yEd (64-bit)

最新版本 yEd 3.19 (64-bit)

yEd 3.19 (64-bit)

yEd 3.19 (64-bit)
yEd 64 位是一個功能強大的桌面應用程序,可用於快速高效地生成高質量的圖表。手動創建圖表,或導入您的外部數據進行分析。自動佈局算法只需按下一個按鈕即可排列大型數據集。 yEd 免費提供,可在所有主要平台上運行:Windows,Unix / Linux 和 Mac OS X.

yEd 功能:
交互式分層佈局可用於交互式佈局分層或偽分層場景。可以使用分層佈局來完美地可視化分層或偽分層場景。正交佈局產生復雜網絡的清晰表示。有機佈局和智能有機佈局產生像 ER 圖,UML 圖等複雜圖表的清晰表示。有機邊緣路由器有機地重新路由現有繪圖中的邊緣。正交邊緣路由器可以在現有圖形中正交重新路由邊緣。圓形佈局完美地描繪了互連的環形和星形拓撲。樹佈局可以用來以許多不同的方式可視化樹狀結構。樹佈局算法也可以用在幾乎像樹的圖上。一個可自定義的工作場所,讓您安排您的工具窗口到您的需要表像狀態編輯器允許您輕鬆配置圖形屬性國際化:yEd 本地化英文,德文,部分日文複雜的打印預覽允許您預覽打印結果(尤其適用於海報打印)會話管理:yEd 記憶和管理您的設置可撤消性支持剪貼板設施大多數功能的鍵盤快捷鍵集成的幫助系統完全支持 YGF 文件格式。本機文件格式。完全支持基於 XML 的 GraphML 文件格式。全面支持 GML 圖形文件格式。 GML 是一種流行的基於文本的圖形文件格式。全面支持基於 XML 的 GML 圖形文件格式。這是使用 XML 語法的 GML 語言的變體。導入任意的 XML 文件。必須給出一個 XSLT 樣式表,將 XML 輸入轉換為有效的 GraphML。包括用於 Ant 構建腳本,OWL Web 本體語言等的預定義樣式表。導出為 SVG 矢量圖形文件格式。導出為 Windows 元文件(WMF)文件格式。幾乎任何 Windows 應用程序中使用的矢量圖形格式。導出為 JPG 和 GIF 文件格式。導出大圖像作為多個圖像和 HTML 表也支持!導出到 BMP(在 Windows 機器上)和 PNG 文件格式。


檔案版本 yEd 3.19 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 yEd-3.19_without-JRE_64-bit_setup.exe
檔案大小 37.71 MB
系統 Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 yWorks
更新日期 2019-03-19

What's new in this version:

- The JREs that come with the Windows and Linux installers have been updated to Java 11.0.2

- Improved support for display scaling on Windows operating systems
- Added support for importing GEDCOM NAME sub-tags

- Fixed lots of problems with printers on Windows by upgrading to Java 11
- Fixed problems with the "Paste from System Clipboard" action on Linux operating systems
- Fixed problems with CTRL+C/V/X shortcuts not working in textfields
- Fixed adding columns and rows to table nodes without insets
- Fixed incorrect selection results when using the "Data Property" criterion in the "Select Elements" tool
- Many bugfixes and improvements in yEd's layout algorithms

yEd 3.19 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Download yEd latest release - FossHub

Download: yEd 64-bit Windows Installer - Java 10 JRE ... Version: 3.18.2 ... yEd or yEd Graph Editor is a very robust and powerful diagram editor which can ...

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Hello, we used Yed Graph Editor quiet a while. Now we had ... But i have 32Bit Windows7 PCs also, where i can´t use the 64 Bit Versions. ... As of yEd 3.18, we do not provide installers for 32bit ope...

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Download yEd (32-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free ... yEd 3.18.1 (32-bit) LATEST. Requirements: Windows ...

yEd (64-bit) Download (2019 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

Download yEd (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free ... yEd 3.18.2 (64-bit) LATEST. Requirements: Windows ...

yEd - Graph Editor - yWorks

Download yEd 3.19 ... yEd for Windows, yEd installer for 64-bit Windows Vista or later. Includes a ... The latest release of yEd Graph Editor is version 3.19 ...

yEd Graph Editor 3.17 free download - Software reviews, downloads ...

yEd Graph Editor 3.17: Easily create stylish and detailed diagrams. ... Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8, Windows Server, ...

yEd Graph Editor 3.8 Download (Free) - yed.exe (See all) ... yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality drawings of ... Yed graph editor 3.9.2 download; Yed graph editor; Do...


yEd installer for Windows 10 32 bit - yEd Q&A

I could not find the installer (yEd Version 3.18.1) for Windows 10 32 bit. Shall I ... "Java .zip file" and replace my previous installation?