Appium 歷史舊版本 Page18

最新版本 Appium 1.22.3-4

Appium 歷史版本列表

Appium 是一個開源的測試自動化框架,使用本機,混合和移動 web 應用程序。原生應用程序是使用 iOS,Android 或 Windows SDK 編寫的應用程序。移動網絡應用程序是使用移動瀏覽器訪問的網絡應用程序(Appium 支持 iOS 和 Chrome 上的 Safari 或 Android 上內置的“瀏覽器”應用程序)。混合應用程序有一個“網絡視圖”的包裝, &ndash 的; 一... Appium 軟體介紹

XRECODE 1.89 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added support for decoding of DVDA audio from ISO files
- added option "Always transcode" for WavPack library encoder. When enabled, SACD audio will always be decoded to PCM and then encoded to WavPack
- all JPEGs will now be saved as baseline to be more compatible with devices not supporting the progressive ones
- added option to add silence (in seconds) to the beginning and end of the track (under Output Settings)

- fixed issue when setting "The default sample rate when converting to PCM" to 44100 caused corruption in extracted ISO files
- fixed issue when program was unable to move the SACD ISO file to the Recycle Bin
- fixed handling of some dff files

XRECODE 1.88 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added support for decoding of DVDA audio. Currently you need to add .IFO file (from AUDIO_TS folder) to the program (no ISO support).
- added option "Never delete CUE files" (under Program Settings/CUE). When enabled, CUE files won't be deleted/sent to Recycle Bin.
- SACD ISOs and DFF/DSF files will now be decoded with the same decoder.
- when merging both areas of SACD ISOs at once, %area% element will be added to the output file name pattern (if it's missing) to have a unique output file name per area

- fixed issue when CUE file was not moved to Recycle Bin when converting to the source folder
- do not auto resize the "Total" column
- fixed issue when grabbing CD to external USB drive
- fixed issue while decoding some mp2 files
- fixed character detection in Windows-1250 encoded CUE files
- program won't auto close when just some action from Utilities was run, e.g. Analyze gain

XRECODE 1.87 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- updated to opus 1.3
- added Chinese Simplified translation
- added new pattern element %disc3%. The same as %disc%, only if value is 1/1, it will be discarded
- added way to access value for tags with multiple values, e.g. %genre(1)% will return the 1st value of the multiple genres
- added option to merge SACD using the source compression (DSD/DST), i.e. if it's compressed as DST, the resulting merge file will be as created as DST as well (see under Program Settings/SACD)
- added option to automatically close Metadata window when retrieving Metadata from internet for the inserted CD (will pick the 1st available option and close)
- fade in/out can now be specified also as 0.2 till 0.9 seconds

- fixed issue when "Reuse original CUE if possible" was used together with "Create files in source folder"
- show dialogue box when extract method is not applicable for the input format
- fixed issue when track no in Metadata editor was automatically set to several albums at once
- fixed issue while opening some dff files
- fixed issue when incorrect CUE file was created when merging files directly to the removable device
- fixed issue when "Remove Silence" was not removing silence from the end of the file
- fixed issue when all (not only checked) tracks where analysed from Utilities/ReplayGain
- fixed issue when silence was detected incorrectly for some files
- fixed issue when program got stuck while merging SACD file per folder

Wondershare DVD Creator 5.5.0 查看版本資訊


XRECODE 1.86 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Appium 1.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Appium 1.7.1
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.9.1

Appium 1.6.3
- Feature: Make ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME settable from the UI
- Feature: Add icon that copies source XML to clipboard
- Fix: Close session window when main window is closed

Appium 1.6.2
- Fix: Use relative coordinates for interactive swiping feature
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.8.1

Appium 1.6.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.6.0
- Update Appium to 1.8.0
- Update Electron to 2.0.0
- Update electron-builder to 20 and get rid of outdated version hack
- Use NPM 5 on appveyor so we get a flat hierarchy

Appium 1.5.0
- Feature: Allow unauthorized SSL and set custom proxy

Appium 1.4.1
- Fix: Replace electron-builder autoupdater with Zeit Hazel server plus native updater

Appium 1.4.0
- Feature: Add Headspin cloud to list of remote server types
- Feature: Add keyboard shortcut to clear terminal logs
- Fix: Python recording error

Appium 1.3.1
- Fix: Build problem from v1.3.0 broke Apple XCUI tests

Appium 1.3.0
- Feature: Update Appium to 1.7.2
- Fix: Add linux category
- Fix: 'wd' recording code errors

