Vivaldi (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page15

最新版本 Vivaldi 6.5.3206.63 (64-bit)

Vivaldi (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

從 Opera 的創造者,一個快速的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器 64 位,但也是一個功能豐富的瀏覽器,高度靈活,並把用戶放在第一位。一個為你製作的瀏覽器。最後,你可以沖浪你的方式.Vivaldi 網頁瀏覽器適應你,而不是其他的方式。你喜歡瀏覽器標籤放在窗口的底部還是側面?也許你更喜歡不同的地址欄位置?使用 Vivaldi 瀏覽器,您可以自定義所有更多功能,例如鍵盤快捷鍵,鼠標手勢等。您是鍵盤用戶嗎?... Vivaldi (64-bit) 軟體介紹

OfficeSuite 6.92.47148.0 查看版本資訊


GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 140 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 140
New features:
- Cloud projects: save and load projects directly on your GDevelop account
- You can now subscribe to GDevelop premium accounts with PayPal

- Add support for the Android 12+ splashscreen icon (add it in the "Icons and thumbnails" of your game)

Improve a lot the performance of the physics engine:
- Internally, we replaced the Box2D library with the WebAssembly version
- It fixes a crash of the old Box2D library when a lot of objects with the Physics2 behavior were created
- The same version of Box2d (2.3.1) is still used so there should not be any behavior change

- Add a checkbox to seal an instance (make it impossible to select it on the canvas), in the instances editor
- Minimize in game/real cursor flickering when showing/hiding the cursor
- Add tween actions for camera zoom and camera rotation

Homepage improvements:
- Improve the project list with more context actions and better display for local projects
- Rework the "Play" section to display Liluo games

- Add actions to change the tile map dimensions
- Display errors directly on the event shee:t when a bad object is chosen for a parameter of an action or a condition
- Improve search and replace in event sheet
- Fix a bug that hangs GDevelop when replacing with an empty search text
- Allow to replace with an empty string to mimic a "Delete search text" feature

Add monetization tab in game dashboard:
- Allow to enable or disable ads on the game page if published on
- In the future, games that generate enough revenue will be able to opt-in into "revenue share", so that as a creator you can start earning from your game sessions
- This also this allows to maintain free publishing on for all

- Crypto Api: (Note: this has nothing related with crypto currency)
- Add Random Integer In Range
- Add Random Float In Range
- These new expressions provides a more random number than Math.random() which is what the built-in functions use
- That randomness does come at a cost of performance so be aware of your usage of this
- PinchGesture: Add an extension to move the camera or objects with pinching gestures
- Chat Bubbles: An extension for creating dynamic chat bubbles
- Record: Allows recording game footage, and saving the clip on the player's computer
- Voice Recognition API
- Sprite based lightining: An extension to make a tiled light effect

- SmoothCamera: Add the action "Move the camera closer" to fix the 1-frame delay when moving or jumping
- Health: Allow changing Max health and an expression to return Max Health
- Checkbox extension: Includes updates based on Draggable Slider extension
- ValuesOfMultipleObjects: Added size expressions
- Width (min/max/average)
- Height (min/max/average)
- Advanced jump extension:
- The air jump behavior lets platformer characters jump in mid-air
- The wall jump behavior lets platformer characters jump and slide against walls
- The horizontal dash behavior makes platformer characters dash horizontally
- The dive dash behavior makes platformer characters dash toward the floor
- MarchingSquares: The fill action now change the field the same way as other drawing tools do
- MakeItRain: Update to new author format

- New game template: Ball Cup Boom
- Sort 4 balls of the same color into a cup to make it explode
- Complete all 10 levels to complete the game and climb the leaderboards
- This game was inspired by "Sort It 3D"
- New game template: Spherez
- Shoot the blocks before they touch the ground. Aim carefully to earn extra balls and power-ups. What is the highest level that can you reach on the leaderboard?
- Add a new example for the Newgrounds API extension
- Add an example for the Chat Bubble extension
- Add a voice recognition example
- [Not-a-Vania] Reworked to use a tile map collision mask object
- [platformer-with-tilemap] Reworked to use a tile map collision mask object
- [platformer-with-tilemap] Change the camera system by a linear camera following the hero
- [PlatformerPainter] Upgrade the marching square extension to have better collisions
- [QIX] Upgrade the marching square extension to fix a collision issue

