Advanced Installer

最新版本 Advanced Installer 18.6

Advanced Installer 18.6

Advanced Installer 18.6
Advanced Installer 是一個 Windows Installer 創作工具,它使開發人員和系統管理員能夠輕鬆構建可靠的 MSI 軟件包,以滿足最新的 Microsoft Windows 徽標認證要求並遵循建議的 Windows Installer 最佳做法。 Advanced Installer 是在非常靈活的許可模式下發布的。核心應用程序是 100%免費使用的商業和非商業目的。我們還提供各種商業許可證下的可選功能和附件.

Advanced Installer 特點:

用戶友好,完全由 GUI 驅動,無需學習腳本,無需編輯數據庫,無需編寫 XML

使用嚮導開發,導入現有 IDE 項目,集成到自動構建工具和源代碼管理系統中.




基於標準 Windows Installer 技術的嚴重安裝程序提供回滾, autoupdates,等 61225896
Advanced Installer 的狂熱支持團隊隨時準備幫助你任何安裝問題,你可能有。

利用現有投資。重新包裝舊的安裝程序,導入 MSI,WiX 項目。使用開放格式,避免專有陷阱.

注意:這是一個統一的軟件包,包含完整的 Advanced Installer 應用程序,其中包括免費軟件,專業版,用於 Java,企業和架構師功能。免費軟件功能可以隨時通過創建一個“簡單”類型的項目來訪問.


檔案版本 Advanced Installer 18.6

檔案名稱 advinst.msi
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Caphyon Ltd
更新日期 2021-08-25

What's new in this version:

New features:
- Predefined launch condition for Windows 11 (21H2 insider builds)
- Project auto recovery - automatic backup and restore protocol
- Digital signature built-in support for an EV Code Signing Certificate (eToken)
- PowerShell automation for Updates Configuration projects
- Declare a .BAT file as an application target - MSIX packaging

- Support for SSL checks when browsing IIS website
- Enable Content Expiration option for IIS HTTP Headers
- Show an error message when digital signing fails due to a missing intermediate certificate
- List all folders from the package when Target Computer is selected in Files and Folders
- Visible Members - new resource filtering option in Files and Folders pages
- Advertised shortcut icon is automatically extracted from its target
- Added support for Spanish (Latin America and Caribbean) in MSIX packages
- Improved logging for the floating server error messages
- Updated IntelliJ project import
- Updated .reg file import
- Optimized pre-build disk space availability check
- Updated MD5 values for "Access 2010 Runtime" and "Visual C++ 2010 SP1" predefined prerequisites

Bug fixes:
- EXE packages installed silently failed to uninstall correctly
- Fixed Spring theme button display issues
- IIS WWW Root predefined folder was missing from the VFS folder, in an MSIX package
- Expired certificates no longer crash the application when the signing fails
- Fixed crash when using the command SetAzureKeyVaultSecret
- Fix crash from Windows CE projects, Files and Folders page
- Fixed CAB file build for Windows CE project
- Default resources for DialogBitmap/BannerBitmap were not discarded from Binary table
- Visual Studio extension crashed when trying to clean the output
- EXEs launched via "Launch file" custom action were spawn in the background when the option "Run as Administrator" was enabled in Install Parameters

Advanced Installer 18.6 相關參考資料
Advanced Installer 18.6 - Release Notes

On August 25th, 2021 Caphyon Ltd. is proud to announce the release of Advanced Installer 18.6 in Free, Professional, Enterprise and Architect editions.


Advanced Installer 18.6 Crack 2021 - Download Free Software's

2021年8月25日 — Advanced Installer 18.6 Crack is a Windows Installer composing apparatus that empowers designers and framework heads to effectively manufacture ...

Advanced Installer 18.6 Crack Free Version - Working and ...

2021年8月30日 — Advanced Installer 18.6 Crack is a powerful and easy-to-use Windows Installer tool. That enables its developers to create reliable MSI ...

Advanced Installer 18.6.1 - Release Notes

On August 30th, 2021 Caphyon Ltd. announced the release of Advanced Installer 18.6.1 in Free, Professional, Enterprise and Architect editions.


Advanced Installer 18.6.1 破解版 应用其他 - 微当下载

2021年8月31日 — Advanced Installer是一款高级的安装程序打包工具,有了Advanced Installer Architect你就可以创建MSI打包。

Advanced Installer Architect 18.6 + Crack [最新] - StartCrack ...

7 天前 — Advanced Installer Architect 18.6 + Crack [最新]下載. Advanced Installer Architect Crack 是一款實用程序軟件,用於製作Windows操作系統的安裝 ...

Download Advanced Installer 18.6.1 -

2021年8月31日 — Advanced Installer is easy to use Windows Installer authoring tool that allows you to install, update and configure your products safely, ...

Download Advanced Installer 18.6.1 - Softpedia

2021年8月31日 — Download Advanced Installer - Create your own Windows installer with custom options and appearance, with the help of this intuitive, ...

Free download - Advanced Installer

Advanced Installer requires Windows 7, 8 or 10. Licensed Users. The 18.6.1 release of Advanced Installer is a free update for customers with a valid ...


Free Windows Installer - MSI Installer Tool

Advanced Installer is a Windows installer authoring tool for installing, updating, and configuring your products safely, securely, and reliably.
