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最新版本 XChat 2.8.9

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XChat 是一個流行的互聯網中繼聊天(IRC)客戶端。它有一個選項卡式的文檔界面或樹形界面,支持多個服務器,高度可配置.XChat 是一個全功能的 IRC 客戶端,包括所有基本功能,在大多數其他 IRC 客戶端,包括 CTCP,DCC 文件傳輸並支持各種語言(包括 C,C ++,Perl,Python,Tcl,Ruby,Lua,CLISP,D 和 DMDScript)的插件系統。通過編寫插件,X... XChat 軟體介紹

XChat 2.8.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The balloon time is now adjustable via /set input_balloon_time <seconds>.
- The /Ghost command's password parameter is now optional.
- Updated the default IRC network list with various additions.
- When switching tabs, made the treeview only scroll if the selected item isn't visible.
- The Search/Find window can now be closed with the ESC key.
- Selecting an item in the nickmenu will now copy it to clipboard.
- New icons for notification area (systray).
- For the auto-join command, added an 'x' filler for empty keys. This works around a bug in ircd-seven.
- Lifted a limitation which only allowed the auto-join list to be 255 characters long.
- When a single channel-MODE changes, xchat will no longer re-issue a MODE request for the titlebar display, but figure the new modes intelligently.
- A favorite networks feature has been added to the network list.
- Various text event changes:
* Added "Private Action", "Private Action to Dialog", "SSL Message".
* Added "Identified text" parameter all the 'action' events.
* Added a $3 parameter to "Server Text".
- Plugin API changes:
* Added 'gtkwin_ptr' to xchat_get_info.
* Added DCC fields 'poshigh' and 'resumehigh'.

XChat 2.8.7f 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fixed a stability issue in the color text entry gadget.
* Improved the speed of reloading the scrollback logs from disk.
* Updated or added default server lists for: MintIRC, Rizon, Ustream, Xentonix.

XChat 2.8.7e 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fixed a rare Auto-Nick-Completion (non-TAB key) crash.
* Fixed a possible crash if you clicked "Add to favourites" in the main text area, while the server-list window was open in the background.
* The setting added in the previous version: "/set -or gui_tweaks 64 will now turn OFF user list icons." will now properly remove the prefix character from the right-click menu.
* Added -on and -off parameters to the /SET command. This can be used to set bits, for example gui_tweaks.
* /set -or gui_tweaks 128 will now turn OFF the text attribute button.

XChat 2.8.7d 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fixed logging in to QuakeNet using the "Nickserv password" box.
* Fixed adding a channel with "Add to Favorites" sometimes not saving to disk.
* /set -or gui_tweaks 64 will now turn OFF user list icons.

XChat 2.8.7b 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fixed a crash if you selected multiple people in the user-list, while the friends-list was non-empty.

XChat 2.8.7a 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fixed a possible crash if too many characters were typed or pasted into the input-box (this affected 2.8.7 only).
* Fixed logging if the global setting was OFF and you turned it ON for individual channels.
* Python scripts will now also be auto-loaded from C:Program FilesXChatPlugins*.py.
* Fixed a Python crash [1931579] where the word array contained more than 28 words.
* /Ignore will now automatically add !*@* to be more user friendly.
* Fixed: Changing settings in a channel's right-click menu while that channel wasn't the front-most used to fail.
* The TCL plugin now requires ActiveTCL 8.5.

