CCleaner 歷史舊版本 Page65

最新版本 Krisp 2.33.4

CCleaner 歷史版本列表

CCleaner 是 Windows PC 的免費軟件系統優化,隱私和清潔工具。它從您的系統中刪除未使用的文件,允許 Windows 運行更快,釋放寶貴的硬盤空間。它也清除你的網上活動的痕跡,如你的互聯網歷史。另外它包含一個全功能的註冊表清潔。 CCleaner,清理臨時文件,優化& 使用世界領先的 PC 清潔器加速您的計算機。您可以從我們的網站點擊免費下載按鈕下載 CCleaner PC... CCleaner 軟體介紹

PartitionGuru Free 4.8.0 查看版本資訊


BirdFont for Windows 2.13.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- More descriptive fields in TTF fonts (license, designer, URL etc.)
- Stylistic alternates (OpenType feature tag: salt)
- Small Caps (OpenType feature tag: scmp)
- Capitals to Small Caps (OpenType feature tag: c2sc)
- Swashes (OpenType feature tag: swsh)
- Parse circles, ellipses and lines in SVG files

install4j 6.0.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Text components: Added a "Key listener" script property that is executed each time a key is pressed. The "text" parameter contains the modified text unlike for the "Key validator" expression.
- It is now possible to use installer variables with array values in the arguments for launchers. Empty array elements are omitted.

API changes:
- Added a version of with a parameter of type "ShowCommand" that allows you to open a link with maximized or minimized window state

Bugs fixed:
- "Single radio button" form component: If all radio buttons in a group were disabled, an exception was thrown in console mode
- "Single radio button" form component: In console mode, the selection script of the first radio button in the group was executed and not the one of the selected radio button
- "Load a response file" action: Non-string variables were not registered automatically as response file variables again and the "Overwrite strategy" did not work for them
- "Label" form component: & characters followed by a non-space character were not shown
- "Execute SQL script" action: Non-standard statement delimiters did not work
- Installation directory selector: Several settings were not respected in console mode
- PDF action and screen produced a file named error.log next to the installer
- Unix service launchers: Not all possible arguments were reported in the "usage" message
- Unix service launchers: More robust implementation for stopping the service
- Unix launchers: Use exec where possible to replace the shell script process with the java process
- Unix launchers: JRE search sequence entries that start with $ or ~ were interpreted as relative files
- Windows launchers: The current directory was appended to the end of the class path
- Mac OS X: Running process check did not work for single bundle installer
- Mac OS X: Installers did not pump stdin
- Mac OS X: Console and unattended mode were not set to headless for the Oracle JRE
- i18n: Single apostrophes were doubled in formatted messages
- Adding imports to the static members script marked the same imports in all other scripts as unused and broke auto-import and test compilation
- For wildcard classpath entries of type "archive", the shortest available match is now used

install4j 6.0.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Text components: Added a "Key listener" script property that is executed each time a key is pressed. The "text" parameter contains the modified text unlike for the "Key validator" expression.
- It is now possible to use installer variables with array values in the arguments for launchers. Empty array elements are omitted.

API changes:
- Added a version of with a parameter of type "ShowCommand" that allows you to open a link with maximized or minimized window state

Bugs fixed:
- "Single radio button" form component: If all radio buttons in a group were disabled, an exception was thrown in console mode
- "Single radio button" form component: In console mode, the selection script of the first radio button in the group was executed and not the one of the selected radio button
- "Load a response file" action: Non-string variables were not registered automatically as response file variables again and the "Overwrite strategy" did not work for them
- "Label" form component: & characters followed by a non-space character were not shown
- "Execute SQL script" action: Non-standard statement delimiters did not work
- Installation directory selector: Several settings were not respected in console mode
- PDF action and screen produced a file named error.log next to the installer
- Unix service launchers: Not all possible arguments were reported in the "usage" message
- Unix service launchers: More robust implementation for stopping the service
- Unix launchers: Use exec where possible to replace the shell script process with the java process
- Unix launchers: JRE search sequence entries that start with $ or ~ were interpreted as relative files
- Windows launchers: The current directory was appended to the end of the class path
- Mac OS X: Running process check did not work for single bundle installer
- Mac OS X: Installers did not pump stdin
- Mac OS X: Console and unattended mode were not set to headless for the Oracle JRE
- i18n: Single apostrophes were doubled in formatted messages
- Adding imports to the static members script marked the same imports in all other scripts as unused and broke auto-import and test compilation
- For wildcard classpath entries of type "archive", the shortest available match is now used