Appium 1.2.7
- Feature: Highlight elements that user searched for
- Fix: Remove element not found notification

Appium 1.2.6
- Fix: Use multiple selector strategies if first one doesn't work
- Fix: Don't refresh page when element not found, send notification instead

Appium 1.2.5
- Fix: Resolve python recorder errors
- Fix: Reload source when selected element is stale
- Fix: Debounce calls to selectElement

Appium 1.2.4
Fix: Upgraded to Appium 1.7.1 (previously was 1.7.0)

Appium 1.2.3
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium version 1.7.1

Appium 1.2.2
- Fix: Swipe SVG was obscured due to CSS

Appium 1.2.1
- Fix: In Java boilerplate, show unknown platform if no platform found

Appium 1.2.0
- Feature: Can run SauceConnect from user interface
- Feature: Can edit raw desired capabilities JSON string
- Feature: Add locator modal to search for elements and perform basic interactions on them
- Feature: Add interactive swipe and tap
- Feature: Add HTTPS option, and TO data center options
- Feature: Write raw logs to file that can be opened by user
- Fix: Added padding to bottom of source tree
- Fix: Make selected element card scrollable
- Fix: Limit number of rendered logs to 1000

Appium 1.1.1
- Fix: Scrolling in selected element card
- Fix: Recorder css and add docs for recorder

Appium 1.1.0
- Feature: Can record actions in Java, JS, Python, and Ruby
- Feature: Updated to Appium 1.6.5
- Feature: Show a list of currently running sessions when attaching sessions
- Fix: Draggable app area and window controls issues in Windows and Linux
- Fix: Resize inspector if it was previously too small
- Fix: Pegged ANTD version to prevent errors

PhpStorm 2018.2.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

PhpStorm 2018.2.4 Build 182.4505.42

Notable bug fixes:
- When working with tasks and contexts and switching between tasks, IDE will now restore VCS branch and workspace correctly (IDEA-184079 +21)
- Fixed in XML: IDE marks “Element is not allowed here” an Element which is allowed to configure (IDEA-195872 +18)

PhpStorm 2018.2.3 Build 182.4323.68

- This build delivers new features, bug fixes and improvements for PHP and the Web, and takes on the latest enhancements in IntelliJ Platform.

PHP 7.3 Support:
- The first release candidate of PHP 7.3 is already released. The GA of the new version of the PHP interpreter is expected somewhere in mid-December.
- PhpStorm is continuing to add support for new PHP features (WI-42883).

Support for list reference assignment:
- PHP 7.3 introduces the enhancement for list() construction, which allows using references
- You may use the short syntax [] as well

Support for literals as the first operand of instanceof:
- In PHP <7.3 this would cause the “instanceof expects an object instance, constant given” fatal error. In PHP 7.3, the result is always false.

Trailing comma in function calls:
- For a long time in PHP you could add a trailing comma in an array
- In PHP 7.3 it is possible to do same thing for function arguments list
- This works for method calls and closures as well
- This is especially handy when viewing diffs with every parameter located on a new line.
- Note that this only works for function calls, but not function definitions, so the following is not possible

Quick-fix for adding a missing extension to composer.json:
- In PhpStorm 2018.2 we’ve added the new Extension is missing in composer.json inspection. It detects the usages of functions, constants, and classes that rely on PHP extensions not currently listed in composer.json.
- Now, starting from 2018.2.3, you’ll be able to run a quick-fix for such issues: PhpStorm will add the corresponding extension record to composer.json for you.

DQL Support:
- We plan to fully support Doctrine Query Language (DQL) (WI-9948) in the upcoming PhpStorm 2018.3 major release. You may check out initial support in 2018.3 EAP. Meanwhile, in this release, injections of SQL inside text literals will be automatically disabled for strings with DQL identifiers. This will eliminate false positives and make your files clean from warnings.

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Fixed: LoginToGithub dialog invoked from CloneRepository dialog hides immediately
- Fixed: Vue.j SFC not resolving @ alias with @vue/cli 3 if vue is installed in a subfolder
- More options creating Angular Cli project
- Fixed: Cannot attach to remote nodejs after upgrade to 2018.2

PhpStorm 2018.2.2 Build 182.4129.45
Platform updates:
- The database tools now support ClickHouse out of the box
- Fixed a couple of performance issues related to VCS (file scanning)

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- PHPUnit: rerun failed tests now works for “defined in configuration file” run configuration
- Debugging maximum simultaneous connection configuration setting is now set to 3 by default
- Fixed completion for interfaces
- Fixed “Deployed file is on server removed” stuck since update 2018.2

PhpStorm 2018.2.1 Build 182.3911.43
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.2 Build 182.3684.42

Custom postfix completion templates:
- Postfix code completion has existed in PhpStorm since version 9, but only provided a limited number of predefined templates. PhpStorm 2018.2 takes postfix completion to the next level by allowing you to add custom postfix completion templates. Create templates to match your project and your personal coding style!

