚至不知道你想要的東西!與 Sketchup 和 Houdini Engine 集成使 Cinema 4D 成為您理想的中心。讓創意流動起來.

Release 17 附帶一個完整的樣條工具包 - 無需切換到外部工具。使用 Cinema 4D 的新型鋼筆工具,草圖,平滑,弧形工具和布爾命令輕鬆創建和修改樣條.

Cinema 4D 第 17 版中的許多新功能和改進使雕刻成為一種真正的樂趣。例如,使用 Sculpt PoseMorph 來加速角色動畫。使用邊緣檢測輕鬆雕刻硬表面模型。版本 17 使 Cinema 4D 的雕刻變得前所未有的簡單.

發布 17 提供了新的和擴展的著色器,以提高可用性和性能。使用新的“材質覆蓋”功能,您可以輕鬆覆蓋所選材質的特定通道,從而創建粘土或磨砂渲染.

將 3D 素材集成到視頻中變得更加簡單。 Cinema 4D 中的運動跟踪功能通過增加糾正鏡頭失真的功能和添加直觀的工具來快速消除問題跟踪點而得到增強.

注意:42 天試用(需要激活),之後可以使用演示版本。演示版本的一些限制.

也可用:下載 CINEMA 4D 為 Mac


檔案版本 GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132

檔案名稱 GDevelop-5-Setup-5.0.132.exe
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 MAXON Computer
更新日期 2022-04-29

What's new in this version: Games Platform:
- The URL of your game can now be verified and changed right before publishing it
- As a GDevelop user, you now have a user page on Liluo. For example

UX/UI Improvements:
- Improve wording consistency across event names
- Improve objects and groups lists
- Use same drag and drop effect for both lists
- Add possibility to duplicate group
- Add possibility to move multiple objects at once
- Don't allow picking image URLs that will fail when building the game on the web application
- targeting specifically images with failed CORS
- Polish the wording of particle emitter actions, conditions and expressions

Engine and Events:
New touch conditions:
- It allows extensions to handle touch events without conflicting with the scene event sheets
- Existing conditions continue to work and can be used alongside new ones without any issue
- Add expressions to specify decimal place where to round, floor and ceil
- Add (new) conditions and expressions to compare the number of instances picked or living on the scene
- Add PickedInstancesCount and SceneInstancesCount expressions, to replace Count. These expressions don't do any "picking" of instances, so they are safe to use anywhere without "weird" side effects.
- Equivalent conditions are available for all objects. These conditions allow to check at any point in your events the number of instances living on the scene or picked by actions/conditions.
- This is useful to check if enough objects are picked by a condition before launching an action
- Because this condition does not change the already picked objects, it's safe to use anywhere without any side effect
- Add action to change image for particle emitter using project resources
- Add an action to fade a sound or a music on a channel to a new volume

- Add a brand new Platformer example, replacing the old one
- The assets are also available in the store for you to use

- Add GDevelop logos to the asset store, useful for crediting it in your game if you wish
- Add Pixel Effects pack

New Extensions:
Pixel Perfect Movement:
- Allows objects using the platformer and top-down behaviors to always stop their movement on a grid of pixels
- Example aded to show how to seamlessly align on a grid a top-down character using the "pixel-perfect" extension

- Allows tuning existing assets to a new set of colors:
- Example available to understand how to use it:

Platformer trajectory:
- Allows to evaluate and draw Platformer jump trajectories
- Example added showing how to setup the platformer character jump height and predict its trajectory

Extensions updated:
- Smooth Camera
- Fix the "follow on X" action which was not following the right axis
- Pathfinder
- Force it to NOT use diagonals
- Draggable Slider
- Fix parameters
- Cursor Type
- Actions moved under the Input group in the action list
- Add string list parameter for behavior
- Fix variables names to fit convention of naming

- Save project after creation on Desktop app
- This should avoid a known issue where a game created from an example could not be registered, because it was still identified from the ID of the example
- Fix the input checkboxes "Playable with [...]" randomly checked when publishing a game for the first time
- Merge game management buttons in games dashboard to avoid having buttons overflowing
- Fix crash when an empty effect is added to a layer

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132 相關參考資料
Downloading GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132 from

Create your own amazing games without programming! · GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132 · Key details about this download.

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 132 Download

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