WebSite X5 Evolution 2022.1.4 軟體 Download 下載

檔案名稱 wsx5_ev.exe

WebSite X5 Evolution 2022.1.4 軟體下載

檔案版本 WebSite X5 Evolution 2022.1.4

檔案名稱 wsx5_ev.exe
更新日期 2022-04-09
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WebSite X5 Evolution 2022.1.4
WebSite X5 Evolution 是由 Incomedia 設計和開發的軟件,可以讓任何人,從初學者到專家用戶,創建自己的網站,博客和電子商務商店,這是完美的桌面和手機.WebSite X5 Evolution 是絕對的創新和不同,因為它結合一個嚮導的簡單性和直觀性,一個編輯的完整性和能力。簡單,快捷,方便,WebSite X5 Evolution 已經收到了來自各大軟件雜誌的令人印象深刻... WebSite X5 Evolution 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

WebSite X5 Evolution 2022.1.4
- NEW: Image Form
- Create short questionnaires with closed questions and visual replies, and collect via e-mail the necessary information to send your customers an offer or a custom quotation

WebSite X5 Evolution 2022.1.2
New Portfolio Object:
- A new preinstalled Object is now available in the library. Use the Portfolio Object to create a list of elements which can be displayed in dedicated customizable cards, and give your visitors the possibility of using filters and categories to search or organize the entries. In short, it’s perfect for presenting a portfolio of your best work and projects on your website.

Instalment payment via PayPal:
- Give your online shop customers the possibility of paying by installments without interest or additional costs. We’ve integrated the PayPal “Buy Now Pay Later” service and a single click will be enough for you to activate it on your store. PayPal will take charge of the installment credit, while you will receive the whole amount right away.

Object Search:
- The Object library becomes more and more rich in tools for completing your pages. A useful search filed is now available for you to immediately find the Object you are looking for: just type in the name and you’re ready to use it.

Videos for your Entry Page:
- The Entry Page is a sort of cover giving the visitors the possibility to access its home page after a set amount of time or by clicking on a link: for example, you can use it to ask them to choose the language they want to visit your website in. You can now set it up using a video you have on your computer, as well as a video available on a specific URL or even on YouTube and Vimeo.

Google Analytics 4:
- Google Analytics 4 is a new measurement and tracking platform launched by Big G. Its interface is completely different from the previous Universal Analytics, and it uses a monitoring system based on the users’ behaviour more than on their profile. Do you want to use it? Thanks to the new integration, you can add the necessary tracking code in one single step.

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.5.3
Row Style:
- Solved an issue causing the program to unexpectedly close if a vertical image was set as row background

Social Commerce:
- Solved compatibility issue with some characters for the products included in the Social Commerce CSV file

- Minor fixes

- NEW: Multiple Location Map
- Show on a map created with Google Maps some pins to display sales or interest points addresses

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.5.2
Shipment Tracking (Pro only):
- Customers love to be able to track the shipping status of products they have purchased online. Now you can offer the same service and make sure that your store's customers are notified when you send them a tracking link.

Social Commerce (Pro only):
- Social media are no longer just places of fun: they are becoming real showcases to promote and buy products. That's why we introduced the possibility of integrating the WebSite X5 e-commerce with Facebook and Instagram. In just a few steps, your products will be available on the Facebook Shop as well as on the Instagram shoppable posts.

VAT Management (Pro only):
- Recently, some new European provisions regarding the VAT for f cross-border sales have been introduced. In order for your online shop to comply with these new regulations, we have updated the way the VAT is managed by adding the possibility of setting different taxes, also in relation to the Country.

Animated backgrounds for line styles:
- By adding effects to your line styles, you can create high-impact bands that are perfect for highlighting your most important content. Now you can take advantage of one more option and choose an eye-catching animated background for the line.