- Upgrade the Android SDK used to build games, so you can publish games using the latest "API level" required by Google on the Play Store
- The AdMob extension was also upgraded to include the "AD_ID" permission now required by Android 13
- Lots of Tilemap related fixes:
- Fix handling of Tilemaps with invalid resources
- Fix handling of Tilemaps having empty tiles margins
- Show place-holders for tile map with invalid resources in the instances editor.
- Give a better default name to tile map collision mask objects.
- Add a border around the tile map collision mask objects in the instance editor.
- Fix the loading of tile map atlases that was aborted when the image contains unused pixels at the right or bottom
- Fix the tile map collision mask debug rendering that wasn't refreshed when there was no collision condition
- Fix the collision mask of rotated tiles that were sometimes misplaced.
- Fix raycast condition not working properly on objects with multiple hitboxes
- Fix orange outline sometimes appearing around the scene editor canvas
- Fix exported WebManifest file having a syntax error when the game description has line breaks
- Fix json resource removed from project resources although it is used in event
- Fix starters shown at the bottom of the example list on Firefox
- Fix Asset cards text color to be visible on light theme
- Fix Add condition/action buttons overflowing outside of their column on small screens
- Fix display of the examples/starters on small screens
- Fix layer names in drop-down lists were translated even though they are defined by users
- Fix manual export URLs crashing the app on web
- Fix rendering of the home page on Safari
- Add the unit (milliseconds) in the Tween behavior action parameters
- Fix colors of expanded/collapsed arrows on event sheet. (Thanks @BWPanda!)
- Fix the extensions search bar that was only using the first 30 tags
- Clarify the name of the actions to resume a paused sound/music

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 139
- The homepage is dead, long live the homepage
- The editor homepage has been revamped
- UI changes that came along with it

Other changes:
- Tile maps collisions
- Leaderboards
- Extension editor improvements
- Add a button, in the Profile, to manage online the subscription to GDevelop services
- This allows to easily update a payment method or switch to another plan/cancel (though this can already be done from the interface)
- Add an option in the Resources editor to preload audio files in the cache without decoding
- Make radian or degree explicit in descriptions for angles
- Automatically open a scene when a project is opened
- Add an option to wait for a network request action to end before running other actions
- Add a toggle to display community extensions
- Avoid bad expression warnings in the console when using force actions without changing the force type
- Don't show objects already in a group in the selector to add a new object to this group
- Adding actions to tween the value of a scene variable or a layer camera position

- [New community extension] Pause when focus lost
- Pauses the game when the focus of the window or tab is lost. Continues when focus is regained
- [New community extension] Dialog Box
- Helps to create dialogue boxes
- [New community extensions] Animation system
- A collection of pre-made animations
- [New community extension] Make it rain
- [New community extension] Pushable Box
- [Yandex] Remove old non-working extension with a community extension
- The old one was not fully working, and unused in favor of the new one by the Russian community
- [New extension] Text to Speech
- Allows to use the system's text to speech capabilities
- Fix Camera Shake wrongly affecting the base layer rotation even if another layer was specified

- New assets are in the store: Isometric City Pack
- Fix some animations having empty sprites
- Update 16x16 dungeon tileset thumbnail

- [New game template] Absorbus
- Propel your object to absorb smaller objects, but avoid larger objects or they will absorb you!
- [Parking Jam] Remove the unused effect on layers
- [New example] Fire bullet
- Changed Flappy Bird to Tappy Planes
- Swapped out all of the art assets to Kenney's CC0 1.0 Universal "Tappy Plane" assets, and made new sound assets
- Added a leaderboard
- Fixed the opening scene transition
- Changed how the game over screen is displayed
- Update and modernize the procedural example
- Update with instructions on preview and thumbnail images

- Fix grammar for the description of the Platform behavior
- Fix typos: replace 'Musics' with 'Music'
- Fix Physics2 behavior contact detection
- Make it possible to activate and reactivate physics 2 behavior
- Fix behavior for objects modified or destroyed during events life cycle
- Make Physics2 Collision condition valid in any step of behavior life cycles

