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最新版本 Blisk

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Blisk 是一個基於鉻的瀏覽器,用於 web 開發的基本工具。將其用於同時構建和測試您的網站的桌面和移動版本。 Blisk 使開發人員能夠同時在多個設備上編碼,預覽其更改! 4 使用原因 Blisk:TIME SAVING以光速發展!現在您不需要一直刷新頁面,搜索並滾動到所需的元素。 Blisk 從根本上節省了開發和測試的時間。瀏覽器將使你的生產力達到 200%。所以你可以把你的工作快兩倍,把時... Blisk 軟體介紹

DBeaver 22.0.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SQL editor:
- Problem with semicolon on a new line was fixed
- Problem with client-side commands parsing was fixed
- Error highlighting support was improved
- Tabs close/confirmation behavior was improved
- Script with multiple @set commands processing was fixed
- Command for data export automation was added (@export)
- Toggle comment command was fixed (thanks to @arvillion)
- SQL script datasource association command was fixed
- Data editor:
- Value filter now shows total number of distinct values
- Search for whole word was fixed
- Custom filter value save was fixed

Spatial viewer:
- Ability to select spatial objects on map and data grid was added
- Default zoom level option was added

Data transfer:
- Default data type mapping was improved (especially for char/varchar columns)
- Multi-table transfer now opens all target tables
- Database restore task now requires additional confirmation
- Output folder parameter now supports additional variables
- Import task UI was fixed (problem with lost target tables configuration)
- SQL export format now supports append mode

- Navigator: database selector popup was fixed (null pointer error)
- SSH: problem with connections and corrupted known_hosts file was resolved
- CLI: parameter "create" was fixed for connection opened using -con parameter
- Windows: DBeaver now supports workspaces on network paths (e.g. \network-shareworkspace)
- MacOS: problem with UI freeze after data edit was fixed
- DB2 i: keys and foreign keys metadata read was fixed

- Generate SQL for geometry data types was fixed
- Permission editor was fixed (problem with duplicated permissions)
- Problem with decimal data types with zerofill flag was fixed
- UPDATE SET replace method was added
- Netezza: table rename SQL was fixed
- Oracle: table partition metadata read was fixed

- Problem with SQL generation and JSONB columns was fixed
- View column edit support was added
- Default driver version was changed to 42.2.25 due to security reasons
- SQLite: connection settings dialog UI was fixed (Open and Create buttons behavior)

SQL Server:
- Money data type support was fixed
- Connection settings dialog was redesigned
- A lot of minor fixes in application localization

DBeaver 22.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data transfer:
- "Append to existing file" feature was improved (for CSV, TXT and XLSX formats)
- Export wizard now loads saved properties on demand
- Export of result set with reordered/hidden columns was fixed
- Export in SQL format: "split on multiple files" now works correctly
- Task execution notification was improved
- SQL script tasks support was fixed (NullPointer error was resolved)
- Export of many tables into a single target table was fixed
- Import from CSV was fixed (problem with null handling was resolved)
- Trim whitespaces option was added for CSV import
- Table columns mapping UI was fixed on MacOS

SQL editor:
- Error position information was added in error messages
- Query error highlighting was improved

Database navigator:
- Support of databases with bug number of schemas was improved
- Column grouping now shows number of grouped elements
- Auto-completion was improved in properties editor

- DBeaver now shows EULA on start (one time)
- Problem with workspaces on network paths was resolved
- Kerberos configuration load was fixed on RHEL
- Apache Phoenix: connectivity problem was fixed by setting proper driver version
- CockroachDB: ROWID columns support was added

DB2 i:
- Sequences support was added
- View definitions read was implemented
- Unique and check constraints support was added
- Multiple minor improvements in metadata read were added
- Exasol: search in view/procedure source code was implemented
- MySQL: problem with table lock during database dump was fixed

- View source code edit was fixed (problem with view comments was resolved)

- pg_dump and pg_restore version was upgraded (to PG 14)
- Script execute task now shows all script errors
- Snowflake: support of LIMIT for custom SQL queries was added (affects performance)
- Italian localization was significantly improved

DBeaver 22.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data editor:
- Option "show whitespaces" was added
- Columns reordering in data filter dialog was fixed
- Line numbers were added to plaintext view

