Blender (32-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 Blender 2.80 (32-bit)

Blender (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

Blender 是一個免費的開源 3D 動畫套件軟件。它支持整個 3D 管道 - 建模,索具,動畫,模擬,渲染,合成和運動跟踪,甚至是視頻編輯和遊戲創建。高級用戶使用 Blender 的 Python 腳本 API 來定制應用程序並編寫專用工具。通常這些都包含在 Blender 的未來版本中。 Blender 非常適合從統一管道和響應式開發流程中受益的個人和小型工作室。 Blender 是跨平台的... Blender (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Blender 2.68a (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Blender 2.68 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

General Improvements:
- Add option to remove all shape keys at once (r57246)
- Add curve falloff options to loop-cuts smooth option (r56562)
- Mirror tools now give feedback if verts can't be mirrored (r57245)
- Select shortest path now works for vertices - (Ctrl+RMB), (r57224)
- Lattice object now has an active element (r57320)
- Add Catmull-Rom spline as an option for lattice deform (r57733)
- Mesh normal re-calculation has been improved to give more reliable results with non manifold edges and work stably independent of orientation (r58088)
- The modifier stack has been optimized to eliminate unnecessary normal-calculations (r57145)
- Edge length display - keep within the view bounds so you can see edge length even when zoomed in (r57165)

Bridge Tool:
- The bridge tools has been rewritten to include support for more advanced features such as briding between loops of different size, the ability to bridge multiple loops at once, subdivision, surface blending and bridging face regions.

Grid Fill:
- The grid fill tool has been added which can fill in a grid from 2 connected edge loops.

Proportional Editing:
- Added support for x-mirror (r57616)
- Added the option to use Projected (2D) coordinates, has the advantage that you can deform areas without the twisting you normally get (r57608)

Snap to Symmetry:
- This editmesh tool lets you snap a meshes vertices to their mirrored neighbors with an adjustable tolerance (r57590)
- Useful when dealing with models which are close to being symmetrical but not enough for blender to recognize them when x-mirror option is enabled.
- Unlike the Symmetrize tool, this re-positions vertices to their mirrored locations rather than duplicating the mesh from one side to another.

- Added the Face Split - When dissolving vertices into surrounding faces, you can often end up with very large, uneven ngons.
- The face split option limits dissolve to only use the corners of the faces connected to the vertex. (r56579)

Vertex Connect:
- When there are only 2 vertices select, a cut can now be made across unselected faces, a little like the knife tool, however this is limited to straight cuts across connected faces. (r57653)

- Official Blender on Windows has become significantly faster, getting closer to performance on Linux and Mac OS X. Especially scenes with much geometry will benefit from the optimization, rendering often 30% faster. Linux and Mac OS X also benefit but more on the order of 10%.

- Support for NVidia Tesla K20, GTX Titan and GTX 780 graphics cards was added.
- CUDA performance is also improved, rendering 25% faster on various graphics cards and scenes.
- For users making own Blender builds: please upgrade to CUDA toolkit version 5.0 for best performance.
- Hair rendering is now available on the GPU as well. (r56600)

New Nodes:
- Wireframe node to get access to Mesh triangle wireframe data. (r56928)
- Toon BSDF with Diffuse and Glossy component is now available for Cartoon like effects. (r56980)
- Wavelength node to convert wavelength to RGB colors. (r57368)

Render Passes:
- Mist pass support was added, with start, depth and falloff control. This pass can be used in compositing to add fade out object that are further away, for example as a factor input for a Mix RGB node. If the pass is enabled in a render layer a Mist Pass panel will be shown in the world properties. (r57278)

Ray Visibility:
- Ray visibility is now supported for all light sources: lamps, emitting meshes and the world environment. Using these options it's possible to let light from these sources only selectively affect diffuse, glossy or transmission shaders.

Open Shading Language:
- Westin Sheen and Westin Backscatter closures were added for testing, useful for Cloth like effects. (r56900)

Reconstructed scene scale ambiguity:
- Improved algorithms which deals with reconstructed scene scale ambiguity (r56632).
- This is done by scaling reconstructed scene in a way so reconstructed cameras variance is unity with a median in the 3D scene origin.
- Such approach helps in cases when different keyframe pair gives the same exact reconstruction from math point of view but some of which could be considered bad by artists because of bad scale.

Scene Orientation:
- Added a button to apply scale on scene solution (r56635).
- This is an alternative to using camera to scale the scene and it's expected to be better :solution because scaling camera leads to issues with z-buffer.
- Apply scale on scene reconstruction when applying scale on camera (r56764)
- This means when you've got reconstructed scene assigned to a 3D camera (via camera solver constraint) and applies scale on this camera from Ctrl-A menu, scale will be applied on the reconstructed scene and reset camera size to identity.
- This is very useful feature for scene orientation, when you'll just scale camera by S in the viewport to match bundles some points in the space, and then you'll easily make camera have identity scale (which is needed for nice working motion blur without loosing scale of bundles themselves.
- Behavior of apply scale for cameras without clip assigned to them does not change at all.

Refine Markers Position:
- Added Refine Markers Position operator (r56716).
- This operator will run a tracker from previous keyframe to current frame for all selected markers. Current markers positions are considering initial position guess which could be updated by a tracker for better match.

Automatic Keyframe Selection:
- Added an option to select keyframes used for initial reconstruction automatically (r57133). This option enables some fancy math algorithms which tries to find a keyframe pair with minimal reconstruction error and best scene scale guess.

Smaller improvements:
- Made bundles in 3D viewport have constant size (they're not affected by camera scale anymore) (r56633)
- Set scene frames operator for clip editor (r56664). This operator will set scene's start/end frames to match clip's start frame and footage duration.
- Marker placement for motion tracker by clicking on a desired location (r57138).
- Track Position node now could output absolute position of track at a given frame (r57414)

- Use Modifier Stack - The Emission panel now has a Use Modifier Stack option to emit particles from the mesh with modifiers applied. Previously particles would only be emitted from faces that exist in the original mesh. Emitting from faces in the original mesh is mostly useful for hair, to preserve it through mesh editing operations and changing subdivision surfaces levels for viewport and rendering. For emitter particles it can be more useful to take all modifiers into account, but one must be careful to always use the same number of subdivision surface levels for this to work correctly. (r57005)
- Normal-Tangent Rotation - Normal-Tangent rotation mode added, so you can control the orientation around the normal based on the faces UV coordinates, allows for deformations that keep the particles facing the same way. (r58232)

- Full Sample - A new Full Sample" option was added to high resolution smoke panel. (r56665). When high resolution and full sample are enabled, the emitters now take the finer grid into account. Before the emitters where showing the blocks of the normal resolution grid even when the additional high resolution was enabled. This allows to use a lower base resolution for the simulation in many cases.
- Subframes - Emitters now have a "Subframes" option, for fast fast moving emitters. This allows for a smooth flow of smoke or fire even for emitters moving very fast. Previously, one puff of smoke was emitted for every frame, resulting in disjoint spots of smoke.

User Interface:
- Display menu items key shortcuts in the button tooltips. (r57172).
- Drag-Toggle now allows all layers to be set at once. (r56748)
- Color picker now supports 3 digit hex colors like HTML, e.g. #123 becomes #112233. (r57135)
- Units, display 0.5mm rather than 500um, nicer when dealing with very small sizes but not microscopic (r57149)
- Double click now selects entire words (like on file path segments) (r57280)
- File-selector now maps back and forward history to back and forward buttons on a 5 button mouse. (r57285)
- For users without middle-mouse buttons, you can now use Circle and Border de-select by holding SHIFT. (r57577)
- Expanded control of enum properties in bitflag mode now follow other similar controls behavior (i.e. click only select one item, shift-click to (de)select several ones). See e.g. transform manipulators selectors, in the header of 3D views (r56706).
- Icon-only expanded enums where still using the label to compute their width, now they just take room needed by the icon (r57576).

Weight Paint:
- Reworked Weight Paint panel and added make it work in weight paint mode when vertex selection is enabled. (r57468)
- Weight tools such as limit-total, levels, clear - that operate on many groups can now select from active/deformed/non-deformed/all. (r57005)

- Added a mask modifier for sequence strips (r56582).
- Fix naming of strips when adding a bunch of video files at once, previously all strips got the same name (from first file name), now each get a name matching it's underlying file (r57610).

- Auto indent for multi-line Python statements in the Python console. (r56558))
- Support for storing text styles in themes (r57275).
- Transformation Constraint now allows applies rotation offsets too (like for location) (r57309)
- 2D painting now supports texture masks and does masking more consistent with projection painting. (r56699)

Python Security:
- Auto-running Python scripts can now be controlled more securely.

- New: Texture Atlas - Addon to bake shadow and lightmaps for an entire scene.
- New: Edit Linked Library - Quick editing of linked assets, opening the library file and returning to the original file.

Python API:
- Add popup menu to allow python scripts to show popups without having to define a menu class first (r57170)
- Add Mesh.calc_smooth_groups() function to calculate smooth groups from sharp edges (r57452)
- Add BMVert.is_boundary attribute (r56781)

3D View:
- Fix #35617: cycles GLSL object texture coordinates were wrong. (r57231)
- Fix #35602: VBO + dynamic topology sculpt did not show specularity. (r57234)
- Fix #35629: Incorrect Rendered Viewport Horizontal Splitting. (r57241)
- Fix #35650: Fly mode with parenting was broken for both locked/unlocked parent mode. (r57267)
- Fix #35663: Some object types don't draw bounds other than "Box". (r57324)
- Fix #35694: Lattice; Display Type: "Bounds" not working. (r57456)
- Fix #35911: Show weights not working with a weight edit modifier in edit mode. (r58009)
- Fix #36090: Blender displays strange symbol in edge length. (r58165)
- Fix #35827: Object selection through camera view not working in some cases. (r58201)
- Fix for using scaled cameras with fly mode and camera-to-view locking r57440
- Fix GLSL not showing shading properly on the backside of faces. (r57702)
- Fix unnecessary 3D viewport redraws in various cases, in particular when editing node materials. (r57714)
- Fix incorrect GLSL bump mapping in editmode when the UV coordinates are flipped, was not passing sign on to GLSL shader. (r57906)

- Fix #35378: Shape Key Animation Data still linked when creating full copy of scene. (r57221)
- Fix #35613: Dopesheet, Graph Editor Trouble Selecting Channels. (r57240)
- Fix #35643: Animated textures are invisible in Graph Editor if it is not linked via material. (r57332)
- Fix #35263, #35382: NLA Animated Influence is ignored if strips below have zero total influence. (r57333)
- Fix #35382: NLA "Multiply" Blend Mode calculated incorrectly. (r57345)
- Fix #35887: Keyframes inserted at wrong time on offsetted NLA Strips when using "Auto Keying" + "Insert Available Only". (r57902)
- Fix #35744: FCurve select changes on Graph Editor Resize. (r57905)
- Fix #35991: Show warning message to when trying to edit driven values in number buttons. (r57974)
- Fix #35992: Crash using make links > animation data between empty and mesh object. (r57975)
- Fix #35998: Crash when trying rename Driver in Outliner. (r57984)
- Fix #35977: Bake Action doesn't work properly. (r58012)
- Fix #35948: Toggle-Draw AutoKeyframe Bug. (r58134)
- Fix #36082: Animation playback not working after rendering of background scenes and multiple render layer nodes. (r58157)
- NLA Bugfix: When clicking on a channel name in the channel list while still in tweakmode (r57907)

- Fix #35671: Automatic armature weights assignment crashed with an empty mesh. (r57296)
- Fix #35901: Hooks on armature bones are calculated in wrong space. (r57843)
- Fix #35856: Bones gets scaled chaotically when during NLA Strip Blend In/Out. (r57904)
- Fix #35997: Add armature > single bone, then change location or rotation would move only the origin and not the bone. (r57997)
- Fix #36099: Undo crashes on an armature with ID-Properties armatures undo state now stores ID-properties. (r58173)
- Fix #36128: Not deselect all bone when I press the A button in edit mode. (r58250)

- Fix #35230: CPU freeze at playback after cutting/deleting/duplicating audio strip. (r57598)

- Fix #35555: Collada: export destroys mesh in some cases. (r57208)
- Fix #35592: Collada (DAE) exporter messes up vertex colors. (r57209)
- Fix #34823: Collada: nodes exporting world matrices. (r58227)
- Fix #36060: Collada Import: animated armature+mesh problem. (r58242)
- Fix #36122: Collada import - Keyframes offset after recording and playing. (r58264)
- Fix crash during collada export when armature has animation data. (r57761)
- Collada miport: Report 'unknown animation class' only when relevant. (r58263)

- Fix #35686: Grease pencil to curve conversion causes NAN weights on vertices. (r57308)
- Fix #35670: Selectionmode LMB dont change the controlling for putting curve points with strg+lmb. (r57329)
- Fix #35669: Snap curvepoints dont work correct when another object is selected. (r57330, r57371)
- Fix #36042: Subdividing a cyclic spline shifts start/end points. (r58070)
- Fix #36066: Crash when Tab out text object. (r58106)
- Fix #36004: Vertex parent on curve point results in blank 'parent_type' on child object. (r58123)
- Fix #36176: Text bevel flipped for overlapping characters. (r58339)
- Fix 3d text 'insert lorem' crash (r57805)
- Fix joining behavior for curves and armatures (when active object not selected). (r58146)

