Callnote 歷史舊版本 Page2

最新版本 Callnote 5.14.9

Callnote 歷史版本列表

Callnote 是 Skype,Facebook,谷歌環聊,Viber,在線會議和網絡研討會(GoToMeeting 和 Webex)視頻通話錄音機。一個功能強大,易於使用的免費視頻通話錄音機 Callnote Premium PC for Windows!幫助您記錄 Skype,Google+ 環聊,Facebook,Viber 視頻和音頻呼叫,並增加了以與會者的方式捕獲 GoToMeetin... Callnote 軟體介紹

Symfony 5.3.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Workflow] Add missing audit-trail settings in framework workflow con…
- [Ldap][Security] Make LdapAuthenticator an EntryPoint
- [SecurityBundle] Fixed LogicException message of FirewallAwareTrait
- [Cache] Fix invalidating tags on Redis <5
- [Ldap] Fix resource type checks & docblocks on PHP 8.1
- [Messenger] relax parameter type
- [FrameworkBundle] Avoid secrets:decrypt-to-local command to fail
- [VarDumper] fix dumping typed references from properties
- [Messenger] [Redis] Allow authentication with user and password
- [FrameworkBundle] Remove translation data_collector BEFORE adding it to profiler
- [DependencyInjection] Fix iterator in ServiceConfigurator
- [Notifier] Update FirebaseTransport.php
- [Form] Do not trim unassigned unicode characters
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix displaying certain configs
- [PhpUnitBridge] Track unsilenced deprecations only for userland
- [FrameworkBundle] fix session-related BC layer triggering deprecation
- [PropertyAccess] Fix Regression in PropertyAccessor::isWritable()
- [Mime] Allow array as input for RawMessage
- [Messenger] Support rediss in transport bridge
- [FrameworkBundle] Match 5.3 and 5.1 mailer configuration
- [PropertyInfo] Support for intersection types
- [Cache] Make sure PdoAdapter::prune() always returns a bool
- [HttpClient] Fix handling timeouts when responses are destructed
- [Framework] Clean "about" command help after Environment section was removed
- [Cache] Fix implicit float to int cast
- [Mime] Update mime types
- [HttpKernel] Fix empty timeline in profiler
- [DependencyInjection] Fix circular reference in autowired decorators
- Fix tests failing with DBAL 3

Symfony 5.3.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient] Don't pass float to usleep()
- Cast ini_get to an integer to match expected type
- [Messenger] Remove indices in messenger table on MySQL to prevent deadlocks while removing messages when running multiple consumers
- [Messenger] Fix ErrorDetailsStamp denormalization
- [Translation] Extract translatable content on twig set
- [Notifier] [Smsapi] fixed checking whether message is sent
- allow null for framework.translator.default_path
- [DomCrawler] improve failure messages of the CrawlerSelectorTextContains constraint
- [HttpFoundation] Fix isNotModified determination logic
- [FrameworkBundle] Fall back to default configuration in debug:config and consistently resolve parameter values
- Fix Url Validator false positives
- [Translation] Reverse fallback locales
- Escape all special characters for parse_mode MARKDOWN_V2
- [Messenger] [AMQP] Do not leak any credentials when connection fails
- [Notifier] Firebase error handling
- [PropertyInfo] Support for the never return type
- Fix ProgressBar to correctly clear multi-line formats
- [Translation] Fix message key handling for the Localise provider
- Ignoring X-Transport header while signing email with DKIM
- [ExpressionLanguage] [Lexer] Remove PHP 8.0 polyfill
- [Security] Don't produce TypeErrors for non-string CSRF tokens
- [Security] Fix wrong cache directive when using the new PUBLIC_ACCESS attribute
- [Cache] fix wiring async cache recomputing in debug mode
- [Cache] Do not add namespace argument to NullAdapter in CachePoolPass
- [HttpKernel] always close open stopwatch section after handling kernel.request events
- [Console] Don't pass null to preg_replace()
- Fix ServiceLocator indexing when service is decorated
- [HttpFoundation] Don't pass null to strpos()
- [HttpKernel] Remove preloading legacy event dispatcher
- Fix return types for PHP 8.1
- [DoctrineBridge] Typehint against doctrine/persistence interfaces
- [Validator] Update MIR card scheme
- [PasswordHasher] Fix usage of PasswordHasherAdapter in PasswordHasherFactory