Blur effect:
- Added the ability to set the blur effect on the content background when opening the ShowBox window

SKU Code:
- This new field is now available: the SKU code can be used as search key both within WebSite X5 and on the online store. It will also be

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.4.7
Contact Form:
- Solved case in which the bug fix introduced in the previous BETA wasn't affecting the existing contact forms

- NEW: Party Page
- Make your website pages more vibrant and sparkling: animate them with an explosion of coins, stars, hearts or any element you'd like

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.4.5
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.4.4.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.4.4
WebSite X5 Hosting:
- While you walk through your website creation, we want to hold your hand from the beginning till the end. This is why we've created WebSite X5 Hosting, the tailor-made hosting service for WebSite X5.

The service has been included into the software license, so you will get the associated hosting plan for 12 months:
- Hosting Evo: 100 GB webspace, 1 mailbox and an automatic domain
- Hosting Pro: 500 GB webspace, 5 mailboxes, database plus an automatic domain
- Perfectly compatible, already integrated and without additional costs: in short, hosting has never been so simple!

Export online:
- We have of course updated the export window of the site online. If you choose to take advantage of the included WebSite X5 Hosting you don't have to do anything at all, not even worry about entering the connection parameters to the server and the database: we’ve already thought about it. Now you can be sure that you have no compatibility issues. Alternatively, you can always pick and use another Provider.

Control panel:
- To help you manage the Hosting included with your WebSite X5 license, we’ve developed an intuitive control panel: you will find it in your profile. Everything will always be at your fingertips.

Contact form:
We’ve gathered several requests on the Contact Form Object and they have been fulfilled. Small but significant tricks that will improve your forms even more:
- the possibility of providing a confirmation message, as well as a confirmation page, after sending the data
- a text editor to add Acceptance Conditions
- the calendar icon has a new place and a new style
- Text Field filters have been improved
- the text style of fields and labels can be customized
- the WebSite X5 captcha design has been reviewed

User Interface - Site settings:
- There’s always something that can be improved. We have removed the division between general and advanced settings in Step 1. Thus, once you have defined your project's basic information for the first time, you will not have to go back to this window and, in addition, you can always see and find all the features you need to complete your work: e-commerce, blog, password-protected areas, etc.

User Interface - Data management:
- With WebSite X5 Hosting, database management is easier, therefore the database management section in step 1 has been removed. You will have to add server and database activation parameters during the export phase, only if you choose to use another Provider.

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.3.5
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.3.4
Contact Form:
- The field "Check Question" now correctly checks the reported answer
- Fixed conversion error occurring on the Date field when the page was translated using Google Translate

Shopping Cart:
- Fixed some specific cases where the shipping costs weren't correctly applied if the VAT was set as "excluded"
- The layout settings defined for the product description are now correctly reported on the Product Sheet page

Search field:
- The search result loading speed has been optimized

- It is now possible to set a dark background for the blog article text editor
- In some cases, the highlighted articles weren't correctly displayed

- Fixed issue causing a white screen to be displayed during the configuration of some Optional Objects
- Various Fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.3.3
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.2.5
Shopping Cart:
- Solved an issue which prevented the digital products to be correctly saved in the Database

- It is again possible to set the custom URL for the Blog articles

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.2.4
Shopping cart:
- Solved an issue that prevented orders to be correctly placed on the Evo version

Product Sheet Page:
- Solved issues affecting the correct generation of the Product Page
- The Details section is now resized when you switch Tab according to the selected Tab height

- Various Fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution 2021.2.2
Product Sheet Page (for Pro only):
- Here's what was still missing for a top e-commerce. Now WebSite X5 creates automatically a product page for each product. The Product Sheets have image galleries, texts, prices, related products, reviews, social buttons and, of course, the Buy button. Quick to create, optimized for sales, responsive, complete with structured data: in short, perfect!