File I/O:
- Fix #35656: Crash on File Browser (r57370)
- Fix part #35859: lib linking errors were not shown when opening files through open recent. r57736
- Fix #36127: 10 bit DPX render would crash when doing rendering animations from the UI on OS X. (r58269)

Game Engine:
- Fix #32218: logic.addScene() Not Adding Scenes in Order. (r57536)
- Fix #35479: OSKEY (Command Key on Mac) not working. (r57593)
- Fix #34781: bge.texture.ImageRender does not show Font object. (r57594)
- Fix #35447: LibLoad Meshes and Scenes causes crash of blender. (r57596)
- Fix #33163: Text Font Bug. (r57623)
- Fix #32775: LibFree crashing. (r57626)
- Fix #35815: makeScreenshot() relative path not working in Blenderplayer. (r57645)
- Fix #35811: Blenderplayer crash on closing if file saved with an actual version. (r57680)
- Fix #35737: Action actuator in property mode don't work with values lower then 1. (r57681)
- Fix #34185: billboard scale problem in groups. (r57691)
- Fix #30450: F-Curve on bone not working. (r57692)
- Fix #35884: Evil bge.types.BL_Shader.setUniformMatrix3() (r57815)
- Fix game anaglyph colors are inverted. (r57646)

Image / UV Editing:
- Fix #35453: "copy mirrored uv coords" doesn't work. (r57244)
- Fix #35645: UV Stitch often crash Blender (hidden faces related). (r57266)
- Fix #35611: 'Quick Edit' in Texture mode + RGBA16bit gives bright results. (r57313)
- Fix #35658: OpenEXR (from Maya) - missing passes. (r57353)
- Fix #35749: Image Editor: "Replace Image" operator didn't refresh icon for image. (r57476)
- Fix #35548: Island selecting mode problem in UV editor. (r57508)
- Fix #35900: Image editor save multilayer EXR was not using the compression codec specified by the user. (r57847)
- Fix #36022: Inconsistent naming for new images. (r58040)
- Fix #36089: Crash when using a tiff without TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES. (r58164)
- Fix #36145: Error in inverting channels in the UV/Image Editor. (r58262)

Mesh Editing:
- Fix #35578: New bridge tool; bowtie crossing when destination edges form one half of an 'X'. (r57159, r57163)
- Fix #35603: Crash with "Tag Freestyle Edge Mark". (r57210)
- Fix #35311: Planar Decimate / Limited Dissolve fails to merge some adjacent faces optionally limit by face flipping. (r57216)
- Fix #35623: separate mesh operator did not redraw the outliner. (r57232)
- Fix #35636: bridge tool: error symmetry. (r57259)
- Fix #35648: Loop cut, smoothness showing wrong symmetrical. (r57331)
- Fix #35738: Delete edge loop removes extra vertices when working on small scale objects. (r57445)
- Fix #33374: Extrude and mirror editing 2.65 RC1 (r57494)
- Fix #35902: Build navigation mesh crash with multiple meshes selected. (r57848)
- Fix #35551: The topology mirror setting affected shape key and vertex group but this was confusing as there was no setting visible for it. (r57856)
- Fix #35914: Blender crashes when trying to use vertex selection masking on a copy directly after using SHIFT+d (r57888)
- Fix #35936: Can't create new vertex group when using Ctrl G menu. (r57901)
- Fix #35939: [Edit - Vertex mode] [Select]-[Mirror] did not returns right result. (r57916)
- Fix #35994: Shape key mirror without topology did not properly work after doing mirror with topology. (r57993)
- Fix #35989: Bridge tool flip mash open edge loops were calculating flipping incorrectly. (r58018)
- Fix #35806: Unable to check "Correct UVs" option in "Loop Cut and Slide" (Keymap Editor). (r58087)
- Fix #36055: Edge/Face Info display on wrong position with key frames display editmesh stats with deform modifiers. (r58121)
- Fix #36100: Bevel lost selection interpolating loop was copying face attributes including selection. (r58177)
- Fix #35582: Bevel weird results. (r58176)
- Fix #36105: Bevel UV Flicker. (r58179)
- Fix #36106: Defining the Loopcut number with the keyboard is limited to 130 mousewheel value is now clamped too and raised the limit to 500. (r58187)
- Fix for crash in edgering subd when 3+ disconnected edge rings were found. (r57196)
- Fix for sculpt distortion happens when flipping mesh normals. (r57373)
- Fix for editmesh transform connected, the distance checks could get into a feedback loop so that the result depended on the order of verts/edges. (r57527)
- Fix for vert/face mask modes using last used select option when using the select-all key shortcut. (r57752)

- Fix #35678: Duplicating an object with Displace modifier does not increase the reference count of the texture. (r57354)
- Fix #35710: Mesh explodes while using solidify modifier with tubular non-manifold base mesh. (r57405)
- Fix #35911: Show weights not working with a weight edit modifier in edit mode. (r57891)
- Fix #35966: remesh modifier + particle use modifier stack option did not work well together. (r57934)
- Fix #35990: Bevel modifier crashes specific mesh. (r57976)
- Fix #35987: Bevel gives nan vertices. (r58014)
- Fix #34445, #35109: New Bevel's issue with Edge Split modifier. (r58076)
- Fix #36079: Use Modifier Stack Crash with Particles (r58140)
- Fix #36141: Crash with skin and remesh modifier in edit mode. (r58247)
- Fix #36058: Displace Modifier errors using a baked Image and displace baking inconsistency between 2.67/2.68RC and previous versions. (r58270)
- Fix for problem with creating weight-paint preview. (r57419)

Movie Clip Editor:
- Fix #35773: Drag-to-Open failed in Movie Clip Editor. (r57568)

Nodes / Compositor:
- Fix #35570: Old group nodes with empty socket name strings crash. (r57139)
- Fix #35599: MovieClip node crashes when using multilayer exr (r57202)
- Fix #35625: Blender crashes after texture bake complete. due to missing node group. (r57247)
- Fix #35633: Cannot Add Group Node In Blender 2.67a. (r57249)
- Fix #35640: Linked Node Materials appear to be editable. (r57252, r57253, r57401)
- Fix #35400: Dilate Erode Feather Bug - feathering wraps around image. (r57297)
- Fix #35703: Viewer node doesn't updates image sometimes. (r57410)
- Fix #35724: Backdrop zoom can be set to a very small value, making the backdrop disapear. (r57453)
- Fix #35439: Render Border have weird influence on compositing. (r57604)
- Fix #35546: clicking cycles "Use Nodes" did not do a proper undo push. (r57741)
- Fix #35809: Dragging a non-active node in the node editor did not work reliably. (r57823)
- Fix #35922: RGB Input Node doesn't work properly. (r57885)
- Fix #36024: Data loss between saves for custom node trees. (r58074, r58075)
- Fix #36050: Backdrop not working. (r58113)
- Fix #36041: Chroma key broken. (r58141)
- Fix #35586: Add an option to the Z Combine compositing node to disable the Z buffer antialiasing that was restored in 2.67 after it was missing in the new compositor implementation. (r58202)
- Fix #36086: Activating the opencl option in the compositor causes blender crash on some systems (r58338)
- Fix crash when passing non-existing socket type to function. (r57430)
- Fix crash when getting active ID from a node tree with missing groups. (r57963)
- Fix deadlock in coordinate wrapping operation with zero dimension. (r57964)

- Fix #35935: make links > groups, which copies group membership between objects, would also copy object dupligroups (next item in the menu). (r57968)

- Fix #36093: Stationary Particle system - particle Y axis fails to follow emitter object rotation. (r58192. r58229)

Physics / Hair / Simulations:
- Fix #35477: Clicking "Connect Hair" button translates a mesh by it's object location. (r57213)
- Fix #35628: Dynamic paint waves over ocean modifier doesn't work (r57254)
- Fix #35609: Hair cut tool cuts in a wrong place, draw steps should default to 2. (r57698)
- Fix #35406: Hair puff brush bug - puff was interpolating hair that made longer strands cirl up. (r58137)
- Fix #36115: Dynamic paint not showing correct result after file load or undo. (r58200)
- Fix particle lasso-select inverting the selection. (r58138)
- Fix particle hair display percentage not properly getting restored after rendering. (r57717)

- Fix #35434: Segmentation fault switching screen layout from python. (r57204)
- Fix #35489: mode_set() not working in background mode, Scene change doesn't change mode either. (r57205)
- Fix #35683: Addon working fine in console. But crashed when click GUI button. (r57336)
- Fix #35346: Python: still UI issue with popup and dropdown list (r57425, r57562, r57563)
- Fix #35850: Documentation error for mathutils.Vector. (r57674)
- Fix #35507: BMesh module: Crash on to_mesh() if faces.layers.tex is used but no loops.layers.uv. (r57755)
- Fix #35860: Crash if pressing in import dialog. (r57852)
- Fix #35984: No way to know if a datablock is in editmode. (r57980)
- Fix #36155: Crash with __contains__. (r58310)

- Fix #35497: Rendering preview range gives wrong duration. (r57157)
- Fix #35624: Rendering to a new window, then switching scene in the main window, would still continue to render the previous scene in the render window on F12. (r57229)
- Fix #35405: Properties editor preview render restarted unnecessarily after F12 render. (r57377)
- Fix #35664: Blender internal material index pass + ztransp + multiple materials assigned to a mesh did not work correct. (r57439)
- Fix #35768: Crash in with "free image textures" option and 3D viewport with textured draw mode open. (r57474)
- Fix #35848: Render crash in background mode due to missing G.main. (r57663)
- Fix #35807: Blender internal motion blur render without antialiasing would give black speckles (self intersection errors) in raytraced shadows. (r57606)
- Fix #35846: Crash rendering with dupligroups visible in 3D viewport during render in some cases. (r57740)
- Fix #35882: Render to image editor, ctrl+up fullscreen, click back to previous did not work. (r57787)
- Fix #35412: Blender internal "from dupli" texture coordinates not working with particles in linked groups. (r57851)
- Fix #35964: Viewport render not updating with linking materials with ctrl+L. (r57933)
- Fix #35986: "Full sample AA not supported without 3d rendering" message was displayed even with antialiasing disabled. (r57966)
- Fix #35957: Blender internal viewport render did not do correct color management for image textures. (r57999)
- Fix #36005: Viewport rendering crashes blender. (r58017)
- Fix #36044 #36044: Blender Internal viewport rendering crash while editing data. (r58080)
- Fix #35739, #35937, #35739: Undo crashes and missing updates with blender internal viewport rendering. (r58082)
- Fix #35969: Blender Internal and Cycles not updating mesh while in edit mode. (r58084)
- Fix #36075: Editing shading nodes could still crash blender internal rendered draw mode. (r58132)
- Fix #36091: External render engines like Luxrender don't work well with the save buffers option. (r58174)
- Fix #35470: Crash rendering from the terminal in some cases due to render info text threading issue. (r58203)
- Fix [1] #36173]]: Current frame doesn't update while OpenGL Rendering Animation. (r58331)
- Fix [2] #36150]]: Missing Preview Render Updates with Add/Remove material slot. (r58335)
- Fix for crash deleting the world when viewport preview is used. (r58039)
- Fix blender environment map texture looking different on the first render with an image file. (r58122)

Render: Freestyle:
- Fix #35561: Freestyle + read full sample layers = crash. (r57369)
- Fix #35353: Freestyle + Compositor + Auto-render renders freestyle lines in the wrong place. (r57415)
- Fix #35883: Freestyle + envmap render crashed. (r57782)
- Fix #35808: Blender internal viewport with freestyle would keep continuously rerendering for no reason. (r57839)
- Partial dix #35695: Freestyle produces extra line across an object with pointed areas. (r58006)
- Fix #35970: Freestyle + Particles = Crash. (r58063)
- Fix #36009: Rendered ortho view messes up Freestyle lines in 3D viewport. (r58129)
- Fix #35695: Freestyle produces extra line across an object with pointed areas. (r58180)
- Fix #35482: 2.67 freestyle line visibility computation bug. (r58222)