FQCN Completion:
- Completion now matches the namespace in addition to the element name. You don’t have to type or invoke completion for each part of IlluminateAuthEvents anymore – just type IAuE instead.

Move Instance Method Refactoring:
- PhpStorm already the Pull Up/Push Down and Make Static/Move Static Method refactorings that help you move methods around. For handling the methods that cannot be made static or moved across the class hierarchy, PhpStorm 2018.2 introduces a refactoring that allows for moving an instance method to a parameter class or to a field class. Simply invoke the Move refactoring on a method declaration, and, if the new refactoring can be applied, you will see a dialog prompting you to choose the target class.

PHP Language:
Structural Search and Replace:
- In PhpStorm 2018.2, we’ve completely reworked Structural Search and Replace for PHP, which offers lots of new capabilities and greatly simplifies patterns creation. Now you can specify the type of Structural variable, which lets you, for example, find a call to the specific method where the first parameter is a string. You can use a simple pattern to find a foreach loop with an unconditional return statement, or even create your own inspection that will capture an unnecessarily double-quoted string, if your code style enforces this

Improved SQL Injections:
- In version 8, PhpStorm introduced basic support for string concatenations in Language Injections. The dynamic nature of the resulting strings and the strictness of the SQL parser caused a lot of false positive errors in SQL. In PhpStorm 2018.2, we’ve eliminated most such errors and introduced some new features, too. PhpStorm can now substitute the values of constants directly within the injected string, so you can run a query without copy-pasting their values. In addition, we’ve added support for SQL strings that use sprintf parameters

New Inspections and Quick Fixes:
PhpStorm 2018.2 delivers handy new inspections such as:
- Extension is missing in composer.json reports usages of classes/functions/constants from PHP extensions which are not specified in composer.json
- Non-canonical order of elements in PHPDoc reports tags such as @property, @param, @var, etc. that use a non-canonical order of elements e.g. name Type instead of Type name.
- Optional parameter before required parameter detects situations when an optional parameter appears before required parameters in a function/method declaration.

Web Technologies Support:
New JavaScript Intentions:
- To make you even more productive when working with JavaScript and TypeScript, PhpStorm has a bunch of new intentions that are available when you press Alt-Enter. Here are just some of them: Implement interface, Create derived class, Implement members of an interface or abstract class, Generate cases for switch, and Iterate with for..of.

Completion for events in Vue.js:
- In Vue templates, PhpStorm now provides code completion for events. Event names are suggested after v-on: or if you use the shorthand notation @event. There’s also code completion for event modifiers.
- As usual, all the features and improvements of WebStorm are available in PhpStorm, either out of the box or with free plugins available in the repository. Other noteworthy web-related features include TypeScript 2.9 and 3.0 support, the new Code Coverage feature that helps to find unused code, extract and convert React component refactoring, new integrations with Angular CLI, global file watchers, rerun failed tests and other.

IDE Improvements:
Updated UI:
- We’ve rolled out brand new icons and dark title bars on macOS. Furthermore, PhpStorm 2018.2 brings support for the MacBook Touch Bar! Run and debug your project, commit changes, and update the project right from the Touch Bar

Version control comes with the following changes:
- Easier resolve of merge conflicts
- Enhancements in VCS Log tab
- Browse repository at revision
- Multiple GitHub accounts
- Skip the Push dialog

Database Tools:
Database tools in PhpStorm have been improved thanks to our colleagues from the DataGrip team:
- New SQL formatter
- Source code migrations
- Query plan diagram
- Custom data source

Other improvements:
- Customizable value for $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
- Simple CodeSniffer/MessDetector setup
- The new presentation for Quick Documentation
- Allow renaming old style constructor to the new style
- New Add @method tag quick fix for Undefined method
- Add method quick fix now inserts parameter type hints
- PHPUnit composite configuration
- Jump outside closing bracket/quote with Tab
- HTTP Client: Support environment variables in the request body
- HTTP Client: Support formatting of POST request body
- Docker: navigate from compose nodes and containers
- Docker: wrapping words in Docker logs

PhpStorm 2018.1.6 Build 181.5281.35
- This build fixes the issue with the Register action: IDEA-193747

