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最新版本 AIDA64 Extreme Edition 7.0

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AIDA64 Extreme Edition 是業界領先的系統信息工具,受到世界各地電腦愛好者的喜愛,它不僅提供了關於硬件和已安裝軟件的非常詳細的信息,而且還幫助用戶診斷問題並提供衡量電腦性能的基準。 AIDA64 Extreme 擁有無與倫比的硬件檢測引擎。它提供了有關已安裝軟件的詳細信息,並提供診斷功能和超頻支持。由於它實時監測傳感器,它可以收集準確的電壓,溫度和風扇速度讀數,而其診斷功能有助... AIDA64 Extreme Edition 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- horizontal scrollbar in Output/Validate panels (it auto shows for long lines)
- don't run Multi Installer on first start, just show info message
- lexer CSS: support more standard properties
- lexer CSS: underline incorrect units after numbers

- replace option "hide_horiz_scrollbar" with "scroll_style_horz" (enum)

- theme filenames in mixed case could not be used
- file session did not restore saved encoding
- not working HTML auto-completion tag list
- incorrect multi-caret positions after Del on complex selections
- slow start of plugin Config Toolbar
- reset of file encoding after Reopen command

Electron 7.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added new contextBridge module to make it easier to communicate between an isolated context and the main world

- Fixed nativeTheme not accessible via the remote module
- Fixed a memory leak issue when setting Tray images
- Fixed issue where proxied remote promises might not resolve if Bluebird was installed in the renderer

Other Changes:
- Prepare for 7.1.0
- Updated Chromium to 78.0.3904.94

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What's new in this version:

- built-in bracket highlighting, no more need in plugin Bracket Helper, and it works much faster than plugin. It supports most of plugin's features, including show brackets on gutter, including checks for syntax elements
- option "bracket_highlight"
- option "bracket_symbols"
- option "bracket_distance"
- command "brackets: pair highlight: on"
- command "brackets: pair highlight: off"
- command "brackets: pair highlight: toggle"
- command "brackets: jump to pair"
- command "brackets: select to pair"
- command "brackets: select to pair, inside"
- plugin Spell Checker keeps font color of highlighted words
- lexer JSON: reworked code tree
- lexer Markdown: minor fixes, adapted for Spell Checker
- Project Manager: "Go to file" command reworked, much faster now on big projects
- Project Manager: feature from Kate editor: on opening a file from Git/SVN repo, project is created and file is focused in that project (if no named project was opened before); added option in the plugin dialog

- macOS: crash on copying vertical block to clipboard
- crash with non-ASCII text after showing Command Palette
- plugin Tabs List: font options didn't work

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What's new in this version:

- Add Linux program can open virtual files like /proc/version, /proc/meminfo
- Add command "markers select to last marker"
- Add command "markers delete to last marker"
- Add arrow keys skip position inside Unicode surrogate pairs
- Change menu item "View / Lexers" now shows dialog, like Command Palette
- Fix tree-helpers did not work (when no folding ranges)
- Fix Unicode surrogate pairs gave crash in Python plugins
- Fix rendering of Unicode surrogate pairs (when lexer sees surrogates as symbols)
- Fix plugin API sometimes changed file encoding to UTF16
- Fix Linux dialog labels with CJK text were clipped

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- API sometimes changed file encoding to UTF16
- Linux: dialog labels with CJK text were clipped

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What's new in this version:

- option "word_chars" replaced with "nonword_chars" (to be like Sublime & Atom)
- detection of file changes in external programs is rewritten. Now it uses thread, not timers (per each file-tab) as before. It should work more reliable and fast
- confirmation "File was changed outside. Reload?" changed from messagebox to modalless panel inside file-tab
- clicking micromap doesn't move caret
- names of color themes now stores to user.json (reading of old setting from history.json is supported)

- option "caret_keep_visible_on_scroll"
- option "ui_notif" was returned back
- paired file-tab: auto-reloading works for second file; if both files were changed outside, 2 "Reload?" prompts appear at the same time
- don't reload file, which was deleted outside
- during drag-drop of text fragment, editor shows red marker for drop position
- zip file installer: for lexers and lite-lexers, support to install lexer-override settings in "lexer*.json"
- plugin Tabs List: reworked, using listbox with x and circle marks
- plugin Tabs List: added options in [columns] section to specify additional listbox columns (width values: >0 - in pixels, <0 - in percents, =0 - auto-stretch; show values: 0 or 1)
- file with ASCII char 07 is still considered as text
- command "ui: focus editor notification panel"
- command "ui: hide editor notification panels"

AIDA64 Extreme Edition 6.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- AVX accelerated 64-bit benchmarks for Zhaoxin ZX-C+ and Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-5000 processors
- Full support for Hygon C86 “Mukti/Dhyana” CPU
- Enhanced RGB LED monitoring module
- Matrix Orbital EVE3 LCD display support
- Improved support for Intel “Comet Lake” and “Ice Lake” CPUs
- Support for PCI Express 4.0 controllers and devices
- Preliminary support for Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-6000 CPU
- Advanced support for LSI RAID controllers
- NVMe 1.4 support
- Improvements for AMD X570 chipset based motherboards
- GPU details for AMD Radeon RX 5700 Series
- GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce RTX 2000 Super Series

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What's new in this version:

- option "mouse_scroll_speed_vert"

- command "Select all" now doesn't scroll to document end; it's like in Sublime & EmEditor & GEdit
- new dialog to choose UI+syntax themes "Options / Themes...", instead of two menu-dialogs
- removed option "ui_notif"; to disable file auto-reload, set "ui_notif_time" to 0

- show unprinted symbols "only in selection" was wrong with wrapped text
- file saving with write-error stops file auto-reloading
- issue with command "find current word next"

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What's new in this version:

- add: can show unprinted characters only in selection (like Sublime). To do this, add char "x" to the option "unprinted_content"
- add: selecting words by double-click: allow clicking after line end too
- add: command "Toggle side panel / code tree" (same as "Show side panel / code tree" but it toggles)
- add: command "Add next occurrence of selected word": must find not whole words, if not whole word was initially selected (like Sublime)
- fix: command "Add next occurrence of selected word": bug when no selection (didn't repaint editor)
- fix: program should not crash if file-tab is closed during lexer parsing
- fix: to hide Lazarus/GTK2 bug when mouse-over buttons remain highlighted, program disables this button highlighting on Linux
- fix: slow response of scrollbars on Windows

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What's new in this version:

- dialog Go To allows negative line numbers and negative values in %, this goes relative to file end (like VS Code)
- lexer parser optimizations: now parsing of big files is ~30% faster
- minimap highlightes entire lines with selections, with theme color "current line BG" (similar to VS Code)

- on big files (lot of folding ranges), program had big slowdown on text editing