Render: Cycles:
- Fix #35591: Rendering with OSL seems to cap "weird" numbers in certain places in the nodes. (r57178)
- Fix #35587: Cycles: image movie to single image crashing. (r57192)
- Fix #35614: Cycles objects on mask layer in render layers were writing passes such as motion/uv/normal but they should have been excluded from them. (r57230)
- Fix #35644: Lamp specials menu still showed blender internal energy and falloff distance when cycles was selected as renderer. (r57265)
- Fix #35672: Missing update when changing light ray visibility during viewport render. (r57290)
- Fix #35677, #35525: , #35525: cycles viewport not updating properly in some situations. (r57306)
- Fix #35653: Manual texture space location and size not working in cycles viewport. (r57349)
- Fix #35681: Cycles excluded layers still got evaluated before and after rendering even if they were not used on any render layers. (r57352)
- Fix #35251: Cycles crash rendering with a particular user preferences configuration. (r57378)
- Fix #35733: Lamps on render layers that are both excluded and used for masking should not be used, same as emissive meshes. (r57432)
- Fix #35729: Cycles normal maps not showing properly in preview render. (r57434)
- Fix #35730: Cycles not rendering dupliverted metaball, needs another special exception. (r57437)
- Fix #35771: "Specials" ->"Size Y" doesn't work for Cycles area lamp. (r57539)
- Fix #35812: Cycles image texture node not doing proper alpha handling of PNG images with open shading language enabled. (r57637)
- Fix #35847: Cycles group nodes did not work well exposing inputs like normal or texture coordinate. (r57676)
- Fix #35896: Cycles crash with OSL image textures and viewport + preview render running at the same time. (r57846)
- Fix #35954: Missing cycles viewport render update when changing the object or material pass index. (r57929)
- Fix #35944: Adding keyframes or drivers on image sequences offset did not work for cycles image texture node. (r57931)
- Fix #36037: Cycles from dupli generated texture coordinates were wrong. (r58057)
- Fix #36063: Cycles 3D viewport was incorrectly influenced by blender internal material halo settings. (r58083)
- Fix #36064: Cycles direct/indirect light passes with materials that have zero RGB color components gave non-grey results when you might no expect it. (r58086)
- Fix #36080: Fix cycles crash with certain group node setups, accessing freed memory. (r58149)
- Fix #36053: Slow GPU render with panorama camera + depth of field. (r58158)
- Fix #36139: Cycles not taking texture spacing settings into account for generated coordinates on text objects. (r58265)
- Fix related #35681: Avoid some unnecessary cycles updated when using exclude render layers. (r57307)
- Fix cycles world ray visibility not working correct with multiple importance sampling. (r57948)

- Fix #36027: Close gap shifts clip leaves keyframes behind. (r58038)
- Fix #36124: VSE - Input Color doesn't invalidate cache properly for movies. (r58257)

Sculpting / Painting:
- Fix #35545: Weight paint with mirror modifier does not accurate represent bone influence (r57206)
- Fix #35638: Object disappears when rotating after using the simplify brush. (r57311)
- Fix #35793: Crash When Painting Gradient Weight. (r57564)
- Fix #35457: Mirror the U texture coordinate does not work in projection painting regression since 2.61 (r57706)
- Fix #34909: Texture paint mode does not correctly update when using textures larger than 2048x2048. (r57735)
- Fix #35858: Weight Paint: Hiding faces isnt flushing the flag to the vertices. (r57751)
- Fix #34837: Texture Painting using Face Selection Mask fails to show texture if more than 1 texture is used (r57764)
- Fix #35583: Smooth brush ignores hidden parts. (r57768)
- Fix #35365: Texture cloning not behaving correctly in perspective view. (r57776)
- Fix #33068: Can't paint weights of some vertices in some situations. (r57781)
- Fix #35858: Weight Paint: Hiding faces isnt flushing the flag to the vertices. (r57895)
- Fix #35975: "Select Linked" = "Select All" in Weight Paint mode. (r57955)
- Fix #35057: Texture paint viewport performance drop. (r58079)
- Fix #36039: Texture paint bug with face selection on subdivided object. (r58109)
- Fix #36153: Crash when choosing a brush. (r58311)

User Interface:
- Fix #35567: Shift+LMB doesn't toggle selection when using the Maya preset. (r57154)
- Fix #35468: Screen list shows temp layout (r57214)
- Fix #35610: Multiresolution Modifier Complains About Sculpt Mode. (r57220)
- Fix #35646: Image offset value in empty image display mode should be unitless (r57263)
- Fix #35668: Tooltip for Euler Discontinuity Filter was misleading (r57411)
- Fix #35713: Set Origin not waiting for user input when invoked form search menu. (r57422)
- Fix #35741: Material shows WORLD texture_context by default. (r57497)
- Fix #35774: Confusing Text in Texture Paint Panel. (r57504)
- Fix #35790: Panel Section Arrows Wrong Theme Colors. (r57694)
- Fix #35767: Transforming nodes in the node editor changed the wireframe color of the active object in the 3D view. (r57715)
- Fix #35715: Graph editor > channels > move.. menu item showed wrong keyboard shortcut. (r57734)
- Fix #35750: List items in properties editor (text colors not following list item theme). (r57760)
- Fix #35880: Popup menus like F6 redo did not use the right theme color for highlighted text, (r57771)
- Fix #35880: Theme color of enabled option buttons in popups was still controlled by the wrong color, now it's controlled by "Menu Back" text color. (r57785)
- Fix #35802: Searchbox menu not opening when opened from a popup near the bottom of the window. (r57822)
- Fix #35974: Smoke flow force field icon missing in add menu. (r57956)
- Fix #36001: Crashing copying long strings in text buttons. (r57996)
- Fix #36010: Missing 3D view header redraw when assigning shortcut key to mesh automerge. (r58002)
- Fix #36038: Auto Keying warning message is clamped in Japanese. (r58049)
- Fix #35841: WM_OT_context_[toggle/cycle/etc.] operators dont show shortcut keys in menus (or tooltips) for properties they are used to toggle/cycle through. (r58058)
- Fix #36043: Missing Tooltip for Excluded Paths field of Auto Run Python Scripts in User Preferences -> File. (r58069)
- Fix #36059: Region overlap did not show scopes overlapping in the image editor. (r58081)
- Fix #36008: Can't set values higher than 1.0 in HSV colour picker (But can in RGB) - also some strange behavior. (r58105)
- Fix #36030: Datablock drag and drop to buttons not working with a certain number of objects in the scene. (r58120)
- Fix #36065: UI labels are shown in the theme color for unselected list items. (r58142)
- Fix #36109: UI softlock when first property of an operator is String disable editing a string on operator UI popups, causes feedback loop. (r58197)
- Fix #36135: File name of previously saved render result no longer remembered. (r58231)
- Fix text shadow offset was causing text to clip r57271
- Fix filesel autocomplete, it had the bad behavior entering a non-existing name (r57572)
- Fix OSX "Life resize" was also being called during opening of windows - when things are not initialized yet. (r57181)
- Fix a few DPI/retina scaling issues in the graph editor and movie clip editor. (r57819)

- Fix #35728: "Load Factory Settings" changes temp fonder to "/temp/ (r57479, r57500)
- Fix #35825: "Find missing files" seems to search for files which are not missing Made finding paths for files that exist optional (and off by default), since its handy for relocating projects. (r57678)
- Fix #35824: finding missing files not working correct for filepaths with special characters on Windows. (r57739)
- Fix #35890: memory leak in OS X ghost locale detection. (r57821)
- Fix #35904: On Windows force NVidia Optimus, which does automatic graphics switching between an integrated Intel and a dedicated NVidia card, to use the dedicated card for Blender. (r57857)
- Fix #36157: Memory Leak in GHOST_DropTargetX11 would leak a little bit of memory for every window created. (r58309)

- Fix #35501: Operator log: some property changes log as [...].(null) = ... (r57211)
- Fix #35661: Maya key config - select operations are skipped by "undo". (r57338, r57340)
- Fix #35691: Context Override replaces instead of overrides. (r57346)
- Fix #35704: Simplify on scene with dupli recursion crashes. (r57376)
- Fix #35574: Export Key Map issue. (r57380)
- Fix #35747: Lasso select could crash if there was an Armature in PoseMode somewhere. (r57475)
- Fix #35590: Connected proportional editing gives unexpected results (r57532)
- Fix #35855: Change "Scene" crashes randomly. (r57689)
- Fix #35844: "Blender User Preferences" window don't save size font. (r57703)
- Fix #35884: Crash opening .blend with generated color grid image and preview render. (r57845)
- Fix #35958: texture timeout with value 0 not preserved when saving user preferences. (r57932)
- Fix #35933: setting shortcut keys in object mode menu didn't work correct. (r57967)
- Fix #36014: Individual Origin Translation across Normal Orientation doesn't work properly. (r58015)
- Fix #36073: Changing list items misses undo push. (r58130)
- Fix #36076: Metaballs as particles with particle texture (size influence) crashes Blender (r58147)
- Fix #36107: Moving origin of instanced objects doesn't work properly. (r58249)
- Fix missing compositor refresh due to missinfg mask notifiers, (r57668)
- Fix for crash reading from a freed scene when exiting blender. (r57810)
- Avoid crashes running screendump and screen editing operators in background mode. (r57842)
- Fix for Make Local -> All not working correct with multy-user datablocks (leads to crashes). (r57896)

Blender 2.67b (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Blender 2.67a (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix #35286: 'Reset to Default Theme' makes some node titlebars go black (r56647)
- Fix #35261: double clicking the up arrow in the file browser to go up multiple directories fast would start drag and drop (r56653)
- Fix #56662: files with numbers higher than 2147483648 or with different numbers of leading zeros would show in random order in the file browser. (r56662)
- Fix #35284: outline name edit textbox did not show properly in some cases. (r56670)
- Fix #56672: search menu buttons (with an X on the right side to clear) had text overlapping the X icon (r35281)
- Fix #35273: click in empty space to deselect as used by the Maya keymap gave a python error when used in pose mode. (r56673)
- Fix #35262: assigning shortcuts from e.g. delete or selection mode menus (r56676)
- Fix #35307: popup menus in nodes, with nodes outside window boundary, were clipped (r56688)
- Fix #35342: multi-sample antialiasing makes tooltips look blurry (r56766)
- Fix #35415: multi-sample don't work in 2.66 and newer (regression) (r56912)
- Fix for toggle drag not working in popups (r56747 r56881)
- Change to drag-lock behavior, only use with outliner (this way layers can be changed all at once) (r56748)

- Fix #35259: Fix crash when enabling mesh analysis intersect with wire edges (r56539)
- Fix eternal loop with background scenes (r56689)

- Fix #35253: Fix failure to animate X, Y, Z values in nodes with vector sub-menu (r56581)
- Fix #35384: animation to enable/disable render layers was applied one frame too late when rendering animations. (r56851)
- Fix #35398: changing render layer name causes animation to be lost. (r56868)
- Fix material/lamp drivers not working sometimes when they were used by multiple objects (r56707)
- Fix for shape-key drivers executing for every call to derivedmesh (r56880)

- Fix #35390: the verticel line indicating scene end frame was off by one (r56872 r56882 r56894)

- Fix #35252: Fix crash with the node placed partially behind the screen (r56572)
- Fix #35291: crash deleting 'Group Output' node in compositor (r56654)
- Fix #35327: compositing Z combine node was not giving the same result as previous versions when the Z values were the same (r56755)
- Fix #35330: Blur node crash due to size overflow (r56759)
- Fix #35349: multiple viewers nodes crashing during render (r56791)
- Fix #35376: node editor throwing python error on some files saved with 2.66 test builds. (r56830)
- Fix #35388: grouped nodes not editable in properties ui. (r56857)
- Fix #35369: crop node or FileOutput node bug. (r56879)
- Fix #35313: object and ID anti-aliased masks are incorrect when using border render + crop (r56898)
- Fix string escaping when building python expression for nodes (r56610)
- Fix crash loading node groups caused by versioning error (r56611)
- Fix for add_node operator, prevent it from re-using settings from a previous call (r56613)
- Fix note add operators were not using UNDO option (r56648)

- Fix #35219: Fix blender internal auto ray bias to avoid the terminator shadow problem was giving light flickering on a mesh with animated hair strands. (r56577)
- Fix #35280: crash when setting Environment Map imagefile (r56620)
- Fix #35335: Crash when rendering a text object with a remesh modifier and a material texture (r56749)

Render (Cycles):
- Fix #35272: GPU crash with anisotropic shader in group node. (r56650 r56663)
- Fix #35282: color ramp set to constant interpolation did not work well (r56651)
- Fix #35306: normal mapping not working with flat shading. (r56682)

Render (Freestyle):
- Fix #35352: geometry spatial noise freezes on render (r56836)
- Fix #35385: rendering crash with modifiers (r56839)
- Fix #35245: Freestyle getting stuck on view map creation + memory leaks. (r56905)
- Fix crash when closing blend files with no line styles (r56711)
- Fix for a copy-and-paste bug in a Freestyle Python API helper function (r56806)
- Fix for memory leaks in Freestyle Python API components (r56778 r56807)
- Fix for missing finalization of memory blocks allocated in the Freestyle module (r56826)
- Fix for built-in style module not working correctly (r56867)

- Fix #35317: crash with boolean modifier using an object whose library linked mesh datablock went missing (r56698)

- Fix #35257: 'Brige > Merge' sometimes flips result (r56606)
- Fix #35292: edge slide slow with big image in image editor (r56671)
- Fix #35289: UV layout export to image was extremely slow for large meshes (r56674)
- Fix #35326: even edge slide on open edge crashes (r56735)
- Fix #35308: Edge Split operator splits unselected edges (r56760)
- Fix for strange behavior with loop select involving ngons (r56773 r56783 r56784 r56785), See: comparison
- Fix loopselect-slide (with multicut enabled) changing from vertex-select to edge-select. (r56863)

- Fix part of #35372: distorted strokes when painting zoomed out with a small brush size (r56816)
- Fix #35057, #35372: slow texture painting performance. (r56823)
- Fix #35355: 2D image paint View mapping mode was dependent on zoom, this was wrong, it should just fit the texture in the brush circle. (r56833)
- Fix #35372: sculpting/painting long brush strokes with small brush size would take up a lot of memory. (r56834)
- Fix #56901: calling any paint operator from operator search menu with mouse crashes blender. (r56901)
- Fix crash on 2d painting when no active object is present (regression), (r56892)
- Fix Painting / Sculpting: improve pressure sensitivity (regression) (r56896)
- Fix crash due to shared paint cursor function (regression). (r56902)