SQL editor:
- Script error visualization is not configurable
- Block statements (BEGIN, IF, CASE) auto-close was improved
- Auto-completion was fixed for INSERT queries
- "Cancel active query" command was added
- Filtering of aliased columns was fixed
- Problem with DML queries re-execution on connection lost was fixed
- Python source code format was added to Copy As command
- "Hippie" auto-completion was disabled by default (due to performance problems)
- SQL commands parser/navigation was fixed
- Parameter bindings dialog was disabled for long strings (like $$)
- CASE/WHEN formatting was fixed

Driver editor:
- Driver description editor was fixed
- Maven artifacts version resolution was improved

- Data transfer: recreate table mapping support was fixed (saved configuration and tasks)
- SSH tunnels: connection timeout/keep-alive parameters change was fixed
- MacOS: problem with application launch was fixed (problem with plist file modification)
- Dark theme: buttons UI now matches OS theme

Apache Druid, Apache Kylin:
- Table data read was fixed
- Data type properties were fixed
- Indexes read was fixed

- Azure Databricks driver was added
- Clickhouse: array data type editor was implemented
- DB2: query terminator redefine support was added

- System views DDL generation was fixed
- Geometry data type rendering in new H2 driver was fixed

- MySQL: functions execute was fixed

- Nested arrays editor was implemented
- Functions source code generation was fixed (function signature)

- Portuguese localization was fixed

Gradle 7.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tasks that show up later on the command line can be mysteriously skipped
- A task that is finalized by a task specified earlier on the command line causes the build to hang
- Deadlock between test task execution and dependency resolution
- Race condition with build service registration and configuration on demand
- Using a Version Catalog plugin in the plugins block still produces an @Incubating warning in 7.4.1
- NPE when VerificationException is thrown by a task and configuration cache is enabled
- Applying Build Scan Plugin (--scan) cause the following error 'Cannot mutate content repository descriptor 'Gradle Central Plugin Repository' after repository has been used'
- Configuration cache captures system property value set by the build logic causing no cache hits afterward
- Dependency resolution hangs with IDEA parallel model fetch
- plugins resolution from settings convention plugin [possible regression]
- Type-safe dependency accessors are reported as an incubating feature despite version catalog stabilization
- CLI options fail with "linked to multiple elements in class" error when inherited from interface and defined in class
- test-aggregation-plugin and jacoco-aggregation-plugin should eagerly configure objects
- 7.4 regression: exclusiveContent in buildscript doesn't work with plugins {} block
- Failure with configuration cache: Could not find build 'buildSrc'

DBeaver 22.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Connection read-only state switcher was added in main toolbar/menu

Data editor:
- Auto-refresh UI was fixed (stop on error visualization)
- Array data types handling was improved (PostgreSQL, Clickhouse)
- Invalid fractional seconds rendering was fixed
- Filter panel is removed in non applicable presentations
- Number of selected rows calculation was fixed
- Row colors reset option was added
- Edit controls enable state was fixed for plaintext view
- Keyboard shortcuts were fixed in inline date/time editor
- Next segment auto fetch was fixed for specific queries

Data transfer:
- "Ignore duplicated rows" option was added
- Table mapping “re-create” support was improved
- Skipped columns configuration save was fixed

SQL editor:
- Data filter injection for custom SQL queries was improved
- Transaction monitor was fixed (amount of statements in a transaction)
- Tasks: task ordering was fixed (folders on top)
- Command line: possibility to specify external variables file was added
- MySQL: indexes edit support was added

- Sequences DDL tab was added
- Scheduler jobs metadata read was fixed
- Arrays presentation was improved (numbers formatting was fixed)
- Materialized view save was fixed

- View source editor was fixed (redundant 'create or replace' clause was removed)
- Template databases are now visible is specified in connection settings
- Server version < 8 support was improved
- Saved backup/restore tasks UI was fixed

- Redshift: search in procedure definition was fixed

- Metadata performance was significantly improved
- Table/column comments are now read in lazy mode

Gradle 7.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Applying Build Scan Plugin (--scan) cause the following error 'Cannot mutate content repository descriptor 'Gradle Central Plugin Repository' after repository has been used'
- Configuration cache captures system property value set by the build logic causing no cache hits afterward
- Dependency resolution hangs with IDEA parallel model fetch
- plugins resolution from settings convention plugin [possible regression]
- Type-safe dependency accessors are reported as an incubating feature despite version catalog stabilization
- CLI options fail with "linked to multiple elements in class" error when inherited from interface and defined in class
- test-aggregation-plugin and jacoco-aggregation-plugin should eagerly configure objects
- 7.4 regression: exclusiveContent in buildscript doesn't work with plugins {} block
- Failure with configuration cache: Could not find build 'buildSrc'


