Blender (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page44

最新版本 Blender 4.0.0 (64-bit)

Blender (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

攪拌機 64 位是一個免費的,開源的 3D 動畫套件軟件。它支持整個 3D 管道 - 建模,索具,動畫,模擬,渲染,合成和運動跟踪,甚至是視頻編輯和遊戲創建。高級用戶使用 Blender 的 Python 腳本 API 來定制應用程序並編寫專用工具。通常這些都包含在 Blender 的未來版本中。 Blender 非常適合從統一管道和響應式開發流程中受益的個人和小型工作室。 Blender 64 ... Blender (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Blender 2.78b (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New design and complete overhaul, including:
- Easy layer management
- Ability to have multiple colors and thickness values per layer
- Stroke quality improvements
- Different color saturation in the same stroke
- Improved Fills - Support for Concave Shapes
- Parenting a layer to any object, armature or bone
- For Addon developers: See related Grease Pencil API Changes

- Initial implementation in Blender
- Basic Alembic support through import and export operators
- Data streaming through cache constraints and modifiers
- Cycles Renderer
- Rendering spherical stereo images for VR is now supported
- Multiscatter GGX mode for the glossy and glass BSDF nodes
- Experimental feature: Improved Subdivision and Displacement system
- Vertex color, weight and normal support for point density textures
- Hair rendering speed up / memory use improvements
- OpenCL devices now support float4 textures (e.g. HDR textures)
- Added support for NVidia GTX 1060, 1070, 1080 GPUs

User Interface:
- Improvements to the Eyedropper and Operator Search
- Additional drawing mode for the Waveform Scope in the Image Editor
- Defining ranges and individual render frames in the Command Line

- New Freehand Curve drawing tool
- New Dissolve tool
- New Fill Region tool for Selection
- Improvements to Decimation, Bevel
- Edit-mode undo memory usage has been optimized

Viewport & Render:
- More supported shading nodes and options for the Cycles viewport render
- Additional shading features for the Blender GLSL viewport
- Blender Render shading can now also be computed in world space

- Improvements to Bendy Bones for Easier and Simpler Rigging
- Numerous changes to streamline the process of setting up and editing drivers
- The type of keyframe can be chosen on insertion
- Support non-uniform scaled bones failing with IK solver

Datablocks & Libraries Management:
- A new core low-level feature for datablocks management, called 'ID remapping'

Currently it allows from the Outliner:
- In the Blender File view to Reload and Relocate libraries
- In All Scenes, Current Scene and similar views to Fully Delete or Remap a datablock

- The rest shape of cloth can now be animated
- Cloth Simulation Speed is now adjustable
- Collision Groups for Particles and Soft Body

Python API and Add-ons:
- 11 new add-ons are included in this release
- Numerous improvements and fixes to existing add-ons
- Removed Import: MakeHuman (.mhx) (format not supported anymore in MakeHuman)
- New Preferences Individual Activation
- Changes to the Python API functions

Bug Fixes:
- As for every Blender release, hundreds of bugs were fixed, thanks to the hardworking Blender developers

Blender 2.78a (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Blender 2.78 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Cycles: Cycles now supports rendering spherical stereo images for VR
- Grease Pencil: Reworked to be similar to other 2D drawing softwares
- Alembic: Initial basic support in Blender
- Improvements to Bendy Bones for Easier and Simpler Rigging
- Eleven new add-ons
- And: 100s of bug fixes and other improvements!