- Fix #35337: sculpt performance regression, partial redraw was not working anymore due to paint cursor redraw problem. (r56763)
- Fix sculpt getting slower as you paint a longer stroke. Partial redraw was redrawing the whole area that was painted on from the start of the stroke (r56767 r56828)
- Fix #35364: 'D Key' shortcut inconsistency (r56815 r56873)
- Fix #35354: dyntopo - materials and UI display issues (r56820)

Game Engine:
- Fix #31757: Fix setGLSLMaterialSetting has no effect (regression) (r56605)
- Fix #34382: vertex position doesn't update when set through Python and "Cast Buffer Shadows" is disabled (r56639)
- Fix #35204: new alpha-enabled shadows fail when UVs Change (r56643)
- Fix #34631: error displaying texface (r56679)
- Fix #34044: error displaying texface for objects with no material (r56680)
- Fix #35320: crash when adding property without setting material (r56745)
- Fix #35329: action actuator crash with replacemesh, pointers got outdated. (r56756)
- Add missing python properties on ActionActuator: layer, layerWeight (r56906)

- Fix #35296: particles crash with long object name (r56668)

Rigid Body:
- fix #35403: Highlight not updating instantly when removing from Rigid body

- Fix #35319: 2x2 matrix inverse and adjugate were wrong. (r56700)
- Fix #35336: added a warning in the doc string for (r56800)

- Fix OS X build with 10.6 SDK, was not working due to recent fullscreen bug fixes. (r56601)
- Fix #35255: Fix build for older OpenCollada versions failed (r56537 r56538)
- Fix #35267: cmd+v, cmd+c on OS X for copy/paste worked in some editors like the 3D view and text editor but not in the animation editors(r56661 r56678)

Blender 2.67 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Freestyle Line Rendering Engine:
- Freestyle is a new non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering engine integrated into Blender. Originally developed as a stand-alone program in an academic research project, Freestyle provides artists with a new tool set for generating 2D line drawing out of a given 3D scene prepared with Blender. Generated lines can be stylized by a variety of stylization options for tweaking line color, alpha transparency, line thickness, and line geometry. The resulting line art can be combined with other render components (e.g., render passes from the Blender Internal renderer and Cycles) through render layers and the compositor. Examples of Freestyle use cases include cartoon rendering, architectural visualization, technical drawing, blue prints, and computer-generated sketches. Freestyle expands Blender's rendering capabilities on the basis of geometry-based visualization solutions specifically geared to 2D-like computer graphics.

Paint System Improvements:
- The stroke system and brush texture access has been unified and as a result there are many more tools now shared across paint modes. Brush angle control, better brush overlays, separate texture control for alpha and a brand new stencil mapping mode with direct mouse control have been implemented. Many improvements and bug fixes have also been made.

Cycles Rendering:
- A Subsurface Scattering shader is now available, to create materials such as Wax, Marble or Skin. Minimum pixel width was added to hair rendering and several performance improvements have been made, to render scenes without hair or motion blur faster. The OSL shading system received performance improvements as well.

Motion Tracker:
- Camera and object motion solver motion are much more accurate and faster because the Ceres library is used now for the bundle adjustment step. In addition the tripod solver is finally fixed and has become usable for longer footage. Smaller fixes were done as well.

Compositing Nodes:
- Added border for compositor viewer node, which restricts what is to be composited for faster previews. Also border rendering and cropping are finally working as expected. Some optimization was done as well.

Python Nodes:
- The API now supports custom node types. Nodes can be defined and registered in python scripts like other UI classes. This allows the creation of entire new node systems for addons, external render engines and the like.

Node Editor:
- Node Groups editing is less cluttered and more consistent with other nodes. Multiple node editor windows can be used independently. Nesting node groups is fully supported. Pinning is supported as well in the node editor to disable context switching.

Usability and Tools:
- New mesh modeling tools: Individual Face Inset, Poke Face and Knife Project. Faster image display in the image and movie clip editors. Better support for UTF-8 text in the text and console editors, and various improvements to other editors.

3D Printing Toolset:
- An addon to help with 3d printing is now bundled as well as a new ruler tool and mesh-analysis display attributes such as thickness, sharp-areas and distortion.

- New addons are the node efficiency tools and VRML2 export.

Bug Fixes:
3D View
- Fix #34492: clipping border not working with GLSL/matcap and Nouveau drivers. (r55251)
- Fix #34711: matcap option not showing when switching from cycles material/rendered draw mode to blender internal. (r55730)
- Fix #34825: Transparent background of Empty Images clips objects behind them away when Empty is not selected. (r55746)
- Fix #34903: Lock Camera to View allows Numpad orbit, but not Numpad pan. (r55893)
- Fix #34908: compressed DDS files did not display properly when their mipmap levels did not go down to 1x1 image size. (r55906)
- Fix #34961: camera fly mode would reset camera scale. (r55990)
- Fix #35043: Camera view breaks with multiple scenes and the "view center camera" action. (r56192)
- Fix #35007: Clipping border error. (r56220)
- Fix #34706: Projection precision is zoom dependent. (r56226)
- Fix #35063: GLSL texture node Value output was not outputting alpha. (r56267)
- Fix #34714: cycles viewport render would restart when minimizing and unminimizing a maximized Blender window in Ubuntu Unity (r56278)
- Fix #35121: cycles 3D viewport render pause button not working during render. (r56360)

- Fix #32492: Part 3: Error filter now includes drivers where there are errors with the variables/targets, even if those errors are for variables which aren't used (r55070)
- Fix #34394, #31843: Visual Keying not working for bones. (r55103 )
- Fix #34688: Auto-Keying doesn't include custom properties when pasting poses. (r55457)
- Fix #34932: Drivers on world nodes not updating on frame changes. (r55923)
- Fix #34805: Bake action ignores parent motion. (r55954)
- Fix #34836: Crash when driver variable has path == 'data' (r56206)
- Fix #34869: Switching actions does not trigger animation refresh. (r56232)
- Fix #34958: keyframe many items would fail if there was a (") in the text. (r56249)
- Fix #34645: NlaStrip Tweak Mode - No automatic action length sync on exit (r56314)
- Fix #35151: NLA editor: the channel list and the main area were not perfectly aligned, and could jump a bit around (r56416)
- Bugfix: Selecting AnimData "expanders" in AnimEditors works again. (r55261)
- Bugfix: Filtering option in NLA Editor to include AnimData blocks with no actions or NLA data attached was broken. (r55266)

- Fix #34541: Sketching bones created bones with 0 radius for envelope. (r55105)

- Fix #33518: Jack sync doesn't work in 2.64, 2.64 or 2.65 stable versions (r55616)

- Fix #34443: Ability to set 'Pivot Center for rotation/scale' missing in weight paint mode. (r54888)
- Fix #35014: Import crash with UV coordinates. (r56153)
- Fix #35073: Face normals calculation used wrong mloop index. (r56292)
- Fix #35229: Crash exporting constraints with no target set. (r56508)

- Fix #34444: Counter intuitice name for curve Select Nth Number of Points. (r54884)
- Fix #34616: Wrong face culling for curves with constructive modifiers. (r55273)
- Fix #34785: only one curve cap is visible while backface culling is enabled. (r55627)
- Fix #35039: Issues with capson cyclic curve. (r56200)
- Fix #35026: Curve build modifier behaves unexpected oncurves without faces. (r56204)
- Fix #35097: only one curve cap is visible while backface culling is enabled (r56330)

File I/O
- Fix #34511: Invalid Audio/Video codec combination produces hung filehandle. (r55189)
- Fix #34608: MultiLayer OpenEXR (from Maya) - passes lost in Compositor Image Node. (r55210)
- Fix #34626: voxel data texture can't read > 2GB files on Windows. (r55247)
- Fix #34689: Multilayer EXRs don't load correctly if one layer is named and the other is not. (r55498)
- Fix #34745: TGA with size of 4Kx8K won't load. (r55557)
- Fix #34776: Linking the group in this .blend causes crash with this starting scene (r55610)
- Fix #34779: Channels disappear from multilayer exr sequence. (r55624)
- Fix #34929: Windows would show a "No disk in drive" error popup when one of the recently opened files was on a DVD that's no longer there in the DVD drive. (r55966)
- Fix #35139: Output panel options are not taken into account when you safe your render (JPG) (r56376)
- Fix #35081: opening .blend files with chinese characters not working. (r56454)
- Fix #35143: Animplayer treated .tif extensions as movie files, so that didn't work. (r56412)
- Fix quicktime video export not properly supporting animation of audio properties like volume. (r56494)
- Fix for non-terminated reading of JPEG metadata. (r56495)
- Fix double free error in OpenEXR when file cannot be saved. (r56456)

Game Engine
- Fix #28753: Mouse Over doesn't work at certain angles. (r54733)
- Fix #34483: multi UV glsl materials not working correct after changes to support more than 2 UV maps. (r54965)
- Fix #34523: 2dfilter produces render error (objects disappear). (r55010)
- Fix #34677: Setting Boolean property on KX_GameObject creates Int type. (r55396)
- Fix #34550: getVertexArrayLength changed in 2.66 (r55483)
- Fix #34505: Vertex Colors not working in the BGE (for custom GLSL shaders) when multitexture and no material. (r55487)
- Fix #34997: When starting the game engine in one window and switching to a second window, the game would stop drawing in the first and mess up the OpenGL state of the second. (r56148)
- Fix #34383: Blender crash Steering actuator. (r56353)
- Fix #34609: mesh.getVertex doesn't work as spected with poly.getMaterialIndex() and poly vertex indexes (r56460)
- Fix #34889: negative lights not working in glsl view and game engine. (r56484)

Image / UV Editing
- Fix #34589: Strange behavior with projection painting and 16bit PNGSs. (r55195)
- Fix #34672: Image sampling line didn't use color management for byte buffers. (r55367)
- Fix #34772: Incorrect aspect for tex mapping from camera view. (r55606)
- Fix #34866: UV/Image Editor breaks on mode change + undo (r55823)
- Fix #34978: For cycles, images displayed in the UV editor where coupled to the active image texture node in the material. (r56070)
- Fix #35011: UV unwrap giving poor results for ngons. (r56152)

Mesh Editing
- Fix #34611: Bevel modifier needs to limit amount to max without overlap. (r55234)
- Fix #34620: SHIFT+T (texture space transform) crashed in editmode. Not checking NULL pointer. (r55244)
- Fix #34633: Merge First/Last crashes Blender. (r55292)
- Fix #34603: ALT-F fails, freezes, CPU=100% (r55579)
- Fix #34802: Individual Transformation Confusing in Edit Mode. (r55771)
- Fix #34918: Interactive bevel doesn't accept +/- keys to change # of segments, only scrollwheel. (r55890)
- Fix #34947: Alt-F Fill not working. (r55949)
- Fix #35009: Edge/Vertex Slide issue using G-G. (r56162)
- Fix #35025: Mesh Debug samples strange behavior. (r56181)
- Fix #35058: Mesh > Edge/Face > Bevel would do vertex bevel if that was used in the operator the previous time. (r56240)
- Fix #24887: Crash on snapping verts on other object. (r56254)
- Fix #34657: Smoothing will not be updated in object mode, when hiding faces in edit mode and changing shape. (r56258)
- Fix #35085: Loop cut slide didn't work nice with multicut. (r56318)
- Fix #35156: Edge slide gg shortcut brings up wrong settings. (r56402)

- Fix #34526: crash using mask modifier + subsurf + UV map. (r55255)
- Fix #35113: solidify modifier not preserving clamp option on duplicating the object or modifier. (r56338)
- Fix #35149: solidify modifier + vertex parent not working after going in and out of editmode on the child object. (r56447)

Movie Clip Editor
- Fix #34574: Empty Movie Clip Editor crash on select. (r55130)
- Fix #35146: Move Clip Editor: "T-key panel" bug (r56381)
- Fix issue with bright frames appearing in clip editor when compositor is open. (r55968)
- Fix missing angle zerolization when 2d stabilization is disabled. (r56516)
- Fix for crash when using 2D stabilization for float movie clips (r56517)

Nodes / Compositor
- Fix #34436: Texture node editor crash on node delete. (r54908)
- Fix #34599: Mask nodes stop working if output is later piped through HSV node. (r55204)
- Fix #34617: Track Position node behaves wrong when creating second connection from output socket. (r55298)
- Fix #34709, #34709: cycles group nodes were not working well with 0 or 2+ group input/output nodes. (r55440)
- Fix #34694: Bokeh Blur operation was writing outside of allocated memory in case of (0, 0) size buffers, with the usual unpredictable results. (r55444)
- Fix #34758: Nested node groups (groups inside other groups) were ungrouped ("inlined") repeatedly causing corrupted memory + crash. (r55566)
- Fix #33628: Segmentation fault after pasting a closed group of nodes into an open group. (r55752)
- Fix #34948: Bug with cycles group nodes. (r55955)
- Fix #34910: NodeGroup input/output sliders bug. (r56037)
- Fix #34911: Compositor with multiple views autozooms to node when creating a link. (r56115)
- Fix #35037: Compositor: MultilayerEXR + undo loses image. Crash when selecting in Image Editor. (r56201)
- Fix changing image ID datablock from browser in Image node didn't change output sockets. (r55211)
- Fix for crash in special cases when mixing translate node with other. (r55215)

