VSDC Free Video Editor (64-bit)

最新版本 Qt 5.13.0

Qt 5.13.0

Qt 5.13.0
VSDC 免費視頻編輯器 64bit 是專為編輯各種格式的數字視頻和音頻文件,包括高清晰度和超高清分辨率,提供專業的後期製作效果,以及從屏幕捕獲視頻,錄製語音,刻錄將多媒體文件保存為多種支持的格式,並將其上傳到在線平台。該方案提供了豐富的功能,但有一個簡單而直觀的界面,可以用最少的努力創建視頻。免費視頻編輯器 64 位是一個免費的視頻編輯軟件,具有一套完整的視頻全面創建儀器!

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器功能:

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器是一個非線性工具。這意味著與大多數其他編輯器不同的是,場景以線性順序和特定順序依次來到,這個軟件允許將對象放置在時間線上的任何位置並具有任意大小。此外,物體的各種參數,形狀和位置可以隨時間任意改變.

視頻可以應用各種視覺和音頻效果,以達到必要的效果。由於可用的視覺效果的數量非常高,為便於導航,它們被分成五類:色彩校正,對像變換,對象濾鏡,過渡效果和特殊的 fx.

Blending 模式和 Instagram 類似的濾鏡
改變外觀的更多方式您的視頻圖像根據您的喜好是顏色混合。使用各種可調參數,您可以將獨特的專業風格附加到您的視頻。想要節省時間的新手或者那些想要節省時間的人,可以從一次點擊中應用時髦的類似 Instagram 的過濾器中受益.

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器允許創建不同形狀的蒙版,以隱藏,模糊或突出顯示視頻中的某些元素。您可以使用它在遮罩區域內部或外部應用特效。掩蔽的最常見原因之一是模糊或像素化一張臉,以保護身份或使一個文本視頻內的效果。



由於大量預配置的配置文件,您可以輕鬆地為大多數流行的多媒體創建視頻如 DVD 播放器,iPod / iPhone / iPad,PSP,任何智能手機和普通手機,索尼 PlayStation,Xbox,Zune,愛可視,艾利和,Creative Zen,黑莓,MP4 播放器和其他許多設備。61213896
內置 DVD 刻錄工具
編輯附帶 DVD 刻錄工具,可以讓您輕鬆地將工作結果刻錄到光盤上。



我們編輯器的另一個特點是能夠從各種視頻調諧器,網絡攝像機,IP 攝像機採集視頻,並以任意格式將採集的素材保存在您的計算機上,以供後續編輯使用。



檔案版本 Qt 5.13.0

檔案名稱 qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.13.0.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Flash-Integro LLC.
官網 http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor
更新日期 2019-06-19

What's new in this version:

New Features (within existing modules):
Qt Core:
- Clang: New configure switch -coverage which is useful for fuzzing

- Add QImage::convertTo new API (convert a image in place)
- QPainterPath: support clear, reserve and capacity methods with same semantics than QVector::clear() (allocations are preserved)

Qt Network:
- Windows: Secure Channel support for SSL socket (QTBUG-62637)
- OCSP stapling support (QTBUG-12812, QTBUG-17158)

- Improved support for enums declared in C++
- JavaScript "null" as binding value is now optimized at compile time (QTBUG-72098)
- QML now generates function tables on 64bit windows, making it possible to unwind the stack through JITed functions (QTBUG-50061)

Qt Quick:
- Added support to TableView for hiding rows and columns

Qt Quick Controls 2:
- Added SplitView
- Added cache property to icon

Qt Bluetooth:
- Removed need for pairing on Windows to discover and connect

Qt 3D:
- Added support for importing and exporting OpenGL texture handles
- Added framegraph nodes for fence objects
- Added priority based picking
- Initial glTF 2.0 scene import support added

Qt Wayland Compositor:
- New client buffer integration for linux-dmabuf-unstable-v1 support. Qt clients already had support through the wayland-egl integration
- Support for the wp_viewporter protocol

