UVK Ultra Virus Killer

最新版本 ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)
UVK Ultra Virus Killer 允許用戶輕鬆刪除各種惡意軟件,並執行與 Windows PC 優化,維護,修復和信息檢索相關的所有任務。與 Windows 10 兼容。它引入了許多新的修復方法,例如 Register system DLL,現在被其他類型的應用程序使用。最近添加的最重要的部分是系統助推器  和智能卸載程序。 UVK 是一個功能強大,功能齊全的 Windows 多工具。用戶友好的界面,UVK 允許用戶輕鬆地刪除所有形式的惡意軟件和間諜軟件。它還包括噸工具  修復,清理和優化 Windows,確保為您的操作系統提供最佳的性能和可靠性。 UVK Ultra Virus Killer 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。這是完整的離線安裝程序安裝程序 UVK Ultra Virus Killer.

系統修復部分是最重要的 UVK 功能之一.

不僅通過註冊表遞歸循環嘗試查找無效的引用,如常見的註冊表清理工具,但它分別分析每個鍵和值,定義無論是指向一個文件還是另一個註冊表鍵 / 值,並在將其添加到列表之前循環使用大量的可能性以確保相應的項目不存在。在 64 位 Windows 版本中,它分析本機和 Wow64 註冊表項。這個深入的分析使得本節成為一個值得信賴的註冊表清理工,它確保只報告真實的錯誤。它還給用戶更多的信息,它發現的錯誤比其他註冊表清潔工做.

智能卸載程序是一個功能齊全的軟件卸載程序的 Windows.6235896 它允許一次卸載多個程序,支持無人值守模式(卸載沒有用戶交互),強制卸載(對於頑固的程序)等等.


The 工具和調整部分為您提供了許多 Windows 修復工具和 tweeks。這包括輕鬆運行最有用的 Windows 內置工具,文件,文件夾和註冊表管理功能,以及大量的 Windows 調整。

系統信息部分提供了系統信息,如果您計劃重新安裝 Windows 或嘗試來診斷硬件相關的問題。這些信息可以導出到 html 文件中。

上面沒有提到的所有部分都是惡意軟件檢測和清除相關的。這些功能非常龐大,即使您將 Process Explorer,Autoruns,HijackThis 和 OTL 等幾個眾所周知的工具分組,您仍然會缺少自動刪除廣告軟件,VirusTotal MD5 哈希報告,跳轉到文件或註冊表位置,添加 cmd 批處理腳本到 UVK Ultra Virus Killer 腳本,管理 Windows 服務和驅動程序等,包括在這些章節中.

注意:某些功能被禁用,如卸載卸載殘留,免疫所有用戶,修復錯誤(系統助推器) ,文件信息的上下文菜單,完整的應用程序品牌.

也可用:下載 UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable


檔案版本 ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 scriptcase_install_en_us_v9.0.042-x64.exe
檔案大小 350 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Carifred
官網 http://www.carifred.com/uvk/
更新日期 2018-03-16

What's new in this version:

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem using the macro sc_hide_groupby_rule in grid applications

Performance improvement:
- Improvement in group by of summary group by using Progress connection

ScriptCase 9.0.041 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added new healthcare sample system

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in Quicksearch when using the connections of type "Progress"
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the help descriptions of the fields in the Filter application
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the visualization of the values of the manual lookup in the breakdown of the query
- Fixed issue in the search of field type "data" in connection of type "Progress"

- Fixed issue in viewing the "rows" button in the Grid, when the Summary module was disabled

ScriptCase 9.0.040 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added option to run the onchange event in the field of the master Form when using sc_master_value macro in Form detail

Specific correction:
- Corrected issue when using the values of the field of type "data" in the Groupby of the Summary, in the connections of type Progress

- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup
- Fixed bug when using the "Arial" font in the Reportpdf application
- Fixed issue in Chart filter view when exporting to pdf

ScriptCase 9.0.039 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in updating the values in the lookup type of multiple binary values
- Fixed issue in the field tab "date" in the Filter using the range condition
- Fixed issue when using SQL UNION in autocomplete fields