- Fix #34726: Appending a group to 'Active Layer' doesn't work. (r55503)
- Fix #34972: Blender crashes when Force Field-> Curve Guide is created. (r56060)

- Fix #34667: trail_count option missing for Particle (emitter) System Render Panel "Path" UI (r55500)

Physics / Simulations
- Fix #34519: deleted cache after duplicating an object with baked simulation. (r55065)
- Fix #32233: exporting bullet format results in corrupt files. (r55096)
- Fix #34561: Possible smoke crash if smoke flow had lower density than adaptive domain "threshold". (r55179)
- Fix #34710: Crash on duplicating object with cloth modifier. (r55449)
- Fix #34685: Dynamic paint sub-steps don't work if brush is animated through parent chain longer than 2 objects. (r55517)
- Fix #34721: Smoke adaptive domain threshold ignores high resolution data. (r55518)
- Fix #34749: Fluid domain > 10GB crashes Blender - out of memory (r55567)
- Fix #34857: Negative temp.diff. in a smoke simulation doesn't work. (r55801)
- Fix #34783: smoke simulation crash when changing frame while preview rendering. (r56273)
- Fix #34806: rigid body world settings were not copied with a full scene copy. (r56282)
- Fix #35082: Blender Freeze when change smoke domain setting (r56306)
- Fix #35115: Character physics type fails collision with static type with an action r56369
- Fix #35110: Dynamic Paint does not paint accurately in baked "Image Sequence" on Armature-Posed-Mesh (r56384)
- Fix #35173: Object's draw_type resets when removing smoke (r56469)
- fix #35071: Bullet Convex Hull Crashes on Win32 with SSE (r56519)

- Fix #34768: Out of bounds access in console selection. (r55621)
- Fix #34636: not run on startup file loading after splashscreen. (r55643)
- Fix #34804: Only timeline_markers[0] is selectable if multiple markers at same frame. (r55655)
- Fix #34856: crash passing an object rather than a mesh to (r55757)
- Fix #34863: bge.render.makeScreenshot from Blender was only saving PNG files, while the docs said it followed the settings in the Output panel. (r55781)
- Fix #34881: Bad characters in error output (PyConsole) if trying to use a Bmesh UV Layer on a BMVert. (r55813)
- Fix #34870: bmesh.ops.* parameter lists and descriptions don't show in PyConsole on auto-complete. (r55829)
- Fix #34898: Typo in error message of mathutils.Vector * Also fixed some more cases of "more then" -> "more than". (r55885)
- Fix #34875: Some property subtypes not working (no unit suffix), precision=0 not supported. (r55910)
- Fix #34902: Unicode decode error in Python console when completing a method name of text object in edit mode. (r55914)
- Fix #34941: Space.draw_handler_add now supports PRE_VIEW and POST_VIEW callbacks for more editors: timeline, graph, action, NLA, sequencer, image, clip. (r55937)
- Fix #34983: bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add() ignores rotation-parameter. (r56223)
- Fix #35056: crash running bpy.ops.transform.rotate() in background mode. (r56227)
- Fix #35068: bpy.ops.node.output_file_add_socket() fails if there is no "node" in the context. (r56272)
- Fix #35150: Crash when bmesh operation called from within a Panel draw() (r56396)
- fix #35154: Python: UI issues with invoke_props_dialog() - highlighed buttons that were never pressed could be activated by accident when canceling search popup. - canceling a search popup on a popup would close both. (r56399)

- Fix #34481: camera focal length and sensor size did not use units yet, now they do. (r55248)
- Fix #34551: blender crash rendering with save buffers. (r55253)
- Fix #34671: Video file overwritten even though overwrite option is unselected. (r55371)
- Fix #34803: blender internal SSS rendering black/nan with negative texture colors. (r55735)
- Fix #34923: Images that have their alpha calculated should not get de-premultiplied. (r55960)
- Fix #34817: improve OpenGL preview render speed, it got quite a bit slower since 2.60. (r55970)
- Fix #34992: OpenGL Preview Renderer: Displacement Modifier with Noise Texture not working. (r56073)
- Fix #35017: Ssetting alpha to zero for ray-transp material with refraction did not render. (r56134)
- Fix #34895: Spotlamp with buffer shadow + object without "Cast buffer shadow" = artifact. (r56145)
- Fix #35091: Blender internal does not render face texture alpha. (r56316)
- Fix #35171: crash rendering cube with two subsurf modifier in some circumstances. (r56441)
- Fix #35174: Dynamic paint displacement missing in render. (r56472)
- Fix crash rendering material with "Face Textures" option. (r56513)

Render: Cycles
- Fix #34414: Python error with frame_change callback and Cycles motion blur. (r54941)
- Fix #34654: Cycles hair particle system modifier obeys viewport visibility as well. (r55332)
- Fix #34700: Cycles depth of field now works with orthographic cameras too. (r55454)
- Fix #34759: Cycles texture influence for particles not shown correct when switching to a different texture slot. (r55739)
- Fix #34700: Orthographic camera DOF was still not working correct. (r55763)
- Fix #34625: Duplivert/face rendering with modifier could crash accessing UV and generated coordinates on the original mesh, after the change that made duplis take modifiers into account. (r55765)
- Fix #34601: Cycles OSL crash when using preview render and viewport render at the same time, due to shared texture cache system. (r55792)
- Fix #34867: Cycles viewport render did not respect viewport visibility for modifiers with text/curve/surface objects. (r55796)
- Fix #34679: Cycles image texture alpha fringes. New rule is now that color output will not give straight RGB values if the alpha output is used, so that mixing with a transparent BSDF gives the correct result. (r55818)
- Fix #34877: The render status feedback (progress bar) does not take into account specific Renderlayer samples. (r55821, [ r55826 rr55826])
- Fix #34880: Cycles motion blur render issue with some compilers. (r55832)
- Fix #34871: Cycles/CUDA/sm_35: Build problems probably due to issues with float3 operators. (r55839)
- Fix #34921: Cycles rendered a specific scene with a small high poly object contained in a large low poly object very slow, due to failure case of fast multithread BVH binning. (r55912)
- Fix #34740: Cycles rendering issue mixing glossy/glass BSDF's with zero or very low roughness and same index of refraction. (r55922)
- Fix #34322: Cycles crash with (undo) save during threaded render. (r55991)
- Fix #34966: Cycles packed PNG images were showing alpha fringe, packed images were not properly premultiplied. (r56088)
- Fix #35004: Fireflies with .tif image in cycles, try to avoid extreme values when openimageio can't detect premul/straight alpha correct. (r56112)
- Fix #34725, #34725: cycles crash with OSL and both a 3D viewport and preview running at the same time. (r56208)
- Fix #35077: cycles incorrectly rendered an empty with dupligroup that was dupliverted by its parent. (r56294)
- Fix #34172: cycles BVH build crashing in some rare circumstances on 32 bit linux. (r56303)
- Fix #35102: crash with experimental cycles displacement feature due to uninitialized memory usage. (r56333)
- Fix #35207: addition to previous fix to avoid OSL getting uninitialized. (r56492)
- Fix #35209: cycles generated texture coordinates did not stick to deforming meshes. (r56500)
- Fix for material icon rendering with cycles. (r55961)

- Fix #34782: Video Editor - Subtract after transform fails. (r55644)
- Fix #34811: Wrong result of add/subtract effects. (r55924)
- Fix #35117: Properties region didn't respond to "Nkey" to hide the region. (r56355)
- Fix #35182: VSE, speed control Trim duration (soft) end reset to 0. (r56467)
- Fix: Scopes in sequencer were not drawing OK (drawing code assumed alpha). (r55603)
- Fix: Histogram in Sequencer now uses same formula to quantify R G B as the other histogram in Blender (per channel). (r55603)

Sculpting / Painting
- Fix #34370: Collapse-edges crash in dyntopo. (r54827)
- Fix #34416: Sculpt with ALT-B affects unseen mesh parts. (r55008)
- Fix #34501: Painting on image editor with texture brush causes memory leaks in render module. (r55017)
- Fix #34641: "Front Faces Only" option in SculptMode behaves weird. (r55343)
- Fix #34348: Collapse short edges affects masked geometry. (r55344)
- Fix #34720: Sculpt mode T panel has no texture preview. (r55499)
- Fix #34730: Brush texture angle gets offset incorrectly due to rake setting. (r55561)
- Fix #34773: smooth brush used on a shape key messes up the topology. (r55642)
- Fix #34813: smooth brush used on a shape key messes up the topology - part2. (r55694)
- Fix #34860: View in Weight Painting mode no longer rotates around active bone (r55769)
- Fix #34970: in glsl mode the vertex paint face mask is not visible (r56131)
- Fix #34818: Sculpting Mode only rotates around geometry origin. (r56168)
- Fix #34640: colors darkening when using the vertex paint blur tool. (r56293, r56295)
- Fix #34233: bad alpha blending for 2D image painting. (r56337, r56359)
- Fix #35140: texture paint would give 'noisy' strokes and poor results for strokes crossing themselves. (r56391)
- Fix #35141: stencil and 3D texture mode did not work with 2D image paint. (r56410, r56411)
- Fix #35166: texture paint mask texture stencil not scaling properly. (r56440)
- Fix #35166: texture mask stencil Reset Transform did not work properly. (r56474)
- Fix 2D painting gave squares rather than a disk for the "Max" curve falloff shape. (r56458)
- Fix for weight gradient when used with active-unselected object (r56462)

Text Editor
- Fix #34460: Text editor freezes when turning on syntax highlight. (r54907)
- Fix #34610: Syntax highlighting freezes. (r55206)
- Fix #34405: Side panel of Text editor re-scales if hovered the 1st time (if window not maximized). (r55504)
- Fix #34905: Text editor: replacing matches by empty string not allowed. (r55889)
- Fix crash when overwriting ascii character with multibyte character. (r54917)
- Fix for cursor jumping error stepping backwards (r56506)
- fix for glitch in text editor using: Ctrl+(Backspace / Delete). (r56521)

User Interface
- Fix #34374: Fixed tooltip for checker-select, it works on the active item, not selected ones. (r54786)
- Fix #34450: Vertical zooming in graph editor is very unresponsive r54910
- Fix #34334: Ugly shadow in UI popups. (r54954)
- Fix #34490: Copy and paste floating point number fields losses precision. (r55005)
- Fix #34560: Wrong angle for text in Horizontal mode of Properties space. (r55107)
- Fix #34573: Icon File for interface theme doesn't work currently. (r55159)
- Fix #34365: Dragging option (cursor change) for region dividers in editors was having an N-even sensitivity hotspot. (r55163)
- Fix #34598: Modifier-Icon in Outliner does not appear. (r55197)
- Fix #34621: I18n Switch Issue When Gimbal and Rotation Manipulator On. (r55245)
- Fix #34716: Change Trim Duration (soft) value nothing happening. until mouse drag footage (image sequence). (r55573)
- Fix #34775: Persistent "can't find file" when saving packed .blends. (r55626)
- Fix #34850: "x" to clear ID prop fields is too close to the right border (r55745)
- Fix #34862: some operators like mesh separate or object clear parent were not showing shortcuts in menus. (r55797)
- Fix #34936: Unable to select items using only the arrow keys. (r55952)
- Fix #34974: The open region indicator (with +) didn't do alpha blending properly, so it wasn't visible for any theme color. (r56110)
- Fix #34868: Pulldown menus with long shortcut text labels got clipped badly occasionally. (r56126)
- Fix #34943: Extreme narrow scaled editors lead to crash in some circumstances. (r56129)
- Fix #34822: Blender does not respect custom modifier keys. (r56142)
- Fix #35051: When viewing a complex node setup in the material properties, the properties were continuously redrawing, which slowed down everything else. (r56210)
- Fix #35055: Crash in Edit Source feature for multilevel menus. (r56242)
- Fix #35072: View name of 3Dview is clamped in Japanese just increase size of string to allow for utf8 chars. (r56286)
- Fix #34545: Render layer name is unwantedly translated in composite node editor. (r56300)
- Fix #35124: Outliner was drawing "Animation" category even when no actions/strips/drivers existed. (r56354)
- Fix #35178: Autoselect-in-list for Vertex Group selection doesn't work. (r56465)
- Fix: multisample viewport drawing didn't work well with selection or particle brushes, due to issues with color coded drawing or slow/buggy reading from such a buffer on some systems. (r55316 )
- Fix curves widget error: after deleting a point, and click to add a new point, on dragging it the point flipped up 20 pixels r55370
- Fix: drawing disabled buttons now draw OK in all cases. (r55379)

- Fix #35157: export key configuration did not export text input events correctly. (r56475)