Grease Pencil:

New design and complete overhaul, including:
- Easy layer management
- Ability to have multiple colors and thickness values per layer
- Stroke quality improvements
- Different color saturation in the same stroke
- Improved Fills - Support for Concave Shapes
- Parenting a layer to any object, armature or bone

- Initial implementation in Blender
- Basic Alembic support through import and export operators
- Data streaming through cache constraints and modifiers

Cycles Renderer:
- Rendering spherical stereo images for VR is now supported
- Multiscatter GGX mode for the glossy and glass BSDF nodes
- Experimental feature: Improved Subdivision and Displacement system
- Vertex color, weight and normal support for point density textures
- Hair rendering speed up / memory use improvements
- OpenCL devices now support float4 textures (e.g. HDR textures)
- Added support for NVidia GTX 1060, 1070, 1080 GPUs

User Interface:
- Improvements to the Eyedropper and Operator Search
- Additional drawing mode for the Waveform Scope in the Image Editor
- Defining ranges and individual render frames in the Command Line

- New Freehand Curve drawing tool
- New Dissolve tool
- New Fill Region tool for Selection
- Improvements to Decimation, Bevel
- Edit-mode undo memory usage has been optimized

Viewport & Render:
- More supported shading nodes and options for the Cycles viewport render
- Additional shading features for the Blender GLSL viewport
- Blender Render shading can now also be computed in world space

- Improvements to Bendy Bones for Easier and Simpler Rigging
- Numerous changes to streamline the process of setting up and editing drivers
- The type of keyframe can be chosen on insertion
- Support non-uniform scaled bones failing with IK solver

Datablocks & Libraries Management:
- A new core low-level feature for datablocks management, called 'ID remapping'

Currently it allows from the Outliner:
- In the Blender File view to Reload and Relocate libraries
- In All Scenes, Current Scene and similar views to Fully Delete or Remap a datablock

- The rest shape of cloth can now be animated
- Cloth Simulation Speed is now adjustable
- Collision Groups for Particles and Soft Body

- 11 new add-ons are included in this release
- Numerous improvements and fixes to existing add-ons
- Removed Import: MakeHuman (.mhx) (format not supported anymore in MakeHuman)
- New Preferences Individual Activation
- Changes to the Python API functions

Bug Fixes:
- As for every Blender release, hundreds of bugs were fixed, thanks to the hardworking Blender developers.

KeyShot 6.3.23 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


KeyShot 6.3.23 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Blender 2.77a (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

For 2.77a many fixes for OpenGL display and simulation were made, as well as various fixes to rendering, sequencer and modeling. This bugfix release also solved some regressions in the particle system.