Qt WebEngine:
- Based on Chromium 73
- Application-local client certificate store
- Client certificate support from QML
- PDF viewing via internal Chromium extension
- Web Notifications API
- Thread-safe and page specific url request interceptors

Qt WebSockets:
Qt Location:
- Added support for GeoPolygons with holes, reflected in MapPolygons and MapPolygonObjects
- Introduced interoperability with GeoJson with import/export functionality

Qt Test:
Qt Multimedia:
- Gapless playback in QML VideoOutput using flushMode property
- Added support of GStreamer for Windows/macOS
- Added HTTP headers and audio roles for Android
- Added QT_MULTIMEDIA_PREFERRED_PLUGINS to specify preferred plugins
- Allowed to build WMF together with DirectShow or disabled by config option -no-wmf or -no-directshow
- Introduced QT_PA_CHANNEL_MAP for QAudioOutput and PulseAudio
- Video/Audio probes in DirectShow
- QMediaResource class is now deprecated
- Platform Changes

- Android 5.0 (API level 21) is now the minimum supported version
- Added support for content: URLs to QFile
- Added native file dialog support
- Wayland
- New shell integration for fullscreen-shell-unstable-v1
- Technology Preview Modules

Qt Lottie (TP):
- New Platforms

Qt for WebAssembly:
Qt for Automation:
- Secure client API added

- C++ API out of TP
- Added QML API (TP)
- Added secure client C++ API (TP)
- UaCpp and Open62542 backend are feature equal

Qt CoAP (TP):
- DTLS support merged
- Deprecated Modules

The following modules are part of Qt 5.13 release, but deprecated and considered for removal in subsequent releases of Qt:
- Qt Script
- Qt Quick Controls 1
- Qt XmlPatterns

Removed Modules:
The following modules have been deprecated earlier and no longer part of the Qt 5.13 release:
- Qt Canvas 3D

Qt 5.13.0 相關參考資料
Download Offline Installers - Qt

We recommend you use the Qt Online Installer for first time installations and the Qt Maintenance Tool for changes to a current install.


Index of archiveqt5.135.13.0 - Qt Downloads

Name · Last modified · Size, Metadata. [DIR], Parent Directory, -. [DIR], submodules/, 18-Jun-2019 13:34, -. [DIR], single/, 18-Jun-2019 13:38, -. [ ] ...


Index of archiveqt5.135.13.0single - Qt Downloads

Name · Last modified · Size, Metadata. [DIR], Parent Directory, -. [ ], qt-everywhere-src-5.13.0.zip, 18-Jun-2019 13:34, 794M, Details. [ ] ...


Index of official_releasesqt5.135.13.0 - Qt Downloads

Name · Last modified · Size, Metadata. [DIR], Parent Directory, -. [DIR], submodules/, 18-Jun-2019 13:34, -. [DIR], single/, 18-Jun-2019 13:38, -. [ ] ...


New Features in Qt 5.13 - Qt Wiki

Qt 5.13, Qt 5.13 Release · Qt 5.13 Tools and Versions, New Features in Qt 5.13, Qt 5.13.0 Change Files • Qt 5.13.1 Change Files • Qt 5.13.2 ...


Qt 5.13 Release - Qt Wiki

Branch 5.13.0 from 5.13, 06.05.2019. Beta4 release, 07.05.2019, 29.05.2019. Release Candidate, 07.05.2019, 03.06.2019, 04.06.2019.


Qt 5.13 Released! Get it today

I checked now, and it is listed under 5.13.0 in the online installer. If this does not work for you, try reporting a bug for it in https://bugreports.qt.io.


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Get ready for a round of great new features and development tools with the release of Qt 5.13.


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As a patch release, Qt 5.13.1 does not add any new functionality but provides many bug fixes and other improvements. Compared to Qt 5.13.0, ...