- Fix #34649: Texture size limit user preference not working. (r55310)
- Fix #34713: MultiSample broke GPencil Surface sticking mode. (r55462)
- Fix #34467: File Browser deletes unselected files. (r55556)
- Fix #34698: Axis Locking works incorrect don't do projection when constraints are used. (r55587)
- Fix #34658: GreasePencil eraser deletes strokes through geometry, surfacemode. (r55588)
- Fix #34847: Box selecting shape keys of a mask causes crash. (r55744)
- Fix #34954: Sample Color gets stuck with custom shortcut. (r55967)
- Fix #34896: Previous session is restored even when a .blend file should be loaded. (r56006)
- Fix #34967: Display transform makes byte image with alpha=0 black. (r56065)
- Fix #34897: Select edge loop shortcut not working in Maya preset. (r56085)
- Fix #34350: Maya Keyboard map preset problems. (r56209)
- Fix #29932: Left Shift + Numpad 1,2,3 not Aligning to Active (r56285)

- Fix #34350: Rigify, UIList resize, resizes wrong list II/II r4274
- Fix #35040: Rigify, dev tools panel was displayed regardless of mode. (r4488)
- Fix: Rigify, move widget meshes to match the bones, even if the widget meshes already exist r4277
- Fix: Rigify, deleted WGT objects now get properly replaced on generation r4278
- Fix: Rigify, certain kinds of import errors were being suppressed in rig types. (r4321)
- Fix: Rigify, two bugs in IK/FK snapping that made it fail in some cases. r4334
- Fix: Rigify, biped arm/leg rigs. The bbone elbow was causing weird twisting and sharp bend angles r4342
- Fix: MilkShape3D, error export for non-select objects r4303
- Fix: MHX Import, bug with lipsyncing r4416
- Fix: X3D, exporting UV's was broken r4325
- Fix: X3D, import comma separated coordinates failed r4464
- Fix: X3D, import of lists of images and alpha support. (r4327)
- Fix: X3D, import face colors r4362
- Fix: 3DS, import material transparency value short/float fix r4369
- Fix #34607: MDD import didn't default to linear interpolation r4466
- Fix #34864: OBJ Import, Save&Load - Relative Paths ticked, Textures tab uses absolute paths r4450
- Fix: MeshF2, crash when all faces are selected. (r4416)
- Fix #34682: STL importer ValueError exception r4429
- Fix 3D-Coat: axis error r4472
- Fix: export .X format, smooth normals export bug. (r4477

Blender 2.66a (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Image editor scope and clip editor track preview did not resize properly with different DPI settings.
- Alt+MouseWheel changes frame as well as buttons
- Fix UI/DPI: user preferences window size now takes into account DPI, otherwise the buttons don't fit properly.
- Fix soft shadow at top edge incorrectly drawn
- Screencast could be started twice
- Panel color were not updated from old files properly
- Allow trackpad and magic mouse swipes to control brush size for circle select.
- Window position not saving correctly for next start-up (r54879)
- quicktime video codec menu showing blank (r54942)

- GLSL materials using multiple UV layers fail in editmode
- View3D Mini-Axis drawing in error with overlay
- Manipulator handles drawn incorrectly by depth
- Fix glitch rotating the camera in camera mode drawing helper-line in random locations

- Fix zoom for graph-editor (and other editors)

- Strip modifier - Mask multiply failure
- Added RGBA|RGB channels toggle to sequencer preview
- Fix sequencer crash when pasting strips after creating new file

- Inputs list in file output doesn't appear properly
- Crash when using image output node
- "Record Composite" image op segfaults in compositor code
- Inconsistent behavior of "Color Mix Node" and "Alpha Over Node"
- Adding reroute node into invalid links would crash the compositor

- Fix memory leak when loading multilayer EXR as movie clip
- Fix for incorrect subpixel precision of marker when using track offset

- Displacement map Bake margin does not work
- Node editor delete texture crash
- Image Sequence texture didn't allow "Offset" with fcurves.
- Weird noise bug with Texture nodes
- Fix for texture preview render with show alpha enabled
- Fix image transparency backwards compatibility. Now the texture datablock has a 'Use Alpha' option again

Render (Cycles):
- viewport render stuck with no objects in the scene.
- hair render in dupligroup did hide the emitter properly in some cases

- Shrinkwrap modifier project along normal did not work correctly
- applying screw modifier turns object to black

- Border select in UV Image window crashed
- Fix for weight paint using values over 1.0 when blending
- Fix for regression in 'object.shape_key_transfer' operator since BMesh merge
- Edge slide results in segmentation fault on certain mesh
- Origin to Center of Mass is missing in menu Object > Transform
- Fix selecting linked faces
- mesh.select_mode operator could not be configure the use_extend and use_expand properly
- Selection of bones in armature edit mode only toggles between two bones
- Copy/Paste objects hangs
- Solidify crease error
- Fix missing select menu for weight, vertex, texture paint modes.
- Fix joining meshes could loose crease/bevel weights
- Edge toggline bevel failed

- Collapse-Edges crash in dyntopo
- Crash when dyntopo enabled and using view plane mode
- Blender Crashes on toggling modes, dynatopo sculpt/object mode

Game Engine:
- Fix protection clipping
- Character walkDirection ADD mode -#INF error
- Enable alpha buffer (useful for TV broadcasting)
- Ray cast on Triangle mesh bounded Rigid Body Object crashes
- Webcam support under Linux in Standalone broken
- Action Actuator "caching" the previous ran actions
- Fix error using actions with multiple scenes
- Fix object color channels can now be animated separately without zeroing out the other channels
- Fix error using uninitialized variables for rendering
- Game-Engine - Multi UV mesh's materials not backwards compatible
- Fix Game-Engine crashing when on material conversions
- converting multi-uv layers
- 2D-Filter produces render error
- 2D-Filter causes mouselook script drifting effect

Rigid Body:
- Fix motion paths calculation being incorrect for rigid bodies
- Allow rigidbody collision groups to be animated
- Planes with Rigid Body always keep distance to colliding objects
- Rigid objects not resetting original properly after running a simulation.
- Fix inconsistency with world rebuilding with the start frame

Text Editor:
- Fix Fix text editor bug: ctrl+F is not configurable
- freeze when turning on syntax highlight
- Fix crash when overwriting ascii character with multibyte character

- Fix Python console bug: "autocomplete" doesn't advance cursor properly when completion includes UTF8 characters
- foreach_get crash for any non existant attribute
- mesh.verts.foreach_set not working with normals
- Fix for python exception getting the ID from an operator button

- Fix freeing all bakes in particle mode
- Fix file with packed images crashes on load
- Fix image alpha version patch with library linked files
- Collada export crash with armature
- Fix X3D import error loading UV's
- Fix X3D import for images
- Rigify fixes

Blender 2.66 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Dynamic Topology Sculpting:
- Dynamic topology is a new sculpting mode that subdivides the mesh as needed, whereas regular sculpting only affects the shape of a mesh. This makes it possible to sculpt complex shapes out of a simple mesh, rather than just adding details onto a modeled base mesh.

Rigid Body Simulation:
- The Bullet physics library has now been integrated into the editor and animation system, which makes rigid body simulations available also outside of the game engine. This results in a much simpler workflow and gives more control over the simulation.

UI and Usability:
- Support for MacBook "Retina" Displays was added, proper DPI scaling in all editors, new high-res icons and transparent tool and property regions. User Preferences and Startup File have been split up, new ways to recover sessions were added and copy & paste of objects inside the 3D View is supported now.

Cycles Rendering:
- Initial support for hair rendering was added, multiple importance sampling for lamps, preview rendering is available inside the properties editor, new closures and optimizations for OSL, non-progressive integrator was improved and support for packed, generated and movie textures was added.

Image Transparency:
- The image pipeline has be refactored to handle transparency in images better and compatible to standards. There are two alpha types for images that are useful for different purposes, and we now try to automatically do the right conversions and operations.

Mesh Modeling:
- The Bevel tool supports bevelling individual vertices in addition to edges now, with one or more segments.

- The new Mesh Cache modifier can apply animation from external files onto a mesh, with support for the MDD and PC2 file formats. A new UV Warp modifier can rotate, scale and translate UV maps on a mesh using objects or bones. The Laplacian smooth modifier now supports shape enhancement, rather than smoothing this will exaggerate the shape of the mesh.

Particle Fluid Dynamics:
- A new SPH particle fluid solver was added, designed for more physically accurate results.

Game Engine:
- The character physics type received a number of new options, profiling and debug information has been cleaned up, and simple shadow maps can now take clipped alpha transparency into account.

- For python scripting two new features were added: library .blend files can now be load asynchronously to keep the game engine from freezing, and joystick events can now be handled from python without logic bricks.

- Collada import and export was improved for animation: shape keys are now supported, and the armature modifier has been made more stable, respecting axis orientation and scene scaling.

More Features:
- New features include vertex color baking, more efficient ambient occlusion baking for multires meshes, edge based UV stitching, more control over mapping texture brushes for texture painting, gradient tools for weight painting, and a translate node for the compositor.

- Added MilkShape 3D format support and EDL Video Import.

Bug Fixes:
- In addition to the new features, over 250 bugs that existed in previous releases have been fixed.

Blender 2.65a (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fire & Smoke Simulation:
- Fire simulation was added to the Smoke Simulator. The domain received major updates to improve performance and usability. Smoke can be emitted from mesh surfaces, without the need for a particle system. A smoke flow force field was added to improve interaction with other simulations. Colored smoke simulation and mixing is possible and the interaction of smoke with collision objects has been improved.

Cycles Rendering:
- Support for writing custom shaders in the Open Shading Language is now available. Motion blur rendering was also added, to make moving objects and cameras appear blurry. There is also an anisotropic shading node, and BSDF nodes can now have different normals, which can be set using the new bump and normal map nodes. Border rendering in the viewport now also works outside of the camera view.

Mesh Modeling:
- The bevel tool now includes rounding and was otherwise much improved, preserving the requested bevel width more evenly and generating better topology. A new symmetrize tool was added to make mesh topology and data symmetric.

- The decimator was rewritten, and now preserves UV's and vertex colors, has an un-subdivide and a mode to dissolve vertices to create planar n-gons. A new laplacian smooth modifier can reduce noise or smooth the mesh while preserving edges and volume. A triangulate modifier was also added, which can be useful for creating game assets with baked normal maps.

More Features:
- New features include: a tool transfer vertex weights from one mesh to another, antialiased viewport drawing, connected proportional editing in UV editor, improved DPX file read and write, more control over curve taper, collision masks in the game engine and improved camera title safe drawing.

- UV texture to vertex color baking was added, the PDB atomic visualization addon was improved, and film response curves were added for the RGB Curves node in the compositor.

Bug Fixes:
- In addition to the new features, over 200 bugs that existed in previous releases have been fixed.

Blender 2.65 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

3D View:
- Fix #32837: DDS images flipped in viewport compared to render
- Fix #32837: DDS type textures assagined to mesh are flipped in viewport
- Fix #33051: view selected bug - focus goes to the mirrored side of the model
- Fix #33114: crash with render frame update script and GLSL
- Fix #33282: missing GLSL update assigning a lamp texture
- Fix #33291: when using boundbox drawtype for a large number of duplicated objects, enabling Wire draw on the parent would draw full resolution wires for all the instances which can be very slow
- Fix #33304: missing 3D view redraw while moving camera markers
- Fix #33376: non-square DDS textures were mapped wrong in the viewport / game engine
- Fix #33371: freezing in material draw mode
- Fix #33394: Skin modifier doesn't show generated skin mesh in EditMode with Texured Solid draw option

- Fix #32754: Clear Motion paths button not available on Motion paths panel
- Fix #32017: unlimited recursion issue for material updates
- Fix #30974: Quick cache breaks insert keyframe
- Fix [32970 #[32970: Insert/Replace Keyframe on Image Sequence Offset field does not update the entered value
- Fix #33043: Changing the name of a keying set does not change group name
- Fix #33123: lamp nodes drivers not working, now uses same hacks as material to work around dependency graph limitations
- Fix #29110: Animated Transforms to Deltas behaves oddly when applied more than once
- Fix #33154: Toggle/Enable/Disable channel settings operators in DopeSheet/Action Editor Channel menus were not working properly
- Fix #33286: when keyframing object scale, noise fmodifier scale would show as animated in the UI
- Fix #33378: Grease pencil dopesheet fails on a few operations
- Fix #33412: Jump to next frame broken in grease pencil mode allow arrow keys while in grease pencil session, otherwise you can't change frames.

- Fix #32964: IK constraint had a "Target" option, which actually is an internal flag that shouldn't have been exposed in the user interface
- Fix #33074: Crash when flipping names of bones
- Fix #33176: deactivating both position and rotation target from iTaSC IK solver crashes.