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 138
- Update all dark themes and rework the light theme entirely to have a modern look and feel
- Improve/fix the drag'n'drop to allow again horizontal movements to quickly move an event
- Add mass and moment of inertia expressions for the Physics behavior
- Suggest all expression types in autocompletions of expressions
- Also automatically convert number expressions to text (using ToString()) when needed
- Add WebManifest to exported web games
- This allows a game hosted on a website to have a proper icon and orientation when a shortcut to it is added to the home screen on Android or iOS
- No longer count pauses (when the tab is hidden) for the players session duration statistics
- If you missed it, the asset store has been improved in the last few versions. A big thank you to everyone in the community that gave a bit of their time to take part into some user research chats and explained their experience with GDevelop and the asset store: Doomsday, HelperMuzan, AstrowoCookie_Games, Breed, TheBeeDev, ArticMan, Hussinali121, dmendz, teo, jumpingj, Jurfix, THEspectre, Crimson Dan x (Kurimuzondan), VegeTato, Entropy.

Extensions, assets and examples:
- [BoidsMovement] Add an extension to simulates flocks movement
- [PixelPerfectMovement] Fix: top-down characters moving on a grid no longer go side way after colliding with an obstacle.
- [CursorMovement] Fix conditions were always returning true when called a 2nd time
- Add a new pack: Pixel Platformer by Wishforge Games
- Removed the "simple checkpoints" custom extension from the Platformer example.
- Add an example to show how to simulate a flock movement with the "Boids movement" extension
- [TopDownGridMovement] Add obstacles
- Add "The Conviction of Gun Dude Mobile"
- A mobile version of the desktop game of the same name, with dual joysticks to be played on a touchscreen and an adapted difficulty!
- Fire Bullet extension can now shoot multiple bullets at once
- Add the ability to shoot multiple bullets at once
- Cooldown: Time between shots (seconds)
- Bullet Quantity: Number of bullets shot at once
- Firing Arc: Range of angles that bullets will shoot. Bullets are evenly spread within this range.
- Angle Variance: Each bullet angle will be randomized in this range (degrees)
- Add expressions for new settings
- Rotate bullet is now a parameter (enabled by default)
- Changed rotate bullet from a parameter to a property
- Add paid packs by Andre Holtz
- Cleaning and fixes for the platformer example
- Replaced custom "simple smooth camera" extension with official "smooth camera" extension
- Removed the "player start" object
- Changed the first checkpoint spawn to be where the player object is at beginning of scene
- Fixed the broken climb animation

- Fix the physics engine contacts/collisions between objects not detected when they happened shortly between frames
- Fix clicks on checkboxes that are far from the label on the same line in the editor
- Fix asset thumbnail sometimes having a wrong size when navigating the Asset store
- Fix category of "Error of last save attempt" leaderboard expression

Vivaldi 5.4.2753.33 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Address bar] Does not get focus on new window

Vivaldi 5.4.2753.31 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

The following improvements were made since the initial 5.4 stable release:
- [Downloads] The search section of the download button states “Your download history is empty”
- [Panel] Cannot type characters using dead keys into the downloads panel
- [Settings][Search] Pre-populated search engines are re-added on upgrade
- [Tabs] Cannot select multiple tabs after certain steps
- [UI][Languages] Translation updates
- [Windows][Installer] Stop adding elevation service entry to the registry

