BleachBit 歷史舊版本 Page3

最新版本 BleachBit 4.4.0

BleachBit 歷史版本列表

BleachBit 快速釋放磁盤空間,不知疲倦地守衛你的隱私。免費緩存,刪除餅乾,清除互聯網的歷史,撕碎臨時文件,刪除日誌,並丟棄垃圾,你不知道在那裡。專為 Linux 和 Windows 系統設計,它可以清理包括 Firefox,Internet Explorer,Adobe Flash,Google Chrome,Opera,Safari 等在內的上千種應用程序。除了簡單地刪除文件之外,Ble... BleachBit 軟體介紹

Joplin 1.5.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for media players (video, audio and PDF)
- Add table captions when importing ENEX files
- Added doc about Rich Text editor and added way to dismiss warning banner
- MacOS: Notarize application
- Plugins: Add support for content script asset files, for Markdown-it plugins
- Plugins: Add support for context menu items on notebooks and tags
- Plugins: Add support for workspace.onSyncStart event
- Plugins: Added a way to execute commands from Markdown-it content scripts

- Fix End key behavior with Codemirror spellcheck
- Fixed basic search when executing a query in Chinese
- Fixed context menu when the UI is zoomed in or out
- Fixed importing certain code blocks from ENEX
- Fixed importing ENEX files that contain empty resources
- Fixed importing ENEX files that contain resources with invalid mime type
- Fixed issue when searching for text that contains diacritic
- Fixed issue with attachment paths being invalid when user has spaces in home directory path.
- Fixed issue with note not being saved when a column is added or remove from Rich Text editor
- Fixed issues when importing hidden tables within hidden sections in Enex files
- Fixed numbered list bug in markdown editor
- Fixed potential crash when watching note files or resources
- Fixed title input field width on small windows
- Focus editor after pressing toolbar buttons
- Plugins: Fixed disabling plugin files that start with "_"
- Prevent double paste when using Shift+Ctrl+V
- Prevents crash when invalid spell checker language is selected, and provide fallback for invalid language codes
- Register Markdown editor commands with the Keyboard Shortcut editor

- Display Katex parsing errors
- Improved warning banner colors
- Plugins: Commands would not show up in keymap editor when no shortcut was associated with them
- Plugins: Improved note change event handling
- Removed warning for Markdown editor spell checking
- Restrict auto-detection of links, and added option to toggle linkify
- Rich Text: Do not converts to markdown links URLs that would be linkified
- Translation: Update zh_CN
- Update macOS icon for macOS Big Sur
- Update Mermaid: 8.8.1 -> 8.8.4
- Use plugins whenever printing or exporting notes

Joplin 1.5.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for media players (video, audio and PDF)
- Add table captions when importing ENEX files
- Added doc about Rich Text editor and added way to dismiss warning banner
- MacOS: Notarize application
- Plugins: Add support for content script asset files, for Markdown-it plugins
- Plugins: Add support for context menu items on notebooks and tags
- Plugins: Add support for workspace.onSyncStart event
- Plugins: Added a way to execute commands from Markdown-it content scripts

- Fix End key behavior with Codemirror spellcheck
- Fixed basic search when executing a query in Chinese
- Fixed context menu when the UI is zoomed in or out
- Fixed importing certain code blocks from ENEX
- Fixed importing ENEX files that contain empty resources
- Fixed importing ENEX files that contain resources with invalid mime type
- Fixed issue when searching for text that contains diacritic
- Fixed issue with attachment paths being invalid when user has spaces in home directory path.
- Fixed issue with note not being saved when a column is added or remove from Rich Text editor
- Fixed issues when importing hidden tables within hidden sections in Enex files
- Fixed numbered list bug in markdown editor
- Fixed potential crash when watching note files or resources
- Fixed title input field width on small windows
- Focus editor after pressing toolbar buttons
- Plugins: Fixed disabling plugin files that start with "_"
- Prevent double paste when using Shift+Ctrl+V
- Prevents crash when invalid spell checker language is selected, and provide fallback for invalid language codes
- Register Markdown editor commands with the Keyboard Shortcut editor

