VSDC Free Video Editor (64-bit)

最新版本 SplitCam 10.5.62

SplitCam 10.5.62

SplitCam 10.5.62
VSDC 免費視頻編輯器 64bit 是專為編輯各種格式的數字視頻和音頻文件,包括高清晰度和超高清分辨率,提供專業的後期製作效果,以及從屏幕捕獲視頻,錄製語音,刻錄將多媒體文件保存為多種支持的格式,並將其上傳到在線平台。該方案提供了豐富的功能,但有一個簡單而直觀的界面,可以用最少的努力創建視頻。免費視頻編輯器 64 位是一個免費的視頻編輯軟件,具有一套完整的視頻全面創建儀器!

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器功能:

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器是一個非線性工具。這意味著與大多數其他編輯器不同的是,場景以線性順序和特定順序依次來到,這個軟件允許將對象放置在時間線上的任何位置並具有任意大小。此外,物體的各種參數,形狀和位置可以隨時間任意改變.

視頻可以應用各種視覺和音頻效果,以達到必要的效果。由於可用的視覺效果的數量非常高,為便於導航,它們被分成五類:色彩校正,對像變換,對象濾鏡,過渡效果和特殊的 fx.

Blending 模式和 Instagram 類似的濾鏡
改變外觀的更多方式您的視頻圖像根據您的喜好是顏色混合。使用各種可調參數,您可以將獨特的專業風格附加到您的視頻。想要節省時間的新手或者那些想要節省時間的人,可以從一次點擊中應用時髦的類似 Instagram 的過濾器中受益.

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器允許創建不同形狀的蒙版,以隱藏,模糊或突出顯示視頻中的某些元素。您可以使用它在遮罩區域內部或外部應用特效。掩蔽的最常見原因之一是模糊或像素化一張臉,以保護身份或使一個文本視頻內的效果。



由於大量預配置的配置文件,您可以輕鬆地為大多數流行的多媒體創建視頻如 DVD 播放器,iPod / iPhone / iPad,PSP,任何智能手機和普通手機,索尼 PlayStation,Xbox,Zune,愛可視,艾利和,Creative Zen,黑莓,MP4 播放器和其他許多設備。61213896
內置 DVD 刻錄工具
編輯附帶 DVD 刻錄工具,可以讓您輕鬆地將工作結果刻錄到光盤上。



我們編輯器的另一個特點是能夠從各種視頻調諧器,網絡攝像機,IP 攝像機採集視頻,並以任意格式將採集的素材保存在您的計算機上,以供後續編輯使用。



檔案版本 SplitCam 10.5.62

檔案名稱 SplitCamSetup.msi
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Flash-Integro LLC.
官網 http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor
更新日期 2022-01-12

What's new in this version:

- New layer type: Automation Timer
- Added webcam video format selection
- Localize effects names and params
- Added scene pause button to the main SplitCam window

- Added droplist placeholder text in layer properties dialog
- Changed method of switching scenes on timer event
- Disabled saving project when switching scenes on timer event
- Timer sound changed
- Timer: notify about scene name changes
- Disabled fastest server search detailed output to log file
- Added GPU usage statistics to log file
- Multithreaded realization for all effects working with background processing effects. Quality and speed of processing notably increased
- Updated camera format selection code. New implementation
- Only allow users to select supported webcam parameters
- Added functions to find the best match among supported webcam parameters
- Avoid unnecessary camera restarts when working with camera source settings
- Changed method of restoring webcam format param from saved project file
- Audio sources' volume slider updated to logarithmic scale - it's easier to control volume in the lower range
- Disable streamer's ffmpeg debug output while connecting to stream servers
- New audio mixer realised
- Background Remove and Background Blur are now two separate effects
- Set audio source volume indicator to zero when the source is muted, the scene is paused or the global mute button is clicked
- Action button on scene pause was changed to yellow color
- Enlarge Eyes effect now more reliably detects eyes
- New neural library for face detection
- Automatically disable effects that cannot be initialized
- For not togglable effects reset all params to zero when the effect is disabled

- Fixed crash during program exit when timer switches scenes
- Fixed bug with gif animation delay
- Fixed audio mute bug reproduced in video source: 1) mute 2) pause 3) unmute 4) play - sound remains muted
- Update an audio track volume indicator when the track is muted
- Changed identification of webcams by their paths. This allows for correct processing of two or more identical webcams
- Fixed random crash when deleting webcam source
- Addressed crash in video context destructor
- Restore muted tracks when loading from saved project file
- Fixed applying audio sources volume settings during project load process
- Fixed sending audio data to stream
- Fixed deleting unused tracks in audio mixer
- Fixed: stop audio mixer when inactivating paused scene
- Fixed bug with context menu
- Fixed bugs with video, webbrowser and ipcam audio tracks
- Fixed bugs with audio and video playlists removeAllItems method
- Fixed pause mode in audio capture sources
- Fixed some errors in Chromakey effect
- Fixed bugs with start delay of image source (image, gif, slideshow
- Fixed search for the fastest server in case when the servers list exceeds 64 items
- Fixes related to all capture sources
- Fixed bug with video pause
- Fixed bug with loaders gif pause
- Fixed pop color effect: was not woring without enabled blur effect
- Fixed file recorder. Often times the recording would stop by itself right after start

SplitCam 10.5.62 相關參考資料
Download SplitCam (64bit) 10.5.62

Key Features · Webcam effects: Apply real-time visual effects to your webcam video. · Video splitting: Use your webcam simultaneously in multiple applications.


Download SplitCam (64bit) 10.5.62 for windows

2022年1月12日 — SplitCam is a versatile webcam software that allows users to enhance their video chatting and streaming experiences.


Download SplitCam 10.5.62 - Installer (64-bit)

2022年3月24日 — Download SplitCam 10.5.62 - Installer (64-bit)


Older versions of SplitCam (Windows)

Download older versions of SplitCam for Windows. All of the older versions of SplitCam have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown ... msi 10.5.62 Jan 13, ...


SplitCam - Download

SplitCamera is a freeware virtual video clone and split video capture driver for connecting several applications to a single video capture source. Advertisement.


SplitCam 10.5 Download (Free) - Informer Technologies, Inc.

2022年8月29日 — SplitCam version 10.5 (SplitCam.exe). Free software for video recording and live multi-streaming with free restream.


SplitCam 10.5.62 | Webcam Software

SplitCam webcam software offers cool webcam effects for having more positive emotions during video calls with your friends! Additionally SplitCam is the ...


Télécharger SplitCam 10.5.62 pour Windows - Vidéo

Splitcam a une interface facile à utiliser qui vous permet de commencer par les fonctions de base telles que le mode cam, le partage, la minuterie et les ...


下載SplitCam 10.5.62 – Vessoft

SplitCam的主要特點是在一對夫婦的視頻通信的程序或服務同時使用網絡攝像頭的能力。該軟件能夠在視頻通信期間到3D面具和假髮加在臉上,改變背景,應用過濾器,各種對象和 ...


下载SplitCam 10.5.62 Windows 版

Video Splitter - 捕获网络视频源的最简单方法. SplitCam 是一款高科技、多功能手机分屏摄像头应用,可让两个人在两种设备(iOS 和android)上同时通话。
