
最新版本 Postman 10.19.0

Postman 10.19.0

Postman 10.19.0
XnView 是一個多格式的圖形瀏覽器,查看器和轉換器。它可以讀取 GIF,BMP,JPEG,PNG,TARGA,多頁 TIFF,相機 RAW,JPEG 2000,MPEG,AVI 和 QuickTime 等 500 種文件格式。 EXIF 和 IPTC 元數據也被支持。圖像查看器有一個類似瀏覽器的瀏覽器,允許瀏覽目錄內容。 XnView 支持紅眼修正,作物和 JPEG 圖像轉換無損,生成 HTML 頁面和聯繫表,並提供批量轉換和批量重命名。幻燈片放映過渡效果,屏幕截圖,WIA 和 TWAIN 支持(掃描儀和數碼相機),圖像比較和文件操作。 XnView 是一個高效的多媒體瀏覽器,瀏覽器和轉換器,使用起來非常簡單!

使用 XnView 可以瀏覽,整理和查看您的圖像:
縮略圖查看 FullScreen 查看 FilmStrip 查看 SlideShow 與 FX 圖像比較 XnView 允許您處理圖像編輯工具:
調整大小,旋轉,裁剪無損旋轉& 裁切(jpeg)調整亮度,對比度... 自動色階,自動對比度修改色彩深度和放大倍數調色板應用過濾器& 效果除了導出到 70 多種格式。 XnView 讓你創建:
SlideShows 網頁聯繫表格視頻縮略圖庫文件列表圖像條和更多。其他 XnView 的一些顯著特點是:
元數據支持& 編輯(IPTC)JPEG 無損轉換重複文件查找器批量處理批量重命名打印模塊也可用:下載 XnView 為 Mac


檔案版本 Postman 10.19.0

檔案名稱 Postman-win64-Setup.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Pierre. e Gougelet
官網 http://www.xnview.com/en/xnview/
更新日期 2023-10-18

What's new in this version:

- Added support for variables in MQTT topics

- Fixed clean session/start not being set correctly for MQTT requests

Postman 10.19.0 相關參考資料
Download Postman (64bit) 10.19.0

Postman is a widely used API development and testing tool that simplifies the process of working with APIs. With its intuitive user interface and powerful ...


Download Postman (64bit) 10.19.0 for windows

2023年10月18日 — Postman is a widely used API development and testing tool that simplifies the process of working with APIs.


Download Postman | Get Started for Free

Download the app to get started using the Postman API Platform today. Or, if you prefer a browser experience, you can try the web version of Postman. The ...


Postman 10.19.0

2023年10月11日 — Postman will be essential for users performing integration work between systems, backend/frontend programmers by offering an efficient option ...


Postman crashes · Issue #12424

2023年10月20日 — Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the tracker for existing similar issues and I know that duplicates will be closed ...


Postman for Mac 軟體歷史版本整理 - winXmac軟體社群

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Postman is cutting off my variables - ???? Help

2023年10月23日 — When i see the logs on the console, i realize that the content variable is being cutted off by Postman. Does it matter if it's a HTML variable?


Release Notes

View release dates and read the latest release notes from Postman, an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API ...


Release Notes v10

Bug Fixes. Fixed an issue that prevented new Interceptor users from connecting to the Postman app. Fixed an issue that caused inconsistency in request data ...


When reverting from the new version to the old version, ...

2023年10月16日 — However, when I updated to the latest version(app-10.19.0) ... Common reasons we've observed is that your organization might be blocking Postman ...