Symfony 5.3.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Mailer] Fixed decode exception when sendgrid response is 202
- [Dotenv][Yaml] Remove PHP 8.0 polyfill
- [VarDumper] HtmlDumper::setDumpHeader() accepts null
- [HttpFoundation] Fixed type mismatch
- [Security] fix Check if it has session before getSession()

Symfony 5.2.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Mailer] Fixed decode exception when sendgrid response is 202
- [Dotenv][Yaml] Remove PHP 8.0 polyfill
- [HttpFoundation] Fixed type mismatch

Symfony 5.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: [WebProfilerBundle] [WebProfiler] "empty" filter bugfix. Filter with name "empty" is not

Symfony 5.3.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Translation] Fix default value for locales in translation push|pull commands
- [Translation] [Lokalise] Fix base_uri
- [Lock] Handle lock with long key
- [Debug][ErrorHandler] Do not use the php80 polyfill
- [Console] fix table setHeaderTitle without headers
- [Translation] fix fallback to Locale::getDefault()
- [Mailer] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Console] Run commands when implements SignalableCommandInterface without pcntl and they have'nt signals
- [Form] Fix 'invalid_message' use in multiple ChoiceType
- [Notifier] Allow passing a previous throwable to exceptions
- [Notifier] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Notifier] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Messenger] [Redis] Fix auth option wrongly considered invalid
- Indicate compatibility with psr/log 2 and 3
- [Security] fix #41891 Save hashed tokenValue in RememberMe cookie
- Fix missing assignment
- [HttpFoundation] fix FileBag under PHP 8.1
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix composer resolution on Windows
- [DependencyInjection] Support for intersection types
- [HttpFoundation] Fix return types of SessionHandler::gc()
- [VarDumper] Support for intersection types
- [Cache] Support decorated Dbal drivers in PdoAdapter
- Add a Special Case for Translating Choices in en_US_POSIX
- Fix ctype_digit deprecation
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the values of some CSS properties
- [FrameworkBundle] Fixed file operations in Sodium vault seal
- [DoctrineBridge] [Doctrine Bridge] Fix an exception message
- [Messenger] [Redis] Make auth option works
- [DoctrineBridge] fix setting default mapping type to attribute/annotation on php 8/7 respectively
- [Messenger] Fixed BC layer for RedeliveryStamp
- [Messenger] AmqpTransport implements QueueReceiverInterface
- [TwigBridge] do not render the same label id attribute twice
- [DependencyInjection] Fix TaggedLocator attribute without indexAttribute argument
- [HttpKernel] recover from failed deserializations
- [Messenger] Fix use_notify default value for PostgreSqlConnection
- [Console] Fix save correct name in setDefaultCommand() for PHP8
- [Lock] fix derivating semaphore from key
- [Notifier] Fix TransportTestCase
- [Translation] Missing translations from traits
- Fix SkippedTestSuite
- [Console] Revert "bug #41952 fix handling positional arguments"
- [EventDispatcher] Correct the called event listener method case
- [Serializer] Need to clear cache when updating Annotation Groups on Entities
- [Console] fix handling positional arguments
- Rethrow exception in DoctrineTokenProvider
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix deprecation handler with PHPUnit 10

Symfony 5.2.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: bug #42270 [WebProfilerBundle] [WebProfiler] "empty" filter bugfix. Filter with name "empty" is not

Symfony 5.2.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Lock] Handle lock with long key
- [Debug][ErrorHandler] Do not use the php80 polyfill
- [Console] fix table setHeaderTitle without headers
- [Translation] fix fallback to Locale::getDefault()
- [Mailer] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking
- [Form] Fix 'invalid_message' use in multiple ChoiceType
- Indicate compatibility with psr/log 2 and 3
- [HttpFoundation] fix FileBag under PHP 8.1
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix composer resolution on Windows
- [DependencyInjection] Support for intersection types
- [HttpFoundation] Fix return types of SessionHandler::gc()
- [VarDumper] Support for intersection types
- [Cache] Support decorated Dbal drivers in PdoAdapter
- Add a Special Case for Translating Choices in en_US_POSIX
- Fix ctype_digit deprecation
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the values of some CSS properties
- [FrameworkBundle] Fixed file operations in Sodium vault seal
- [DoctrineBridge] fix setting default mapping type to attribute/annotation on php 8/7 respectively
- [TwigBridge] do not render the same label id attribute twice
- [HttpKernel] recover from failed deserializations
- [Lock] fix derivating semaphore from key
- [Translation] Missing translations from traits
- Fix SkippedTestSuite
- [Console] Revert "bug #41952 fix handling positional arguments"
- [EventDispatcher] Correct the called event listener method case
- [Console] fix handling positional arguments
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix deprecation handler with PHPUnit 10