Product sheet details:
- Image gallery: import not only images but also videos and present your product in the best possible way.
- Details: in addition to a short description, include longer texts to highlight the features and benefits of your product. Text can be organized in tabs to achieve a more efficient result.
- Related products: you have your customer's attention so grab the opportunity to present other products in the same category. Do it all with one click.
- Reviews: Customers trust the opinion of other customers. Invite them to leave a review of your product or rate it.
- Connection: the Product Sheet pages are connected to the cards of the Product Catalog Object or of the Search Page. With a new link, however, you can connect them as you like.
- Preview: by selecting a product and clicking on the Preview button, you will see the local preview of the related Product Sheet page. A small yet useful shortcut.
- Responsive: we know that many purchases are made from smartphones, so we have made sure that the Product Sheet pages are responsive and always allow the best shopping experience.
- Structured data: it's essential to allow Google to understand page content and enrich the SERP. Obviously we have also included them for the Product Data Sheet pages.

Control Panel and WebSite X5 Manager App (only for Pro):
- As we said, you can ask customers that use your Product Sheet pages to leave a review or to express a vote: the power of word of mouth is always a great idea. We have updated the online Control Panel and the WebSite X5 Manager App to more conveniently moderate comments and manage conversations, including those relating to products.

User Interface:
- The information you can enter on a store product as well as for a blog post is a lot and the Product Settings and Article Settings windows were starting to get a bit to crowded. With the new interface, however, everything is tidier and now creating the catalog or writing a post is even more enjoyable.

- As for store products, also for Blog articles we have added a new type of link to connect a specific post and the possibility of calling up the local preview of individual posts

New PHP version, PHPMailer and JQuery:
- WebSite X5 is now compatible with PHP version 8, with PHPMailer version 6.3.0 and JQuery 3.6.0: your sites will be even safer and faster

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.3.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.3.6.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.3.4.0
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.3.3.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.2.5.2
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.2.5.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.2.4.0
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.2.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.2.2
- After integrating the Premium Image Gallery and the important e-commerce features we released over the past few months, we're ready to launch the newest version of WebSite X5, 2020.2. This time around, we've focused on SEO, exploring the fascinating field of structured data, and introducing the use of this metadata into the code created by WebSite X5 Pro.

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.1.14
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.1.12
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.1.10
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.1.8.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.1.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2020.1.4.0
- Every new version of WebSite X5 we release is exciting: after working on an important project for many months, it feels great to publish it and start seeing people use and appreciate it.
- This release, the first new version in 2020, is special though, because we're living through special times. The pandemic dealt a major blow to our society, and we're still looking for a way to respond and regain our freedoms.
- For us, that means finishing the development of 2020.1 while working from home, and introducing lots of new features to boost e-commerce: they'll be more useful than ever now. Since we still can't go out, online sales will keep growing. That's why delivering even more powerful e-commerce tools seems like the best way to help businesses get back on their feet and set them on new paths for a successful future.

E-commerce: new Product Search Page:
- You asked, we delivered: a new internal search engine for online stores that can help your clients quickly find the products they want. As of today, it's finally available!
- The new Product Search Page not only includes the usual search bar, it also comes with filters to search by category, price range, new items, or items on sale. The results are then displayed through product sheets with all the necessary information: titles, short descriptions, images, prices, and the "Buy" button.
- If you have a lengthy product catalog, this search page will be very helpful for your customers, and therefore for your sales too
- Working with the Product Search Page is very easy. You'll find it listed directly in the Site Map: from there, you can access its settings to customize it and insert it into the navigation menu. You can also choose to create a link to it: in the Link window, you'll find a new type of link created specifically for this purpose. In fact, you can create more than one link to the Product Search Page, one for each type of main category in your store.
- If you find yourself managing a catalog with a large number of products, a search bar isn't just useful for your clients, it can also help you administer your own store. That's why we also added it to the toolbar inside WebSite X5.

E-commerce: optimized checkout:
- As leading online stores know, sometimes changing a single detail can significantly increase sales
- That's why we've decided to update another crucial aspect of any store: the checkout process
- We optimized the checkout page in two major ways. First, we redesigned the process to better distinguish the registration, selecting a payment/shipping method, and order confirmation phases. We also overhauled the design and layout of the checkout pages in order to make them even more clear and user-friendly for clients placing orders.