- Display Katex parsing errors
- Improved warning banner colors
- Plugins: Commands would not show up in keymap editor when no shortcut was associated with them
- Plugins: Improved note change event handling
- Removed warning for Markdown editor spell checking
- Restrict auto-detection of links, and added option to toggle linkify
- Rich Text: Do not converts to markdown links URLs that would be linkified
- Translation: Update zh_CN
- Update macOS icon for macOS Big Sur
- Update Mermaid: 8.8.1 -> 8.8.4
- Use plugins whenever printing or exporting notes

Cyotek WebCopy 1.8.2 Build 740 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- It should now be easier to manually type https addresses into the URL field, without WebCopy trying to inject http after each character press (regression from 1.8.2)

Cyotek WebCopy 1.8.2 Build 739 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When crawling for the first time, if the user-entered URL redirects (for example http to https or to www), WebCopy will now prompt to use the final URL

- Changing the URL of an existing project caused further crawling to instantly fail if the domain of the new URL did not match the old [#367] (regression in 1.8.1)
- Added a speculative fix for a hang when crawling a website with the experimental "use web browser" option enabled
- The GUI client now correctly allows unescaped URLs to be entered
- When using the "Use query string in local file names" option, WebCopy now correctly sanitises the query string
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to empty the destination folder using the 64bit version of WebCopy

- Aero glass effects used by Windows 7 have been removed

Joplin 1.4.19 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: Disable soft-break by default in Markdown rendering

Joplin 1.4.18 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Fixed notifications on macOS
- Fixed: Re-enabled ASAR packing to improve startup time

Joplin 1.4.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Fix sorting by title in a case insensitive way
- Fixed: Fixed spell checker crash when no language is selected

Joplin 1.4.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Notifications on macOS
- Fixed: Fixed potential crash when watching note files or resources
- Fixed: Prevents crash when invalid spell checker language is selected, and provide fallback for invalid language codes (#4146)
- Plugins: Fixed webview postMessage call

Joplin 1.4.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- If you use the Clipper API, please note that there are a few breaking changes in this version
- Plugins: now returns an object instead of the button ID that was clicked. So for example instead of getting just "ok", you will get { "id": "ok" }. This is to allow adding form data to that object.

The following features are deprecated. It will still work for now but please update your code:
- Plugins: All create() functions under joplin.views now take a viewId as a first parameter
- Plugins: MenuItemLocation.Context is deprecated and is now an alias for MenuItemLocation.NoteListContextMenu
- Plugins: The app_min_version manifest property is now required. If not provided it will assume v14
- Plugins: The id manifest property is now required. If not set, it will be the plugin filename or directory

- Add {{bowm}} and {{bows}} - Beginning Of Week (Monday/Sunday)
- Add config screen to add, remove or enable, disable plugins
- Add option to toggle spellchecking for the markdown editor
- Added toolbar button to switch spell checker language
- Adds spell checker support for Rich Text editor
- Allow customising application layout
- Api: Added ability to watch resource file
- Api: Added way to get the notes associated with a resource
- API: Adds ability to paginate data
- Plugins: Add command "editorSetText" for desktop app
- Plugins: Add support for editor context menu
- Plugins: Add support for external CodeMirror plugins
- Plugins: Add support for JPL archive format
- Plugins: Added command to export folders and notes
- Plugins: Added support app_min_version property and made it required

