Atom (32-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page3

最新版本 Atom 1.47.0 (32-bit)

Atom (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

Atom 是一款文本編輯器,它是現代的,平易近人的,但對核心有破壞性的工具 - 你可以自定義的工具,但是也可以高效地使用,而不需要觸摸配置文件。您可以從數以千計的為 Atom 添加新特性和功能的開源軟件包中進行選擇,或者從頭構建一個軟件包並將其發布給其他人使用。 Atom 預裝了四種 UI 和八種語法主題,分別為黑色和淺色。 Atom 免費下載最新版本的 Windows PC。它是 Atom.的完... Atom (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Atom 1.19.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Honor editor's scrollSensitivity parameter
- Ensure extra document updates are not scheduled during updateSync
- Suppress text input for default-prevented keydown events
- Move cursors container inside lines container
- Move placeholder text inside lines div
- Only scroll one axis at a time, whichever has the greater delta
- Hide off-screen lines when we render them for measurement
- Only clear linesToMeasure when we have actually measured

Atom 1.19.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix measuring lines in presence of pending autoscroll requests
- Work around incorrect data on compositionupdate events in Chrome 56
- Use default cursor on dummy scrollbars and make them 15px wide/tall
- Don't throw an error when setting an incredibly small lineHeight
- Suppress composition events default prevented on previous keydown
- Fix IME composition preview for new editors
- Ignore clicks on block decorations
- Prompt user only once when quitting/restarting and canceling save dialog

Atom 1.19.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Atom's underlying text buffer has been implemented in native C++
- Full rewrite of the editor's rendering layer
- Update to Electron 1.6.9
- Render line number gutter without numbers when showLineNumbers is false
- Improved clarity of Editor not responding actions
- Restore ability for escape to return focus to center
- Optimize trailing whitespace removal using native buffer search

Atom 1.18.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- All new Git and GitHub Integration
- Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching
- Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Added an option to always restore previous session
- Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace
- Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html

Atom 1.17.2 查看版本資訊


Atom 1.17.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Atom Core - v1.17.0...v1.17.1:
- atom/atom#14485 - Fix exception when starting to drag text
- atom/atom#14553 - Don't snapshot the iconv-lite module, fixing Unable to switch the encoding
- atom/atom#14460 - Fix ability to activate next/previous pane in a dock
- atom/atom#14427 - Fix the atom:// URL handler for real (with tests this time)
- atom/atom#14420 - Don't show restore dialog for non-editor dock items

fuzzy-finder - v1.5.6...v1.5.8:
- atom/fuzzy-finder#297 - Show matches correctly when useAlternateScoring is true

markdown-preview - v0.159.11...v0.159.12:
- atom/markdown-preview#482 - Destroy cursor line decoration layers in newer versions of the editor

notifications - v0.67.1...v0.67.2:
- atom/notifications#157 - Adding fix for bug with having new lines as part of title.

tree-view - v0.217.0-7...v0.217.1:
- atom/tree-view#1056 - Make the tree view a dock item
- atom/tree-view#1111 - Expand to full width/height

update-package-dependencies - v0.11.0...v0.12.0:
- atom/update-package-dependencies#16 - Resolve merge conflicts with #9 (use notification for success or error)

welcome - v0.36.2...v0.36.3:
- atom/welcome#61 - Fix build

Atom 1.17.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Snapshot AtomEnvironment
- Optimize style sheets loading
- Fix typo in comments of text-editor-registry.js
- Restore atom environment when adding project folders to a fresh window
- Disable soft wrap on mini editors
- Don't snapshot minimatch and fix package transpilation registry on win32
- Docks
- Add atom.workspace.hide()
- Add saveFocusedPaneItem() and call it in "core:save" command
- Fixes #14102 to use ATOM_HOME if present
- Packages preloading
- Assign Package.prototype.mainModulePath eagerly for preloaded packages
- Always add opened items to the workspace
- Fix issue #14109 and #13978
- Fix observation of moved items
- fixing middle mouse button clipboard paste on linux (atom:atom#8648)
- Minor edits to
- Don't store default locations
- Allow workspace item objects to be passed to
- Open docks when activating their panes, but not when adding items
- Allow specifying installation directory
- Update build to pre-compile packages with per-package transpilation configs
- Attempt fixing exception when trying to use portable electronUserData
- Refine Dock UX and API
- Fix a regression in hovered dock tracking
- Fix adding bundled packages to ModuleCache and increase test coverage
- Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions
- Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML
- Always focus active pane item when pane is activated
- Document pane item interface on Workspace
- Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle
- Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in
- Require TextEditorElement eagerly
- Prevent the resize handle from covering the center
- Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed
- Fix URI resolution in openSync()
- Reduce dock initial size lookups
- Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method
- Don't close permanent dock items
- Update Electron to 1.3.15
- Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta
- Disable zoom only after the window has finished loading
- Pane shouldn't steal focus from its children

Atom 1.16.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Restore the correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI
- Lots of progress in our ongoing effort to remove jQuery from bundled packages
- Add the "dalek" package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in ~/.atom/packages that are overshadowing core packages

Atom 1.15.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Duplicate selections with multiple lines now behaves in a more intuitive way
- Added a core option for closing deleted file tabs, while the default remains keeping these tabs open to prevent potentially losing data
- Disable periodic serialization for large buffers to improve performance when editing large files
- Improvements to line tokenization to improve editor performance when opening files with large, uninterrupted lines, like minified JavaScript. Opt out of this behavior from certain grammars like language-gfm.
- Remove projects correctly from the Windows jump list
- Node 6 is now required to build Atom
- Always reserve horizontal space for two digits on the line number gutter to prevent UI jitter when transitioning from 9 lines to 10 lines
- Add a setting to apply the Chromium proxy configuration to apm via env vars
- Show the default value in a tooltip when one is present in the settings view

Atom 1.14.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Highlight abstract and sealed class modifiers in C# language grammar. atom/language-csharp@4984ad1
- Fixed a regression that prevented from running on Windows
- Improved support for using TextEditor as an etch component