Data protection:
- As we all know by now, the GDPR has set forth requirements for handling data and security, which all websites must follow.
- We already addressed this topic in previous updates, to make sure that websites created with WebSite X5 comply with current regulations. Now we're going a step further: we strengthened our methods for managing credentials and introduced a new procedure for resetting passwords, both of which improve our level of compliance with the GDPR.

Template pre-sets:
- Here's a little tip. We added 10 new template pre-sets to the 2020.1 library: 5 of which are geared at e-commerce and include the newly introduced features. For great results, start with one of these templates to create your online store or refresh an existing store.

There's more:
- These are the most important new features, but that's not all: you might notice that 2020.1 also includes a few important changes to the interface. In both the Blog and the Online Store, we've separated the content management aspects from the design and layout elements. This allows more work on the online store Search Page and introduces the possibility of adding more interesting new features later on, which are currently in development.
- Finally, here's a little something for those of you with lots of content and fans of long, detailed pages: we increased the maximum number of lines per page from 64 to 96. Don't hold back!

WebSite X5 Evolution 2019.3.17
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2019.3.16
Text Object:
- In some cases, if more tabs were active for the same Object, the navigation arrows weren't correctly displayed

Menu Object:
- In some cases, the pages set as under construction could cause visualization issues in menus with more levels

Gallery Object:
- Fixed a localization problem in the Object settings
- In some cases, a wrong number of thumbnails was shown in the lower resolutions

Comments and Ratings Object:
- Fixed a problem affecting the possibility of editing the name for the data destination folder after it had been set for the first time

Entry Page:
- The option to play an audio file at the page opening has been removed, as this function is automatically disabled on browsers

- Various fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution 2019.3.14
Contact Form Object:
- In some cases, e-mails coming from the Contact Forms weren't correctly sent

WebSite X5 Evolution 2019.3.11
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 2019.3.9.1
New Content Slider Object:
- With this Content Slider, you can create sliders in which, in addition to an image, each slide contains a background, a title, a description, and a link-enabled button. Basically, it’s the perfect Object for an eye-catching Home Page

New Button Object:
- You can’t have a website without buttons: now they’re easy to create with the Button Object. Customize text, appearance, and link in just a few clicks, and your button is ready to use

Suggestions Toolbar:
- We’ve re-organized and enhanced WebSite X5’s support materials with new content. You can find all kinds of new articles, videos, and tutorials in the Help Center’s new Guide section, as well as through the new Suggestions Toolbar in the software itself

Template Library:
- We’ve added 10 new Templates for Pro, and updated 5 Templates that can be used with both Evo and Pro. The new Content Slider object has been added into all these templates

Object Management Window:
- We’ve redesigned the Object Management window, making it faster and more intuitive to search and select Objects for your project

SEO – Page Loading Speed:
Along with other factors, Google favors pages that load the fastest. That’s why, in order to increase page loading speeds, we made the following changes:
New image compression engine for Pro:
- All images added into a project can be optimized later using the newly integrated image compression engine. By optimizing images, their overall dimensions can be reduced up to 60%

Gzip Compression for Pro:
- Now, files can be compressed into the Gzip format before being sent to the browser for display, this speeds up transmission times. With Gzip, the HTML, JS, and CSS files can be compressed up to 80%!

