Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 歷史舊版本 Page7

最新版本 Bitdefender Uninstall Tool for 2023 Editions

Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 歷史版本列表

Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 是從您的計算機上卸載 BitDefender 產品的最佳方法。將 BitDefender 卸載工具下載並保存到您選擇的位置。此工具可用於 32 位和 64 位操作系統。 下載完成後,轉到您下載並運行(雙擊)的位置; 幾秒鐘後,卸載工具界面將出現; 點擊卸載; 等待該工具顯示完成消息,然後重新啟動計算機. Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 軟體介紹

Node.js 12.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Update ICU to 64.2. This adds support for Japanese Era (Reiwa) (Ujjwal Sharma)
- Fixes a bug in ICU that affected Node.js 12.0.0 in the case where new Date().toLocaleString() was called with a non-default locale (Steven R. Loomis)

C++ API:
- Added an overload EmitAsyncDestroy that can be used during garbage collection

Photo Mechanic 6.0 (build 3143) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Shift-Up/Down arrow keys work in reverse for a range selection on the Contact Sheet.
- Fixed: View crop crashes in PM6.
- Fixed: AutoPlay launching PM when PM is already running produces error instead of performing ingest/open operation.
- Fixed: Navigator/Favorites doesn't see new folders that PM creates. User must refresh manually.
- Keyboard shortcuts related to right click menu in Navigator have been revamped.
- Updated Photo Mechanic installer to improve the user experience. In particular, managing of the optional third-party GStreamer install should be easier

Node.js 12.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:


- Updated llhttp to 1.1.3. This fixes a bug that made Node.js' HTTP parser refuse any request URL that contained the "|" (vertical bar) character (Fedor Indutny) #27595.

- Added an enableTrace() method to TLSSocket and an enableTrace option to tls.createServer(). When enabled, TSL packet trace information is written to stderr. This can be used to debug TLS connection problems (cjihrig)

- Added a --trace-tls command-line flag that enables tracing of TLS connections without the need to modify existing application code (cjihrig)
- Added a --cpu-prof-interval command-line flag. It can be used to specify the sampling interval for the CPU profiles generated by --cpu-prof (Joyee Cheung)

- Added the createRequire() method. It allows to create a require function from a file URL object, a file URL string or an absolute path string. The existing createRequireFromPath() method is now deprecated (Myles Borins)
- Throw on require('./path.mjs'). This is technically a breaking change that should have landed with Node.js 12.0.0. It is necessary to have this to keep the possibility for a future minor version to load ES Modules with the require function (Myles Borins)

- The REPL now supports multi-line statements using BigInt literals as well as public and private class fields and methods (Ruben Bridgewater)
- The REPL now supports tab autocompletion of file paths with fs methods (Anto Aravinth)

- Added Christian Clauss to collaborators

Node.js 12.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- Update ICU to 64.2. This adds support for Japanese Era
- Fixes a bug in ICU that affected Node.js 12.0.0 in the case where new Date().toLocaleString() was called with a non-default locale

C++ API:
- Added an overload EmitAsyncDestroy that can be used during garbage collection

- benchmark: fix http bench-parser.js
- bootstrap: delay the instantiation of maps in per-context scripts
- build: allow icu download to use other hashes besides md5
- build: disable custom v8 snapshot by default
- crypto: update root certificates
- deps: backport ICU-20575 to fix err/crasher
- deps: backport ICU-20558 to fix Intl crasher
- deps: update ICU to 64.2
- dgram: change 'this' to 'self' for 'isConnected'
- doc: add Node 12 to the first list of versions
- doc: update comment in bootstrap for primordials
- doc: simplify text
- doc: fix pull request number
- doc: clarify behaviour of writeFile(fd)
- doc: fix v12.0.0 changelog id
- doc: simplify Collaborator pre-nomination text
- lib: throw a special error in internal/assert
- module: initialize module_wrap.callbackMap during pre-execution
- (SEMVER-MINOR) n-api: do not require JS Context for napi_async_destroy()
- process: reduce the number of internal frames in async stack trace
- report: print common items first for readability
- src: refactor deprecated UVException in
- src: move OnMessage to
- src: use predefined AliasedBuffer types in the code base
- src: apply clang-tidy modernize-deprecated-headers found by Jenkins CI
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: do not require JS Context for ~AsyncResoure()
- (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add Environment overload of EmitAsyncDestroy
- src: apply clang-tidy rule modernize-use-equals-default
- src: use std::vector<size_t> instead of IndexArray
- src: enable context snapshot after running per-context scripts
- src: enable snapshot with per-isolate data
- src: implement IsolateData serialization and deserialization
- src: allow creating NodeMainInstance that does not own the isolate
- test: refactor net-connect-handle-econnrefused
- test: move test-net-connect-handle-econnrefused
- test: rework to remove flakiness, and be parallel
- test: fix ineffective error tests
- test: make test-worker-esm-missing-main more robust
- test: increase coverage in lib/internal/dns/promises.js
- tls: include invalid method name in thrown error
- tools: update certdata.txt
- tools: update LICENSE and tools/icu/current_ver.dep
- tools: fix use-after-free mkcodecache warning
- tools: update tools/
- tools: implement node_mksnapshot
- util: add prototype support for boxed primitives
- util: rename setIteratorBraces to getIteratorBraces
- util: improve Symbol.toStringTag handling

Node.js 12.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Zotero 5.0.66 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- Improved tag selector performance in libraries with many tags
- Keep earliest Date Added when merging items
- Link to troubleshooting instructions if unable to update a word processor document
- Miscellaneous bibliographic output and word processor integration fixes
- Updated citeproc-js to version 1.1.236

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed error updating word processor documents in some situations
- Fixed various minor UI issues in tag selector
- Export CSL JSON with title-short instead of shortTitle

Node.js 11.14.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Notable changes:
- child_process: doc deprecate ChildProcess._channel
- deps: update nghttp2 to 1.37.0

- make dns.promises enumerable
- remove dns.promises experimental warning
- fs: remove experimental warning for fs.promises
- stream: make Symbol.asyncIterator support stable
- worker: use copy of process.env

Node.js 11.13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Prey 1.8.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Merged pull requests:
- Check location setting through status.json endpoint
- Wipe fixes update

Zotero 5.0.65 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When metadata was successfully retrieved for a linked PDF, the file was renamed regardless of the “Rename linked files” preference introduced in 5.0.61
- Fixed UI breakage after performing certain actions if the tag selector was closed at startup (since 5.0.64)
- Fixed UI breakage when typing certain characters in the tag selector search bar (since 5.0.61)
- In some time zones, date-only access dates could be off by one day in bibliographies (since 5.0.61)
- Improved citing of podcast items