- Fix for crash of point density textures due to undefined `point_data` on loading.
- GPU: avoid redundant logic for non-spot lamps
- Fix for non spot lamps calculating spot
- Fix (T47928): Crashing save corruption with dynamic paint drip effector groups.
- Revert "Fix (T47263): numpad4/6 rotates around worl Z axis and not view Y axis."
- Fix (T47838): Fix (T47910): Knife project fails
- Fix (T47838): Walk gravity fails w/ intersecting objects
- Fix (T47900): VSE adjustment crashes on blank frame
- Fix (T47893): BGE crashes w/ generated mesh data
- Fix (T47890): Vertex mask w/ subsurf select fails
- Fix (T47830): Multi-edit w/ ui-list wont highlight
- Fix (T47848): Fix regression in sequencer GL render.
- Fix (T47862): VSE hard cut fails.
- Fix add mesh template
- Fix (T47842): UV sculpt brush widgets are available when not in uv sculpt mode.
- Fix incorrect strncat use
- Fix (T47670): cycles GLSL incorrect layer weight / fresnel.
- Fix (T47670): cycles GLSL incorrect normal map node.
- Fix (T47951): UserId problem on reload.
- Fix (T47902): Particle grid not using modifier stack, Take II.
- Partly fix (unreported) particles not updating correctly when changing settings.
- Particles: Fix broken grid distribution in some case from own recent rB201d3938622.
- Fix (T48001): Highlighting selected item in filtered lists.
- Fix (T47935): Hair particles; The display percentage parameter breaks after a render is done.
- Fix (T47939), take II: Check clang package version, not llvm-devel one.
- Fix (T47958): Crash in Walk or Fly Navigation in Camera mode when invoking from non-3DView region
- Fix (T47983): Particles - Emit from Verts emits double on one vert.
- Fix (T47962): It's possible to set a Sound strip as a modifier Mask.
- Fix (T47972): Blender crash showing particle system.
- Fix (T47668): Cycles OpenCL glass not rendering correctly on AMD.
- Fix crash opening some .blend files after recent fix for hidden preview regions.
- Fix (T47505): Cycles OpenCL rendering crash on Windows.
- Fix (T47758): rigidbody bug with constraint breaking and disable collisions.
- Fix (T47971): rigid body baking crash due to thread race condition.
- Fix (T46623): OSX incorrect
- Fix (T47973): Render stamp ignores font alpha
- BLF: alpha support for drawing to buffer
- Fix (T47969): Select Random always uses same seed
- Fix (T47986): OBJ Import fails w/ imagepath encoding
- Fix (T47814): VSE Scene 'Use Sequence' fails
- Fix NULL check before free
- Fix (T48012): Knife Project crash
- Fix (T48000): Eyedropper sample-merged ignored at first
- Knife Project: revert fix for (T43896)
- Fix (T48030): Can't zoom VSE properties panel
- Fix (T47967): Select next active fails in some cases
- Fix error in ghash/gset_ensure_p_ex
- Fix (T47961): Wipe effects should have 2 inputs
- Fix (T47985): VSE GL-render scene strip hangs
- Hide layers from UI in template
- Fix curve, missing update on Ctrl-LMB
- Fix curve hide keeping spline active
- Fix curve adding 3D nurbs when 2D is set
- Fix curve editmode adding 3D primitives w/ 2D curves
- Fix (T48059): UV-editor crashes w/ over SHRT_MAX UV's
- Fix When using keying sets, the toggling "all items" in the array target only goes from the index value down, instead of keying all
- CMAKE / msvc openmp, delay loading of openmp dll so we can set environment variable before it is loaded
- CMake cleanup target_link_libraries_decoupled
- cmake fix full debug builds on msvc
- CMAKE disable building the windows launcher, fix type in delayloading of debug dll
- Remove the obsolete windows launcher
- Fix (T48013): UV Sculpt Brush Does not appear in UV window - but does show up in uv panels (t, n)
- Fix (T47987): Blender Cycles standalone does not properly read UV coordinates from XML
- Cycles: Aligned vector was not covered by guarded stat
- Fix (T47697): Smoke simulation doesn't work in viewport
- Cycles: Fix wrong initialization order of mesh flags and object transform
- Cycles: Fix wrong camera-in-volume stack when camera ray hits volume domain twice
- Fix (T47931): Missed world shader update when having object dependency
- Cycles: Support deformation motion blur for curves deformed by taper
- Cycles: Make curves modified by a taper object with modifier considered a deform modified
- Cycles: Fix regression caused by recent camera-in-volume commit
- Cycles: Fix wrong camera in volume check when domain is only visible to camera rays
- Fix (T47705): Freestyle line glitch.
- Fix Cycles debug panel, being shown in BI as well.
- Include requests' cacert.pem file.

- Fix (T47832) - node switching did not update viewport render
- Fix (T47831): Obj_Import_Problem.
- OBJ Import: prevent loading an image many times
- Node Wrangler: Fix (T47892) output socket was ignored when connected to another input of the output node
- Node Wrangler tidy silly duplicate logic
- Correct import (missed when moving from BAM)
- Correct links
- Avoid writing redundant zeros

Blender 2.77 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Cycles Rendering
- Improved Subsurface Scattering, and faster SSS on GPUs.
- Smoke/Fire and Point Density support on GPU.
- Customizable motion blur position, support for rolling shutter.
- Custom baking passes.
- Performance optimizations for large node shaders.
- Improved default settings.

User Interface
- Progress bars got a complete design overhaul.
- Support for multi-line text in tooltips, render stamps, frame nodes and meta data display.
- Better anti-aliasing for OpenGL renders.
- And more!

