Vivaldi (64-bit)

最新版本 Vivaldi 1.7.735.46 (64-bit)

Vivaldi 1.7.735.46 (64-bit)

Vivaldi 1.7.735.46 (64-bit)
從 Opera 的創造者,一個快速的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器 64 位,但也是一個功能豐富的瀏覽器,高度靈活,並把用戶放在第一位。一個為你製作的瀏覽器。最後,你可以沖浪你的方式.

Vivaldi 網頁瀏覽器適應你,而不是其他的方式。你喜歡瀏覽器標籤放在窗口的底部還是側面?也許你更喜歡不同的地址欄位置?使用 Vivaldi 瀏覽器,您可以自定義所有更多功能,例如鍵盤快捷鍵,鼠標手勢等。您是鍵盤用戶嗎?那麼你運氣好。通過快速命令,您可以使用一個鍵盤快捷鍵搜索打開的選項卡,書籤,歷史記錄,設置等等。 Vivaldi 的目標是使快速命令菜單高度可定制,允許您創建自己的命令並立即運行它們.

在 Web 瀏覽器中,許多無組織的選項卡可能會很快變得有點混亂,使您很難找到您要查找的選項卡。使用 Tab 堆棧組織您的標籤!他們讓你在一個標籤下分組多個標籤。只需將一個標籤拖到另一個標籤上即可輕鬆分組.

在筆記面板中右鍵瀏覽時添加筆記並添加網頁的屏幕截圖。筆記可以記住相關的網站,存儲附件(如屏幕截圖),或者允許您添加標籤以便日後輕鬆組織和定位。從 FileHorse 下載 PC 的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器離線安裝程序.

Vivaldi 瀏覽器功能:

Adaptive Interface
Vivaldi 網絡瀏覽器的配色方案將在瀏覽網頁時適應,就像變色龍適應周圍環境。一個乾淨和現代的外觀補充內容。 Facebook 將網頁瀏覽器變成藍色,The Verge 將變成橙色 - 如果您願意的話.


您想要保持同步的多台計算機?維瓦爾第同步使這一點。您的書籤,歷史記錄,密碼和設置都可以通過加密的 Sync 基礎架構在 Vivaldi 瀏覽器的不同實例之間進行同步。下載 Vivaldi Offline Installer 安裝程序!

您的電子郵件客戶端內置於您的 Web 瀏覽器!這是正確的。電子郵件對我們許多人來說依然非常重要。尋找一個健壯,高效,輕量級和好看的電子郵件客戶端?你會發現它屬於維瓦爾第。稱之為 M3。敬請期待更新.

使維瓦爾第獨一無二的一件事是它建立在現代網絡技術上。 Vivaldi 使用 JavaScript 和 React 在 Node.js 和一長串 NPM 模塊的幫助下創建用戶界面。維瓦爾第是網絡建成的網頁.

也可用:下載維瓦爾第瀏覽器為 Mac


檔案版本 Vivaldi 1.7.735.46 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Vivaldi.1.7.735.46.x64.exe
檔案大小 44.5 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Vivaldi Technologies
更新日期 2017-02-08

What's new in this version:

