Vivaldi (64-bit)

最新版本 Max 8.2.2

Max 8.2.2

Max 8.2.2
從 Opera 的創造者,一個快速的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器 64 位,但也是一個功能豐富的瀏覽器,高度靈活,並把用戶放在第一位。一個為你製作的瀏覽器。最後,你可以沖浪你的方式.

Vivaldi 網頁瀏覽器適應你,而不是其他的方式。你喜歡瀏覽器標籤放在窗口的底部還是側面?也許你更喜歡不同的地址欄位置?使用 Vivaldi 瀏覽器,您可以自定義所有更多功能,例如鍵盤快捷鍵,鼠標手勢等。您是鍵盤用戶嗎?那麼你運氣好。通過快速命令,您可以使用一個鍵盤快捷鍵搜索打開的選項卡,書籤,歷史記錄,設置等等。 Vivaldi 的目標是使快速命令菜單高度可定制,允許您創建自己的命令並立即運行它們.

在 Web 瀏覽器中,許多無組織的選項卡可能會很快變得有點混亂,使您很難找到您要查找的選項卡。使用 Tab 堆棧組織您的標籤!他們讓你在一個標籤下分組多個標籤。只需將一個標籤拖到另一個標籤上即可輕鬆分組.

在筆記面板中右鍵瀏覽時添加筆記並添加網頁的屏幕截圖。筆記可以記住相關的網站,存儲附件(如屏幕截圖),或者允許您添加標籤以便日後輕鬆組織和定位。從 FileHorse 下載 PC 的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器離線安裝程序.

Vivaldi 瀏覽器功能:

Adaptive Interface
Vivaldi 網絡瀏覽器的配色方案將在瀏覽網頁時適應,就像變色龍適應周圍環境。一個乾淨和現代的外觀補充內容。 Facebook 將網頁瀏覽器變成藍色,The Verge 將變成橙色 - 如果您願意的話.


您想要保持同步的多台計算機?維瓦爾第同步使這一點。您的書籤,歷史記錄,密碼和設置都可以通過加密的 Sync 基礎架構在 Vivaldi 瀏覽器的不同實例之間進行同步。下載 Vivaldi Offline Installer 安裝程序!

您的電子郵件客戶端內置於您的 Web 瀏覽器!這是正確的。電子郵件對我們許多人來說依然非常重要。尋找一個健壯,高效,輕量級和好看的電子郵件客戶端?你會發現它屬於維瓦爾第。稱之為 M3。敬請期待更新.

使維瓦爾第獨一無二的一件事是它建立在現代網絡技術上。 Vivaldi 使用 JavaScript 和 React 在 Node.js 和一長串 NPM 模塊的幫助下創建用戶界面。維瓦爾第是網絡建成的網頁.

也可用:下載維瓦爾第瀏覽器為 Mac


檔案版本 Max 8.2.2

系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Vivaldi Technologies
更新日期 2022-02-09

What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Getattr: dynamic color support (dump outlet)
- 'dispose' message
- Mc.noteallocator~: added @hires attribute
- Mc.wrapper~: deviate message uses xoshiro256 random generator
- Message to Max: 'purgemididevices' message
- Sfrecord~: 'sortloop' attribute (most recent recording is added to the beginning of the file)
- Thresh: symbol and anything support
- Umenu: 'symbolmode' attribute (all entries are converted to symbols)
- Xmidiin: new object to output raw midi from all devices