- Fix #32096: Background music stops when playing 3D sounds
- Fix #31561: Audio only coming from Front Left in layout and bge

- Fix #33168: collada export added incorrect -material postfix to material names
- Fix #33421: collada import of a mesh with loose edges did not draw the edges in the viewport

- Fix #33268: Crash when delete all or segment from curve with SplineIK

File I/O:
- Fix #32824: Color management configuration check was missed on file link/append
- Fix #32496: link in an object, delete it, and relink again its materials are lost
- Fix #33143: Exporter crash since 2.64
- Fix #33226: File loading issue (endian switching issue)

Game Engine:
- Fix #33025: Character physics object won't stop moving with simple motion actuator
- Fix #33090: Segfault/Crash with Empty and Motion Actuator, Keyboard Sensor
- Fix #30262: bgl.glClipPlane don't work on Nvidia cards

Image / UV Editing:
- Fix #32858: Image appears too dark in Image Editor
- Fix #32852: Unwrapping ignores seams in very simple case
- Fix #27585: Texture buttons - "Add New Image" - crashes on changing X or Y resolution
- Fix #33010: image editor - scope handles resize does change width and position.x along with the scopes height
- Fix #33055: uv mapping did not use the right image from the material to do aspect ratio correction when cycles was enabled
- Fix #33159: Histogram frequently blank
- Fix #33265: editing uv vertex coordinates in panel could move hidden uv's
- Fix #33266: Transforming with Y axis constraint didn't apply aspect ratio correct
- Fix #33296: uv editing did unnecessary outliner redraw, giving slowdown
- Fix #31598: Messed up Smart UVs if face areas were too close to zero
- Fix #33332: UV follow active quads rewrite the script to use bmesh connectivity info
- Fix for YCCK and CNYK jpeg images loading into blender

Mesh Editing:
- Fix #32829: Crash when making linked Mesh with UV Map local
- Fix #32864: Convex Hull fails in some cases
- Fix #32960: Convex hull operator crashes when 'make holes' is
- Fix #32979: proportional edit connected was too slow with many vertices on some meshes
- Fix #33094: Even edge slide on multiple loops destroys geometry
- Fix #33142: Ctrl LMB higher selection mode in edit mode sometimes selects extra elements
- Fix #33179: Can't delete centered edge loop if x-mirror is activated
- Fix #33277: vertex merge would merge UVs by default
- Fix #33305: Bevel tool crashes Blender if the number of segments exceeds 28
- Fix #33285: loop cut is not supposed to cut through triangles/ngons, but it still happened when the loop would go all the way around the mesh with just one triangle/ngon inbetween to close the loop
- Fix #33316: mesh edge short path select was wrong on large/small objects.
- Fix #33391: Bridge two Edgeloops fails in simple case
- Fix #33400: Knife tool cursor offset

- Fix #32887: ParticleInstance crash with hidden particle system + children
- Fix #25801: Shrinkwrap Offset problems with Project mode
- Fix #30100: boolean intersect crashes blender
- Fix #33001: Crash on applying Boolean difference modifier
- Fix #33045: Boolean modifier crash with mirrored objects
- Fix #33041: Boolean difference sometimes produces meshes with holes
- Fix #32398: Mirror modifier with "Merge" enabled producing pairs of faces sharing the same set of vertices
- Fix #33217: mirror modifier edges missing in wireframe mode
- Fix #33029: Applying modifier leaks memory

Nodes / Compositor:
- Fix #32856: Crash in compositor due to deprecated node socket flag in old files
- Fix #32896: No compositor tree update with image input color space change
- Fix #32905: Crash with Levels node when no input is connected
- Fix #32705: Esc a value change doesn't recalc compositor
- Fix #32931: Crop node resets values to 0
- Fix #28927: Z-Transp disables Material Pass Index
- Fix #32955: Compositer "Crop" node option "Crop Image Size" doesn't really crop the input image
- Fix #32835: Reroute node on shading nodes connection gives wrong renders
- Fix #32982: Segault when trying to show a node material
- Fix #33087: power Math node clipping negative numbers
- Fix #33161: Blender crashes when opening an exr in compositor
- Fix #33204: Blur node ignores Gamma setting
- Fix #33368: Crash with multilayer exr node
- Fix #33372: Materials linked in node setups did not output alpha values unless the parent material also had alpha enabled
- Fix #33402: Compositor crashes when drag-dropping multilayer exr
- Fix problem with Render Layers node and hidden sockets

- Fix #32219: Inconsistent influence of Units Scale on new objects
- Fix #32925: Center cursor (shift+C) crashing blender after duplicating bone in armature edit mode
- Fix #32884: select by group not working when active object in more than one group
- Fix #31842: Proportional Editing Significant Glitch, Object Mode
- Fix #32987: "Set origin to cursor" tool failed for parented/rotated objects
- Fix #32191: Changing layer broken for objects shared by multiple scenes
- Fix #33147: Material cannot be replaced by another
- Fix #33156: Ctrl+L Link modifiers produce copies with identical names
- Fix #33241: can't exit edit mode when object gets hidden via animation
- Fix #33442: object added with wrong size when units scale was set

- Fix #32677: Cloth Pinning Does Not Obey Weight Map
- Fix #32920: cloth physics with collision exploding in some cases, due to uninitialized memory usage.
- Fix #31017: Particles not generated on Grid Distribution
- Fix #26712: Particle group instance 'Use Count' value gets reset on file-load
- Fix #33092: Fluid sim would stop or crash with node editor
- Fix #32939: Fluid sim reversed on X and Y with animated Control object
- Fix #29186: Object contribute to fluid sim animation start earlier than keyframe
- Fix #33279: crash in particle brush cut tool when cutting hairs that go outside the view
- Fix #33387: Smoke: Animating Smoke Type from Flow to None crashes blender
- Fix #33411: crash baking smoke with FFT high resolution.
- Fix #31084: Dynamic Paint Blender File Crashes Blender

- Fix #32973: crash adding python property with update=None parameter passed
- Fix #30087: operator_context is different for popup and submenu's
- Fix #31661: Custom properties do no respect min/max values
- Fix #33108: Running save_as_mainfile breaks relative texture paths
- Fix #33000: bmesh.ops.create_* either crash blender or do nothing
- Fix #30505: bpy.context.copy() gives error running in the properties editor with cycles as render engine
- Fix ##30858: UI losing buttons due to threading issues in python context
- Fix ##33205: Bmesh "from_object" gives "no usable mesh data"
- Fix #33281: script goes into not responding
- Fix #33345: Crash when using bpy.ops.sculpt.brush_stroke

- Fix #32865: Usercounts for World Textures not decremented after preview render
- Fix #32891: Bake to Texture didn't use color management flag properly
- Fix #32846: Dupligroup messes up particle instancing on rendering
- Fix #27504: Particle systems that duplicate group instances were setting the wrong layer to the instanced objects
- Fix #30378: Full Sample Antialiasing render gave fireflies with halos - especially on edges of polygons
- Fix #32930: texture colors in material nodes (blender internal) are brighter than normal
- Fix #32867: normal map baking issue with flat shaded faces since bmesh
- Fix #27834: AAO color bleeding failure case with raytraced shadows
- Fix #32617: Text object render error
- Fix #32975: grouped material node preview not cleared before render
- Fix #32981: clear image texture when re-bakeing had become broken in 2.64a
- Fix #33040: baking selected to active could miss at pixels at the edge of faces when there was a tiny mismatch between low and high poly models
- Fix #32907: failure rendering a complex node setup, hitting fixed max number of closures limit
- Fix missing display buffer and mipmaps invalidation in cases only few of selected objects failed to bake
- Fix color management-less texture rendering
- Fix texture baking when color management is disabled
- In texture buttons, changing the preview could crash

Render: Cycles:
- Fix #31806: cycles crash rendering a particular node setup with multiple mix/add shader nodes.
- Fix #32800: Cycles viewport incredible slow with high number of tiles
- Fix #32819: Crash when starting CUDA kernel compilation if UI translation is not "Default"
- Fix #32846: dupli group + particle instances gets messed up in Cycles viewport rendering
- Fix #32913: missing cycles viewport update when toggling visibility in outliner with V and R shortcut keys
- Fix #32912: cycles crash with dead particles
- Fix #32937: cycles missing update when changing scene simplify settings
- Fix #30801: cycles rendering issue with missing particle instances in a still having two cores do work, because main thread works as well
- Fix #33082: dupliverted metaball showing wrong in cycles render and metaball edit mode
- Fix #33131: more useful cycles behavior for layers that are both marked excluded and as mask layer
- Fix #33135: cycles object info random number not working anymore
- Fix #33183: cycles bump mapping was not executed with only an AO node in a material
- Fix #33243: cycles CUDA going missing sometimes
- Fix #32796: cycles did not support image auto refresh option
- Fix #33256: cycles Z pass for orthographic camera was not right
- Fix #33257: cycles camera clipping did not work through transparent objects
- Fix #33267: cycles math node power gave different results for CPU and GPU
- Fix #33152: cycles SVM crash with certain shader nodes setups where closures would appear multiple times after flattening the mix/add shader part of the graph into a tree structure
- Fix #33292: cycles material draw mode selection not working on some cards, now skip glsl for picking as was already done for other GLSL drawing
- Fix #33328: cycles not rendering dupliframes
- Fix #33364: cycles tile rendering artifacts
- Fix #33405: preview render getting stuck in a particular .blend file
- Fix #33454: cycles wasn't hiding the original object used for dupliverts or duplifaces like blender internal
- Fix AUTO wasn't working for Equisolid Fisheye lens Now one no longer needs to match the sensor dimensions with the render dimensions manually.
- Fix cycles issue when NaN is used for RGB ramp, can access array out of bounds then
- Fix cycles viewport render getting stuck with driven/animated nodes

- Fix #32941: Sequencer Preview shows texture which is apart of the window
- Fix #33253: VSE preview doesn't display compositor
- Fix #33252: VSE preview displays wrong color spac
- Fix #33293: strip - separate images [Y] dialog "image duration" missing
- Fix #33295: Shifted movie strip when rendering under 100% resolution for strip with complex transform
- Fix #33422: Change Path/Files problem - selected strip directory doesn't work
- Fix for crash in the sequencer if the video file fails to load
- Fix crash when copying scene with sequencer's animation using Link Objects or Link Object Data methods

Sculpting / Painting:
- Fix #32522: Object's diffuse color not showing in Sculpt Mode
- Fix #32943: sculpt mode draw crash with VBO and flat shaded, hidden faces
- Fix #33002: Wrong vertex color when painting
- Fix #33037: Soften brush can't handle seams in texture paint
- Fix #33116: Blender Crashes when saving inside Sculpt Mode with with GLSL and textured view enabled
- Fix #33419: incorrect color with projection painting in cases strength != 1.0

Text Editor:
- Fix #33121: crashing when srolling down in text editor due to bad UTF8 symbol
- Fix #32996: Delete/Backspace Key pressed two times in text Editor gives [square]
- Fix #32474: Windows systems: text editor, text object, doesn't allow to input the standard set of ALT+key characters
- Fix #33180: text editor line height issue
- Fix #33398: Missed undo push when script execution failed

User Interface:
- Fix #32780: Maya keymap selection issues
- Fix #32641: Keymap editor allowed to set any event for "key modifier"
- Fix #32932: Can't see the Speaker properties when using Cycles
- Fix #31527: Using "outliner data operation" on vertexgroup suggested it should work, but this is not supported yet
- Fix #32938: The Splash Screen doesn't show up correctly
- Fix #32962: Menu buttons: the text label in a button was clipped on right too soon
- Fix #28298: Header/footer scroll resets itself upon many actions
- Fix #24343: scrollbar hidden after switching properties editor tabs (r51626)
- Fix #28734: mouse doubleclick doesn't work, seems like singleclick eats events and doubleclick never happens
- Fix #32823: flymode is resetting values that have to be set preventing mouse wheel from working
- Fix #24016: copy/paste fail if you keep the modifier key holding
- Fix #33004: Screen-cast stops if change made to vert number of new mesh circle
- Fix #33019: Grease Pencil draw - started with button from Toolbar - failed
- Fix #30479: Exclamation mark '!' doesn't input with AZERTY keyboard mapping For the french keyboard setting (AZERTY) on Windows
- Fix #29056: NDOF motion events not configurable in user preferences.
- Fix #31482: menu with scrollers when window is too small
- Fix #33032: Input sequence leads to being stuck in brush mode
- Fix #30910: Problems: Add Shortcut(s) for "Ctrl Tab" menu
- Fix #33038: TIMER events could get keymodifier set
- Fix #24030: Greasepencil mode 'hold d' was also inserting drivers (hotkey D) on mouse over
- Fix #31310: Thumbnails not generating with non Latin characters
- Fix #33085: Render Border cannot be set if Lock Camera to View is on
- Fix #32806: NDOF Settings don't effect 3D mouse (Space Navigator / Explorer)
- Fix #29072: Color pickers don't close properly when moving the mouse away
- Fix #33124: vertex color picker dont respect user preferences picker type
- Fix #33169: Interface destroyed after Text Object Edit
- Fix #33192: Opening Blender breaks drag-and-drop support on the KDE desktop
- Fix #33223: Instant Crash on Window minimize - intel driver workaround
- Fix #33227: custom keymap syncing didn't work well always when adding/removing properties from operator
- Fix #33389: Curve points restricted to 0..1 range
- Fix soft shadow under user interface menus not drawing correctly

- Fix #32851: Mouse click coordinates when adding and selecting mask vertices on undistorted footage are off
- Fix #26891: deselecting global undo disables Move To Layer
- Fix #33166: Wrong profile name in config.ocio causes crash
- Fix #33250: animation player shortcut keys not working on OS X
- Fux #33185: Retina Macbook trackpad pan is recognised as mouse wheel up/down
- Fix #33310: unnecessary redraw of outliner when editing materials and textures
- Fix #33326: outliner numpad minus collapse followed by numpad plus expand did not work
- Fix #33423: a few operators still allowed changing current frame during animation render, like cursor set in the graph editor
- Fix #33431: error setting custom property to value "None"
- Fix camera tracking update problem for principal points
- Fix View Selection operator in clip editor when pixel aspect != 1
- Fix copying markers to other scenes not working with 10 or more scenes.