What's new in this version:

New features and usability improvements:
Generate a single report for tests from multiple projects:
- By default, Gradle produces a separate HTML test report for every test task in each project. Previously, it was difficult to combine those reports across multiple projects in a safe and convenient way.
- This release adds the new test-report-aggregation plugin to make it easy to aggregate test results from multiple projects into a single HTML report. This plugin uses test suites registered with the jvm-test-suite plugin.
- When this plugin is applied to a Java project, Gradle will automatically create an aggregated test report for each test suite with test results from a compatible test suite in every project that the Java project depends on. See the sample in the user manual.
- If you want more control over the set of projects that are included in the aggregated report or which test suites are used, see another sample that requires you to provide this configuration in the user manual.

Generate a single JaCoCo code coverage from multiple projects:
- Gradle comes with a JaCoCo code coverage plugin that produces a coverage report for the built-in test task. Previously, it was difficult to combine such reports across multiple projects in a safe and convenient way.
- This release adds the new jacoco-report-aggregation plugin to make it easy to aggregate code coverage from multiple projects into a single report. This plugin uses test suites registered with the jvm-test-suite plugin.
- When this plugin is applied to a Java project, Gradle will automatically create an aggregated code coverage report for each test suite with code coverage data from a compatible test suite in every project that the Java project depends on. See the sample in the user manual.
- If you want more control over the set of projects that are included in the aggregated report or which test suites are used, see another sample that requires you to provide this configuration in the user manual.

Usability improvements:
Mark additional test source directories as tests in IntelliJ IDEA:
- The JVM Test Suite Plugin makes it easier to create additional sets of tests in a Java project.
- The IntelliJ IDEA Plugin plugin will now automatically mark all source directories used by a JVM Test Suite as test source directories within the IDE
- The Eclipse plugin will be updated in a future version of Gradle
- This change does not affect additional test source directories created in Android projects that will still need to be manually configured to be considered test directories. These test sources are not created using JVM test suites.

Type-safe accessors for extensions of repositories {} in Kotlin DSL:
- Starting with this version of Gradle, Kotlin DSL generates type-safe model accessors for custom extensions added to the repositories {} block. Custom extensions now have full content assist in the IDE.

Stable dependency verification file generation:
- Dependency verification allows Gradle to verify the checksums and signatures of the plugins and dependencies that are used by the build of your project to improve supply chain security.
- With this release, the generation of the dependency verification file has been improved to produce stable output. This means that Gradle will always produce the same output if the build configuration and the verification file did not change.
- This allows the the verification metadata generation feature to be used as a convenient update strategy. This is now a recommended way to update the dependency verification files.

Plugins can be declared with a version in a subproject in more cases:
- The plugins DSL provides a succinct and convenient way to declare plugin dependencies
- Previously, it was not possible to declare a plugin with a version in a subproject when the parent project also declared the same plugin. Now, this is allowed when Gradle can track the version of the plugin (currently when using included build plugins or externally resolved plugins), and the version of the plugin in both are the same.
- This change was required to allow the use of dependency catalog plugin aliases in both a parent and subproject's plugins {}

Changes following migration from AdoptOpenJDK to Adoptium:
- Java toolchains provide an easy way to declare which Java version your project should be built with. By default, Gradle will detect installed JDKs or automatically download new toolchain versions.

Following the migration of AdoptOpenJDK to Eclipse Adoptium, a number of changes have been made for toolchains:
- ADOPTIUM and IBM_SEMERU are now recognized as vendors
- Both of the above can be used as vendors and trigger auto-provisioning
- Using ADOPTOPENJDK as a vendor and having it trigger auto-provisioning will emit a deprecation warning