SnapGene 5.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Corrected an issue with showing aligned sequences as double-stranded DNA
- Addressed an issue with folders in collections stored on network drives
- Addressed a stability issue with viewing some primers in Sequence view
- Ensured correct reporting of the number of matches when searching ssDNA sequences
- Fixed a regression that prevented the display of some primer binding sites when simplified hybridizations are being shown
- Increased the number of primer binding sites that can be shown in Map view
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented showing the first aligned sequence when printing an alignment to a reference sequence
- Corrected an issue with saving aligned reads to an ssDNA sequence
- Improved stability when expanding sequences aligned to a reference DNA sequence
- Improved stability when choosing alternative codons
- Ensured that opened documents are always added to the recent files list
- Fixed an issue that could prevent enzymes from being displayed in older documents in collections
- Ensured that display options are always preserved when duplicating collection documents in a new window
- Removed a blank cascading menu that could appear in the Edit menu when using "Save As"
- Improved stability when dragging trimming handles
- Improved stability when using Opt-click to invoke "Close All Open Files" on macOS
- Improved the appearance of the focus ring for comboboxes on macOS
- Improved the mnemonic shortcut for deleting a restriction fragment on Windows
- Improved the default filename when exporting an alignment
- Improved colors in cloning overviews
- Made various textual corrections
- Prevented unnecessary scrolling when undoing sequence modifications
- Improved stability when using short sequences aligned to a reference DNA sequence
- Improved stability when using "Splice to Remove Introns"

Symfony 5.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Handle concurency in Csrf DoctrineTokenProvider
- Fix SessionTokenStorage reuse with Request
- [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into "protected" folders on Windows
- [Messenger] fix FlattenExceptionNormalizer
- [SecurityBundle] Change information label from red to yellow
- [HttpKernel] Keep max lifetime also when part of the responses don't set it
- [ErrorHandler] fix handling buffered SilencedErrorContext
- [HttpClient] fix Psr18Client when allow_url_fopen=0
- [Runtime] Fix project dir variable when vendor not in project root
- [DependencyInjection] Add support of PHP enumerations
- [Config] fix tracking default values that reference the parent class
- [DependencyInjection] Fix binding "iterable $foo" when using the PHP-DSL
- [DependencyInjection] accept service locator definitions with no class
- [Uid] Fix fromString() with low base58 values
- [Cache] handle prefixed redis connections when clearing pools
- [Cache] fix eventual consistency when using RedisTagAwareAdapter with a cluster
- [Cache] Disable locking on Windows by default
- [Mailer] fix encoding of addresses using SmtpTransport
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Keep s-maxage=0 from ESI sub-responses
- Avoid broken action URL in text notification mail
- [Security] Fix special char used to create cache key
- [VarDumper] Fix tests for PHP 8.1
- [FrameworkBundle] Replace var_export with VarExporter to use array short syntax in secrets list files
- [DependencyInjection] throw proper exception when decorating a synthetic service
- [Security] Implement fluent interface on RememberMeBadge::disable()
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Do not check Phake mocks classes
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix handling the COMPOSER_BINARY env var when using simple-phpunit
- [PasswordHasher] UserPasswordHasher only calls getSalt when method exists
- [HttpFoundation] allow savePath of NativeFileSessionHandler to be null
- [Messenger] prevent reflection usages when classes do not exist
- [Security] Fixed 'security.command.debug_firewall' not found
- [Security] Fix invalid RememberMe value after update
- [Security] Fix invalid cookie when migrating to new Security
- [Security] make the getter usable if no user identifier is set