- Film Response addon from Mango project added.
- Generates the corresponding look up table from a specific film response to the active RGB curves compositor node - r3991

Import / Export:
- PDB importer/exporter received improvements and fixes.
- The panel was removed from the importer and is now a separate addon (installation)
- PDB importer/exporter: NURBS, Mesh and Meta (new) balls can now be chosen as atoms
- Fix: PDB-Export: wrong export of atom positions in dupliverts structures - r3853
- Fix: PDB-Export: wrong element name for Si, Ag was used instead
- UV-Texture to Vertex Colors baking addon added.
- Updated for BMesh, support added for multiple textures, layer replacement and transparency (also see documentation)

- The bevel tool now includes rounding. Also, the new algorithm is much better at keeping the bevel widths even across the whole model, so the old Even option has been removed. The old Distance option has also been removed: the bevel amount is now always in Blender units, and is the amount that an edge moves along each of its two faces. Only edges with exactly two adjacent faces will be beveled. As with the pre-2.65 bevel, the new one is an interactive tool that you use by selecting the desired edges to bevel and then typing CtrlB. Then move the mouse to change the bevel amount, and use WheelUp Template-MWUP.png and WheelDown Template-MWD.png to increase or decrease the number of segments used for rounding.

- The symmetrize operation makes the input mesh elements symmetrical, copying the topology, vertex positions, UV's, from one side to the other. The edges and faces that cross the plane of symmetry are split and connected together as needed to enforce symmetry.

- The symmetrize operator is only available in edit mode. It is accessible from the Mesh menu in the 3D View's header and from the Specials menu (W). Select a group of vertices, edges, and/or faces and run the operator. The operator has a "Direction" property that controls the plane of symmetry and whether to flip from positive to negative or negative to positive. This example shows the effect of changing the direction property. The original input mesh is at left. In the middle, it was symmetrized from negative X to positive X. At right, it was symmetrized from positive X to negative X.

Miscellaneous Improvements:
- Holding Alt while scaling normals maintains shell thickness (maintains flat areas better).
- CtrlRMB Template-RMB.png in face select mode now selects the shortest path from the previous active face (matching edge behavior).
- Select Similar tool now has options to select more/less then the active (as well as equal)
- So you can select faces with a greater area than the active face for example.
- Rip-Fill The rip tool now has an option to fill in the gap created by the rip AltV
- The new Laplacian Smooth modifier is available as a tool in the W key menu.

Open Shading Language:
- Users can now create their own nodes using the Open Shading Language (OSL). Note that these nodes will only work for CPU rendering, there is no support for running OSL code on the GPU. To enable it, select Open Shading Language as shading system in the render settings.

Motion Blur:
- Cycles now supports motion blur rendering for camera and object motion. Previously it was only possible as a post processing effect in compositing, where it is not possible to get fully accurate results and required manual setup of rendering layers. Native motion blur handles transparency, many overlapping objects, and moving light sources. Motion blur from deforming objects is not supported yet.
- A shutter setting controls the time between frames over which motion blur is computed. Shutter time 1.0 blurs over the length of one frame, 2.0 over the length of two frames, from the previous to the next, lower values give less blur.

- Per-BSDF normal input and new Bump node. Each BSDF node now has a Normal input, which can be used to set a custom normal for the BSDF, for example if you want to have only bump on one of the layers in a multilayer material. The Bump node can be used to generate a normal from a scalar value, the same as what happens when you connect a scalar value to the displacement output.
- Normal Map node added. The normal maps used are compatible with those baked by Blender Internal
- Anisotropic BSDF shader added, along with a tangent node to specify a tangent direction from generated coordinates or a UV map
- From Dupli option for texture nodes. This gets the Generated and UV coordinates from the duplicator of instance instead of the object itself. This was used in e.g. Big Buck Bunny for texturing instanced feathers with a UV map on the bird
- Ambient Occlusion node added, controlling the amount of AO a surface receives, rather than having just a global factor in the world
- Refraction BSDF node added, for only the refraction component of the existing Glass BSDF

Fisheye Lens:
- Fisheye render was supported since the 2.64 release. But we now have important improvements to facilitate its use.
- Fulldome displays can now directly benefit from a fixed Fisheye Equidistant lens. To render a perfect fulldome fisheye set field of view to 180°
- Sensor size is calculated automatically to match the aspect ratio of the render size. (r52498)
- The viewport preview allows you to correctly see the final image

User Interaction:
- Added back a Progressive Refine method for F12 render. Instead of rendering each tile until it is finished, it refines the whole image progressively. This renders somewhat slower, but time can be saved by manually stopping the render when the noise is low enough
- Border rendering is now also possible outside of the camera view in the 3D viewport. The new shortcut key to set the border is Ctrl + B and to clear the border it is Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + B. The previous shortcut key ⇧ Shift + B still works in camera view, however is already used for zoom to border outside of it
- The number of tiles was replaced with tile size, which gives better control over GPU performance. For CPU rendering a tile size like 32x32 or 64x64 should be fine for practically any scene. For GPU rendering bigger tile sizes should be used for optimal performance. The ideal value can be found out by testing, but 256x256 or 512x512 are good starting values.
- Added memory usage report, which shows device memory used by Cycles.

- Don't compile shaders and load images that are not used by any mesh/lamp/world
- Persistent Images option to keep images loaded on the device, saved time initializing next rendering

Laplacian Smooth Modifier:
- The Laplacian Smooth modifier allows you to reduce noise on a mesh's surface with minimal changes to its shape. This is useful for objects that have been reconstructed from the real world, containing undesirable noise. A mesh smoothing tool removes noise while still preserving desirable geometry as well as the shape of the original model.
- The Laplacian Smooth modifier is based on a curvature flow Laplace Beltrami operator in a diffusion equation. Full documentation and example .blend files are on the Laplacian Smooth manual page.

Decimate Modifier:
- Edge-Collapse method has support for using a vertex group to control what parts of the mesh are reduced.
The decimator was rewritten, and now preserves UV's and vertex colors. There are now 3 different simplification modes to choose from:
- Edge Collapse - Typical method used to simplify meshes that was used in the original modifier.
- UnSubdivide - Reduce detail on grid-heavy meshes (without giving uneven geometry).
- Planar - Reduces detail on forms comprised of mainly flat surfaces.

Triangulate Modifier:
- Added Triangulate modifier that ensures consistent triangulation. It is especially useful for bump map baking where a consistent triangulation should be enforced when baking/exporting/importing, to avoid artifacts caused by a different triangulation of the mesh by that which was used for baking by internal/external tools. Artifacts are caused by different interpolation of tangent space than the one used during baking. Barycentric interpolation, which is used here, is different for different triangulations of a quad, just like gouraud shading is different for different triangulations. (r52379)

- The triangulation scheme (currently, beauty option on the modifier, but there will be others in the future, such as 1,2,3 - 2,3,4 vertex connection schemes) should remain consistent during these two procedures. Beauty option stands for splitting quads along the shortest diagonal on the modifier, while off will do the opposite.
To ensure correct tangent space interpolation, we need to add a triangulate modifier to ensure the same triangulation in two stages of the pipeline:
- Prior to baking, to the object being baked to
- Prior to exporting or rendering, to ensure the triangulation will remain consistent.
- If the model is animated, triangulation modifier should go before the armature modifier

Other Modifiers:
- Mesh Deform Modifier: binding is now accelerated with a BVH tree, can make it much faster for complex meshes
- Shrinkwrap Modifier: project mode now has a distance limit
- Remesh Modifier: improved performance when used in smooth or blocks mode

Fire Simulation:
- A new flow type has been added to the Smoke Simulator. You can now chose between Fire, Smoke and Smoke & Fire. You can see the fire inside the 3D view preview and the Voxel Data Texture for the Blender Internal has been updated to support the new fire simulator.

Adaptive Domain:
- The Domain resolution and size adapts now to only cover areas where smoke exists, so that the domain can be calculated as small as possible at a time. You can also add additional simulation cells around the original domain area if needed.
- Animating the Domains location is supported now: When you move the domain object during simulation you only move the smoke "boundaries", Smoke itself remains still. This way you can limit the simulated area to stay around moving emitters etc.

Interaction with Force Fields:
- To enable the interaction with other physic simulations, a new fore field type has been added: "Smoke Flow". It applies the smoke simulation air flow velocity as a force. To use it you need to add a "Smoke Flow" force field and select the domain object for it.

Colored Smoke:
- You can now select a custom smoke color for flows and for smoke emitted from fire in the Smoke settings. To render smoke with custom colors enable "Reflection Color" inside the texture settings.

Collision Objects:
- Animated collision objects do no longer block smoke, instead smoke gets transferred velocity from moving collision objects (Video Example)
- Collision objects now cause vorticity when passing through smoke

More Features:
- The Domain is now rotatable. This means you no longer need to align your simulation to the x, y or z axis but you can freely rotate the domain to match the target area.
- Added support for Smoke emission from a mesh surface and volume - without particles.
- Added a new option for volume textures when "Generated" coordinates are used: "Map to Bounds". This maps texture coordinates to the mesh bounding box allowing you to render adaptive domain content. It also solves issues with domains scaled in edit mode.
- The simulation now uses the scene gravity setting, so you can change gravity direction if required.

Weight Painting:
- Vertex group weights can now be transferred from one object to another, even if they have a different topology. This can be useful for transferring weights between meshes of different resolutions or shapes. The Transfer Weights tool will look for the nearest face or vertex and find the corresponding weight on the other mesh. Weights can be overwritten or added together. The latter can be used as a tool to paint weights from nearby mesh shapes.
- Weight painting now also has a "Limit Weights" tool to restrict the number of vertex groups per vertex, for exporting to game engines that have a fixed limit. (r51217)

- Auto Keying: when enabled, a recording icon will be shown during transform to avoid accidentally inserting keys
- Filtering option for graph editor to show only drivers with errors, for debugging broken drivers without looking through all objects
- Follow Path Constraint: "Animation Path" operator added which adds an F-Curve with options for the start and end frame
- Limit Distance Constraint: now supports owner and target space settings. It's advised to use the same space for owner and target, otherwise the comparisons are meaningless
- Parenting and unparenting armatures will now try to avoid adding duplicate modifiers and remove unneeded ones
- Jump to Keyframe: position current frame in the middle of select frames, new shortcut is CtrlG

Camera Tracking:
- Two new options were added to the camera solver: Allow Fallback and Success Threshold. These options enable a simpler bundle reconstruction algorithm which is not as accurate as default one, but which allows to have a reconstruction in cases where the default solver fails.
- Usually it's not needed to use this fallback reconstruction because it could easily lead to cases when object solver will suddenly flip an object. To prevent this the fallback algorithm is disabled by default. However, in some cases it could be really tricky to have an accurate track, which will lead to lots of frames failing to reconstruct. In this case enabling the fallback algorithm could help.
- Success Threshold defines an error threshold which is still considered a successful solution for the default algorithm. The default value is 0.001 but it actually depend on the particular scene (scene scale, number of tracks and so on), so likely it needs to be tweaked to work best in each case.

- Added Map Taper option which if enabled maps affect of taper object on actually beveled part of curve (previously the effect of taper would have been clamped by the start/end bevel factor). Here's an illustration of the new option in action

- Added "Flip" tool which flips the lattice coordinates without inverting the normals of lattice deformed meshes. Shortcut is CtrlF

Antialiased Viewport:
- In the User Preferences, under System, the Multisample option can be used to enable antialiased drawing in the viewport (if you graphics card supports it). It will be activated after saving as default and restarting Blender.

- Map Range node added: this maps a value from a given range to another range
- Pixelate node added: this can be added in front of a Scale node to get a pixelated scale

Game Engine:
- Profiling information was improved with a cleaner layout and better naming (r51777)
- Collision mask support added: each object now has a collision mask and a collision group. Object A and object B collide if object A's groups is in object B's mask and object B's group is in object A's mask. In other words, the group defines what the object is (collision wise) and the group defines what the object can collide with
- Character physics controller can now be accessed through the python
- Scene gravity can now be accessed through python
- Mesh.tranform and Mesh.transform_uv utility functions for faster transformation of vertex and uv coordinates
- Video texture depth buffers access

- Materials now have a local light group option for rendering. When a material is linked in and has a light group override, this can now use a local group in the scene file, by replacing the linked light group with a local group that has the same name. A use case might be controlling the specular highlight on linked character's eyes per scene
- Camera: bring Title Safe display up to date, making it a Safe Areas option that shows both title safe and action safe areas following more modern standards
- DPX file format reading was much improved: files can now be loaded and saved in different bit depths and colors spaces, along with various bug fixes.

- Operator Reset button was removed, it's now available as Restore Defaults in the presets menu for operators with presets
- Grease Pencil: dynamic sketch option added which makes it possible to created animated curves from grease pencil drawing
- 3D Quad view can now do View All and View Selected for all views at once, with Ctrl↖ Home and CtrlNumpad del shortcuts
- Circle select added for metaball edit mode
- UV editing: support for connected proportional editing. When this is enabled, only UVs on the same island will be proportionally moved
- Axis colors are now themeable, for improved readability when using different color schemes

Blender 2.64a (32-bit) 查看版本資訊