Minify resources for Pro:
- When you export your website, all of the project’s JS and CSS files can be minified to make them faster and more lightweight. This involves deleting superfluous characters (spaces, line breaks, comments, etc.) from the code, without compromising its functions

Loading fonts:
- A fallback font is automatically specified for each project: so users can immediately view the page’s text when published online, even before the correct fonts load and are applied. This means the page appears to load faster

More features:
- New styles added to the Object Gallery’s miniature library
- Added the New category amongst the Template search filters
- Added the Used in Project category to the Object search filters. This will make it easier to find the objects you use the most in an ongoing project

WebSite X5 Evolution 2019.2.5.0
- E-Commerce: Some configurations for the e-commerce product prices could generate PHP errors

WebSite X5 Evolution 17.1.2
- Contact Form Object: in some cases data were not correctly stored in the database

WebSite X5 Evolution 17.1.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 17.0.11
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution 17.0.8
- New: SnowFall
- Add a snowfall effect on your pages and get your website ready for the winter holidays

WebSite X5 Evolution 17.0.4
- CSS Grid: A new internal engine for page generation has been developed. Thanks to the CSS Grid technology, page layout is now automatically redesigned. Websites can be created more quickly, and their rendering on the different browsers is more precise.
- Fullscreen Websites: With this new option, you can adjust a Gallery, a map or any other content to the full width of the browser window.
- Hamburger Button: The Hamburger Button is functional on mobile but it is being more and more used for desktop resolutions too. Now you can: decide to display the Hamburger Menu for all resolutions; design the Hamburger Button as you prefer; set the speed you want your Hamburger Menu to be opened in.
- Automatic order processing: New automated order processing option. If you sell digital goods, your customer will automatically receive the order processing e-mail after paying with PayPal.
- Discount Management: Coupon codes and discounts are very important for an effective sales strategy. Now you can intervene on both individual product and on the total order amount: you can set fixed or percentage discounts; you can activate coupon codes and define their starting and closing dates; you can activate and manage more coupon codes at the same time.
- Amazon Pay: Amazon Pay is now available as store payment method. You now have one more tool to meet your Customers' needs.
- Customer Registration: Your Customers can now choose whether to register or not before finalizing purchase.
- Title tag Management: The Title tag management - which is fundamental for the page optimization - has been improved. Now you can: specify the Title tag for each website page and Blog post, distinguishing it from the simple page title; set the format the Title tag needs to have.
- Blog SEO Optimization: Now you can specify Description and Keywords metatag for each Blog article.
- In the Menu Object, there are now new options to set current page style also for level menu.
- Object margins can now be managed better thanks to a specific window.
- Mobile visualization of images and videos in the ShowBox window has been improved, they are now full width on any device.
- All the Objects in our Marketplace, can now use the free Pixabay images.
- In the Start edition, it is now possible to activate the responsive option.

WebSite X5 Evolution 16.3.1
Entry Page:
- In some cases the page background color wasn't correctly applied

Control Panel:
- The calendar in the Analytics section wasn't displayed in the correct position

Contact Form Object:
- For particular configurations the field description icons weren't correctly displayed

- In some cases the option "Export only Blog and RSS Feed" did not work properly
- In particular cases the blog comments weren't displayed correctly on the control panel

- Various fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution 16.2.1
- In particular cases the Offline WebFonts were not correctly displayed
- Improved compatibility with Google Fonts code @import

WebSite X5 Evolution 16.1.1
- In some particular cases the the transmission of the order form was not correctly processed

- Fixes on stability

WebSite X5 Evolution 16.0.4
Table Object:
- The issues related to the Table Object have been solved

- The issues related to the project conversion have been solved
- The anomalies related to the interface in Polish have been solved
- Fixes on the stability

WebSite X5 Evolution 16.0.3
Text Object:
- In some cases the heading styles at Step 2 were not correctly displayed
- In particular cases the the texts weren't correctly displayed in the internat editor

- For particular configurations the articles weren't correctly displayed
- The date and time for the submission of blog comments weren't displayed

