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最新版本 AirDroid Personal

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AirDroid 允許您從 Windows,Mac 或 Web 無線訪問和管理您的 Android 手機或平板電腦,免費。在您的設備之間傳輸文件,並將文件分享給您的朋友。更好地集中:通話,短信和您允許的應用程序通知,鏡像到您關注的大型計算機屏幕上。更好的裝備:鍵入完整的物理鍵盤和鼠標控制。無需尋找電纜就可以更快速地傳輸信息。更好的設備,更好的生活。更好的連接:從計算機控制你的 Android,並使... AirDroid 軟體介紹

UltraMixer 6.2.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


RazorSQL 8.5.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for HSQLDB 2.5

- Athena: New Connections now default to using the Athena Simba JDBC driver instead of the old version 1 driver. Older connections using the old version 1 driver may no longer show table names in the database browser. The connections should be created again using the new driver
- General: Fonts: Default fonts changed to better match system defaults and better support display of unicode characters
- SQL Editor: Editor font graphics settings changed to better match system defaults

RazorSQL 8.5.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DynamoDB: Added support for querying for is null and is not null on map attributes
- Query Results: Added font auto detection that tries to select an appropriate font if the current font can't display characters in the results

- DynamoDB Database Browser: Expanding a table to show columns now lists key columns first and then remaining columns in alphabetical order
- DynamoDB: Running a select * query now puts the key columns first and the rest of the columns are ordered alphabetically
- DynamoDB: If specifying a column list in a select query against a table, the columns displayed in the results are in the same order as the column list in the select statement
- MySQL Connection Properties: Added the characterEncoding property as an option when using the MySQL JDBC driver

Bug Fixes:
- DynamoDB: is null and is not null syntax in select statements only checking for existence of attribute on the table and not whether it has been set to a NULL attribute value
- SimpleDB: Drop Domains generating tick marks around domains with special characters

Silhouette Studio 4.3.341 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Added support for the Rotary Blade: Rotary blade uses Smart Cut technology to create orientation loops and hooks for the Rotary Blade
- Change the size, force and overcut of Smart Cut loops in the Rotary Cut material settings.
- Added Support for 2mm and 3mm Kraft Blades: Kraft Cut is now an available action on supported materials and custom material settings.
- Automatic Punch hole generation for the Cameo 4 Punch Tool:  Insert a Punch Tool into your Cameo 4, choose a supported material, and Studio will automatically generate punch marks along the path of or in the spaces around your cut lines.

Bug Fixes:
- Matless Cut is now referred to as Pop-out Cut
- Pop-out Cut is now an action rather than a setting: To use Pop-out Cut, create a Custom Material, add a Cameo 4 Tool 1 tab, and then add a Pop-out Cut action.
- Reset Default Materials button no longer causes a crash
- Removed matless cutting settings from Cameo 4 Tool 2 settings tab
- Cameo4 Tool 2 and CE Lite-50 material settings tabs no longer default to the action used in the default tab
- Fixed a crash when adding all available actions to a custom materialBlade depth slider is not showing for custom materials
- You can now add a new Cameo 4 Tool 1/2 tab to a duplicate of a default material
- Cameo 4 Tool Detection is now picking up the correct Kraft Blade for the correct carriage
- PixScan Portrait files are no longer opening as blank
- PixScan jobs are no longer cutting with an offset
- First Print and Cut job upon loading mat is no longer cutting offset
- Adding a color to a custom color palette no longer causes a crash
- Adding colours from a pattern-filled shape or an image to a custom palette no longer causes a crash
- White lines in DXF files are now respecting the color choice in import settings

AirDroid 查看版本資訊


PHP 7.1.33 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


RazorSQL 8.5.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Edit -> Copy History and Edit -> Paste History: Duplicate entries no longer shown
- MySQL to HSQLDB Database Conversion: Unique indexes are included in conversion

Bug Fixes:
- PostgreSQL Backup Table: Index DDL does not always include the statement separator
- Javascript Validator: macOS Catalina: Javascript Validator not working on macOS Catalina
- HSQLDB: Import from XLSX: Date Values include timestamp on generated inserts
- Query Results: Add Row: For tables with 0 rows, 2 rows blank rows are appearing in the edit table tool instead of one

Pano2VR 6.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- WebVR is now working with Android 10
- Dragging folders onto the Pano2VR app/Droplets is now fixed for macOS Catalina
- Skin Videos are handled correctly in WebVR
- Skin: Negative number for any of the Element Angle skin actions
- In the Tour Map, the radar beam line now goes through the entire beam rather than just through the front for easier alignment
- A Point Hotspot can now be locked regardless if it has location data or not
- Toggle the locked state of any element in the Viewer by holding Shift and clicking the element

Pano2VR 2.3.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


AirDroid 查看版本資訊