PhpStorm 2018.1.5 Build 181.5281.19
- Change log not available for this version

PhpStorm 2018.1.4 Build 181.5087.24
- Fixes for PHP Remote Interpreters (Docker/Docker-Compose and Vagrant)
- Compiling PL/SQL code with actual errors
- Support of conditional compilation flags in pl/sql code
- Show inferred type in Flow in Brief Info

PhpStorm 2018.1.3 Build 181.4892.97

- This build delivers new features, bug fixes and improvements for PHP and the Web, and takes on the latest improvements in IntelliJ Platform

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- void return type is not autocompleted WI-41850
- Find in Path” shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+F) not working in “Find in Path” preview window IDEA-189447
- Replace all’ confirmation popup is out of focus IDEA-186587
- Run configuration drop down menu does not show the full name of the test being selected IDEA-182763
- Wrong commit and push buttons rendering IDEA-190206
- Don’t add renamed or moved files to git index unless configured to do so IDEA-118140
- Default run/debug configurations are not saved IDEA-189444

PhpStorm 2018.1.2 Build 181.4668.78

Syntax Highlighting in Quick Definition:
- Using the Quick Definition popup became more convenient: with added syntax highlighting, you can now read what exactly a function or a class is doing, without losing your current context.
- Flexible configuration of imports from the global namespace
- In the previous versions of PhpStorm, you could choose to either import everything (functions, classes, constants) from the global namespace or use FQN for functions and constants. We’ve listened to your feedback and realized that more flexibility is sometimes required. In PhpStorm 2018.1.2, you can control auto-import separately for classes, functions, and constants
- For classes, you can choose between “insert FQN” and “prefer import” (PhpStorm will insert import if this doesn’t result in a conflict). For functions and constants, the options are “insert FQN”, “prefer import”, and “prefer fallback” (you can refer to the PHP documentation for its exact meaning)

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Collapsing tree node does not collapses all subnodes (regression)
- Command Line Tools Console – Cursor Not In Run Box
- Incorrect variable name during phpDoc generation for field in case inferred type in constructor $this
- Goto definition’ on ‘new expression’ targeting parent class __construct instead of referenced class
- Provide the ability to disable tooltips in editor without disabling inspections
- Subversion File History not working for links with spaces
- Typescript readonly type inference from const
- Add option to omit JsDoc types for TypeScript code

PhpStorm 2018.1.1 Build 181.4445.72

File-level suppression to PHP inspections:
- PhpStorm provides a lot of inspections to catch all sort of errors in your code, but it may occur that some particular code shouldn’t follow the standards set for the whole project. In previous PhpStorm versions, you were able to suppress a warning for a particular statement or declaration. PhpStorm 2018.1.1 brings the ability to suppress an inspection for the whole file: just add /**@noinspection <inspection_name> */ right after the first opening PHP tag or press ALT+Enter on the inspection warning and select Suppress for file in the submenu. You can also use /**@noinspection ALL */ to suppress all inspection for the file.

Required plugins for a project:
- Suppose you’ve found an essential plugin that would help a lot with developing your project (Symfony or PHP Annotations plugins are good examples of such plugins), and you want to make sure that everybody on your team is on the same page. Previously there was no way to let your colleagues know about the plugins without talking to them or writing the readme file. PhpStorm 2018.1.1 introduces Required plugins, which you can locate under Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Required Plugins. You can specify the plugins and their exact versions as the project’s requirements. After you’ve set them, PhpStorm will notify if the required plugins are missing or need an update.

Go to Type action:
- You might have already used the Navigate | Type declaration action when working with JavaScript or when using our other IDEs. It lets you navigate to the type declaration from any expression, and now it is available in PHP, as well.

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Incorrect ‘find usages’ / refactoring of __constructor of parent class WI-19518
- Indexing of large files WI-41378
- Deployment: context menu is missing if no default server is selected WI-40826
- Docker-compose: output isn’t shown WI-41002
- Keystrokes lost during freezing IDEA-186636
- CommonJS: properties of function object returned by exported module not resolved WEB-24161
- DESC/DESCRIBE in read-only mode DBE-397

PhpStorm 2018.1 Build 181.4203.565

PHP Language:
- Inline function/method refactoring
- Refactor your code to functional style
- Configurable unchecked exceptions
- Goto Symbol navigation improvements
- Hierarchy checks for class aliases

- Creating class from test
- Codeception: code coverage
- Better @covers support
- Gutter icons for running tests