Configuration cache improvements:
- The configuration cache improves build time by caching the result of the configuration phase and reusing this for subsequent builds
- Automatic detection of environment variables, system properties and Gradle properties used at configuration time
- Previously, Gradle required build and plugin authors to use specific APIs to read external values such as environment variables, system properties and Gradle properties in order to take these values into consideration as configuration cache inputs. When one of those values changed, Gradle would re-execute the configuration phase of the build and create a new cache entry. Gradle also required marking external values used at configuration time with an explicit opt-in Provider.forUseAtConfigurationTime() API.
- This release makes it easier to adopt configuration cache by relaxing these requirements. Provider.forUseAtConfigurationTime() has been deprecated and external values can be read using standard Java and Gradle APIs. Environment variables, system properties and Gradle properties used at configuration time are automatically detected without requiring build or plugin authors to migrate to Gradle specific APIs. In case any of those inputs change, the configuration cache is invalidated automatically. Moreover, the detected configuration inputs are now presented in the configuration-cache HTML report to make it easier to investigate unexpected configuration cache misses.

Disable configuration caching when incompatible tasks are executed:
- The configuration cache works by caching the entire task graph for each set of requested tasks.
- Prior to this release, all tasks used by the project needed to be compatible with configuration cache before the configuration cache could be enabled
- It is now possible to declare that a particular task is not compatible with the configuration cache. Gradle will disable the configuration cache automatically whenever an incompatible task is scheduled to run. This makes it possible to enable the configuration cache without having to first migrate all tasks to be compatible. Builds will still benefit from the configuration cache when only compatible tasks are executed. This enables more gradual adoption of the configuration cache.

Other improvements:
Additional Gradle daemon debug options:
- The Gradle daemon can be started in a debug mode that allows you to connect a debugger to troubleshoot build scripts or plugin code execution. By default, Gradle assumes a particular set of debugging options.
- In this release, additional options have been added to specify the port, server mode, and suspend mode for the Gradle daemon. This is useful when the default options are not sufficient to connect to the Gradle daemon to debug build scripts or plugin code.
- This does not affect the debugging options used with --debug-jvm when used with Test or JavaExec tasks

Conflicts of precompiled plugins with core plugins is now an error:
- Precompiled plugins are plugins written in either Groovy or Kotlin DSLs. They are used to easily share build logic between projects using a DSL language and without the need to write a full plugin class.
- In previous versions, it was possible to name a precompiled plugin with a name that conflicted with any core plugin id. Since core plugins take precedence over other plugins this caused the precompiled plugin to be silently ignored.
- With this release, a name conflict between a precompiled plugin and a core plugin causes an error

Promoted features:
- Promoted features are features that were incubating in previous versions of Gradle but are now supported and subject to backwards compatibility. See the User Manual section on the “Feature Lifecycle” for more information.
- The following are the features that have been promoted in this Gradle release