- The issues about the software synchronization with https websites have been solved
- In some cases Web Fonts weren't correctly uploaded
- Various fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution 16.0.0
- New: AMP Pages: The Google AMP technology has been introduced for your Blog. You can convert all your post in AMP pages with a simple click: they will load faster, and they will look just perfect on smartphones.
- New: File Attachment:You can now add a File Attachment in the order form of your e-commerce. In this way, you can ask your customers for a proof of purchase or a picture to customize the products you sell.
- New: Tag H1-H6: Added SEO option for the H1-H6 heading tags setup, that can help you rank higher on Google's search results.
- Heading styles: You can now define the heading styles and apply them in the text editor too.
- HTML5 & SEO: New HTML5 tags have been introduced in the code. In this way, the semantics as well as the page accessibility have been improved, so that now your website can be better placed on search engines results, such as Google.
- Security and GDPR: The code WebSite X5 generates has been verified so to make sure that it is compliant with GDPR, the new European Privacy regulation. You have everything you need, including new rules your users have to follow as far as the password generation is concerned: now it's up to you to correctly set up your website.
- Call/Message Link: The link option Call has been renamed in Call/Message and we have added new functionalities: a part from Skype, you can now use providers such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Viber and Vkontakte to keep in touch with your users.
- Website Preview: The website Preview window has been redesigned, so now you can:
- use a toolbar with bigger buttons, which are easier to locate
- use new Device buttons, which are useful to display your responsive websites on the different breakpoints
- use a command to save the external browser you choose to display the preview on
- Project Management: The project management has been made easier: all the projects are saved in the same folder, regardless the version they have been created with. So you don't have to export and import them every time you want to update them.
- Added compatibility with WebAnimator 3 animations.
- The functioning of the 404 Page has been modified, so to allow its manual management too.
- The uploading to the server has been modified so to make it tidier. The files referred to Optional Objects are now exported in a subfolder instead of the website root.
- You can now specify the name used to export the IWZIP file of your project.
- The installation procedure is now easier: you do not need to completely reinstall the new versions, because they are now managed as the updates are.

WebSite X5 Evolution 15.2.3
- For particular configurations the style for items in the level menu were not correctly displayed

- Various fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution 15.2.2
Dynamic Content Object:
- In some cases the object did not update correctly

- Improved compatibility with the payment types PayPal and MultiSafepay

- In some cases the style defined for certain elements was not correct

- For particular configurations an error message about a wrong IP-Address could be displayed when opening the project
- In some particular cases the Tooltip set as mouse-over effect could generate a wrong scroll bar
- In some cases the videos set in the Row Formats were not correctly displayed
- Various fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution 15.1.1
- Solved compatibility issues with the browser Safari
- In some cases the embedding of resources with special characters did not work correctly

WebSite X5 Evolution 15.0.2
- Contact Form Object: In some cases the information added in the Drop Down List field were not correctlty shown in the confirmation e-mail

WebSite X5 Evolution
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite X5 Evolution

Menu Object:
- In some cases the menu was not correctly displayed
- In some cases the hamburger menu did not behave correctly

Text Object:
- On some browsers the test style wasn't correctly displayed
- In some cases the Object height wasn't correct

Contact Form Object:
- For some configurations it wasn't shown the correct value for the Send button

Gallery Object:
- In some cases the Preview wasn't correctly displayed

Product Catalog Object:
- In some cases the images for the products were not correctly displayed

Sticky Bar:
- For some configurations the bar wasn't correctly displayed

Shopping Cart:
- In some particular cases the currency wasn't displayed in the correct position of the

Price column:
- For particular configurations the tooltip wasn't displayed correctly
- In some cases the product availability wasn't correctly displayed

Access Management:
- Added the possibility of choosing the entry page for the automatic registration
- The link of the validation e-mail now lands to the login page

- For some configurations the link to the following article pages did not work properly
- In some cases the Facebook comments weren't shown in the correct language

- In some cases, on some optional objects the link to the images weren't correctly saved
- In some cases the images used in the Row Formats weren't correctly deleted
- In some cases the copy/paste of the stile in the Row Formats didn't work properly
- In some cases in Statistics, SEO and Code the files weren't correctly bound
- In the internal Image Editor, the HSL filter didn't work properly
- Fix on the stability
- Various fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution
- General: In projects with hidden pages the preview could not be generated correctly

WebSite X5 Evolution
New Login & Logout:
- This lets users log in/log out so they can access locked pages in your website.