- Api: Fix note and resource association end points
- Display note count for conflict folder, and display notes even if they are completed to-dos
- Fix crash due to React when trying to upgrade sync target
- Fix drag and drop behaviour to "copy" instead of "move"
- Fix handling of certain keys in shortcut editor
- Fix handling of new line escaping when using external edit
- Fix size of search bar area when notebook is empty
- Fixed importing certain ENEX files that contain invalid dates
- Fixed inconsistent note list state when using search (#3904)
- Fixed issue when a newly created note would be automatically moved to the wrong folder on save
- Fixed issue with note being saved after word has been replaced by spell checker
- Fixed links imported from ENEX as HTML (#4119)
- Fixed Markdown rendering when code highlighting is disabled
- Fixed note list overflow when resized very small
- Fixed text editor button tooltips
- Plugins: Fix crash when path includes trailing slash
- Plugins: Fixed issue with dialog being empty in some cases
- Plugins: Fixed issue with toolbar button key not being unique
- Prevent log from filling up when certain external editors trigger many watch events
- Regression: Fix application name
- Regression: Fix exporting to HTML and PDF
- Regression: Fixed external edit file watching
- Resource links could not be opened from Rich Text editor on Linux
- Tags could not be selected in some cases (#3876)

- Allow exporting conflict notes
- Allow lowercase filters when doing search
- Api: Always include 'has_more' field for paginated data
- Api: Make sure pagination sort options are respected for search and other requests
- Attempt to fix Outlook drag and drop on Markdown editor
- Change Markdown rendering to align with CommonMark spec
- Disable spell checker on config and search input fields
- Disabled the auto update option in linux
- Make Markdown editor selection more visible in Dark mode
- Optimized resizing window
- Plugins: Allow retrieving form values from dialogs
- Plugins: Force plugin devtool dialog to be detached
- Plugins: Make sure "replaceSelection" command can be undone in Rich Text editor
- Plugins: Provides selected notes when triggering a command from the note list context menu
- Plugins: Rename command "editorSetText" to "editor.setText"
- Prevent lines from shifting in Markdown Editor when Scrollbar appears
- Put title bar and toolbar button over two lines when window size is below 800px
- Refresh sidebar and notes when moving note outside of conflict folder
- Upgrade to Electron 10

Joplin 1.3.18 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Regression: Random crash when syncing due to undefined tags

- Add support for application plugins
- Added Thunderbird count for desktop client
- Added support for Menu API for plugins
- Added support for plugins packaged as JS bundles
- Added openProfileDirectory command and menu item
- Api: Added service to access resource external editing
- Plugins: Add the openNote, openFolder and openTag commands
- Security: Remove "link" and "meta" tags from notes to prevent XSS

- Make “update is available” dialog box easier to use
- Sort tags in a case-insensitive way
- Display more info while an ENEX file is being imported
- Made toolbar buttons bigger and swap order of bullet and number lists
- Api: Allow preserving timestamps when updating a note
- Added support for a custom S3 URL
- Actually enter insert mode after pressing o/O in CodeMirror vim mode
- Simplified and improve command service, and added command palette
- Tray: Exit -> Quit (#3945 by Helmut K. C. Tessarek)
- Import <strike>, <s> tags (strikethrough) from Evernote
- Make sidebar item font weight normal (not bold)
- Plugin API - added support for settings.globalValue method
- Remove Hide Joplin menu item on Linux and Windows
- Removed OneDrive Dev sync target which was not really useful
- Allow setting note geolocation attributes via API
- Disabled emoji highlighting in editor when emoji plugin is disabled
- Sort search results by average of multiple criteria, including 'Sort notes by' field setting
- Make sure all commands appear in keymap editor

- Add history backward and forward commands to keymap and menus
- Fixed handling of Option key for shortcuts in macOS
- Fix slow Katex rendering when there are many global definitions
- Fix syntax of imported resources when importing ENEX as HTML
- Fixed OneDrive authentication
- Fixed sync issue when importing ENEX files that contain new line characters in the source URL attribute
- Handle gzipped CSS files when importing from clipper
- Update highlight.js to fix freeze for certain code blocks
- Fix search filters when language is in Korean or with accents (#3947 by Naveen M V)
- Fixed freeze when importing ENEX as HTML, and fixed potential error when importing resources
- Fixed setting issue that would cause a password to be saved in plain text in the database, even when the keychain is working
- Fixed sidebar performance issue when there are many notebooks or tags
- Allows toggling external editing off and on again
- Fixed toggleNoteList and toggleSidebar commands
- Fixed Toggle Editor button tooltip and icon
- Keymap editor crash when an invalid command is used