- [New feature] Screenshot capture screenshot of entire page, selected parts of a page or the UI
- [New feature] Mute/unMute tab Quick Command actions and mapable keyboard shortcut, mouse gestures: "Mute/unmute Tab", "Mute Other Tabs", "Mute All Tabs", "Unmute Other Tabs" and "Unmute All Tabs"
- [New feature] Add an extra warning for http websites that request passwords
- [New feature] Pinned tab hibernation is seperately configurable
- [New feature] Add more menu items to document context menu: Copy Page Address, Validate, Fullscreen, Bookmark Page, Bookmark Link
- [New feature] Add support for opening download images in the browser itself
- [New feature] Scrolling should zoom the page when mouse is over the zoom slider
- [New feature][Address field] Add setting to configure top level domain expansion with Ctrl+Enter
- [New feature][Bookmarks] Add support for displaying tree structure while searching
- [New feature][Bookmarks] Let it be possible to add bookmarks from open pages from bookmark tree context menu
- [New feature][Bookmarks][Notes] Make it possible to choose between flat and tree search in bookmarks and notes: change mode via panel context menu
- [New feature][Downloads] Transfer complete notification
- [New feature][Notes] Add area selection capture to notes
- [New feature][Notes] Add support for displaying tree structure while searching
- [New feature][Notes] Ctrl+Shift+C should copy marked text to note
- [New feature][Sessions] Allow to save only tabs from current window when saving Session
- [New feature][Windows] Main menu is lacking keyboard accessibility for CJK
- [Address field] Google Maps URL not recognized and search opened
- [Address field] Hostname/path in address bar leads to default search instead of local domains
- [Address field] If the input contains a / but not a space, should navigate not search
- [Address field] Pointer cursor should shown when holding Ctrl
- [Address field] Top level domain removal with Ctrl clicking the URL
- [Address field] URLs with two spaces get searched instead of navigated to
- [Address field] Vivaldi freezes editing typed history URL in address bar
- [Bookmarks] Bookmarks lose title when dragged to Speed Dial
- [Bookmarks] Nicknames do not work in address field
- [Bookmarks] On entering Edit mode in the panel bookmark tree should scroll to show the added/edited item
- [Bookmarks] Sort context menu is mislabelled
- [Bookmarks] Vivaldi tries to import from Edge using a legacy method resulting in failure
- [Extensions] Badge text unreadable with some themes
- [Extensions] Buttons visibility Toggle
- [Extensions] Context menus for extension's buttons
- [Extensions] Component extensions can't be hidden and re-added in the same session
- [Extensions] Component extensions would execute actions with random results
- [History] Clear typed history not working on new dialog
- [IME] First character typed in address bar gets committed without converted to Japanese
- [Notifications] closes Vivaldi if in other full screen program
- [Panels] Position of notes and bookmarks view resets after changing the panel
- [Search field] Add Paste and Go right-click in search field
- [Search field] Alt+Enter clones current tab and opens new search tab
- [Search field] Clicking in the field should mark text
- [Search field] Does not use available space for multi-word results
- [Search Field] Search “Always open in new tab” does not work when choosing a different search
- [Search field] Typed history button is unusable until something is typed into the field
- [Sessions] Excessive usage of resources when opening session through File -> Open Saved Session: now uses lazy load settings
- [Spatial Navigation] Doesn't work correctly with overflow:scroll
- [Spatial Navigation] Fails to select links, selects entire divs instead
- [Themes] Private window does not show any activity in the URL bar
- [Themes] The numbers and letters of the color code don't change when you select a different theme
- [Themes] Parts of Geolocation dialog are unreadable in private mode
- [Windows] Hide menu bar in UI-less, native window
- [Windows] Panel activated in fullscreen mode doesn't work back in window mode
- Add Startpage private search as a new default search engine option
- Backspace and single-key shortcuts triggered on some HTML5 forms and forms with JS listeners
- Clicking typed history item doesn't update history
- Context menu doesn't always show on right-click
- Crash tab using AdminLTE
- Crash while trying to hide Google cast button from address bar
- Download Panel doesn't get focus if other panel is open
- Further work on menu accelerators for CJK
- Grayscale the favicons on tabs that are hibernated
- Let Ctrl+PageUp/Down select prev/next visible tab by default
- Links opened in private in new window are not private windows anymore
- Search text in PDF file doesn't increment counter
- Site info position does not take UI Zoom into account
- The audio icon still animates when tab is hibernated
- Typing 'vivaldi:' doesn't show autocomplete options
- Wrong title of Chinese language
- Updated Chromium to 56.0.2924.88

Vivaldi 1.7.735.46 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
1.7.735.46 (Stable channel) dev (64-bit): Bugfixes?

2017年2月8日 — I got the update as well. The only thing I noticed is that my Vivaldi menu button is red instead of the usual black colour for snapshots. Linux ...

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Download Vivaldi (64bit) 1.7.735.46

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Download Vivaldi (64bit) 1.7.735.46 for windows

2017年2月8日 — Vivaldi is a web browser that offers a fast and customizable browsing experience for users. This browser is known for its speed, versatility ...

Downloading Vivaldi 1.7.735.46 (64-bit) from

From the creators of Opera, a Vivaldi Browser 64-bit that is fast, but also a web browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible, and puts the user ...

Old Versions of Vivaldi

Vivaldi.1.7.735.46.x64.exe. Checksums Changelog, 2017-02-08, 44.55 MB. Vivaldi.1.7.735.46.exe. Checksums Changelog, 2017-02-08, 38.47 MB. Vivaldi.1.6.689.40.x64 ...

Seize the moment with Vivaldi 1.7

2017年2月8日 — 1.7.735.46 (Stable channel) dev (64-bit) Executable Path is /opt/vivaldi-snapshot/vivaldi-snapshot apt sources says: deb http://repo.vivaldi ...

The stable release of Vivaldi 1.7 has arrived

Vivaldi is a web browser built for - and with - the web ... Download: Vivaldi 1.7.735.46 (32-bit) | 38.5 MB (Freeware) ... 64-bit browser · Browse · Browser ...

Vivaldi not fully installing on Fedora 25 64-bit

2017年2月25日 — I attempted to install Vivaldi on Fedora 25 (64-bit) and dnf displayed a message that the key import failed. Is there a way to fix this?

Vivaldi Release 1.7.735.46- Linux & Windows - Ken Wu

2017年2月8日 — Vivaldi Release 1.7.735.46- Linux & Windows · 更新核心至Chromium 56.0.2924.88 · 針對中文、日文及韓文的使用者優化改善選單名稱 · 工具新增抓取功能 ...