LightWave 2015 Update 3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Expanding the robust feature set of LightWave 2015, this new update offers numerous fixes and improvements, system updates for Python and support for NVIDIA Optimus technology.
- Pipeline updates in the LightWave 2015 Update 3 include improved GoZ and After Effects support; workflow enhancements to the VPR, viewport, and restore options. Interchange enhancements include support for AE CC2015, improved FBX rigging import from Maya, additional support for UV interchange with Unity and other game engines, improved Subd mesh interchange for Alembic, and additional GoZ interchange support for ZBrush 4R7. Hefty scripting improvements have also been made to the LScript Scene Object Agent, with 22 new data members and supporting environment constants, as well as updated Python control over LightWave Custom Object access

install4j 5.1.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- "Add VM options" and "Modify classpath" actions: Added a "Target file on Mac OS X" option property for selecting either the .vmoptions file inside the application bundle or the .vmoptions file next to the application bundle

Bugs fixed:
- Mac OS X: Service installations did not work on Mac OS X 10.10
- Mac OS X: Services were not always started as root
- Mac OS X: Desktop links were not overwritten on Mac OS X
- Mac OS X: Command line launchers did not find Oracle JREs, except if the JRE was the default JRE
- "Install files" action: After downloading installation components, the status message did not switch back to "Extracting files"

install4j 5.1.15 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- "Add VM options" and "Modify classpath" actions: Added a "Target file on Mac OS X" option property for selecting either the .vmoptions file inside the application bundle or the .vmoptions file next to the application bundle

Bugs fixed:
- Mac OS X: Service installations did not work on Mac OS X 10.10
- Mac OS X: Services were not always started as root
- Mac OS X: Desktop links were not overwritten on Mac OS X
- Mac OS X: Command line launchers did not find Oracle JREs, except if the JRE was the default JRE
- "Install files" action: After downloading installation components, the status message did not switch back to "Extracting files"

install4j 5.0.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

API changes:
- Fixed NPE when an error message was show in com.install4j.launcher.ApplicationLauncher
- Return null for special folder API when used on non-windows platforms instead of throwing an exception

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed locale regressions in 5.0.10
- Distribution file choosers were not shown if the install4j IDE was run with Java 7
- "File version" property for uninstaller and and custom installer applications had no effect, the product version was always used for the Windows version resource
- Unix installers were broken on some systems
- Windows: If the user was changed during UAC, the program groups were not created for the original user
- Installation directory chooser form component: Disabling the form component did not disable the chooser button

install4j 5.0.11 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

API changes:
- Fixed NPE when an error message was show in com.install4j.launcher.ApplicationLauncher
- Return null for special folder API when used on non-windows platforms instead of throwing an exception

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed locale regressions in 5.0.10
- Distribution file choosers were not shown if the install4j IDE was run with Java 7
- "File version" property for uninstaller and and custom installer applications had no effect, the product version was always used for the Windows version resource
- Unix installers were broken on some systems
- Windows: If the user was changed during UAC, the program groups were not created for the original user
- Installation directory chooser form component: Disabling the form component did not disable the chooser button

install4j 4.2.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- New locale: Romanian
- Comma separated lists are now supported in archive classpath entries, this is useful if compiler variables are used
- API: Added a new event type EventType.FILE_INSTALLATION_STARTED with an event object that gives access to total installation size and file count
- API: Added
- Support for OpenJDK on Windows

Bugs fixed:
- "Install Files" action: Stop services before checking for running processes
- "Installation components" screen: Dependency chains of installation components were not getting updated properly in the tree
- "Run executable or batch file" action: Sometimes a single zero length string argument was passed
- "Uninstall previous installation" action on Mac OS X: The action did not work correctly when the "Require admin user" action was present
- "Installation location" screen: Validation error messages were displayed twice if the directory was selected with the chooser button and the user wanted to proceed anyway
- "Progress display" form component: Fixed a StackOverflow error
- When saving a project to a new location, paths that started with variables were mistakenly prepended with a relative location
- i18n messages were not replaced in splash screen text lines
- Selected and unchangeable components were not installed in console mode
- Fixed internal error 7 when a lot of processes were started at the same time
- Environment variables were not replaced in directory entries of the JRE search sequence
- "Registry and standard locations" search sequence entry did not always choose the newest JVM
- Windows: Creating a 64-JRE bit bundle from a 32-bit install4j IDE did not work correctly
- Windows: Launching media files from the build section in the install4j IDE did not work correctly if UAC was turned on
- If paths in the Installer->Custom code tab contained compiler variables, those variables could not be overridden from the command line
- Classes in extension JARs could not be accessed in scripts
- Unix installers: Improved error message if the unpack200 executable fails
- Set java.library.path explicitly to fix problems on some Windows Server 2003 machines
- JRE bundles: Run -Xshare:dump only for Sun VMs
- Use system language instead of principal language on Mac OS X for system menu and dialogs