Performance improvement:
- Improved performance in the "date" field searches on MSSQL Server connections

- Fixed issue with “Filter Saving” using "double select" field type
- Corrected issue with "Filter Saving", when the Grid had Group by using data type fields
- Fixed issue when saving theme in Charts, in Scriptcase versions that were installed with Mysql
- Fixed issue in ajax events of the Grid when using full pagination. Before that, the event was only created in the first 10 records
- Fixed issue in Filter search with negative values
- Fixed issue in character display in Summary Filter using charset windows-1255 (Hebrew)
- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup

ScriptCase 9.0.038 (64-bit)

- Adjustments in the display of the Chart application and Summary Filter buttons

- Fixed issue in the lookup description of the text fields and autocomplete numbers when returning from the Grid
- Fixed height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect on refined filter
- Fixed issue when using the sc_log_add macro in the Blank application
- Fixed issue when assembling the "Order by" in the SQL of the Grid, when the application has two breaks for the same field of type data
- Fixed issue in viewing images from field "image file name" using the subdirectory option

ScriptCase 9.0.037 (64-bit)
Specific correction:
- Fixed issue when using parentheses at the "hint" parameter in the sc_link macro
- Fixed issue when using the "sc_label" macro in fields that use language variables, generated by the data dictionary in Grid applications
- Fixed issue in the display of the "docx" extension icon, when using the "Display the file type icon" option in the document fields of the Grid application
- Corrected height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect of the refined filter

Performance improvement:
- Improved performance in Summary applications
- Improved performance in field data searches on Postgres connections

ScriptCase 9.0.036 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added support for global variables through the new macro "sc_make_link"
- Added new options under summary and charts filters

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem in the table creator interface for calendar applications with an Access connection
- Fixed problem with the format of time values in the backup filenames
- When using an Editable Grid (View) form, File Upload fields now can only be downloaded on lines that are in editing mode

Performance improvement:
- Improvement of performance of autocomplete fields on a filter

- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 7 to 9
- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 6 to 9
- Fixed problem that could corrupt GroupBy data while migrating from version 6 to 9
- Fixed issue in version 5 to 9 migration
- Fixed problem when using sc_redir in a PHP method called from a PHP button

ScriptCase 9.0.035 (64-bit)
Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in returning a connection when we use the sc_select (where) macro in the source application
- Fixed issue when running the application "Dashboard" in the interface's initial mode
- Fixed issue in view of field view lookup when condition had dot
- Fixed problem of accentuation in the label of the macro button "sc_ajax_message", when using charset other than UTF-8
- Corrected spacing of the navigation buttons being displayed below

- Corrected issue in displaying the values of the field "Data" in the interface of the Group By. You will need to clear your browser's cache
- Fixed special SQL error in Grid Application
- Fixed anchor of the menu link in the documentation

ScriptCase 9.0.034 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added lang support in the sc_alert macro. Ex: sc_alert ({lang_btns_ajax})
- Enabled the image and document database fields in the Grid columns interface
- Enabled the examples in the onScriptInit event of the Grid

Specific correction:
- Fixed validation of values in the interface of version incrementation
- Fixed issue in the events help link
- Fixed issue in searching for Dynamic Search with data type "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE"
- Corrected issue in viewing the refined filter values, after returning from Summary Group by links
- Fixed issue in hint viewing on field links using Sc7_Black theme

- Fixed issue Tab_lig_apls is not defined in Grid links called through the Menu
- Fixed issue in the display of the "delete" button when canceling the edition of record in the Grid view editable Form
- Fixed "Array to string conversion" error when using the sc_mail_send macro
- Fixed issue when generating a free format Grid without the toolbar buttons

ScriptCase 9.0.033 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added RTL language support in the Summary filter

Specific correction:
- Fixed Grid export issue when using macros "sc_seq_register" and "count_ger" in the OnRecord event
- Fixed macro help link in events

- Fixed issue in Chart display in pdf export
- Fixed issue in NestedGrid type links

ScriptCase 9.0.032 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added option to display the background image of the pdf report when no record is found. This option is available in the SQL interface menu
- Added option for the positioning of the registration message that does not exist in the PDF Report. This option is available in the SQL interface menu
- Added dropdown support in SELECT filter fields
- Added support for complex SQL in Auto-complete fields