WebSite X5 Evolution

Product Catalog Object:
- Fixes to the UI

Advertising Message:
- The message was not correctly displayed when a .wax5 animations was added

Entry Page:
- On some particular configurations the page background was not correctly displayed

Access management:
- In some cases the e-mail validation link did not work correctly

WebSite X5 Evolution

Text Object:
- In some cases the link did not follow the set configurations

Product Catalog Object:
- Improved the card aspect for the different breakpoints
- In some cases were the ribbons associated to the products not correctly places
- For some configurations the VAT was not correctly displayed

Image Object:
- For some configurations the watermark was not correctly displayed

Menu Object:
- Added the possibility of inserting an icon for the menu items

Contact Form Object:
- In some cases the button background was not correctly applied

- The Video/Audio Object was not correctly placed into the page
- In some particular cases it was not possible to correctly complete the online exportation
- In some cases the "Rotate" effect on Menu and Sticky Bar was not correctly applied
- In some particular cases the backup files were not deleted
- Fixes on project import
- Stability fixes

WebSite X5 Evolution

Login/Logout Object:
- In some cases the object was not redirecting to the correct page

Text Object:
- With 120 DPI some elements of the Toolbar were not shown correctly
- In some cases the text formatting was not correct

- The content in the sidebar is now correctly positioned in case the stickybar is used

- In some cases the distance between the page menu and the content of page was not correct
- Fix on the stability

WebSite X5 Evolution 2022.1.4 相關參考資料
Create your website with WebSite X5, the #1 Site Builder in Italy

WebSite X5 is an easy and intuitive offline software that allows anyone to independently create small or medium-sized websites, blogs, and online stores. More ...

Incomedia WebSite X5 tutorial - Free Video

Free Incomedia WebSite X5 Video Tutorials. How to work with additional objects of galleries, images, buttons, and so on. Answers to frequently asked ...

New features in WebSite X5 2022.1. Portfolio Object

2022年3月13日 — New Incomedia WebSite X5 2022.1 features: Portfolio Object, Entry Page Videos, Google Analytics 4, Object Search, PayPal Instalment payment.

Old Versions Of WebSite X5

WebSite X5 2022.1.7 Evo · WebSite X5 2022.1.6 Evo · WebSite X5 2022.1.4 Evo · WebSite X5 2022.1.3 Evo · WebSite X5 2022.1.2 Evo · WebSite X5 2022.1.1 Evo. Last ...

WebSite X5 Evo Download (2024 Latest)

2024年1月11日 — WebSite X5 Evolution is the web design software designed and developed by Incomedia that lets anyone, from beginners to expert users, ...

WebSite X5 Evo for Windows - Download it from Uptodown for ...

WebSite X5 Evo is a tool that enables small and medium businesses, as well as individual users, to create their own websites without making a huge investment.


WebSite X5 Evolution 2023.3.4 軟體資訊交流 Windows

WebSite X5 Evolution 是絕對的創新和不同,因為它結合一個嚮導的簡單性和直觀性,一個編輯的完整性和能力。簡單,快捷,方便,WebSite X5 Evolution 已經收到了來自各大 ...

WebSite X5 Evolution 2023.3.5 軟體資訊介紹

WebSite X5 Evolution 是絕對的創新和不同,因為它結合一個嚮導的簡單性和直觀性,一個編輯的完整性和能力。簡單,快捷,方便,WebSite X5 Evolution 已經收到了來自各大 ...

WebSite X5 Pro 2023.3.10 free download

WebSite X5 Evolution 2023.3.10. Easily create responsive websites, no design skills required. Function Limited Demo. WebSite X5 To Go 2021.4.7. Create a 10 ...

Website X5 Pro for Windows - Download it from Uptodown for ...

This advanced version of the Website X5 Evolution program includes everything you need to build an attractive and professional site. ... WebSite X5 has everything ...