Vivaldi 5.4.2753.28 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [New][Panels][Media] Web panel muting
- [New][Gestures] Allow rocker gestures to be customizable
- [New][Menus] Add “Link to highlight”
- [New][Search] Allow hiding search engine keywords in search
- [New][Settings] Add always use secure connection setting
- [New][Quick Commands][Keyboard] Support Paste and Go [Ctrl+Shift+V]
- [Address Bar] History entries do not show unless “Show Search Queries History” enabled
- [Address Bar][Blocker] Icon for blocked content is surrounded by a box that sticks out
- [Address Bar][Keyboard] Undo (Ctrl/⌘+Z) is unstable.
- [Address Bar][Tabs] Address popup is covered by a tab bar when hiding the address bar
- [Address Bar][Themes] Dropdown highlight isn’t visible in dark mode
- [Address Bar] Focus forgotten when navigating between tabs
- [Bookmarks] Force update of all predefined bookmarks to import favicons
- [Bookmarks] Search/filter in Add Bookmark dialog is broken
- [Bookmarks][Bookmark Bar] “Text only” shows the icon
- [Bookmarks][Panels] Scrollbar position is duplicated
- [Bookmarks][Speed Dial] Update Yelp thumbnail
- [Calendar] 12h time format ignored
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 104.0.5112.83
- [Clock] Countdown timer field not selected by click
- [Commands][Keyboard] Cannot use custom shortcuts for command chains
- [Cookies] Allowing cookies on a page is not remembered after reload
- [Developer tools] Cannot copy and paste
- [Download] Dialog doesn’t close by clicking on internal page
- [Download] Dialog doesn’t display the hostname
- [Downloads] Save/Save as dialog disappears when clicking outside
- [Downloads] Text cut off in the popup
- [Favicons] Search icons not displayed after moving profile
- [Find in page] Doesn’t close after navigating
- [Import] Blocker source file dialog closes automatically
- [Installer][Windows] Uncompress installer earlier
- [Linux][Media] Change proprietary codecs to 104-108069
- [Media] Cannot play media streams in ADTS format
- [Media][Windows][macOS] Media code clean up
- [Media][macOS] Media issues
- [Media][macOS] Audio gone on the second play of Twitter video
- [Menus] Unify appearance of HTML drop-down menus
- [Navigation] Cannot use Alt+(Right Arrow) on the start page to navigate through history
- [Navigation] Stackblitz Page is redirected to a blank screen
- [Notifications] Outline extends outside field
- [Notifications] chrome-extension://invalid/ opens when notification from an older instance is clicked
- [Page Zoom] Slider overflows hidden toolbar
- [Panel] Expand the editor resize handles
- [Panel] Floating panel anchors page when toggled
- [Panel] Make the close button optional
- [Panel] Scrollbar positioning is broken
- [Panel] Update empty states
- [Panel] Visible scrollbars in the collapsed editor
- [Panel] Zoom in Web Panel
- [Panel] Contact buttons misaligned
- [Panel] Remove “Views” entry from the feed menu
- [Panel] Add Zoom Controls in panels to separate menu entry
- [Panel] Inconsistent behavior on middle-clicking the panel icons
- [Panel] Zoom doesn’t stay in sync across reloads
- [Permission] Split settings list into two columns
- [Popout Video] Symbol is shown even with disabled HTML attribute
- [Search] Field Button dropdown history icon broken
- [Search] Icons are sometimes missing
- [Search] Update the Qwant logo
- [Search] Wikipedia for Swedish now points to a different language
- [Search][Keyboard] Field focus shortcut with hidden toolbar doesn’t work
- [Search][Menus] Search using POST opens blank
- [Settings] Fix incorrect window control sizes
- [Settings] Limit reset buttons to not disable mail, calendar, and feeds
- [Settings] Window title might have the wrong color
- [Settings] “New Theme” text is misaligned
- [Settings][Mail] Reset all settings removes mail
- [Settings][Media][Autoplay] Disabling Autoplay blocks video player UI
- [Settings][Menus] Move Mail and Calendar actions to separate folders
- [Speed Dial] Drag and drop to create folder gets the wrong position
- [Speed Dial] Jumps when navigating between folders
- [Start Page][Themes] Quick Settings Background image selector is broken
- [Tab Cycler] needs Ctrl+Tab twice
- [Tabs] Dropping a tab over the webpage is not creating a new window (on secondary screens)
- [Tabs] Untile selection ignores selection
- [Tabs][Keyboard] Can’t rename stacks using shortcuts
- [Themes] Accent color limits may affect the original theme color
- [Themes][Settings] Color editing: 3-digit not applied
- [Themes] Allow accent color over window backgr
- [Themes] Color picker in Calendar setting not keyboard navigatable
- [Themes] Color pickers performance
- [Themes] Unify the use of border-color across themes
- [Themes] Update theme properties
- [Themes] Use less jarring color for the default “No image” option
- [Themes][macOS][Tab bar] In fullscreen mode lacks background image
- [Toolbars] Clear editing modifier state on window change
- [Toolbars] Missing update button migration
- [Toolbars] Rename “divider” to “separator”
- [Toolbars] Accidental URL field movement
- [Toolbars] Add Webpage dialog renders under the top toolbar
- [Toolbars] Add a placeable divider to the toolbar editor
- [Toolbars] Add “Customize Toolbar” command
- [Toolbars] Allow adding multiple dividers when using the editor
- [Toolbars] Mail status, calendar, and account buttons invisible
- [Toolbars] Remove Downloads from the default toolbar set
- [Toolbars][Themes] Drop indicator invisible with Accent color on foreground
- [Toolbars][macOS] Allow draggable space in toolbar
- [Tooltip] Trash hover should say “Shift-click” instead of “Ctrl-click”
- [Translate][Panel] Increase height of input field and move buttons
- [Translate] No warning that translation is over character limit
- [Translate] Scrolling doesn’t update translation
- [UI] Can’t copy alert box content
- [Window Management] Moving multiple tabs to a new window scrambles order
- [Windows] Autohiding Windows taskbar does not appear
- [Windows][Installer] Installer creates an invalid desktop shortcut