XChat 2.8.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

" The lag-o-meter now has a full-scale of 1.0 seconds and turns different colours (green, yellow, red).
" The /timer plugin is now loaded before other plugins/scripts so they can make use of it.
" The tray icon now responds to mouse-release events instead of mouse-press to avoid a bug on Vista [forum post].
" The Drag&Drop files to userlist feature has been enabled again.
" Changing the time-stamp format now applies the new setting instantly (in 2.8.5e it wouldn't fit in the margin until a restart).
" If you have an SSL cert/key, it can now be loaded from C:Program FilesXChatclient.pem or .pem (requires OpenSSL).
" The Alerts settings now accept wildcards, instead of partitial string match [1807563]. This avoids the problem of people with very short nicks getting too many highlights.
" Changing away status during reconnect/disconnect will now remember it.
" You can now change your Away/Back status (all networks) in the tray menu.
" Favorite Channels / Auto-Join-List management:
o Network List window now has a "..." button to edit the auto-join-list in a more friendly way.
o Channel(text area), Tree/Tab and Channel-List right-click menus now have a Add/Remove function.
o Previous limit of 300 bytes has been overcome. Now up to 2 KB worth of channels/keys can be joined and it will be automatically split into multiple lines, if necessary.
o Per-Channel settings now save to disk, including Logging and Scrollback settings.
o /ChanOpt has been re-worked to be more like /Set.
" 'hostname:port' syntax is now accepted, if it's not an IPv6 address. This should avoid confusion.
" The Notify List has been renamed to Friends List, so it's more obvious what it is.
" The Userlist right-click menu now has icons and an option to add to friends list. If you've edited this menu before you'll still get the old one. To get the new one delete XChatDirpopup.conf while XChat isn't running.
" When there's missing information in the Userlist right-click menu, it'll issue a silent /WHOIS and fill it in. This includes retrieving a person's away-reason.
" A few GUI, menu and tray icons have been improved.
" startup.txt is now loaded on launch (like /LOAD -e). It's a text file full of commands to execute when XChat starts (optional).
" The /Menu command's -i parameter can now be a file relative to Icons.
" The tree/tab right-click menu has been reorganized.
" The Channel List window now shows bold, underline, italic and mIRC colors.
" Added support for QuakeNet's /AUTH for nick password, when numeric 005 NETWORK=QuakeNet is detected.
" You can now copy with IRC attributes and mIRC colors if CTRL key is down when a selection is finished (on mouse release). This replaces the old "Color paste" feature.
" The input box and topic bar support editing with attributes (bold, underline etc) and mIRC colors.
" Added a 'compact' flag to gui_tweaks. This'll make the userlist and tree spacing smaller. E.g. type /set -or gui_tweaks 32 and restart to turn it on.
" Improved the reconnect logic. If a network is already open but disconnected, it'll now get re-used if you use the Network List and connect to that same network.
" text_stripcolor can now be set to different values 0-Off 1-Strip Messages 2-Strip Topic 3-Strip Both.
" The /Clear command takes a number as paramater (how many lines to clear).
" With the input-box in focus, CTRL-ALT-o will now open xchat's data folder.
" Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when joining a channel you've been in before. Caused by a bug in re-loading the scrollback (Thanks to Warpath).
" Plugin API: Fixed a bug where not all 32 elements were available in word[] and word_eol[].
" Plugin API: xchat_emit_print will now trigger Sound, Blink, Icon etc type events, depending on user's settings.

XChat 2.8.5d 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fixed a rare crash related to loosing the last away reason when reconnecting via BNC (a bug that appeared in 2.8.5b and c only).
* Fixed a possible Channel List crash if you searched many times while the download was still going.
* Using /part on a channel that contains a quotation mark now works.
* The balloon alert settings are now visible again after being accidently hidden in the last couple releases.

XChat 2.8.5c 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This is a bug fix release, which includes a fix to the problem a few people reported, connecting to a sBNC or ZNC via SSL.

XChat 2.8.5b 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fixed: If you set your away reason blank in the settings, it was impossible to set yourself away using the Away menu item.
* Added a setting in the logging section: Display scrollback from previous session, which is the same as /set text_replay. Also improved the way these scrollback files are periodically shrunk, previously they could get too large.
* Fixed /EXEC not showing any output on Windows Vista.
* Added a /SHELL command to execute via command line interpreter. e.g. try /SHELL Dir