WirelessKeyView (64-bit)

最新版本 WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2.1

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2.1

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2.1
WirelessKeyView 64 位通過 Windows XP 的“無線零配置”服務或 Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8 的“WLAN AutoConfig”服務恢復存儲在您計算機中的所有無線網絡安全密鑰 / 密碼(WEP / WPA) Windows 10 和 Windows Server 2008. 它允許您輕鬆地將所有密鑰保存到 text / html / xml 文件,或者將單個密鑰複製到剪貼板。您還可以將您的無線密鑰導出到一個文件中,並將這些密鑰導入到另一台計算機.

WirelessKeyView 64 位不需要任何安裝過程或附加的 DLL 文件。只需將可執行文件(WirelessKeyView.exe)複製到您喜歡的任何文件夾,然後運行即可。  運行後,主窗口應顯示 Windows“無線零配置”服務存儲在計算機中的所有 WEP / WPA 密鑰。對於 WEP 密鑰,密鑰也以 Ascii 形式顯示。請注意,此實用程序只能顯示 Windows 操作系統存儲的網絡密鑰。它不能恢復任何其他第三方軟件存儲的網絡密鑰.

注意:您必須以管理員用戶身份登錄到 Windows。


檔案版本 WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2.1

檔案名稱 webbuilder15.zip
檔案大小 13.8 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Nir Sofer
官網 http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wireless_key.html
更新日期 2019-11-24

What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2.1
- Issue with Breadcrumb padding
- Missing 'full width' property in Rollover Text

- Flipped padding when using right alignment in CSS menu
- Card Container rendering in embedded pages (absolute layout)
- Form validation in Master Frames
- Bullet margin in RTL text
- Added quotes to font-family when using 'Automatically use @font-face
- Added 'full width' property to Menu Bar
- Use of style/class in image now disables inline border

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2.0
- Issue with zoom level in menubar
- Flex container ignores right padding
- Missing 'full width' property in Rollover Image
- Layout grid issue with breakpoints
- Missing icon font reference in global style sheet

- Added the ability to set a different alternative text for second image in the Rollover image object. Use ^ to separate the two strings. Example: first text^second text
- Text menu delimiters can be replaced with Global Replace
- The target ID in Conditions will be automatically be updated when renaming the ID of an object
- FTP/SecureFTP now uses Unicode core

New feature:
- Added 'jQuery version' to multi-page properties so you can change the jQuery version for multiple pages simultaneously
 Added 'Full width' property to Text object. By default, text inside a layout grid uses the full width of its container. This option makes it possible to turn this off so the text will have a fixed sized
- Added 'Maximum Width' property to Text object. Specifies the maximum size of the text when it is set to full width. This prevents the text from getting too large in responsive layouts
- Added 'Check if the domain of the specified email address is valid' to form properties. This will lookup the MX record to make sure the sender's domain is valid
- Added site variable to customize form domain error message: $FORMERROR_DOMAIN$
- Replaced 'Publish as HTML' in Shape->Text with 'Output format'. 3 options are available: default (GDI), HTML, and anti-alias. GDI renders the same quality as in previous versions
- Added new option 'Force UTF-8' in publish settings. This improves support for Arabic/Asian/etc characters with FTP (winsock) and Secure FTP
- Added direction property (left-to-right/right-to-left) to Toast and Marquee
- Added 'Type' option to Marquee. This lets you switch between CSS and . Note that the tag is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. This option is provided for
backward compatibility only
- Added the possibility to use an absolute position for the 'Flex Container' (position -> absolute). This makes it possible to also use the flex container in fixed layouts
- Added 'position' property to 'Card Container'. The 'Card Container' can now be used as floating, header (fixed), footer (fixed and floating), sticky or absolute container (free position)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.1.0
- Text Menu does not remember 'responsive' option
- Text with 'Enable Responsive Fonts' uses line-height of default view in breakpoints

- Moved preloader

before scripts at the end of the page
- Panel Menu - Button Icon will now also be published as SVG if 'Publish navigation icons as SVG image' is enabled
- Panel Menu - Button Icon now supports all Icon Libraries (in addition to FontAwesome/Material Icons)
- Added '-webkit-appearance: none' to buttons, so Safari will render the buttons as intended
- Meta data of images in the photo gallery is now loaded on demand. This solves an issue where images are not displayed when the meta data is corrupt
- Added 'Unsplash Photo' icon to the toolbox, so you can quickly drag & drop an Unsplash Photo to the page

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.0.7
- Icon Font publishes font files for SVG format
- FlipSwitch issue with rtl
- UI 'freeze' when rendering text using HDC (fallback) in embedded page with breakpoints
- Clipping issue with box shadow rendering
- Issue with 'Reset background color' and text in a container
- Issue with styles in output format
- Issue with Image filename change via Property Inspector
- Crash when publishing modified files only
- Issue with FlexBox Container and max-width
- Incorrect filename for Unsplash images when using filters

- Added z-index to Shape dividers in flex container
- Optimized memory management during publishing

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.0.6
- Switched 'disable' and 'enable' labels in events
- Texture background not saved for Banner
- Go Menu does not render initial text in workspace
- Border image uses wrong size

- Border width calculations for floating images
- Catch possible conflicts with pipe-characters in Unsplash text
- Redesigned link implementation for in output format (better support for Unicode and style filter)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.0.5
- Fixed: Issue with text-alignment in Image watermark
- Fixed: Shape divider not rendered when used on master page
- Fixed: Invalid image size when using gaussian blur
- Fixed: Issue with FlipSwitch 'Name' property
- Fixed: Image shadow ignores opacity setting
- Fixed: script library not included for Card events
- Improved: Shadow rendering with border radius
- Improved: Several improvements to optimize table rendering performance
- Improved: Added experimental support for Input Method Editor (IME) to input Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters
- Improved: Added experimental support for changing the text color of multiple table cells (using shift+cell properties)
- 'experimental' means that the feature is still under development, but is already enabled to allow users to try it out

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.0.4
- Change log not available for this version

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.0.2
- Category text of Mega menu uses the wrong font-family
- Issue with text in breakpoints and 'random' preview crash
- Rendering issue with nested layers and clipping
- Card Container Carousel issue when page language direction is set to 'right-to-left'
- Card Container Carousel issue with Chrome browser on page load
- Issue with flipped shapes
- 'Deadlock' when using rare combination of embedded page, text and breakpoints
- UI focus issue when using text in flexgrid with breakpoints

- Auto size functionality of text in edit mode now works the same as in previous versions

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.0.1
- Rendering issue with image
- Rendering issue with Google Font variant
- Some older projects do not loa
- Issue with lazy loa
- Object outlines not rendere
- Rendering issue with 'condensed' and narrow' fonts
- Issue editing text in table
- Image frame in breakpoints not upgraded to border fram
- Crash when switching quickly between breakpoints (related to blog/article
- Text height not updated when switching to another breakpoint or scalin
- 'most downloads' error when open CMS search properties
- Some extensions are not rendered at the right positio
- Photo gallery renders long titles without ellipses like in previous versions
- Alignment issue in response Carouse
- Colorize not implemented in Navigation Bar
- (deprecated) Text line spacing options not DPI aware
- Issue with merging image and shadow
- Category text of Mega menu uses the wrong font-family

- anti-aliasing can now be turned off for shape border

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2.1 相關參考資料
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WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2 update! - www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com

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