Changelog from Vivaldi Mail 1.0 to Vivaldi Mail 1.1:
- [Mail] Custom folders fixes
- [Mail] Delete label button should be red
- [Mail] Fix filtering priority
- [Mail] Hanging on the connection in some cases
- [Mail] Mail needs a Vivaldi Menu entry
- [Mail] Multiple OAuth requests shown at the same time
- [Mail] Old source of the local copy of message can be confusing
- [Mail] POP3 messages do not get an attachment icon
- [Mail] Panel Order and Visibility setting box looks tighter
- [Mail] Sort Customized IMAP folders, Feeds, Filters and Move context menu alphabetically
- [Mail] When Mail goes into focus, the top message is auto-selected
- [Mail][Calendar] Easier access to enable Mail
- [Mail][Panel] Tabs shortcut don’t trigger auto-open/close

Vivaldi Calendar 1.1:
- [Calendar] Can not delete event which is an exception
- [Calendar] Cannot close notification
- [Calendar] Can’t export local calendar
- [Calendar] Crash on opening inline editor
- [Calendar] Default to for Google
- [Calendar] Disable certain properties based
- [Calendar] Duplicate events in web calendar
- [Calendar] Error when parsing email invite from outlook
- [Calendar] Event on web calendar disappears at the reminder time
- [Calendar] Improve error handling when removing account
- [Calendar] Invalid date format “DD/MM”
- [Calendar] Invalid time format with Finnish locale
- [Calendar] No delete button in dialog editor
- [Calendar] Selecting dates in panel
- [Calendar] Support for accepting single occurrence exceptions via email invites
- [Calendar] Sync from server not working
- [Calendar] Task clear start time button is misaligned
- [Calendar] Use local timezone for single event
- [Calendar] Very slow sync with big web calendar
- [Calendar] Web calendars fail to fetch
- [Calendar][Extensions] Blank page when opening calendar with certain extensions
- [Calendar][Mail] Improve display of mail message with recurrence exception
- [Calendar][Panel] Inconsistent highlight color in mini calendar
- [Calendar][Panels] Closes immediately when clicking anywhere in event dialog

Nicepage 4.16.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Lock Elements In Editor
- Site Language Improved
- Current Language Flag
- Edit Language Name
- Language Option Menu
- Contact Form Improved
- Contact Form Selection And Move
- Contact Form Button Resize
- Contact Form Submit Warning
- Online Editor Improved
- Video File Upload In Online Editor
- File Upload In Online Editor's Link Settings
- Site Publish Time
- Current Panel In Quick Access
- Vertical Tabs In Site Settings
- Edit Content Area Link
- Hamburger Menu Button Action
- Hyperlink Line-Height
- User Email In Profile
- New Block and Page Designs

Vivaldi 5.4.2753.23 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [UI][Languages] Translation updates

Nicepage 4.15.11 查看版本資訊


Nicepage 4.15.8 查看版本資訊


pdfFactory 8.21 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- bugs that caused errors with PDF files that use masked or transparent images
- bugs that caused incorrect or missing text with PDF files that use TrueType or OpenType CFF fonts
- a bug that caused a silent crash when opening some PDF files
- a bug that caused incorrect images with PDF files that use JPEG2000 compression
- improved rendering performance with documents that contain very complex line art
- PDF files that use indexed CalRGB bitmaps are now imaged correctly
- Windows 11 is now correctly detected and reported in the PDF Producer string