- Decimate modifier is now symmetry aware.
- New Edit-mode boolean tool, useful to quickly perform edits
- Selection tools got several improvements: face stepping option, checker select, next/previous, multiple axis mirror.
- Option to get a default UV-unwrapping of new geometry added.
- Other small improvements: triangulate & poke, grid-fill non uniform grids, hole support for intersect tool, split-by-edges tool

- Strip Modifiers: added white balance and tone map strip modifier, it is now possible to append strip’s modifiers to all selected ones
- Effects: speedup of Gaussian Blur effect
- Strips: Importing new movie strips now uses movieclip framerate
- Strips: Masks now can be both relative to strip and absolute to scene time
- Strips: Nested scene strip support, word wrapped sequencer text
- Strips: OpenGL previews Scene strips now respect the “Alpha Mode”

- Improvements to snake-hook to drag out long extruded segments, and rotate the snake-hook brush using the new rake option.
- Weight Painting: Better Auto-Normalize behaviour
- Weight Painting: Better Multi-Paint behaviour
- Vertex Painting: Orbit last stroke support

- Constraints: added new method to interpolate based on “Polar decomposition”.
- Graph Editor: “Cursor X” property now allows fractional values when working with Drivers, added options to insert keyframes at the cursor point
- Dope Sheet: better frame range for new editor instances
- Armatures: selection now supports selecting children, immediate children and siblings, added options to draw custom shape scale
- Motion Paths:  Clear Paths operator now acts on all objects/bones, Update Paths button is now shown in the toolbar too

- Grease Pencil
- Stroke Sculpting
- A proper “Edit Mode” in the 3D View
- Recoded eraser with pressure sensitivity
- An operator to restrict editing to the active layer only (Isolate Layer)
- Transform Manipulator support
- Animation editing improvements including Copy/Paste and more advanced channel filtering
- … and many more UI tweaks

Datablocks & Libraries Management
- In case of missing libraries on load, empty placeholder datablocks get added, which allows to restore or relink.
- Missing libraries & linked datablocks are now shown in the Outliner with a small “broken lib” icon.
- Deleting Libraries: you can now ‘delete’ a whole library, with all its linked datablocks

Game Engine
- Adding a Max Jumps value to the character physics
- Screenshot Actuator: the new screenshot mode can be found in the game actuator.
- Saving screenshot done in different thread (please read the compatibility issues).

- New Add-on: Blend File Utils, supports packing blend files including all their libraries and dependencies into a self contained ZIP file
- Updated Add-ons: OBJ IO: Added limited support for MTL texture mapping options
- Updated Add-ons: X3D/VRML IO: Expanded to support a larger subset of the standard
- Python: Python was upgraded to 3.5.1 which brings some improvements and changes for add-on and script writers.
- Python: All API load() functions now have a check_existing argument that defaults to false
- Python: New Module: gpu.offscreen, exposes the capability of handling offscreen drawing.
- Python: Removed: GreasePencil.draw_mode, as a result of Grease Pencil changes.

More Features
- OpenVDB caching: smoke/volumetric simulations can now be cached using OpenVDB as a back-end
- Better threading handling: Blender is now massively multi-threaded
- Compositing: new invert option to the 2D stabilization node, use mask name as mask node label, expose track velocity as an output of Track Position node, new option to extend image bounds when blurring
- Image Editor: now allows visualizing individual R,G and B channels
- Cubemap: world textures are now supported in the Blender Internal engine 3D viewport
- Spotlights: now they can be scaled on one or several axis (Rectangle and ellipse shapes).

Feature Videos
- Compositor Improvements
- Compositor 2D motion vector
- Grease Pencil Stroke Sculpting
- Grease Pencil Clone Brush
- Grease Pencil Additive Drawing

Platform/System Changes
- Removed support for Windows XP.
- Blender now requires OpenGL 2.1 minimum
- Blender now uses Python 3.5.1.
- Removed the SCons build system.
- Removed redcode library in favor of using ffmpeg which now supports redcode.

Bug Fixes
- As for every Blender release, hundreds of bugs were fixed, thanks to the hardworking Blender developers.

KeyShot 6.1.65 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Blender 2.76b (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash generating previews
- Crash with metas & particles
- Select linked crash with wire seam edges

Blender 2.76a (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