ScriptCase 9.0.031 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added new values ​​in the "negative currency format" option in the total fields of the summary
- Added grid navigation configuration support from master / detail
- Added support for YEAR fields
- Added support for Nested Grids in Grid details
- Implemented support to macro "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid, using summary fields
- Added "port" option in SFTP publishing settings
- Added port data entry for DB2 connection

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue when converting Access tables that have images
- Fixed issue in the initial execution of pyramid and 2D funnel charts
- Fixed issue when using subselect command in field lookup
- Fixed issue when running operations directly in the application's SQL
- Fixed issue using "Use ENTER to Submit" option in dynamic filter settings
- Adjustments in the Nested Grid css when using the title option on the same row
- Fixed issue in view of the buttons size on the iframe type connections

- Fixed issue in viewing the records in the calendar by checking the option "all day". The schedule showed less 1 day
- Fixed issue in formatting millisecond fields
- Fixed duplicate data insertion problem with dynamic search
- Fixed issue when using the database session option in the post
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar time on Oracle connections
- Fixed issue in the Themes view of the tree menu. The tree menu was not inheriting the Themes css
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call a member function Execute () when using the sc_lookup macro in the ReportPdf application onHeader event
- Fixed issue in the informed value of the negative field of manual lookup of the multiple selection fields
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar records on Access database connections
- Fixed issue when using the menu toolbar with image type buttons
- Fixed issue when using link button in Editable Grid Form (view)
- Fixed issue in pdf export when printing mode was configured for economic

ScriptCase 9.0.030 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added macro support "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid

Specific correction:
- Adjustment in error display when editing multi-upload fields
- Fixed issue in gantt chart view with other date formats
- CSS settings in the editing of the menu toolbar and editing of menu items

- Fixed issue in macro "sc_field_disabled" in fields select multiple values in single record form
- Fixed issue in connection of subquery type in firebird connections
- Fixed issue in express creation of applications
- Fixed bug with sc_ajax_message macro

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit) 檔案下載 - 電腦資訊007情報站

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit) 軟體版本scriptcase_install_en_us_v9.0.042-x64.exe 檔案下載,UVK Ultra Virus Killer 允許用戶輕鬆刪除各種惡意 ...


ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit) 軟體下載 Download :: 軟體兄弟

UVK Ultra Virus Killer 允許用戶輕鬆刪除各種惡意軟件,並執行與Windows PC 優化,維護,修復和信息檢索相關的所有任務。與Windows 10 兼容。它引入了許多新的 ...


ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹&下載. UVK Ultra Virus Killer,軟體教學,軟體下載,電腦問題,電腦教學. Carifred 未分類 評價60 分 檔案 ...


ScriptCase 9.1.005 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體 ...

ScriptCase 9.1.005 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,PPSSPP ... ScriptCase 9.1.003 (64-bit) .... ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)


ScriptCase 9.2.002 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊 ... - winXmac軟體社群

ScriptCase 9.2.002 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,DriverMax 是一個新的工具 ... ScriptCase 9.2.001 (64-bit) .... ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)


ScriptCase 9.2.007 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體 ...

ScriptCase 9.2.007 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,Axialis ... ScriptCase 9.2.006 (64-bit) ..... ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)


ScriptCase 9.3.004 (64-bit) Download for Windows Change Log ...

ScriptCase 9.3.003 (64-bit) - Fixed problem when ... ScriptCase 9.3.002 (64-bit) - Fixed problem when ..... ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit) Specific ...


ScriptCase 9.3.005 (32-bit) Download for Windows Change Log ...

4 天前 - ScriptCase 9.3.004 (32-bit) New functionalities ... ScriptCase 9.3.003 (32-bit) - Fixed problem when ..... ScriptCase 9.0.042 (32-bit) Specific ...


軟體下載 ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit) 檔案 scriptcase_install_en_us_v9 ...

ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit) 軟體下載Download 檔案名稱scriptcase_install_en_us_v9.0.043-x64.exe,Password ... ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)
