TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 Cent Browser 軟體舊版本 Download Page9 | 2024 軟體跟著走

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Cent Browser 歷史版本列表

Cent Browser 是一款基於 Chromium 的增強型網頁瀏覽器。它具有許多方便的功能,如鼠標手勢,滾動標籤欄,自動隱藏書籤欄,隱身標籤,老闆鍵等。Cent Browser 是 Chromium 網頁瀏覽器的增強版本,捆綁許多有用的功能,如滾動標籤欄,自動記憶優化,延遲會話加載,鼠標手勢,超級拖動和大量的選項卡 options.It 讓您的網上沖浪更輕鬆,更舒適,更安全. 選擇版本:Ce... Cent Browser 軟體介紹

Cent Browser (32-bit)Cent Browser (64-bit)

Victoria 5.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The main menu and toolbar appeared
- The form can now be expanded to full screen and the dimensions of its parts can be set arbitrarily. All settings are saved
- The speed limit is increased to 9800 MB / s, and the number of graph points is proportional to its width
- Rarely used functions are transferred to the main menu
- The settings panel is structured. New settings added. For example, you can enable the scan to stop during fatal errors and even change the colors of some elements of the interface
- Possibility of translating the interface into other languages. Supported encoding UTF-8
- Translated interface elements into Russian. While it may contain errors - this is an experiment. In the future, it is also planned to translate all internal messages. Off by default in the main menu
- Added more automation, which can be disabled in the settings
- Added launch of SMART tests with improved features from the main menu
- An attempt was made to adapt the Extended Comprehensive SMART Error log to different Fujitsu HDD models (they have different structure addresses). This was possible on the families MHX, MHW. However, MJA has not yet succeeded - you need to do analysis and write another procedure
- Double-clicking on the SMART log opens it in the editor
- Added new names for SMART magazines
- An attempt was made to automatically set the block size for the NVMe SSD
- Added display of temperature in the passport via Smart Command Transport, and expanded the detection of the properties supported by the drive
- The program no longer tries to get SMART on flash drives and SCSI-drives
- IBM Super-SMART can now be tried to get not only on IBM / HGST drives, but also on any other. This was done due to the fact that HGST drives began to come across under the guise of WD, on which super-SMART can also work

Victoria 4.99b 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The main menu and toolbar appeared
- The form can now be expanded to full screen and the dimensions of its parts can be set arbitrarily. All settings are saved.
- The speed limit is increased to 9800 MB / s, and the number of graph points is proportional to its width
- Rarely used functions are transferred to the main menu
- The settings panel is structured. New settings added. For example, you can enable the scan to stop during fatal errors and even change the colors of some elements of the interface
- It is possible to translate the interface into other languages, but so far nothing needs to be done with them - in future versions I plan to add translations of not only signatures, but also program messages
- Translated interface elements into Russian. While it may contain errors - this is an experiment. In the future, it is also planned to translate all internal messages. Off by default in the main menu
- Added more automation, which can be disabled in the settings
- Double-clicking on the SMART log opens it in the editor
- Added new names for SMART magazines
- An attempt was made to automatically set the block size for the NVMe SSD
- Added display of temperature in the passport through

Postman 7.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for `pm.collectionVariables` to modified collection variables
- Added support for configuring proxy behavior using environment variables
- Added configuration to allow bypassing the global proxy
- Fixed an issue where Run In Postman button was not working when app was closed
- Fixed an issue where Save Response button was disabled for response with empty body
- Fixed some performance issues around loading of Collection Runner
- Fixed an issue where lesson CTA text overflows in empty state in two pane view.
- Maximizing, closing and reopening with dual monitors opens in primary monitor
- Shortcuts fire even if the user is in browse view of workspace

DBeaver 6.2.2 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 6.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

 - Many other minor bugs were fixed

Victoria 4.76b 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added drive configuration via Device Configuration Overlay - a special non-volatile memory in which you can turn off unnecessary functions, turn on previously turned off or change the available volume. The DCO tab appeared, which also has a mini-instruction (external file dcomemo.rtf )
- Improved work with the Extended Comprehensive SMART Error log SMART log : as it turned out, different models have different register addresses. This could lead to erroneous data interpretation on some Seagate and Fujitsu HDDs. The algorithm has been adapted to various manufacturers
- The correct operation was tested on Fujitsu MHZ, HGST 3.5, Seagate / Maxtor 3.5 ″ (7200.11), WD, Samsung STxxx 35 ″, Seagate STxxx 2.5 ″, Toshiba 2.5 ″. While it does not work on all HTSxxx 2.5 ″ - I will investigate the cause
- Added compatibility mode for the table of contents of magazines with old drives. So far - manual daw switching under the table of contents (for experiments). In the future - automatically, according to passport data
- Interface elements (port and device number) are moved to the right, the “ Hints ” daw has been moved to the basement
- In the defect remap mode, the Auto Reassign event detection function is added when the hard drive itself reassigns the defective sector. In this case, instead of the word Remap , a message of the form “ LBAxxx auto reassign ... OK ” is displayed in the log
- Fixed a bug where an automatic screenshot was not taken from the Tests tab

