Betternet 歷史舊版本 Page3

最新版本 Anki 2.1.50

Betternet 歷史版本列表

Betternet 為 Windows 提供的無限制免費 VPN 使您能夠訪問所有被封鎖的網站,並使您在瀏覽網頁時安全和匿名.您只需點擊“連接”按鈕即可連接到最快的 VPN 服務器,並使用 Betternet 無限的時間。您將能夠解鎖所有被封鎖的網站,並在瀏覽網頁時保持您的隱私.Betternet 功能:訪問被封鎖的網站 使用 Betternet Windows VPN,可以在您的 Chrome... Betternet 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Optimisations in Add tag window - it was slow for some users
- In version 4.7.x tooltips are slow to show due to a bug in dotnet. We made a small fix, where screenshots should show up faster in Screenshot viewer

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What's new in this version:

- Some autotag properties caused a crash during database upgrade
- Dark theme, too dark on some screens
- In Add tag window, sometimes a few chars were deleted when tab was presed to select a tag

iZotope Ozone Standard 9.11.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- crash that could occur upon interacting with the Ozone preset manager when Voiceover Utility is enabled on macOS
- crash that could occur upon interacting with the Ozone preset manager when using third-party Finder utility and window management applications on macOS (such as: DefaultFolderX, BetterSnapTool, etc...)
- a hang that could occur when opening sessions or when working with multiple instances of Ozone on macOS High Sierra (10.13)
- crash that could occur upon changing session sampling rate when multiband processing was enabled in the Dynamics module
- Ozone 9 NKS resource file issue that caused Ozone plug-in names and images to display incorrectly in Komplete Kontrol and MASCHINE selection menus

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What's new in this version:

- Fixed: If there were two or more Autotag timelines, database failed to upgrade to v4.7

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed debug stepping to step over 'yield'.  Use Step Into to step to the return event, so the yielded value can be viewed, or Step Out to step directly to the enclosing frame.

- Don't step into asyncio internals when debug stepping on 'await' lines
- Immediately stop on exceptions that occur in 'async def' functions and methods
- Correctly detect package manager type on remote hosts and avoid consuming CPU
- Fix debugger failures seen when Django template debugging is enabled and a stack frame is of type _Frame
- Fix finding modules in packages that are not in the python path
- Fix finding classes when using type | type unions
- Fix sources assistant display of typing.Tuple return hint and union types in type subscripts
- Fix goto source from Django test results after the file is modified
- Fix creating a Django project from existing sources

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What's new in this version:

- Don't set any background fill colors in the default HTML syntax colors

- Fix not stepping into importlib in debugger and hide importlib stack frames
- Fix creating a Django project on Windows with a base installation of Python
- Fix visibility in some syntax coloring configurations (including HTML and Django)
- Sort state names in Editor > Syntax Coloring > Syntax Formatting preference in alphabetical order
- Fix Black reformatting in Python 3.10
- Fix potential for losing editor content during auto-reformatting
- Fix failure to apply Black and YAPF reformatting to a selection in some cases
Fix failure to watch for external changes on remote files after losing and reestablishing the - remote agent connection
- Fix visibility of text in diff/merge blocks in some display palettes
- Fix find uses with remote projects
- Fix remote seaches for non-ascii characters
- Fix suppressing too many code warnings when a module used in a from ... import isn't found
Fix backward-delete-word, forward-delete-word, delete-line, delete-to-start-of-line, - delete-to-end-of-line, move-line-up, move-line-down with 2+ selections
- Fix move-line-up and move-line-down when repeat argument is not 1
- Fix spurious undefined attribute warnings on module instances
- Fix selection popup positioning when autocompleting
- Fix possible infinite recursion in inference engine
- Fix prompting to kill associated processes when terminating a debug process
- Fix the command reference in documentation
- Fix exception seen when evaluating in a shell changes sys.stdin
- Fix exception seen when saving a container or cluster configuration
- Fix setting visible files during project open when remote files are not yet inspected
- Fix failure to determine mime type on files opened while a remote host is unavailable

iZotope Ozone Standard 9.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- AU validation failure that could occur on macOS Big Sur (Intel & Apple Silicon Rosetta)
- crash that could occur when Ozone was added to sessions alongside certain 3rd party plug-ins (MAAT, InaGRM, Sonnox, etc...)
- invisible inline edit text field boxes in AAX instances within Pro Tools on Big Sur (Intel & Apple Silicon Rosetta)
- failure to display reference track level in input meters when the associated option was enabled
- crash that could occur on playback if a mono audio file was loaded in the Reference panel
- long instantiation times on Windows machines that do not have PACE drivers installed
- help button in the Options window
- issue where NKS resources would be installed even when deselected during installation
- issue where NKS resources were not properly installed when using Product Portal to install Ozone
- Fix possible crash when loading a preset in the Ozone mothership plug-in that was saved in the Ozone app when plug-ins were in the module  chain
- Corrected errors in the Ozone 9 help documentation
- Various additional bug fixes

General Updates:
- Ozone 9 now appears under the manufacturer name "iZotope" (instead of "iZotope, Inc.") in all DAWs/NLEs
- Maximizer Threshold Learn button has been moved to the module header area

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for PEP 484 # type: ignore comments to disable type related warnings on a single line or the entire file
- Add support for union type hints using '|'
- Add support for -stubs packages from pypi containing .pyi files
- Add Delete Symbol and Rename Current Module refactorings

- Wingapi CAPIProject GetPythonExecutableProperties now returns project environment when called without arguments or executable = None

- Fix intermittent failure to find effective python path of default python
- Fix using a non-absolute pathname for a remote python executable or activate cmd
- Fix failure of remote agent to start in some cases
- Fix scanning too many python path directories at once in some cases when opening a project
- Fix drag and drop of disabled code warnings
- Fix code analysis of 2+ return statement returning tuples
- Fix reporting exception in debugger when using Django templates
- Fix duplicate-line command in Python Shell, Debug Console and OS Command
- Fix the Packages tool when using pip 21.3

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What's new in this version:

- Document using sitecustomize to automatically start debug
- Add Close Unmodified Others to the editor tab's context menu to close unmodified files other than the current file

- icon rendering when Windows 10 scaling factor is 150%
- the debugger on some Windows systems
- goto definition on an attribute of an object whose type is specified with a type hint
- auto entered invocation args for builtin dict or a derived class

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What's new in this version:

- Brave browser support for new versions
- Translations updated