Shared build services:
- Shared build services is promoted to a stable feature

Version catalogs:
- Version catalogs is promoted to a stable feature

93 issues have been fixed in Gradle 7.4:
- Update JvmTestSuite DSL Reference with Test Type Propery
- Custom test suite named unitTest conflicts with default test suite
- Inconsistent Javadoc annotations for org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestReport (gradle 7.4)
- Project dependency jar does not exist when resolving project dependency
- Gradle caches keyserver information even when it is disabled
- Configuration cache fails to serialize chain of mapped `Provider`s
- Configuration cache fails to store zipped `Provider`
- The IntelliJ IDEA Plugin does not mark JVM Test Suite sources as test source in the IDE
- jacoco-report-aggregation should gracefully handle missing execution data
- Aggregated test report does not respect java.testReportDir in some cases
- `notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache` and `org.gradle.unsafe.configuration-cache-problems=warn`
- Gradle dependency verification caches keys for too long
- Upgrade Gradle checks for Log4j 2.17.1
- Changes to toolChain implementation are ignored
- Java compiler constant analysis seems to be broken on 8u301
- Complete documentation for new aggregation plugins
- Fix links in new test suite samples
- Disk files cleanup on Teamcity causes problems with file system watching on Linux
- Add usage checks for verification variants - revised plan
- Missing Settings.includeFlat(Iterable<String>) method
- Revert usage of generic argument to objects.named extension in Kotlin samples and snippets, and build-logic scripts
- Documentation contains `{user-manual}` references causing malformed links
- Name conflict with new test suites and versionCatalog entry named `testing`
- Additional sanity checks for building variants
- Additional sanity checks for test suites - one suite per type per project
- Dependency verification does not find a verification-metadata entry on Android Studio sync
- Provider#map doesn't allows to transform into nullable type in Kotlin DSL
- ConcurrentModificationException during Ivy resolve
- Add Maven Toolchains support to Java Toolchains detection
- Configuration cache false positive when changing
- Configuration cache issue when loading JNA lib during configuration
- Problems reading data from Binary store when replacement rule is in place and original module has a dependency on the new module in POM file
- Remove ambiguity in overloaded AttributeContainer#attribute methods
- Only allow consumption of outgoing variants for Test Suites if feature preview flag is set
- Update outgoing variants for Test Suites and add additional sanity checking
- Guarantee new variants for test suites are not published
- Gradle 7.4 nightly breaks artifact transforms
- GenerateSourceRootsFile fails when buildSrc references included build
- Inconsistent behavior of versionCatalogs { } in buildSrc during IDEA sync
- Refactor `TestReport` task to support lazy wiring of inputs
- Broken links in 7.0 upgrade guide > custom build layout
- Is ConfigurableReport.setDestination(Provider) meant to be deprecated?
- Aggregate test results and coverage data from multiple projects
- Expose test results and JaCoCo coverage data as resolvable artifacts
- Allow tasks to consume outputs from tasks that produce verification failures
- Minor English improvements in the Structuring Large Projects example
- Clean up Javascript included in dependencies HTML report
- Deprecate tar tree without a backing file
- Expose outputs from Test tasks as variants to dependency management
- Add descriptions to build-init, testing-base, jvm-testing, testing-junit-platform subprojects
- Improve dependency verification file generation
- Provide alternative for flat project structure
- Upgrade Gradle wrapper task on Windows missing chars
- Missing Kotlin DSL overload on `DependencyHandler` for `ProviderConvertible`
- Doc outdated on embedded Kotlin
- Can't use library from version catalog in constraint if it has child aliases
- Build cache configuration is not inherited from top-level build in included build inside pluginManagement block
- Gradle dependency verification breaks Android Studio Gradle sync in an obscure way
- @Option on interfaces (implemented by tasks) is not respected
- Return of Problems reading data from Binary store
- 7.2: PluginDependenciesSpec interface adds non-default methods, thus breaking backward compatibility
- Gradle crashes when writing verification metadata
- Unexpected behavior of Java toolchains
- Multiple Publications warning specify names of overlapping publications
- Gradle module metadata publication should allow more formats
- Warn or fail when precompiled script plugin name collides with plugin ID
- Version Catalogs: Omit version for plugins already on the classpath
- Catalog version entry without version and `.withoutVersion()` call produces non-trivial errors
- Only modify task history in StoreExecutionStateStep
- Inconsistent name in TOML vs API. [libraries] versus findDependencies
- Allow JVM debug options to be configurable
- Toolchain: AdoptOpenJDK vendor rebranded to "Eclipse Foundation"
- Add Temurin to `JvmVendorSpec`
- "only id(String) method calls allowed in plugins {} script block" is not correct
- Random errors or build hanging forever with task outputs derived from a configuration
- Better Error reporting for name mismatch in catalog dependencies
- ScriptHandlerScope with configuration does not support version catalogs (MinimalExternalModuleDependency)
- Allow progressive adoption of the configuration cache
- Document requirements for concurrent access restrictions of shared build services
- Misleading error message when invalid blocks are placed before the plugins block in the settings file
- Configuration cache checks fingerprint of included build against properties from root build
- repositoriesMode FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS fails on IntelliJ import
- Timeouts when using the remote Build Cache in a GitHub workflow
- Leave comments and ordering untouched in the verification-metadata.xml file
- Document usage of `usesService` when working with build services
- Make --stacktrace and --full-stacktrace options available through
- finalizer tasks are not up to date when finalized tasks are up to date
- Add Settings.include(List) to include more than 250 subprojects in one call
- When 'clean' depends on another task, it can happen in the middle of a build, breaking it
- Use input snapshots to skip empty work
- Provide a declarative way to define separate test suites
- `gradle clean build` can run clean after tasks that produce output by depending on other tasks
- Gradle compile of groovy should not include grab/grapes annotation transform

Gradle 7.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Upgrade checks to Log4j 2.17.0

Blisk 查看版本資訊


Gradle 7.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mitigations for log4j vulnerability in Gradle builds
- Incremental java compilation fails when renaming classname with $ character