DBeaver 6.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- JSON highlighting/formatting was added
- Select/deselect rows with alt+click was improved
- Reference panel now supports virtual foreign keys
- "Set to default value" action was fixed (for timestamp columns)
- Dictionary read was fixed

- Table/schema diagram edit is now supported
- Virtual foreign keys support was added

Database navigator:
- Transactions tracking was improved (+now commit/rollback actions are always active)
- Cross-project connections copy-paste and drag-n-drop was fixed
- Navigator tree state save (and restore on restart) was added (thanks to loro2)
- Columns reordering was fixed
- Global filters configuration was fixed
- Connection permissions are now supported in connection type (prod, dev, test)

SQL editor:
- Query execution time logging was fixed
- Generate SQL dialog was improved (FQ names, copy to clipboard)
- Script selector panel UI was fixed
- Variables binding now can be skipped for a query/script
- JDBC fetch size now set for custom SQL queries
- Data export now reuses SQL editor connection
- Metadata editor: columns drop was fixed

SQL Server:
- NVARCHAR/NCHAR length calculation was fixed
- Column default value edit support was added
- DDL for TEXT/NTEXT data types was fixed

- Driver now uses URL template (by default)
- Column comments for new tables now saved properly
- SQL Server Data Warehouse support was added
- MySQL: bit stream data type support was fixed
- CockroachDB: table metadata read was fixed
- Apache Derby driver was upgraded
- Teradata: multiple resultsets support was added
- Test connection dialog was redesigned
- Driver libraries cache was fixed (re-download of Maven artifacts)
- Widows registry reading was fixed (Java 8 compatibility)
- Many other minor bugs were fixed

ChanSort 2019.08.29 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed: some UHD channels did not show up in the list, which caused corrupted Panasonic channel lists (dupe numbers)
- fixed: Samsung SCM DVB-T lists did not show radio channels
- fixed: print caption of a favorites list was off by a letter (printed "Fav B" when it should have been "Fav A")
- internal restructuring and added automated unit-test for most file formats

DBeaver 6.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Virtual primary/foreign keys editors were enhanced
- Problem with filters on data refresh was fixed
- Added confirmation dialog before opened result tabs closing
- Problem with missing updated row count (in script mode) was fixed
- References panel now remembers last FK/reference selection
- Value view panel now supports Find/Replace
- Float values rendering was fixed (numbers rounding is disabled by default)

Data transfer:
- Save of previous target container selections was added
- Export of tables/queries with complex data types (structs, objects) was improved

Connection management:
- Connection permissions config was added (restrictions of data/metadata changes for a particular connection or connection type)
- Problem with bootstrap queries and auto-commit state save/load was fixed
- Multi-project support was improved (use selected project for new connections)
- Support of empty database passwords was added
- Copy/paste and drag-n-drop connections between different projects was fixed

Database navigator:
- Default double-click behavior configuration was added (view properties/data/erd)
- Object edit dialogs are properly sized now (problem with too small dialog window was fixed)
- Connection type coloring in the main toolbar is back
- DBeaver toolbars visibility was fixed (for Eclipse plugin version)
- New DBeaver version automatic downloading (optional) was added

- Datetime columns edit was fixed. Problems with timezone were fixed.
- Legacy MySQL <4 driver was added (again)

- Automatic transaction error recovery was added (famous "current transaction is aborted" error)
- Partition management was added (partition create/drop)
- Support of VACUUM tool for older PG version was fixed
- Enum items order was fixed (in metadata editor)
- Legacy PostgreSQL <= 8 driver was added

- SQL Server: index DDL was improved (now it contains all index properties)
- Redshift: table DDL generation was fixed ("diststyle AUTO" and other improvements)
- Hive: struct/array data types support was added
- Presto: array data types support was fixed
- DB2 i: routine list reading was fixed
- We have migrated to the Eclipse 2019-06 platform (fixes many minor UI bugs on Linux)
- Many other minor bugs were fixed

WorkFlowy Desktop 1.3.4 查看版本資訊
