Oracle VM VirtualBox

最新版本 VirtualBox 2.0.4

VirtualBox 2.0.4

VirtualBox 2.0.4
Oracle VM VirtualBox 允許用戶在單台機器上運行幾乎任何操作系統,並可以在同時運行的操作系統實例之間自由切換。 VirtualBox 是 x86 和 AMD64 / Intel64 硬件的通用完整虛擬器,針對服務器,桌面和嵌入式應用。 VirtualBox 不僅是一款功能極為豐富,性能卓越的企業級產品,同時也是唯一一款免費提供的開源軟件專業解決方案.

Oracle VM VirtualBox 的一些新功能是:

對現代 Windows 和 Linux 客戶端的虛擬化支持
Oracle VM VirtualBox 能夠展示準虛擬化接口以促進軟件的準確和高效執行。一旦定義了虛擬機平台,Oracle VM VirtualBox 利用內置的虛擬化支持(Linux guest 虛擬機上的 KVM 和 Windows guest 虛擬機上的 Hyper-V)來提高 guest OS 的性能.

xHCI 控制器支持 USB 3.0 設備
Guest 操作系統現在能夠直接識別 USB 3.0 設備並以全速 3.0 運行。客人現在可以配置使用 USB 1.1,2.0 和 3.0 設備。

改進的拖放& 刪除支持
從 Oracle VM VirtualBox 開始 5.0 改進了在來賓和主機操作系統之間雙向拖放的支持; 拖放支持可用於安裝最新的 guest 虛擬機.

磁盤映像加密 51235896Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.0 允許在 XTS 模式(128 位或 256 位)下利用 AES 算法加密虛擬磁盤映像; 由於 DEK 是作為虛擬機配置文件的一部分存儲的,因此加密引入了進一步的安全功能,在啟動虛擬機時將要求提供密碼.

Oracle VM VirtualBox 現在支持在後台啟動虛擬機,在虛擬機繼續工作時可以關閉的最後一個進程.

注意:要擴展 VirtualBox 功能,建議您下載並安裝 VirtualBox Extension Pack.

也可以:下載 VirtualBox for Mac


檔案版本 VirtualBox 2.0.4

檔案名稱 VirtualBox-2.0.4-38406-Win_x86.msi
檔案大小 32.85 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Oracle
更新日期 2008-10-24

What's new in this version:

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: better error reporting for VT-x failures
* VMM: don’t overflow the release log with PATM messages (bug #1775)
* VMM: fixed save state restore in real mode (software virtualization only)
* GUI: work around a Qt bug on Mac OS X (bug #2321)
* GUI: properly install the Qt4 accessible plugin (bug #629)
* SATA: error message when starting a VM with a VMDK connected to a SATA port (bug #2182)
* SATA: fixed Guru mediation when booting OpenSolaris/64; most likely applies to other guests as well (bug #2292)
* Network: don’t crash when changing the adapter link state if no host driver is attached (bug #2333)
* VHD: fixed bug which prevents booting from VHD images bigger than 4GB (bug #2085)
* VRDP: fixed a repaint problem when the guest resolution was not equal to the client resolution
* Clipboard: don’t crash when host service initialization takes longer than expected (Linux hosts only; bug #2001)
* Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe crash (bug #2212)
* Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe memory leak due to a Windows WMI memory leak (Vista only) (bug #2242)
* Windows hosts: VBoxSVC.exe delays GUI startup
* Linux hosts: handle jiffles counter overflow (VM stuck after 300 seconds of host uptime; bug #2247)
* Solaris hosts: fixed host or guest side networking going stale while using host interface networking (bug #2474)
* Solaris hosts: added support for using unplumbed network interfaces and Crossbow Virtual Network Interfaces (VNICs) with host interface networking
* Solaris hosts: reworked threading model improves performance for host interface networking
* Windows additions: fixed crash when accessing deep directory structures in a shared folder
* Windows additions: improved shared folder name resolving (bug #1728)
* Windows additions: fixed Windows 2000 shutdown crash (bug #2254)
* Windows additions: fixed error code for MoveFile() if the target exists (bug #2350)
* Linux additions: fixed seek() for files bigger than 2GB (bug #2379)
* Linux additions: support Ubuntu 8.10
* Linux additions: clipboard fixes (bug #2015)
* Web services: improved documentation and fixed example (bug #1642)

VirtualBox 2.0.4 相關參考資料
2564 (VirtualBox 2.0.4 crash)

I am running latest VirtualBox 2.0.4 64bit on Windows Vista 64. After installing latest Xubuntu (same problem with Ubuntu) 8.10 64bit under VirtualBox (With ...

ANNOUNCEMENT VirtualBox 2.0.4 released -

2008年10月24日 — VirtualBox 2.0.4 (released 2008-10-24) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:.

Download Old Versions of VirtualBox for Windows

Oracle VM VirtualBox is an open-source cross-platform virtualization application. It can be installed on the most popular operating systems such as Windows, Mac ...

Download VirtualBox 2.0.4 for Windows

VirtualBox 2.0.4 · File Size: 32.85 MB · Date Released: Oct 24, 2008 · Works on: Windows 7 / Windows 7 x64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 x64 / Windows Vista / Windows ...

Gentoo 嚐鮮VirtualBox 2.0.4 – 偶然間的二三事

2008年11月11日 — Gentoo 嚐鮮VirtualBox 2.0.4. VirtualBox 出新貨了。 Dowload List 裡沒有ebuilds,又聽說預編版可以直接pass USB 硬體給Guest OS,只好抓All ...


VirtualBox 2.0.4 for Windows hosts''' [ ... VirtualBox 2.0.4 contains a workaround for this problem making this fix obsolete.

Virtualbox 2.0.4 is out now - Linux玩家- 電腦領域 ...

2008年10月24日 — 我覺得virtualbox一開始就好易用, 好快就可以install完, 裝個新OS玩, 不過用用吓就覺得佢啲guest OS好似越來越慢, 明明仲有RAM, 都係慢, 要reboot先快 ...

VirtualBox 2.0.4 发布

2008年10月25日 — 昨日,开源的虚拟化软件VirtualBox 发布了其2.0.X 稳定系列的修正版2.0.4。经过2.0.2 和2.0.4 两个修正版本,VirualBox 2.0.X 系列已经比较稳定了, ...

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