HTTP Client:
- Assertions support
- Simplified first start

PhpStorm 2017.3.6 Build 173.4674.46
Bug fixes and features:
- PhpStorm v2017.3.4 & Codeception v2.4.0 incompatibility WI-40950

PhpStorm 2017.3.5 Build 173.4674.45
- Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning
- Fixed: Built-in SSH: does not support strong security ciphers – Cannot negotiate, proposals do not match IDEA-140196
- PhpStorm v2017.3.4 & Codeception v2.4.0 incompatibility WI-40950
- Fixed: Multiple “Updating indices” bg tasks after external file system changes IDEA-123287
- Fixed: Autocomplete too fast and leads to errors when inputting a number DBE-4965
- Fixed: Hide MySQL Collations & Schemas DBE-5557
- Fixed: Database Console name in Files have turned into guids DBE-5904

PhpStorm 2017.3.4 Build 173.4548.32
- Allow UI scale exceed 2x
- Multiple “Updating indices” bg tasks after external file system changes
- Evaluate window: cannot TAB from expression into results tree

PhpStorm 2017.3.3 Build 173.4301.34

REST Client: Auto-formatting of responses:
- In this build, we’ve implemented one of the new REST client’s most voted features: auto-formatting of request results. PhpStorm analyses Content-Type and formats the response accordingly. If type detection has failed for some reason, you can still choose between JSON, HTML and XML formatting manually. To see the original response, you can select the View as Text formatting type

Highlighting call-site in case of pass-by-reference:
- PHP 7.3 may introduce “Explicit call-site pass-by-reference” (RFC) that will allow prepending of a call-site argument with &. This should help to understand the code and notice possible unexpected changes of a variable. It’s still a year till the 7.3 release, but why wait?
- In this build, we’ve extended parameter hints with pass-by-reference visualization that will help you find a function or a method call that has reference declaration in a parameter. The new parameter hints will be shown for all arguments that are actually passed by reference. Please share your feedback about the new feature!

Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Fixed: Short syntax array destructuring does not allow skipping values: WI-34517
- Fixed: Unhandled exception: doesn’t analyze “new MyClass” (constructor) expression: WI-37946
- Fixed: Broken “Change to” spelling quickfix in the Commit dialog: WI-39142
- PHP New Class now saves previously selected template: WI-39427
- Fixed: “Can’t run 32-bit version on Windows”: JRE-590
- Fixed: All run configurations lost after upgrade to 2017.3: IDEA-182966
- Fixed: Tool Window docking issue IDEA-149061
- Fixed: FETCH ALL IN returns error org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4ResultSet: DBE-2465
- Fixed: DataGrip does not recognize Redshift’s WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING clause: DBE-5404

PhpStorm 2017.3.2 Build 173.4127.29
Notable bug fixes and features worth mentioning:
- Unhandled exception shouldn’t be reported for tests with @expectedException
- Improved discoverability of Recursive Search in Find Window

PhpStorm 2017.3.1 Build 173.3942.32
- Support custom templates variables in ‘new class’ dialog
- Fix “Structure view is always collapsed”
- Fix Tool Window docking issue
- Fix “Unable to update issue state from Open Task dialog”

PhpStorm 2017.3 Build 173.3757.138
- Brand new editor-based REST client. With the new REST client, all the powers of the PhpStorm code editor are now available for your REST requests.
- Significant performance improvements. Typing latency in very complex PHP files has decreased significantly. We've examined typing latency in the mPDF main file, which is a 38k-line-long mix of PHP, JS, and HTML, and it is down by 75% in PhpStorm 2017.3!
- New inspections for exception handling. Three new inspection Unhandled exception, Redundant @throws and Redundant catch clause with corresponding Quick Fixes will help you take exceptions under your control!
- Test generation improvements. Now you can create Codespec and PhpSpec classes and create test methods!
- Improved Twig support. We've implemented language injections for Twig custom tags and named blocks as well as improved Twig formatting that can now handle complex structures.

DVDFab (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added a new menu template in the DVD Creator module

- A crash problem when opening DVD discs in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Added the support for some new Java protections
- New: Added the support to remove the Cinavia watermarks as found on the DVD version of Jigsaw and The Shack
- New: Added the conversion profiles for the newly released iPhone XR, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max in the Ripper and Converter modules
- Fix: A problem that the optical drive no longer recognizes the blank medium after the 1st task finishes if there are multiple burning tasks in the queue with ISO files as sources

DVDFab (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added the support to identify and access the main title from unprotected Blu-ray ISO files and folders
- Improved the support for the BluPath feature