- Amxd~: eliminated extra border added to device after being dragged into patcher
- Amxd~: improved error message object identification
- Autocompletion: Fixed usage in Gen
- Autocompletion: Removed redundant sorting of message box autocompletion
- Closebang / closefile: eliminate recursive crashes
- Closebang: fixed output after sending bangs to object
- Coll / Text Editor: Extended characters properly handled when closing the editor window
- Curve~: curve factor of zero is linear
- Curve~: fixed behavior at -1 / 1
- Delay~: permit time attributes to default to samples instead of milliseconds
- Dict: shows parameter attributes in inspector when parameter mode enabled
- Dict: subdicts updated when 'remove' and 'append' are used
- Dict.deserialize: Fixed crash with some input
- Dict.pack/unpack: remove dummy foo:bar dict
- Dict.route: long strings no longer truncated
- Dynamic Colors: default Max for LIve device patcher background color follows Live's theme
- Dynamic Colors: loadtime improvements
- Dynamic Colors: non-UI objects given dynamic color will retain set color on patch reload
- Format palette: fixed crash when clicking format palette icon
- Gen: contents of genpatcher are retained when 'changed attributes to arguments' is used
- GL2: shader glsl include functionality
- GL3 drawing support
- GL3 can be drawn with
- GL3: fixed initial reported values of videoplane color attribute
- GL3: fixed materials using glsl includes
- GL3: fixed screentoworld/worldtoscreen when drawing with multi-drawto
- Global Transport: eliminated re-output of previously set position when tempo changes
- Jit.bfg: fixed crash when sending matrix with wrong number of planes
- fixed crash when using external text editor
- Jitter Gen: drag of genjit files when holding down option will give option
- Jitter MOP objects: arguments show up in autocomplete
- JS File object: writes to proper directory after open()
- JS Task: fixed issue with creating JS object with task
- Jsliveapi: ensure boxpath (fixes M4L.chooser issues)
- Jstrigger: fixed argument and empty expression crashes
- Jsui: fixed crash with tonamedmatrix on Apple silicon
- Kslider: don't allow click on invisible/unpainted rightmost black key
- Live.dial: Fixed triangle color
- Live.gain~: fixed cursor location on mouse up
- Live.step: dynamic colors work as expected
- Loadbang: fixed breakage when an undo transaction is canceled
- Max Console: ensure that posts from different objects appear on separate lines
- Max Console: fixed memory leak
- Max for Live Device Projects: dirty the device when dependencies are added
- Max for Live Patter device: fixed crash on load (Live 11.1.b8)
- Max for Live unique identifier / ---: maintained when loading poly~ patchers
- Mc.dup~: fixed typed-in chans attribute
- Mc.noteallocator~: fixed MPE event parsing
- Mc.number~: fixed channel outlet numbering
- Mc.poly~: fixed autocompletion dropdown
- Message: fixed autocompletion text replacement after a comma
- MIDI: retain MIDI prefs from missing devices
- Midiformat: accepts 'hires' message to leftmost inlet to set attr
- MSP / Gen: fixed double denorm and nan check macros (doubles the headroom of audio)
- Object autocompletion: description text properly appears after editing box
- Object drawing: fixed crash if component cached image is freed in the middle of painting (fixes o.display)
- Packages: Fixed potential crash on success when dropping a maxpack on the Max Console
- Panel: fixed enabling / disabling window_drag in Max for Live subpatchers
- Patcher format: improved sorting of some json entries
- Patching: fixed glitch when first opening patcher or opening calendar
- Patching: improved drawing when moving in/out of Presentation mode
- Pattr: restore bindto connection after deletion/recreation of bound object
- Pattrstorage: changemode respected when setting values directly
- Pattrstorage: fixed crash when attempting to create a large preset number
- Pfft~: fixed in/out @attr_comment showing up in assistance
- Playlist~: avoid overwriting clip source with cached version
- Projects: renamed 'snapshot' to 'archive'
- Pvar: prevent recursion if the named object is itself
- Receive~: using the r~ alias no longer outputs an MC patch cord
- Record~: fixed attribute labels
- Record~: records correctly when number of channels is greater than the referenced buffer
- Rslider / slider / dial: improved attribute update
- S~ and r~: removed duplicate autocomplete results
- Scale~: fixed output when hi and low are reversed and exponent is used
- Set to Default Value(s): fixed for non-style attributes
- Setclock / clocker: fixed usage & crash
- Sfrecord~: fixed loop recording when loop length is less than bufferlength
- Speedlim: fixed quantization
- Support Info: appropriately shows Windows 11 info
- Table: retains length when changing name
- Textbutton: text / texton attributes set to nothing when there is no arg
- Textedit: commas and semicolons are properly parsed
- Textedit: eliminated double-escape when parsing the text field
- Thispatcher: fixed patchlinecolor scripting usage
- Trough: fixed issues for when float input ends with an even number
- Umenu: improved handling of numeric symbols
- VIZZIE: fixed sync issues when using non-PROJECTR context
- Vst~: added pattr notification on "processor changed" event
- Vst~: cached plug descriptions are checked for up-to-datedness
- Vst~: improve reliability of program name harvesting
- Waveform~: updated chanoffset and chanoffset enum in inspector when buffer is modified
- Windows: fixed corruption when opening delay.maxhelp
- Windows: fixed crash on quit
- Workspace restore: loadbang improvements

Max 8.2.2 相關參考資料
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Download Max for Mac 8.2.2

Download Max for Mac Direct link Max for Mac connects objects with virtual patch cords to create interactive sounds, graphics, and custom effects.

Max 8.2 SDK Update Overview

Max 8.2.2 Download

2022年2月9日 — Download Max 8.2.2 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.

Max 8.2.2 Release Notes

Fixed Bugs: · amxd~: eliminated extra border added to device after being dragged into patcher · amxd~: improved error message object identification ...

Max 8.2.2 Release Version

Welcome to Max 8.2.2. This page contains a record of bugs fixed and features added since Max 8.2.1. If you know of an issue which is outstanding or you ...


Max 8.2.2 Released - MaxMSP Forum

2022年2月8日 — We are happy to announce the release of Max 8.2.2. There are a handful of new features and over 94 bug fixes. As always, you can download ...

MAX for LIVE 8.2.2

2013年5月26日 — I have installed the full version of Live 8.2.2 and activated,full version,and i wanted to know were to get MAX for live 8.2.2. after i ...